Who We Are: a sutin Family History Update

a.4.2a.5.3 Ellen Marsha Horwitz

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1.2.2a.4.2a.5.3 Ellen Marsha Horwitz5,298,303,35,32


Birth: 4 Apr 1950, Hollywood CA

Occupation: Nurse, infant massage therapist

Partner: Tim Ryan173

Occupation: Graphic artist.

1.2.2a.4.2a.6 Hillard Sutin304,29,203,34,32,108,251


Birth: 9 Jul 1915, Albany NY

Death: 12 Oct 2008, East Greenbush Rensselaer NY

Occupation: Had his own business for many years

Education: University of Michigan

Hillard enlisted in the US Army 4 Jun 1942 in Philadelphia PA.
Spouse: Ann Bacrow304,305

Birth: 1921, Rochester,NY

Death: 8 Dec 2010, Albany NY
Hillard and Ann divorced.
1.2.2a.4.2a.6.1 Judith Ann Sutin304,32,661


Birth: 29 Nov 1947, Rochester NY

Occupation: Medical doctor

Education: Skidmore College (1969), University of Pennsylvania Medical School (1973)
1.2.2a.4.2a.6.2 Kenneth Sutin304,306,32


Birth: 17 Sep 1956, Rochester NY

Occupation: Medical doctor--anesthesiologist

Education: BS (1978) and MS (1981) Case Western Reserve University, Biomed Engineering; MD New York Medical Center 1987
Spouse: Melinda Murray304,306,307,29

Birth: 8 Feb 1980, Albany NY

Death: 28 Dec 2011, Albany NY
1.2.2a.4.2b Moishe Chaim (Morris) Sutin* (See above)


Spouse: Tillie266
Morris’s children and grandchildren referred to Tillie as The Madam. They did not care for her.
1.2.2a.4.3 Matilda (Tillie) Sutin5,296,251,284,29,108,49


Birth: 15 Jan 1878, Skobrovka, Belarus

Death: Jun 1966, Albany NY

Tillie was full of energy, very bright. Through her shrewd investments, she was financially quite comfortable. She lived on a farm in Nassau, outside of Albany. In many ways she had a hard life, with her husband and all three of her children predeceasing her, yet she remained cheerful, positive, and adventuresome. In later life she moved to a small apartment in Albany.
Tillie was a good cook. When she visited family members she cooked and sewed for them. At least one great-niece sent her doll off to Aunt Tillie, who returned the doll with an extensive new wardrobe she had made for it.
Spouse: Philip Cohen5,251

Birth: 1879, Russia

Death: 1951, Albany NY
1.2.2a.4.3.1 Ben Cohen5,251,29


Birth: 17 Mar 1903

Death: 1962

Spouse: Pearl Grant5
1.2.2a. Cyril (changed to Sidney) Cohen5,296,294,308,309


Birth: 1939

Occupation: Actress (1970s, 1980s), author of books, artist

Sidney was an actress in the 1970s and 1980s.  She is a 6th degree black belt and kung fu disciple who has been creating Hawaiian oil paintings since the 1980s.  She is the author of several books, including Jump into Shape (1978), How to Protect Yourself and Survive (1979), and a martial arts novel, Nightwalker (1989).  She also was editor of Dragon Magazine and a photojournalist for the Los Angeles Times Syndicate.  Her fitness and health articles appear in popular magazines, and she trains women and children in self-protection.  Most recently she has focused on her writing, completing two novels and writing for television series.  She has two websites, Hawaiianoilpaintings.com and Sidneyfilson.com.
In 2015 her son, Tony Filson, wrote that Sidney had moved back to New York City after 20+ years on Oahu, and that she still paints, writes, and goes to the gym daily.
Spouse: Robert Filson310,311
Sidney and Robert divorced.
1.2.2a. Paul Anthony “Tony” Filson309,310,5,312,159


Occupation: CEO Filcro Media Staffing
Born Paul Cohen, he goes by the name Tony Filson.
Filcro is a large personnel agency in New York City, specializing in media placements in executive positions.
Spouse: Helene Crocitto309,312
Helene is the senior most Officer in Charge of Search with Bank Staffers and formerly of George B. Gibbons & Co. on Wall Street, in trading operations. 
1.2.2a. Robin Filson310,159


1.2.2a.4.3.2 Irving Cohen5,310,251,84,108


Birth: 5 Mar 1907

Death: Nov 1935

Occupation: Texaco scientist

Education: PhD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1931 (chemistry and/or physics)

When Irving graduated the depression was at its height and jobs were hard to get.  He was interviewed by a Texaco representative in 1931 and turned down, apparently because he was Jewish.  A year later, after he had changed his name to Robert I. Colmar, the same Texaco representative who had interviewed him a year earlier hired him. He worked in Texas, reportedly did well in his work. He was about to be married in Louisiana in Nov 1935.  About a week before the day of the wedding, as his family was preparing to drive to the wedding, he committed suicide at age 29.
1.2.2a.4.3.3 Sylvia Cohen5,310,296,49,108


Birth: 1921, NY

Death: 1960

Sylvia was both mentally and physically challenged. She spoke very little, and her speech was fairly incomprehensible to most people. She had a large piggy bank full of coins, of which she was very proud and which she showed to visitors. Tillie cared for at home until a short time prior to Sylvia’s death, when she simply became too difficult for Tillie to handle and was moved into a residential healthcare facility.
1.2.2a.4.4 Ruchel (Rose) Sutin5,313,310,243,49,108,173


Birth: 1882, Skobrovka, Belarus

Death: 1964, Washington, DC

Ruchel arrived in the U.S. in1902.
Spouse: Samuel P. Koffsky5,313,108,106,314,49

Birth: 1882, Russia

Death: 1946, Washington DC
Sam arrived in the U.S. in 1910.
1.2.2a.4.4.1 Sara Helen Koffsky5,313,29,108


Birth: 6 Mar 1907

Death: 1 Jun 1999, Los Angeles CA

Spouse: Jacob “Jack” Yorburg5
1.2.2a. Barbara Sue Yorburg5,313,32


Birth: 9 Jan 1939
Spouse: Moses Tawil5,313
1.2.2a. Jennifer Lynn Tawil313,32


Birth: 15 Sep 1962
Spouse: Robert Anthony Julius313
1.2.2a. Tyler Nicole Julius313,35


Birth: 6 May 1994, Los Angeles CA
1.2.2a. Trevor Anthony Julius313


Birth: 4 Jan 1998
1.2.2a. Natalie Jean Tawil313,32


Birth: 28 Jul 1964
Spouse: James Morsink313
1.2.2a. Kalila Eve Morsink313


Birth: 4 Jul 1997
1.2.2a. Silas Jack Morsink313


Birth: 6 Aug 1999
1.2.2a. Ellen Rachel Tawil313,32


Birth: 25 Aug 1966
Spouse: Robert Schumm313
1.2.2a. Kira Amanda Schumm313


Birth: 13 Sep 1998
1.2.2a. William Schumm313


Birth: 30 Sep 2000
1.2.2a.4.4.2 Elizabeth Koffsky5,313,296,29,34,32


Birth: 8 Dec 1908, MD

Death: 23 Dec 2000, Philadelphia PA

Liz never married, for many years lived with her mother. She had two or more businesses at various times. Those who interacted with her found her an unfailingly pleasant person.
1.2.2a.4.4.3 Nathan Morris Koffsky5,310,29,49,314,84,203,108,32,173,251


Birth: 14 Feb 1911, NY

Death: 16 Jul 1996, Chevy Chase MD

Occupation: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Education: Cornell University, master’s degree in Washington DC

Marriage: 24 Jan 1946 Brookline MA
Nate’s cousin Irv Sutin wrote that Nate “...had a long and successful career in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, from which he retired in 1966, and with such organizations as the World Bank after that.”
Spouse: Ruth Langer5,315,32,173

Birth: 18 Dec 1921

1.2.2a. Peter Langer Koffsky5,315,316,32


Birth: 22 Sep 1946

Occupation: Developed overseas agricultural projects for U.S. Department of Agriculture

Education: PhD
1.2.2a.4.4.4 Harold D. Koffsky5,310,317,108,29,49,34,32,173


Birth: 26 Feb 1914, NY

Death: 6 Dec 2010, Chevy Chase MD

Occupation: U.S Justice Department

Education: Union College, Georgetown Law School

Spouse: Louise Zurkow Miller5,310,29,173

Birth: 15 May 1920

Death: 20 May 2012, Washington DC
1.2.2a. Paul Samuel Koffsky310,318,32


Birth: 6 Jul 1951

Occupation: Deputy General Counsel, Personnel and Health Policy, U.S. Department of Defense

Education: Harvard College, Columbia School of Law

Marriage: 30 Dec 1992 Chevy Chase MD

Spouse: Susanne Irvin310,318
1.2.2a. Emily Rose Irvin Koffsky310


Birth: 6 Mar 1995
1.2.2a. Nathan Robert Irvin Koffsky310


Birth: 25 Jun 1998
1.2.2a. Daniel Lewis Koffsky310,32


Birth: 26 Aug 1953

Occupation: Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice

Education: AB Harvard University, JD Yale University
Spouse: Kim Painter319
1.2.2a. Ethan Painter Koffsky319


Birth: 25 Sep 1994
1.2.2a. Samuel Nathan Koffsky319


Birth: 23 Dec 1997
1.2.2a.4.5 Chana (Anna) Sutin320,5,321,322,106,49,109,108,173


Birth: 1884, Skobrovka, Belarus

Death: 1967, Albany NY

Marriage: 1908
Bernard, blonde and blue-eyed and not looking at all Jewish, saw Anna at a dance. He kept asking her to dance but she refused, believing that he was not Jewish. A friend eventually told her that he was, they danced. Although they were attracted to each other, neither of them spoke English fluently when they first met. Bernard spoke Hungarian, whereas Anna spoke Yiddish and Russian. Consequently as their relationship progressed she taught him Yiddish so that ultimately they were able to communicate.
Spouse: Bernard Amsel320,5,321,106,108,173,49

Birth: 1883, Hungary

Death: 11 Sep 1952, Albany NY
Bernard arrived in the U.S. in 1900.
1.2.2a.4.5.1 Bertha Amsel5,321,29,49,106,109,34,108,173


Birth: 5 Nov 1910, Albany NY

Death: 17 Nov 1981, Albany NY

Spouse: Charles Strongin5,321,29,34,32,173

Birth: 7 Mar 1910, Albany NY

Death: 18 Jul 1996, Albany NY
1.2.2a. Irving Strongin5,321,34,32


Birth: 18 Feb 1937

Occupation: Periodontist

Spouse: Arthea D. Rose321,323,34,32

Birth: 11 Feb 1944

1.2.2a. Jennifer Strongin321,32


Birth: 10 Jun 1969
Spouse: Christopher Sharp321
1.2.2a. Addison Sharp321


1.2.2a. Matthew Strongin321,32


Birth: 27 Sep 1972
1.2.2a.4.5.2 Leon “Ted” Amsel5,320,29,108,106,109,49


Birth: 24 Jun 1912, NY

Death: Dec 1976, Albany NY

Marriage: 1938
Ted served in the South Pacific in World War II as lieutenant commander in the United States Navy. He and Leah were secretly married several years before their recorded 1938 marriage. Neither set of parents ever knew of the earlier marriage, although Leah’s two sisters did; they helped smuggle Ted into her parents’ home once the parents had gone to bed, and presumably smuggled him out again in the morning. They married secretly because of Leah’s job as a public school teacher, for during the Depression only unmarried teachers were hired and marriage was grounds for dismissal. This regulation was eliminated in 1938, allowing Ted and Leah to be married openly.
Spouse: Leah Gellert5,320,324,325,322,29,49,32,34

Birth: 27 Jan 1909, Hazleton PA

Death: 30 May 2005, Albany NY
Due to her mother’s heavy accent, Leah was registered in school as “Lena” Gellert by mistake. She went through school and much of her adult life known as Lena, a name she hated, until she decided rather late in life to reclaim her birth name.
1.2.2a. Norma (Nori) Amsel324,320,34


Birth: 13 Jul 1940
Norma legally changed her name to Nori while in high school.
Spouse: Michael Kosak326
After being married for several years, Nori and Michael divorced.
1.2.2a. Robert “Bob” Amsel320,34,32


Birth: 16 Aug 1946

Occupation: Gay rights advocate, writer

Education: BFA Syracuse University, MA Penn State University-Harrisburg
One can learn more about Bob at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Amsel.
1.2.2a.4.6 Husiel (Harry) Sutin5,327,328,329,330,246,331,29,332,108,173,49


Birth: 1886, Skobrovka, Belarus

Death: 4 May 1981, Albany NY

Occupation: Self-employed, apparently in a business having to do with bed springs; he also worked as a clerk in a liquor store, and at one point owned a grocery store in Voorheesville

Marriage: 3 Jun 1917 NY

Harry arrived from Puchowitz, via Liverpool, on the SS Caronia 21 April 1906 with Malke, Feiga, and Leike. According to the Ellis Island passenger list he was to join Gedalia at 6 Franklin Street, Albany NY. However, Harry wrote that he and, it would appear, his father and brothers, stayed with Tillie and Philip Cohen on Rensselaer Street in Albany. Harry was naturalized 7 April 1925.
Spouse: Augusta “Gussie” Kramer5,333,328,49,29,108,107

Birth: 4 May 1893, NY

Death: Apr 1979, Albany NY
Gussie was naturalized 7 Apr 1925.
1.2.2a.4.6.1 Henrietta Sutin5,331,334,335,336,108,49,106,34,214,29


Birth: 27 Apr 1919, NY

Death: 26 Oct 2012, Albany NY

Spouse: Sam Schechter5,331,29

Birth: 19 Apr 1914

Death: 5 Nov 1988
1.2.2a. Martin “Marty” Robert Schechter5,331,334,337,330,338,339,32,34,340


Birth: 12 Sep 1945, Albany NY

Occupation: Tire salesman

Marriage: 23 Aug 1970
Marty worked for Sears for 25 years, then was assistant manager of an automotive garage for 15 years before retiring in 2010.
Spouse: Marjorie Sarah Ives5,331,339
1.2.2a. Tracy Jill Schechter5,341,330,342,32


Birth: 21 Jul 1973

Occupation: Works for Merrill Lynch

Education: Attended Mesa College
Tracy loves to travel, back packed through Europe at age 24. Her favorite country was Germany; she particularly liked Dresden, Munich, Fussen, and travel along the Romantic Road, a very long road through the German countryside where castles are. She is taking on-line training to become an official travel agent. She also likes to cook, try new restaurants, and loves to read. After visiting a friend in San Diego, when Tracy got stuck in a snow bank she decided to move to California, and her sisters followed.
Tracy remembers going to the pool in summers with Henrietta, and taking her to Dollar Store, where they spent hours. Tracy was very close to Henrietta
1.2.2a. Jesse Dane Perin341,330


Birth: 31 Oct 2003
1.2.2a. Robyn Lynne Schechter5,331,330


Birth: 24 Jul 1975

Occupation: Attorney

Education: Hood College, Albany Law School
1.2.2a. Heather Rachel Schechter5,331,343,344,340


Birth: 21 Jan 1982

Education: Attended Hudson Valley Community Coll., Mesa Coll.

Marriage: 23 Apr 2015
After graduating from high school in 2000, Heather got into the mortgage industry for a few years, continuing in that field when she moved to Orange County CA 2005. In 2006 she moved to San Diego, worked for Merrill Lynch for four years, became unemployed for two years before becoming owner of a dog boutique and wash.
Spouse: Adrian Berezansky345,346
1.2.2a. Jackson Cooper Berezansky345,346


Birth: 20 Jun 2013, CA
1.2.2a. Maxwell James Berezansky347


Birth: 21 Oct 2015
1.2.2a. Lawrence “Larry” Joel Schechter5,334,159,330,32


Birth: 21 Nov 1950, Albany NY

Occupation: Banker

Education: SUNY Brockport 1972; Russell Sage Evening Division 1981

Marriage: 14 Jul 1974

Spouse: Linda Michele Bernstein334,159,330,34,32

Birth: 11 Oct 1952, Albany NY

Occupation: Teacher
Linda is an excellent cook. She and Larry host large family gatherings, especially for holidays. Both she and Larry provided considerable assistance with the development of this family history.
1.2.2a. Brian David Schechter334,330


Birth: 6 Oct 1978, Albany NY

Education: SUNY New Paltz 2000

1.2.2a. Andrew Harris Schechter334,330


Birth: 15 Dec 1981, Albany NY

Education: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2004

1.2.2a. Howard Jay Schechter5,334,330,342,32,340


Birth: 10 Feb 1957, Albany NY

Occupation: Albany police officer

Marriage: 8 April 1984
Howie is in charge of a forensics unit, is described by niece Tracy as the funniest of the three brothers, although he seems serious to those who don’t know him. He collects police patches, has a big collection. He asked Dale to marry him when they went on a cruise, and they went to San Francisco and Hawaii on their honeymoon. He likes to travel.
Spouse: Dale Marie Hersh334,330,340

Birth: 23 Nov 1958

Occupation: Medical transcriptionist
Dale loves ballroom dancing. She is described by a niece as down-to-earth, easy to get along with.
1.2.2a. Lauren Remington Schechter334,330,342


Birth: 23 May 1986, Albany NY

Occupation: TV cameraperson

Education: Hudson Valley Community College 2006
After leaving her TV job, Lauren went into dental hygienist (training). She’s a runner, favoring 5K races.
1.2.2a. Samantha Lynn Schechter334,330,342,340


Birth: 12 Nov 1988, Albany NY

Occupation: Event planner

Education: Hudson Valley Community College 2008, Fashion Institute of Technology 2011
Samantha likes to run for pleasure, doesn’t choose to compete.
Spouse: Timothy Cunningham340
1.2.2a.4.6.2 Lillian Eleanor “Elly” Sutin5,348,342,349,350,351,29,108,49


Birth: 4 Sep 1922, NY

Death: Feb 2003, Hudson, Columbia, New York

Occupation: Helped in Perlman’s Liquor Store, wholesale food business

Education: Mildred Elley Business School

Marriage: 1950
Lillian met Max Perlman of Hudson NY on a blind date. Both Eleanor and Max were voracious readers, and loved spending time with both immediate and extended family.  Weekly trips to Albany to visit relatives were a regular Sunday occurrence.
Spouse: Max Perlman5,348,49,106,34

Birth: 2 Feb 1922, NY

Death: 16 Jul 1981

Occupation: Owned Perlman’s Liquor Store until mid-1960s, worked in New York State Assembly print shop and as toll collector on the New York State Thruway

Max was a Naval aircraft mechanic in the Philippines during World War II.
1.2.2a. Robert M. Perlman5,348,330,350,32


Birth: 7 Feb 1952

Occupation: Owner, Cambrian Design Works, a digital electronic design consulting business

Education: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Johns Hopkins master’s
Bob is an amateur radio operator (KG6AF).
1.2.2a. Paul I. Perlman5,348,330,337,349,32,34


Birth: 23 Mar 1954

Occupation: Attorney, Hodgson Russ, practicing in intellectual property litigation

Education: BS SUNY Oneonta 1976, JD Harvard Law School 1979
In his spare time, Paul is a general aviation pilot (flying a Cessna 182) and, like his brother Bob, an amateur radio operator.   Paul has three stepchildren, Beth’s children from her first marriage.
Spouse: Mary Elizabeth “Beth” Mattimore348,330,337

Birth: 18 May 1955

Occupation: Attorney, National Labor Relations Board.

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