Wages & Benefits

Wages and Benefits 03.11.2015 Seite 21 Dismissal (Condition of employment)

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Wages and Benefits

03.11.2015 Seite 21

Dismissal (Condition of employment)

Punishment for conviction and misconduct:

A worker may be dismissed without prior notice or pay in lieu thereof if s/he is:

  • convicted for any criminal offence, or
  • s/he is found guilty of misconduct under section 24.

If a worker is removed for any of the above reasons, and if his / her continuous service is not less than one year, s/he shall be paid compensation at the rate of 15 days‟ wages for every completed year of service.
No compensation shall be paid to the worker who is dismissed for the following misconducts:
  • Theft, grabbing, fraud, or dishonesty in connection with the employer‟s

  • business or property.
  • Disorderly behaviour in the establishment, fighting, setting fire or vandalism;

Section 23 (1) of BLA’06
Section 23 (3) of BLA’06 and Sec 11(a) of BL(A)A’13

Wages and Benefits

03.11.2015 Seite 22
Dismissal (cont.)
Any worker found guilty of misconduct may be awarded any of the following punishments, instead of dismissal in consideration of any extenuating circumstances:
  • Removal
  • Demotion to a lower post, grade or scale of pay for a period not exceeding one year
  • Stoppage of promotion for a period not exceeding one year
  • Withholding of increment for a period not exceeding one year
  • Fine
  • Suspension without wages and subsistence allowance for a period not exceeding seven days
  • Censure or warning

Section 23 (2) of BLA’06

Workers’ Responsibilities

03.11.2015 Seite 23
Workers should
  • count money at the time of receiving wage
  • inform immediately to the responsible person if any mistake found

  • in wage calculation
  • give 60 days notice before resigning from service
  • apply for leave in advance
  • try not to be absent without granted leave
  • report immediately to the superior if not being able to attend the factory due to any unavoidable circumstances; such as sudden sickness, accident or else

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