Who We Are: a sutin Family History Update

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-------------------------------------------------- Jed Katzenstein112


Birth: 2000 Elaine Levine116,116,112,108,49


Birth: 7 Feb 1926

Death: 27 Jan 1961

Spouse: Bruce Kretchmer116,112,29,45

Birth: 28 May 1923

Death: 16 Jun 1991, Marion FL Jeffrey Jay Kretchmer112,32,134


Birth: 26 Sep 1948
Spouse: Carol Barbara Tobias112,134 Jordan Samuel Kretchmer112,134


Birth: 11 Apr 1983, Dallas TX Joshua Brandon Kretchmer112,134


Birth: 15 Oct 1986, Dallas TX Alaina Nicolle Kretchmer112,134


Birth: 10 Oct 1988, Dallas TX Douglas A. Kretchmer*112,135,34,32


Birth: 1949
Spouse: Rhonda112 Zachary A. Kretchmer112,69,32


Birth: 6 Dec 1970

Marriage: 30 Jun 1970

Spouse: Susan Jean Baskfeld112,69,32

Birth: 10 May 1964, Hennepin MN Michael Kretchmer112


Birth: 2004 Samuel Kretchmer112


Birth: 2006
Samuel and Zoe are twins. Zoe Kretchmer112


Birth: 2006
Zoe and Samuel are twins. Eliza Kretchmer112


Birth: 1974 Alexander Kretchmer112


Birth: 1977 Douglas A. Kretchmer* (See above)


Marriage: 2 Sep 1982, Webb TX

Spouse: Martha Galindo112 Max Kretchmer112

-------------------------------------------------- Victoria Kretchmer112


Birth: 1988 Roberta Kretchmer112


Birth: 1955
Spouse: Larry Brown112

Birth: 1949 Evan Brown112


Birth: 1989 Brandon Brown112


Birth: 1992 Dorothy Levine116,112,49,32


Birth: 21 Oct 1933, NY
Spouse: Theodore “Ted” F. Robblee116,112,136,29

Birth: 7 Aug 1925, Newton MA

Death: 2 Jun 2013, Bronx NY Sharon Robblee112,32,34


Birth: 3 Sep 1953
Spouse: Charles “Chuck” Magnes112

Birth: 1954 Samuel Magnes112


Birth: 1985 Karen Robblee112,32


Birth: 19 Mar 1959 Scott Robblee112,32


Birth: 13 Dec 1961
Spouse: Jacqueline Spagnolo112 Griffen Robblee112


Birth: 1996 Grace Robblee112


Birth: 2000 Lori Robblee112,32


Birth: 14 Aug 1964
Spouse: Andy Makuch112
Lori and Andy divorced. Andrew Makuch112


Birth: 1987 Michael Makuch112,117


Birth: 1990 Matthew Makuch112


Birth: 1996 Ida Sutin115,137,106,109


Birth: 1900, Puchowitz, Belarus

Death: 1979, FL

Occupation: Worked in corset house; bookkeeper

Education: Graduated from high school

Marriage: Jan 1928
Spouse: Meyer “Mac” Manis116,137,29,106,108,49

Birth: 14 Dec 1900, Olanoff, Russsia

Death: Nov 1957, Spring Valley NY

Occupation: Builder

Education: Went through 6th grade
Mac arrived in the U.S. in 1911. He later bought property in Spring Valley NY, built houses on 40 acres of property on streets named for the family: Sutin Place, Manis Ave, Lawrence Street, Joseph Street. (Lawrence and Joseph loaned Mac money so he named streets for them.) Irma Sally Manis116,137,32


Birth: 2 Jun 1929, Bronx NY

Occupation: Music teacher gave piano lessons 18 yrs, then taught in Nanuet NY middle school 20+ yrs

Education: Ithaca College music education

Marriage: 14 Mar 1953

Irma and Jack met in high school band; music has been a theme all their lives. Irma played baritone horn in high school and college. In retirement she and Jack joined an orchestra in Florida, with Jack playing trumpet and Irma playing tympani.
Spouse: Jack Levey137,49,108,32

Birth: 5 Sep 1929, Brooklyn NY

Occupation: Musician

Education: Long Island University, Hunter College

Jack served in the Army. He played trumpet in dance bands all his life; gave trumpet lessons to young people at night. Richard “Rick” Steven Levey137


Birth: 23 May 1954, Suffern NY

Occupation: He and his wife have a bead business

Education: BS political science Utica College
Spouse: Robin Lynn Schechtel137,138,32

Birth: 28 Oct 1954, Norfolk VA Susan Joy Levey137,32


Birth: 4 Apr 1957, Suffern NY

Occupation: Biologist

Education: SUNY Binghamton

Marriage: 1981

Spouse: Robert “Rob” Christie137
Susan and Rob divorced. Jonathan Alfred Christie137


Birth: 1 Mar 1992

Education: Binghamton College David Robert Christie137


Birth: 27 Sep 1995 Michelle Wendy Levey137,32


Birth: 7 Mar 1960, Suffern NY

Occupation: Works with deaf children

Education: SUNY Oneonta Moses Sutin115,116,108,49,106,109


Birth: About 1903, Belarus

Death: After 1940, Islip NY

Occupation: Drug store sales clerk
Moses Sutin was an inmate in the Central Islip State Hospital for the Insane, apparently having been moved there sometime between 1925, when the New York State Census showed him living with his parents in the Bronx, New York, and 1930 when the Federal Census first listed him as being an inmate. He was also shown as living there in the 1940 U.S. Federal Census. Mendel Sutin*5,30
Mendel came to the U.S. on the SS Noordam, leaving Rotterdam 17 June 1905, arriving in New York 27 June 1905 and going to 240 Cherry Street, New York City.
Spouse: Mendel Unknown Wife #15 Nachum Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Lazar Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Itschak Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Faige Sutin5


Birth: 1892

Death: Jun 1986, Toronto, Canada

Spouse: Eliezer Braude5

Birth: 1887

Death: 1974 Berra Braude5,139


Birth: 1914
Berra came to the U.S. from Riga in 1956. He was divorced. Anatole Braude5


Birth: 1917 Mendel Sutin* (See above)


Spouse: Mendel Unknown Wife #25 Rose Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Nachum Sutin5


Nachum was deaf and dumb. Yehudah (Julius) Sutin5,139,114,140,108,109,49,110


Birth: 1861, Russia

Death: 20 Jan 1942, Manhattan NY

Occupation: Presser, cloak house

Buried: Flushing, Queens County NY

Yehudah’s descendence is uncertain, although two earlier family trees and U.S. and New York censuses indicate he was Nachum’s son.
Spouse: Risheh (Rose) Nachman5

Birth: 1858

Death: 1935 Moses/Morris Sutin5,139,44,109


Birth: 1903, Russia

Death: 20 Jan 1973

Occupation: Drugstore clerk Ida Sutin109


Birth: About 1902, Russia

Death: Unknown

Occupation: Stenographer Lazor Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Chiffrah Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Sosheh Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Tavi Sutin5,139


Spouse: Tszi141 Noyach (Noah) Sutin5,142,143,144,145,146,114


Birth: 1868, Russia

Death: 12 Sep 1940, Bronx NY

Occupation: Laborer or tailor

Burial: Mount Hebron Cemetery, Queens

Novach was fairly well off in Puchowitz, a small town described as being three stops from Minsk. He and his wife had a farm with a barn and a couple of houses, living in one and renting the other. The barn caught fire. Because the town had no fire engine they had to fight the fire with well water. Everything was destroyed in the fire because the houses and barn were built too close together. Noah came to U.S. from Puchowitz aboard the SS Vaderland 23 Aug 1904 at age 45, intending to earn enough money to rebuild and never expecting to stay. His wife’s unmarried sister who was living in the U.S. in Brooklyn bought his ticket. Another sister-in-law also was living in lower Manhattan. Mary and Max were not doing anything at home so they decided to come and help their father earn money to rebuild. Their aunt bought their tickets as well. Noah, Mary, and Max all lived with the aunt until they saved enough money for the rest of the family to come over two years later. When the family came they lived in a five-room, two bedroom apartment on Clinton Street in Lower Manhattan. The four sons shared one room, Noah and Sadie had the other. Mary’s bed was in the dining room and Dora’s in the living room.
His death certificate indicates he died of injuries after being struck by a car. It lists his father as Harry Sutin, his mother as Dora. The relative signing his death certificate as informant was his son, “Isidore” Sutin. The certificate indicates that he lived in a tenement
Spouse: Zlotte/Slatte (Sadie/Charlotte) Haimowitz147,142,5,148,143,149,144,30,150,114,106

Birth: 1863

Death: 28 Apr 1935, Bronx NY

Father: Meyer Haimowitz

Buried: Mount Hebron Cemetery, Queens
Zlotte came with all children after Max and Mary, on the Moskwa arriving 19 Sep 1907. She was 6 when her father died, named Mary after him. Her death certificate lists her father as Meyer Sutin; no mother’s name is given. Her husband is listed as Nathan Sutin. Mere (Mary) Sutin5,142,148,144,149,30,151


Birth: 20 Mar 1886, Russia

Death: 5 Aug 1981, Queens NY

Occupation: Seamstress

Burial: Mount Hebron Cemetery, Queens

Mere, who said she never knew her grandparents, arrived on board the SS Noordham 27 June 1905 at age 20. She worked in the garment district sewing coats and jackets, mostly by hand. She was a member of the Cloak Workers Union (ILGWU). She never attended school, tried to go to night school but had to work overtime until 9 pm (pre-union). She spoke only Yiddish at home. Mary lived with Isadore “Izzy” and Dora for a while, then moved to Long Beach, Long Island. Her niece described her as “a feisty little thing, lots of fun.” She was in a nursing home toward the end of her life, where her niece visited her every couple weeks. Dwerre (Dora) Sutin152,5,148,144,29,30


Birth: 10 Mar 1887, Minsk, Belarus

Death: 21 Nov 1977, Bronx NY

Occupation: Seamstress
Dwere was named for her father’s (Noyach’s) mother. She came to U.S. aboard the SS Moskwa, arriving 19 Sep 1907. She never married. She and Isadore “Izzy” lived together in the Bronx until they died. She worked mostly sewing dresses by machine. She worked with Esther Grand’s sister Tillie and introduced her brother, Max, to Esther, his future wife. Mendel (Max) Sutin5,152,148,144,29,153,105,154,49


Birth: 15 Feb 1889, Minsk, Belarus

Death: 28 Sep 1975, New York NY

Occupation: Worked in garment industry as a pattern maker, tailor

Marriage: 24 Dec 1933

Burial: Mount Hebron Cemetery, Queens
Max arrived on the SS Noordham 27 June 1905 at age 16. Before becoming a pattern maker he briefly had his own business making coats and suits. He lived in the Bronx NY.
Spouse: Esther Grenadier152,5,148,44

Birth: 1899, Poland

Death: 16 Jan 1969, Queens NY

Burial: Mount Hebron Cemetery, Queens

Esther’s last name was changed to Grand at Ellis Island Bernice Sutin5,152,148,143,49


Birth: 22 Feb 1935

Marriage: 18 Feb 1956

Spouse: Lawrence (Larry) Grossman5,152,148,84

Birth: 23 Jan 19335

Death: 22 Jun 1997, Ontario, Canada Nancy Ellen Grossman5,148,155,32


Birth: 23 Sep 1957

Marriage: 5 Apr 1987

Nancy was named for Noyach “Noah” Sutin, her great grandfather.
Spouse: Michael A. Freeman148

Birth: 3 Sep 1948 Erin Molly Freeman148,155


Birth: 14 Feb 1990
Erin’s Hebrew name is Esther Malka, named after her great grandmother. Lisa Grenadier Grossman5,148,155,32


Birth: 21 Nov 1961
Lisa is named after Zlotte (Sadie).
Spouse: Jeffrey R. Morse148

Birth: 26 Mar 1962 Lucas Maxwell Morse148,155


Birth: 16 Jul 1995 Connor Bradley Morse148,155


Birth: 13 Jul 1998 Ewsey (Isadore “Izzy”) Sutin152,5,148,149,144,30


Birth: 7 Aug 1891, Puchovitz, Belarus

Death: 11 Aug 1976, New York NY

Occupation: Worked, probably briefly in clothing industry
Izzy came to the U.S. aboard the SS Moskwa, arriving 19 Sep 1907. He never married; he and Dora lived together in the Bronx until their deaths. He attended public school upon arriving in the U.S. but found it difficult due to his hearing loss, caused by measles as a small child. He also appeared to have some type of neurological disorder; sat in a chair and smiled. Yakov (Jacob) Sutin5,142,148,144,30,146,106,29


Birth: 11 Dec 1894, Russia

Death: 22 Mar 1975, Queens NY

Occupation: Garment industry
Jacob came to the U.S. aboard the SS Moskwa, arriving 19 Sep 1907. He attended public school, finished high school at night, and studied accounting. He lived in Jamaica, Queens. (Ellis Island records state that he was age 9 upon arrival in 1907, but other data indicate that he was born in 1894. The younger age may have been stated to get a child’s fare.)
Spouse: Miriam L. Bernstein142,5,156,146,133

Birth: 19 Oct 1917, Brooklyn NY

Death: 10 Mar 2000, Port Richey FL

Father: Samuel Bernstein (1848-)

Mother: Anna/Etta/Ethel Levine
Miriam was Jacob’s cousin; his mother, Zlotte/Slatte (Sadie) Haimowitz and Miriam’s grandmother, Yetta/Metta Haimowitz, were sisters. Sharmon Nina Sutin5,142,148,157


Birth: 31 May 1949 Naomi Aliyah Sutin142,5,152,148,158


Birth: 7 May 1982, Port Richey, FL
Naomi’s father was Michael MacKenzie, b. 30 Jun 1937, d. 10 Mar 2008.
The Florida Marriage Collection 1822-1875 and 1927-2001 indicates that Naomi Aliyah Sutin was married to Robert Charles Gray 4 Jun 2000 in Pasco FL. The family has not confirmed that information. Bradley Austin Joseph Mcguire152


Birth: 1 Jan 2002
Bradley’s Hebrew name is Baruch Asher Yakov. Hannah Miriam Mcguire152


Birth: 7 Jul 2005
Her name also is given as Hannah Kylie. Samantha Mcguire152


Birth: 30 Nov 2006

Death: 30 Nov 2006 Scholem (Samuel) Sutin5,142,30,152,149,30


Birth: 1903, Puchovitz, Belarus

Death: Oct 1972, New York NY

Occupation: Pharmacist

Marriage: 18 Jan 1942 NY

Burial: Mount Hebron Cemetery Queens NY
Scholem came to the U.S. aboard the SS Moskwa, arriving 19 Sep 1907 from Libau, Latvia. Since he is believed to have been age 6 when he arrived, his year of birth may have been 1901. He was in the army.
Spouse: Augusta “Gussie” Alperin5,141 Charlene Sutin5,148,159,160


Occupation: 6th grade teacher, Burgundy Farm Country Day School

Education: BA Bryn Mawr, MA Brandeis, MEd University of Virginia

Marriage: 1967
Spouse: David M. Pritzker161,162
David has served on the Northern Virginia Regional Parks board for over 30 years. Suzanne Ruth Pritzker163,138,32


Birth: 11 Dec 1974, Alexandria VA
Spouse: Andrew Love163 Matan Taylor Love164


Birth: 7 Jan 2013
Matan and Mori are twins. Matan was named for Suzanne’s Aunt Margaret. Mori Daniel Love164


Birth: 7 Jan 2013
Mori and Matan are twins. Mori was named for Suzanne’s paternal grandfather, Morris Abraham Steven “Steve” Pritzker163

-------------------------------------------------- Erica Beth Pritzker163


1.2 Ancestor 2


1.2.1 Heshe Sutin5


1.2.2a Nachum Ha’levi Sutin*165,5,166,167


Birth: 1816, Skobrovka Belarus

Death: 1875

Occupation: Small farmer
Nachum owned a small farm in Igumen Belarus. In 1870 the Russian government passed a law requiring every male age 21 or older to register for army training. Wanting to avoid military conscription, some of Nachum’s five sons took other names so that they would not appear to be of one family. Most sources indicate Nachum’s surname was Sutin, the name used by Gedalia and Moishe. However, at least one source contends that Nachum’s surname was Levine (hence Ha’levi?), the surname of Yaacov and Avram, and that Nachum adopted the Sutin name. The fifth son, Lazor, about whom no information has been found, adopted the surname Sopoznick.
Spouse: Relke* (see above)
1.2.2a.1 Rachel Hode Sutin168,5


Birth: 1836

Death: Unknown

Spouse: Reuben Laben Abrookyn5,169
Reuben was described by descendents as “Just an old man.”
1.2.2a.1.1a Lazor Abrookyn Brooks*5,170,169,8,167,171,172,110,173,174,175,176,177


Birth: 1854, Smilovichi, Belarus

Death: 24 Nov 1938, Albany NY

Occupation: Bootlegger and scholar
Considerable conflicting information has been found about Lazor. He may have been born in 1855, and he moved frequently, also changing his name and indicating different dates of birth; yet under these guises he was the same person. When son Aleck was born in 1898 and son Louis was born in 1908 Lazor gave his own name as Louis. Federal Censuses 1900 and 1910 list Lazor as Louis Brooks. Federal Census 1910 gives his age as 45, says he immigrated in 1890 and was a peddler. New York State Census 1925 indicates that Lazor was born about 1870, lists his age as 55, shows him living in Coxsackie as head of household, says he sells soft drinks. U.S. City Directories 1881-1989 indicates that Lazor lived in Oakland; Alameda; Berkeley CA.
Before coming to the U.S. Lazor married Michle (Celia) Shimme Levine, daughter of his mother’s (half?) brother, Avram/Abraham. Lazor divorced Michle when he was in the US and she was still in Russia.
Eileen Brooks Frumkin has written of her grandfather Lazor, “I lived with him for about ten years--from age three to 12, so my memory is only as valid as a child’s, influenced as well [by] my mother’s attitude. She was exceedingly unhappy living as we did, in Coxsackie with him in an upstairs flat over a saloon/restaurant. Esther (my mother) wanted her daughters to become educated, etc. and Lazor felt that girls had no need for higher education—academically, musically, or any otherwise, so there was tension on that level, of which we were aware. However, from a child’s point of view, he was a loving grandfather—he gave my sisters and me pennies for candy every day after lunch when we walked back to school.
“Coxsackie was strictly a ‘Gentile’ town—we were the only Jewish family—and how this man, with a heavy Jewish accent, opened a business and lived among the residents—and was quite respected by them! (‘Old Man Brooks’) I just don’t get it! His only nod to Jewish tradition was to conduct Seder every Passover—totally in Yiddish—otherwise, there was no association with anything ‘Jewish.’ … He was a rather nice looking man—and I do have a memory of his owning a rather interesting old ‘steamer’ wardrobe trunk, which he must have used in some travels—complete with drawers, hangers, etc. Made a great play thing for us, but I don’t know of his traveling anywhere after we came to live with him.”
Eileen Brooks Frumkin also has written, “there was absolutely no reference to any ‘second’ family to my knowledge, but then, I can’t imagine my mother ever acknowledging something like that anyway.”
Fran Axelrod recalls that when her family moved to Albany in 1937 the only people they knew there were the Abrookyns. She recalls Lazor’s grille in Coxsackie. During her childhood Lazor moved into Hudson every winter. She doesn’t know how Lazor and her father knew each other, thinks they may have recognized that they were related.
Spouse: Michle Shimme (Celia) Levine5,170,106,8,167,108,107

Birth: abt 1858, Skobrovka, Belarus

Death: 1931, Kansas City MO

Father: Avraham Levine

Mother: Sarah Rivka
Having been divorced by Lazor while she was still in Russia, Celia never remarried but came to the U.S. in 1901 and lived with her daughter and son-in-law, Anna Brooks Sutin and Benjamin Sutin.

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