Wages & Benefits

Service book (Condition of employment)

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Service book (Condition of employment)
Every employer shall provide a service book to every worker employed by him at the employer‟s cost.
The worker who has service book already, shall hand it over to the new employer and the employer shall give a receipt of it to the worker.
If a worker wants to keep and maintain a duplicate copy of his service book, he may do it at his own cost.
The employer shall hand over the service book to the worker on the termination of the worker‟s service.
If the service book handed over to the worker or the duplicate one maintained by him is lost by the worker, the employer shall provide him with a duplicate service book at the cost of the worker.
Section 06 of BLA’06

Wages and Benefits

03.11.2015 Seite 16
Retirement Benefit (Condition of employment)
A worker employed in any establishment shall completion of 57 years of age.
retire from employment after
The date of birth recorded in the service book of the concerned worker shall be the conclusive proof for counting the age.
The employer shall pay compensation at the rate of 30 days‟ wages (basic) for every completed year of service or gratuity, if any, whichever is higher, in addition to any
other benefit to which s/he may be entitled.
Section 28 of BLA’06
Sec 28(a)of BLA’06 and Sec 14 of BL(A)L’13
Employers-Workers relations due to any disaster beyond control or damage thereby: Notwithstanding whatever in this Chapter, if any industry ceased to be transferred or production of an industrial establishment comes to a halt permanently due to any sudden natural disaster or any disaster or emergency reason beyond control, in that case, the owners-workers relations may be determined by the Government under the prescribed procedures set out by the Rule.

Wages and Benefits

03.11.2015 Seite 17
If three fourths of the total work force of the establishment ask the management in written to set up a provident fund, it is legally mandatory for the employer to do so.
If such provision exists, every permanent worker, after completion of one year of service, shall contribute not less than seven percent and not more than eight per cent of his/her basic wage to the provident fund, and the employer shall contribute to it an equal amount.

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