Who We Are: a sutin Family History Update

a. Hadassah Leah Sutin

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Birth: 20 Jan 2014 Jonah Bear Wolf Sutin54


Birth: Feb 2016 Shmuel (Samuel) Sutin5,6,8,44


Birth: 15 Apr 1909, Puchowitz, Belarus

Death: 17 Apr 1999, Fort Lauderdale, Broward FL

Marriage: 8 Jun 1938, NY

Burial: Puchovitzer Section, Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Flushing NY

Shmuel arrived in the U.S. in August, 1921. He remembered Puchovitz, which he left at age 11, as a village of about 200 families 1 to 1½ miles from the railroad, among small lakes in which he fished. It had a synagogue and only one store he could recall, a pharmacy. The butcher sold meat from his slaughterhouse, a barn behind his house. Most food was purchased when farmers came to the town market once a week. Shmuel lived on a street with two rows of wooden houses 40 to 50 feet apart. They had an outside well, a large brick woodburning stove that heated the house; the family slept beside it in the winter. He described Smilovichi as a very small town compared to Puchowitz. Shmuel petitioned for naturalization August 21, 1921
Spouse: Anne Samekin5,6,44,29

Birth: 10 Apr 1913, New York NY

Death: 24 Apr 2000, Freehold, Monmouth NJ Linda Sutin5,8


Birth: 15 Sep 1946

Marriage: 10 Sep 1966.

Spouse: Lawrence Karp5,8

Birth: Sep 1942 Randie Karp5,6


Birth: 5 Sep 1967, NY Andrew Karp6,5,32


Birth: 29 Aug 1971, NY Faige Sutin55


Birth: 1876, Puchovitz, Belarus

Death: 1955, Leningrad, Russia

Faige’s great-grandson has said that his father told him that Faige was the youngest child of Itzchak, and that her birth date as indicated was taken from a photograph of her grave stone. This information seemingly is contradicted by Judel’s documented date of birth—after Faige’s--and his son’s knowledge that Itzchak and Miriam also were Judel’s parents.
Spouse: Mordechi Hacohen Rappaport55 Rosa Rappaport55


Birth: 1900, Moscow, Russia

Death: 1954, Leningrad, Russia

Occupation: Pediatrician
Spouse: Mashaninoff55 Samuel Mashaninoff55


Birth: Moscow, Russia

Death: New York

Spouse: Inessa55 Ilia Mashaninoff55


Birth: New York
Spouse: Bracha55 Misha Mashaninoff55


Birth: New York
Spouse: Judith55 Bela Mashaninoff55


Birth: Moscow, Russia
Spouse: Davidowski55 Max Davidowski55


Birth: St Petersburg, Russia Grisha Davidowski55

-------------------------------------------------- Alexander Rappaport55


Birth: 1904

Death: 1970, Moscow, Russia

Alexander was a colonel in the Red Army.
Spouse: Olga55 Yona (Toni) Rappaport55


Birth: 1906, Minsk, Belarus

Death: 1999, Jerusalem, Israel

Spouse: Ernst Akiva Simon55

Birth: 1899, Berlin, Germany

Death: 1988, Jerusalem, Israel Uriel Simon55


Birth: 1929, Jerusalem, Israel

Occupation: Professor

Spouse: Shulamit Munk55

Birth: 1936, Haifa, Israel Itamar Simon55


Birth: 1966

Occupation: Professor of genetics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Spouse: Ariela Gottlieb55

Birth: 1971 Reut Simon55

-------------------------------------------------- Avishay Simon55

-------------------------------------------------- Noam Simon55

-------------------------------------------------- Eliav Simon55

-------------------------------------------------- Yonat Simon55

-------------------------------------------------- Michal Simon55,32


Birth: 1968
Spouse: Jacob Naggen55 Hillel Naggen55

-------------------------------------------------- Noah Naggen55

-------------------------------------------------- Michael Naggen55

-------------------------------------------------- Yonathan Naggen55

-------------------------------------------------- Naama Naggen55

-------------------------------------------------- Yinon Naggen55

-------------------------------------------------- Ayala Naggen55

-------------------------------------------------- Hanna Simon55


Birth: 1936
Spouse: Daniel Greenberg55

Birth: 1935, NY Michael Greenberg55

-------------------------------------------------- Talia Greenberg55

-------------------------------------------------- David Greenberg55

-------------------------------------------------- Moishe (Morris) Sutin5,56,14,8


Birth: 1877, Puchowitz, Belarus

Death: Treblinka extermination camp

Occupation: Fabricant, manufacturing fine men’s clothing
Moishe was a Holocaust victim.
Spouse: Dvora Smolik5,14

Birth: 1885, Puchowitz, Belarus

Death: Treblinka extermination camp
Dvora was a Holocaust victim. Ahanon (Aaron) Dviri Sutin5,14,56,57,58,59,60,61


Birth: 1 Sep 1905, Warsaw, Poland

Death: 21 Oct 1980, Israel

Occupation: Engineer, apiculturist

Marriage: 1938

Aaron met Vered in the Kibutz Eni Hahoresh in 1933. Among Aaron’s jobs in the Kibutz was beekeeping. One source indicates that since “dvora” is Hebrew for “bee,” Aaron added “Dviri “to his name. His daughter Aya wrote that he changed his name in 1950 “… when the state of Israel became independent. Most of the members of the kibbutz decided to have a Hebrew name.”
Spouse: Vered Konstantinovska5,57,58,60

Birth: 11 Nov 1908 David Viry5,56,14,57,58,59


Birth: 1935

Marriage: Approximately 1976

David migrated to Geneva, Switzerland 1962, changed his surname to Viry in 1980.
Spouse: Ann5

Birth: 1942 Myriam Viry5,14,56,57,58,59


Birth: 1967 Gil Viry5,56,14,57,58


Birth: 1973 Aya Dviri Sutin5,14,56,57,58,60


Birth: 1942

Occupation: Accountant

Marriage: 1963.
Spouse: Uri Shahaf5,56,14,60

Birth: 1941 Yael Shahaf5,60


Birth: 21 Dec 1966

Occupation: Special education

Spouse: Itay Soroka60

Birth: 15 Aug 1967 Lior Soroka60


Birth: 28 Jun 1996 Eilam Soroka60


Birth: 8 Jul 1999 Gilad Soroka60


Birth: 1 May 2005 Aviv Shahaf5,60


Birth: 13 Dec 1967

Occupation: Professional bridge player

Spouse: Elisabeth60 Gabrielle Shahaf60


Birth: 22 Oct 2007 Benjamin Shahaf60


Birth: 24 Jan 2010 Haddas Shahaf5,60


Birth: 6 Apr 1972

Occupation: Works with problem children

Spouse: Yechiel/Hilik Geva60,62
Yechiel didn’t like his name, changed it to Hilik. Romi Geva60


Birth: 12 Aug 2008 Shaked Geva60


Birth: 1 Dec 2011 Rakefet Shahaf5,60


Birth: 30 Nov 1974

Occupation: Works with problem children Josef Dvir5,14,56,57,58,60


Birth: 25 Aug 1952

Occupation: Mechanical technician

Marriage: 10 Oct 1985
Josef was injured serving in the army in the Yom Kippur War. He changed his name to Dvir.
Spouse: Rachel Talush5,60

Birth: 20 Nov 1950 Ben Dvir5,56,14,57,58,60


Birth: 26 Jul 1986, Israel Shy Dvir60


Birth: 15 Feb 1990 Marilke R. (Mera) Sutin*5,14,63


Birth: 1912

Death: 2011

Marriage: 1930
Marilke survived a concentration camp.
Spouse: Fredek Magasiner5,63
Marilke and Fredek divorced in 1947. Oscar Klod (Claude) Magasiner5,63


Birth: 1933

Death: 2001

Marriage: 1955
Spouse: Flora5,63 Franck Magasiner5,63


Birth: 1957

Marriage: 1987

Spouse: Corinne63 Jessica Magasiner63


Birth: 1987 Michael Magasiner63


Birth: 1988 Marilke R. (Mera) Sutin* (See above)


Spouse: Israel Aron (Robert) Gotlieb5,63,45,64

Birth: 8 Jan 1905, Manhattan NY

Death: 10 Apr 1990, Miami FL Danielle Gotlib5,63,65


Birth: 1949

Marriage; 1971

Spouse: Alain Lacan5,63 Nataly Lacan5,63


Birth: 1977

Marriage: 2003

Spouse: Anthony Boucris63 Benjamin Boucris63


Birth: 2006 Jonathan Boucris63


Birth: 2009 Audrey Lacan5,63


Birth: 1981

Marriage: 2003

Spouse: Marc Melki63 Sacha Melki63


Birth: 2007 Jeremie Melki63


Birth: 2010 Samek (Samuel) Sutin5


Birth: 1922

Death: Treblinka Judel/Yudel (Julius) Sutin66,5,6,13,29


Birth: 3 Mar 1884, Puchowitz, Belarus

Death: Dec 1974, Minneapolis MN

Occupation: Dental technician

Marriage: 7 Jul 1921

Although several documents give Julius' date of birth as 3 Mar 1884, his son Jack indicated that Julius was born to Itzchak and Miriam 3 Mar 1898.  The later birth date, in combination with other data, would indicate that Julius was born when Itzchak was married to Yehudit Goldberg.
Julius moved from Puchowitz to Warsaw as a young man, to avoid being drafted by the Russian army. He operated a leather goods store in Warsaw. He met Sarah in Warsaw. Later he studied to become a dental technician, and he and Sarah had a successful dental practice in Warsaw. He survived the Holocaust, came to the U.S. about 1949.
Spouse: Sarah Garmize6,13

Birth: 18 Jun 1905

Death: 10 Sep 1941
Julius and Sarah separated in 1931. Izik (Jack) Sutin6,5,67


Birth: 12 Apr 1923, Stolpce, Poland

Marriage: 31 Dec 1942, Belarus

Jack and Rochelle grew up in nearby Polish towns close to the Russian border. They first met in a Soviet high school in Stolpce before World War II. Jack found Rochelle attractive, asked her to dance at a school dance. It was almost two years before they were to meet again.
When the Germans invaded eastern Poland in 1941 Jack escaped and hid in the forest. Living in the degrading confines of Jewish ghettos (Jack in Mir, Rochelle in Stolpce), both Jack and Rochelle witnessed first-hand the German campaign to rid the land of Jews. Jack, his father, and many other Jews escaped from Mir after hearing that all persons in the ghetto were to be killed. Terrified, they ran fast, splitting into small groups in the woods. Jack’s group dug a bunker, foraged for food, and according to Jack “lived like squirrels” during the 1942-43 winter, focused on not being captured or killed.
During this time Jack dreamed that he would meet Rochelle in the woods. He took this dream so seriously that he built a space for her in the bunker. Having heard of the crazy Izik Sutin saving a space for her, Rochelle arrived at the bunker about three months later, accompanied by two other women. Rochelle, initially skeptical about the Jack’s affection for her, eventually grew to appreciate and return that affection.
The more they grew to love each other, the more they thought about living to survive their ordeal. They dealt with lice, a terrible infection and boils for Jack, food scarcity, and other miseries. Later, although the Soviets had outlawed anti-Jewish discrimination, they realized that anti-semitism still remained rampant. To avoid induction into the Russian army, Jack dressed as an old woman, and later he and his father posed as dentists, which were much needed for civilians.
As Soviet attempts to control Polish Jews became more blatant, Jack decided that they must leave Poland. They escaped first to western Poland, beyond Soviet control, but soon realized that they must move further west. In August, 1945 they reached Berlin, then ran on foot to reach the American portion of the city. They were in a United Nations displaced persons camp near Munich, eventually were able to move to the U.S. in 1949. They went to St. Paul, Minnesota, where Rochelle had an uncle.
Jack and Rochelle’s powerful story continues to be used to create later generations’ awareness and understanding of the Holocaust. The Sholom Foundation’s Jack and Rochelle Sutin Fund was established in recognition of their heroic experience, and in August, 2011, The Jack and Rochelle Sutin Center Lounge at the Knollwood Place Apartments was dedicated in memory of Rochelle, Jack’s wife and best friend.
Spouse: Rochelle Schleiff6,29,32,34

Birth: 15 May 1924, Stolpce, Poland

Death: 19 Dec 2010, Minneapolis MN Cecilia Sutin6,13,68,32


Birth: 9 Feb 1947, Munich Germany

Marriage: 15 Apr 1973

Spouse: Steven G. Dobrin6,68,69,70,32

Birth: 4 Mar 1947 David Ross Dobrin6,68,70,32


Birth: 10 Jun 1974, Minneapolis MN

Marriage: 17 Oct 2009.

Spouse: Erin Kroll68

Birth: 16 Dec 1976 Marlo Belle (Rachel) Dobrin71


Birth: 27 Jul 2014, St. Paul MN
Marlo was named for her grandmother, Rochelle Sutin. Daniel Justin Dobrin6,68,70


Birth: 6 Oct 1976, Minneapolis MN

Marriage: 28 Aug 2003

Spouse: Andrea Gersick6,68

Birth: 26 Feb 1977 Hailey Rochelle Dobrin68


Birth: 28 Apr 2006
Hailey’s middle name is after Rochelle Sutin. Nyla Rose Dobrin68


Birth: 15 Dec 2010 Lawrence Stanley Sutin6,13,72,70,69


Birth: 12 Oct 1951, St Paul MN

Occupation: Writer and professor

Education: University of Michigan, Harvard Law School
Since 1984 Larry has been a writer and teacher. He is a professor in Hamline University’s Creative Writing and Liberal Studies programs, and teaches in the Vermont College of Fine Arts. He’s written several books, including Jack and Rochelle: A Holocaust Story of Love and Resistance, the story of his parents’ partisan life during and after World War II.
Spouse: Mab Kathryn Nulty6,72 Ceallaigh Vance72


Birth: 1 Apr 1979
Ceallaigh is Larry’s stepdaughter.
Spouse: Jason Anderson72 William Anderson72

-------------------------------------------------- Junia Anderson72

-------------------------------------------------- Brennan Vance72,70


Birth: 11 Dec 1984
Brennan is Larry’s stepson. Sarah Marie Miriam Sutin6,72,70


Birth: 27 Aug 1991, Minneapolis MN Itzchak (Isaac) Sutin* (See above)


Spouse: Yehudit (Judith) Goldberg5,6,12

Birth: Puchowitz Belarus

Death: 1900 David Sutin5


David came to the U.S. about 1910, or in the 1920s. He had four or five daughters. Aaron Sutin5

-------------------------------------------------- Chaim Sutin73

-------------------------------------------------- Leible/Leizer (Louis) Sutin66,5,74,14,56,12


Birth: 22 Jun 1892, Puchowitz, Belarus

Death: 15 Apr 1949, Cape Town/Paarl, South Africa

Marriage: 6 Jul 1921, Warsaw
In an unidentified document with the dual language heading “Description/Signalement” Louis is described as 5’2” tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes
Spouse: Clara Goldberg5,66,12,75

Birth: 10 Jul 1893, Puchowitz, Belarus

Death: 16 Jul 1971, Cape Town, South Africa
Clara, Louis’ first cousin, was a Russian gold medalist and a dentist.
Clara was engaged to Solomon Levine, and may have been married to him. She believed that he had been killed in the war and married Louis. According to Norman Sutin, “She was very surprised (and upset) when, circa 1935, she accidentally encountered Solomon on Muizenberg Beach in South Africa, We and he were independently vacationing. We subsequently saw a fair amount of Solomon and of his son and daughter.” Norman was not sure if Solomon was actually related to their family or if he was only introduced as a relative. Freda Sutin5,56,14


Birth: 28 Apr 1922, Tulbagh, South Africa

Marriage: 17 Jun 1945, Paarl, South Africa

Spouse: Chaim Eli Klein5,56,14

Birth: 25 Dec 1910, Plunge, Lithuania

Death: 4 Jul 2001, Cape Town, South Africa Selwyn/Shimon Zachary Klein5,14,56


Birth: 2 Jan 1947, Cape Town, South Africa

Occupation: Hospital pharmacist

Marriage: 19 Oct 1977, Askhelon, Israel
Spouse: Malka Touitou5

Birth: 6 May 1957, Rehovoth, Israel Limor Klein5,56


Birth: 4 Jun 1980, Tel Aviv, Israel
Spouse: Haggai Yosef56,14 Ilanit Klein5,56


Birth: 20 Sep 1981, Tel Aviv, Israel Tohar Klein56,14


Birth: 15 Jan 1991, Cape Town, South Africa

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