Performance of SOEs monitored against set KPIs as per their Corporate Plans. Shareholders compacts and Corporate plans for SABC and Strategic Plans for USAASA and NEMISA concluded and quarterly monitoring undertaken.
Quarterly performance reports that were submitted by SOEs were analysed, and feedback was presented to Minister for consideration and approval.
The Department, where necessary, also provided feedback to the Chairperson of the Boards for their consideration and action.
Self sustainability Funding model of Sentech, SABC (PSB) and NEMISA developed
The Department held meetings with NEMISA, USAASA and SAPO to facilitate the development of their five year funding pans after which USAASA submitted its 5-year funding plan.
The Department also commenced with an initiative to develop various options for the funding of SOEs.
Work towards this target was also dependant on the development of the Public Broadcasting Bill which was also a focus for the Department during the period under review.
The development of self-sustainable models for SABC and Sentech are dependent on the finalization of the Public Broadcasting Bill which was withdrawn in order to review the policy process going forward.
In its efforts to ensure non-recurrence of adverse audit findings and PFMA transgressions, the Department held workshops with the Chief Financial Officers and Company Secretaries of SOEs to determine their readiness for submission of Annual Reports.
The Department ensured that the 2009/10 Annual Reports and Financial Statements of all SOEs were submitted to the Auditors for auditing before the end of May 2010 after which recommendations were forwarded to the Chairpersons of the Board of the SABC, Sentech, USAASA and NEMISA
The Department also analysed and reviewed performance against audit findings and compliance with the PFMA requirements for all SOEs after which recommendations were forwarded to the Chairpersons of the Board of the SABC, Sentech, USAASA and NEMISA.
Annual Reports of SOEs were analysed and submitted to the Minister for Tabling in the National Assembly.