Inception report
Three months after project effective initiation
Procurement plan
(goods and services)
Two weeks before project inception workshop
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
UNEP Task Manager
Inception workshop report
One month after project inception workshop
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UNEP Task Manager
Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project support team
Expenditure report with explanatory notes and spreadsheets
Quarterly, two weeks after 30 March, 30 June, 30 September,
31 December of each year
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Quarterly cash advance request and details of anticipated disbursements
Prior to next Quarter or when required
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project financial administrator
Supervision Plan
Before the end of the project inception phase
Progress reporting
Half-yearly before 31 January and 31 July
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Audited report for expenditures for year ending 31 December
Yearly on or before 30 June
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project financial administrator
Inventory of non-expendable equipment
Yearly on or before 31 January
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project financial administrator
Co-financing report
Yearly on or before 31 July
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project financial administrator
Project Implementation review (PIR)
Yearly on or before 31 August
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Minutes of project steering committee meetings
Twice a year (or as relevant)
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Steering Committee Chairperson
Mission reports
(response to aide memoir)
Within 1 week of return
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
External Consultants (Natl. Intl.)
Project completion report
Two months of project completion date
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Final inventory of non-expendable equipment
Two months of project completion date
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project financial administrator
Equipment transfer letter
Two months of project completion date
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Final expenditure statement
Three months of project completion date
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project financial administrator
Project mid-term review and report
Midway though project lifetime
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
UNEP Task Manager
External Consultants (Natl. Intl.)
Final audited report on project expenditures
Three months prior to project completion date
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Natl. Project Coordinator
Chief Technical Advisor
Project financial administrator
Independent project final evaluation report
Three months prior to project completion date
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