Workshop Reference number

A perspective of World War I

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A perspective of World War I

Subject area: European citizenship and European dimension

Cultural heritage

New technologies, ICT
Working language(s): EN
Target Group + Translation:
De gemotiveerde volwassen burger, jong en oud die zich bewust wil engageren in Europees burgerschap in relatie tot verdraagzaamheid en solidariteit in Europa. De burger heeft affiniteit met het thema Grote Oorlog, interesse in digitale fotografie en beschikt over basiskennis van computers en internet. Prioritaire doelgroep zijn de inwoners van de West- Europese landen, in het bijzonder het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Ierland, Frankrijk, Wallonië(B), Duitsland, Oostenrijk en Nederland (the Western front’ in WOI). Met het oog op intergenerationeel leren is de helft van de deelnemers ouder en de helft jonger dan 50 jaar.
Adults from all ages interested in European citizenship, digital photography and the history and (cultural) heritage of the Great War. This workshop is open to people from Western European countries historically involved in World War I, in particularly the UK, Ireland, France, Wallonia, Austria, Germany, Belgium and also the Netherlands and other countries on ‘the Western front’. In order to stimulate intergenerational learning, half of the participants should be over the age of 50 whereas the other half should be younger than 50. Besides age the selection will be based on the degree of motivation and affection for the themes of European citizenship, the Great War and international tolerance and solidarity. Qualifications are not requested, but basic knowledge of computer is required.
Main activities Programme + Programme translation:
In deze10-daagse workshop werken de deelnemers concreet aan bezieling en versterking van Europees burgerschap door de historische context, in het bijzonder WOI tot leven te brengen. De deelnemers werken in een joint-venture aan een expositie van expressieve oorlogsherinneringsbeelden. Daarvoor volgen zij zowel theorielessen en outdoorpraktijklessen in digitale fotografie op de erfgoedsites van Flanders Fields, als lezingen over Europees Burgerschap en WO I. Steeds worden de deelnemers in hun affectieve en cognitieve vermogens – inleven in en kennisvergroting van WOI en Europees burgerschap – en in hun creatieve vermogens – het maken, bewerken en exposeren van foto’s - uitgedaagd. In contrast met de tentoongestelde foto’s, verwoorden de workshopparticipanten boodschappen van solidariteit en tolerantie die het besef van lotsverbondenheid en Europees burgerschap bij het grote publiek doen gronden.
During this 10 day workshop the participants work tangibly upon inspiration and reinforcement of European citizenship by bringing alive the historical context, especially World War I. Participants in a joint venture work on an exposition of expressive war remembrance photo shoots. With this purpose they follow theoretical lessons as well as practical outdoor lessons in taking digital pictures on cultural war sites of Flanders Fields. They also attend classes in European citizenship and World War I. By appealing to their affective and cognitive capabilities - immersing in and gaining knowledge of World War I and European citizenship – and by appealing to their creative skills -taking, editing and exposing digital pictures - participants continuously will be activated and challenged. Participants are also supposed to give their exposed photographs meaningful messages of solidarity and tolerance. They do this in order to make the general public realize the ground of solidarity and European citizenship. You can find a detailed programme on the website of the workshop organiser (
Workshop Organiser: CVO Cervo-Go
Contact details: St.-Elisabethlaan 6

8660 De Panne


Tel.: 058 41 51 61

Fax: 058 42 09 50



Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-BG1-GRU13-07101
Venue: Община Казанлък Date of the Workshop: 10/05/2013 - 21/05/2013

The beauty of the Valley of Roses in photography

Subject area: Basic skills for adult learners

Artistic education, also including Arts and Crafts and Music

Cultural heritage
Working language(s): EN
Target Group + Translation:
Adults (25+), which have interested in photography as a hobby and which want to develop their skills in this area. They are from all countries, participated in the Lifelong Learning Programme. Preference will be given to people aged over 50 years, motivated to find better realization of their skills in photography. Mandatory requirement for selection is that every participant has to own digital camera. The participants will be 23- 20 from European countries and 3 form Bulgaria
Main activities Programme + Programme translation:
Provide the necessary theoretical and practical lessons to learners and to help them to develop their skills in the photography. The programe will be included different photo sessions with examples on various types of photography and shot sizes - landscape, portrait, group, nature, macro photography. The participants will visit the most interesting places in the Valley of the Roses – the rose’s fields, the Thracian tombs, local museums and events from the Festival of the Roses.

Workshop Organiser: Сдружение с нестопанска цел „ В долината на розите”
Contact details: Пл. „Севтополис” № 2

6100 Казанлък



Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-BG1-GRU13-07091
Venue: гр.Смолян Date of the Workshop: 04/07/2013 - 09/07/2013

Workshop on Family Relations

Subject area: Family / parent education

Basic skills for adult learners

Intergenerational learning / learning in later life / senior citizens
Working language(s): EN
Target Group + Translation:
Parents, whose children are over 12 years and are as the following: - with identified behavioral problem/s; - subjects of therapy; - Activities in NGOs; - Volunteers in daily centers; - foster families.
Main activities Programme + Programme translation:
The workshop is devoted to the topic with serious social importance and crucial importance nowadays where media repeatedly publish information about young children and people committing crimes and/ or are victims of violence and aggression. The program of the workshop includes two components: informational and practical. The first component presents a theoretical frame of the American psychiatrist Thomas Harris, explaining the difference problems in the family relations and communications. In addition to that, a presentation of art tools and solutions for self-help we take part. The program includes the following topics:

1 / Introduction to communication: performance model of T.Harris “Adult – Child- Parent” and possible problems in the family communication,

2/ Managing emotions: do we know and can we manage our own emotions? How do our projections distort communication?

3/ the family orchestra and what are the roles in it. The grown children and how do they change their participation.

4/ The tango in the relationships: the trust in the difference levels: between partners and between parents and children. The delegation of responsibilities and consequences

5/ Analysis of the self behavior model and building new one.

6/ Self evaluation - gallery «My family». Within six days, in an interactive program the participants will learn a model of communication that can help them shorten the distance between generations. It will improve the communication and the trust in the relationship parent – children. The model ins not only a suggestion for leisure and proactive way to encourage parents to improve relationship with their children. By the same time the participants will have the opportunity to meet the local culture and crafts work-shops.

Workshop Organiser: Open Space Foundation
Contact details: ул.”Индустриална” 9

1202 София



Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-BG1-GRU13-07082
Venue: Община Перник с. Рударци Date of the Workshop: 02/06/2013 - 12/06/2013

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