Course descriptions courses in english

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" BUS408

Non-Governmental Organizations

This course explores concepts, analytical tools, management practices in NGO's. NGO's goods and services to business markets in domestic and global environments

" BUS409

Corporate Governance & Family Business

(Prereq:BUS108) Nature of corporate governance and family business. How to manage the family business. Research, presentation and debates about corporate governance and family business.

" BUS418

Small Business Seminar

(Prereq: BUS 307, BUS 308, BUS 315) How to start and manage your own business. The types of small business enterprises. Establishing and managing a small business. Preparing business plans. Presentations and case studies.

" BUS419

Research Methods in Business

(Prereq: BUS205, BUS206) Examines research designs commonly used in business decision making. Topics include survey, observation, data analysis, sampling, and quasi-experiments as they relate to problems in an organizational setting. Students submit a research proposal as part of the course requirements.


Introduction to Accounting

Accounting and bookkeeping, accounting statements, the balance sheet equation, effects of transactions on the accounting equation, mechanics of double-entry accounting, the general journal, posting of transactions, trial balance, adjusting entries and preparing statements, financial analysis using accounting data to control and evaluate monetary results of business activities.


Engineering Drawing

Freehand sketching techniques, use of scales, model representation. Orthographic projection. Dimensioning and sectioning. Solid. Modeling. 3-D drawings. Assembly and working drawings. Tolerancing. Threaded parts, keys, springs, rivets, piping layouts. CATIA is introduced and used throughout the course with coverage of advanced modeling tools.


Introduction to Automotive Eng.

The automotive engineering profession, mechanical design, technical problem-solving and communication skills, forces in structures and machines, materials and stresses, fluids engineering, thermal and energy systems


Strength of Materials I

Simple stress and strain. Equilibrium, compatibility and constitutive relations, state of stress and state of strain with emphasis on two dimensional problems. Bending and shear stresses. Shear and bending moment diagrams by integrating and section method. Deflection of beams.


Materials Science

Introduction to materials science and engineering. Atomic structure and interatomic bonding. Crystal and amorphous structures inmaterials. Imperfections in solids. Thermally activated processes and diffusion in solids. Mechanical properties of metals. Phase diagrams and transformations. Engineering alloys. Polymeric materials. Ceramics and composite materials. Corrosion. Electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical properties of materials


Manufacturing Technology I

Introduction and Overview of Manufacturing. the Nature of Major Materials. Mechanical & physical properties of materials. Dimensions, Surfaces, and their Measurement. Engineering Materials used in Manufacturing. Overview of casting technology, and metal casting processes. Shaping Processes For Plastics and Polymers. Rubber-Processing Technology.



Introduction to rigid body mechanics, equivalent force systems. Concepts of moment, couple, resultant. Equilibrium; Free body diagram; equations of equilibrium. Structural analysis; trusses; beams. Properties of surfaces. Area moment and cancroids; moment and product of inertia; principal directions.



Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies: absolute motion, relative motion. Kinetics of particles: equation of motion, work-energy and impulse-momentum. Systems of particles. Kinetics of rigid bodies: Euler's equation, plane motion of rigid bodies, kinetic energy of rigid bodies. Introduction to the dynamics of vibrating systems.



Properties of pure substances, phase change, equation of state. Concepts of energy transfer by heat, work and mass. Entropy. 1st and 2nd law of Thermodynamics and their applications to common thermal devices such as heat exchangers, turbines, compressors. and nozzles. Basic power and refrigeration thermodynamic cycles: Otto, Diesel, Brayton, Rankine and vapor compression. refrigeration cycles.


Manufacturing Technology II

Powder Metallurgy and Processing of Ceramics and Cermets Fundamental of Bulk forming; rolling, extrusion, drawing, forging. Sheet metal forming; Bending, Cutting, Deep Drawing, and others. Machining operations and machine tools;Turning, Milling, Drilling, Planing and shaping, Boaring, Broaching and gear manufacturing. Cutting-Tool Technology. Heat Treatment Of Metals. Surface Processing Operations. Joining and Assembly Processes; welding, brazing, soldering, and mechanical assembly. Production planning and control.


Electronic Systems in Vehicles

Battery, ignition systems. Starter and alternators. Light and signal systems. Klaxon, wipers, warning systems and displays. Principles of electronic control units: block diagrams, design stages. Micro-processors, switching transistors, communication protocols between electronic systems. CAN-bus system. Electronic transmission systems.


Internal Combustion Engines

Engine types and their operations. Thermochemistry of air-fuel mixtures. Ideal models of engine cycles. Gas exchange processes. Engine fuel metering and manifold phenomena. Combustion in gasoline and diesel engines. Pollutant formation and control. Engine friction and lubrication. New technologies and alternative fuels.


Strength of Materials II

Torsion of circular shafts. Combined stresses. Buckling, Stress and strain in axial loading. Torsion. Pure bending and transverse loading. Stress and strain transformations. Design of beams for strength. Deflection of beams. Columns. Energy methods


Heat Transfer

Principles of heat transfer and their applications. Heat conduction in stationary systems. Transient Heat Conduction. Heat transfer associated with laminar flow and turbulence flow of fluids in forced and natural convection


Theory of Machines

Fundamentals of Motion and Vibration. Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems without dampers and equivalent systems. Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems with viscous and coulomb dampers. Harmounically excited vibration of a single degree of freedom vibration. Determining the equation of motion of a 1 DOF system using energy methods. Vibration under general forcing conditions. Two degrees of freedom system. Determining the equation of motion of systems using Lagrange method. Determination of Natural frequencies and Mode shapes.


Vehicle Component Design

Mechanical design of the power transmission system and chassis components. Powertrain system, vehicle performance data, requirements of a vehicle transmission system. Vehicle loads, evaluation of engine drive ratios. Planetary gears: speed diagram, torque calculation. Geared transmissions. Mechanical shift gear boxes. Automatic transmissions: mechanical design, shifting components. Drive shaft. Clutch and couplings. Design of the chassis components: tires and wheels, brakes, suspensions, steering. A term design project is completed by the students.


Machine Design I

Introduction to design of machinery; Kinematics, Kinetics, and the desing process. Fundamental of Kinematics; Degree of freedom, Types of motion, Grashof condition. Graphical and Algebraic Position analysis in various linkages. Graphical and Analytical analysis of velocity in linkages. Velocity Analysis with Instant Centers. Graphical and Analytical Acceleration Analysis in fourbar linkages. Corriolis acceleration in linkages. Cam design with velocity and acceleration analysis. Gear trains ; Gear types, Gear tooth, simple and compound gear trains.


Machine Design II

Introduction to Newton's law of motion and dynamic models. Dynamic force analysis for fourbar and fourbar slider-crank linkages. Static and Dynamic balancing in mechanisms. Engine dynamics and engine design; equivalent masses, and inertia and shaking forces. Flywheels and balancing the single cilynder engine. Multicylinder Engine design, the crank phase diagrams and shaking forces and tourques in two stroke and four stroke engines, balancing engines. Dynamic force analysis of cam followers and measuring dynamic force and accelerations.


Graduation Project I

Design or research projects are assigned including application and synthesis. The projects including prototype production are especially encouraged. Students may work alone or as a team. Supervisors and jury members grades the projects by considering the studies during the semester, project report and presentation


Graduation Project II

Design or research projects are assigned including application and synthesis. The projects including prototype production are especially encouraged. Students may work alone or as a team. Supervisors and jury members grades the projects by considering the studies during the semester, project report and presentation


Modelling of Automative Control Systems

Introduction to system dynamics and control. Closed and open loop controls. Laplace transform. Transfer function and state-space approach to modeling dynamic systems. Analyses and modeling of mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, fluid and thermal systems. Bode diagrams. Root-Locus analysis. Frequency-response analysis. Transient and steady-state response analyses. PID controls. Typical actuators and transducers. Control law.


Vehicle Dynamics

Driving and road handling in vehicles. Motion in longitudinal, transverse and perpendicular directions. Tire and wheel fundamentals. Effects of design changes on driving stability and road handling. Stable and unstable road handling. Steering system. Slip angle and steering wheel effect. Low and over steering. Driving characteristics of four wheel drive vehicles. Vehicle ride models. Analytical vehicle and road models. Statistical driving characteristics. Driving quality measures. Classification and analysis of suspension systems: Active and passive suspension systems.


Quality Planning & Control

Introduction to quality control, statistical process control, sampling techniques, mean and R charts, determining sample sizes, mean and standard deviation charts, run tests, quality control circles, total quality management



Integrated use of mechanical, electrical, and computer systems for information processing and control of machines and devices. Sensors and transducers. Actuators: Servo-motors, stepper motors, DC motors. Digital and analog circuits. Interfacing microcomputers with sensors and actuators. Microcontroller programming


Antrenörlük Eğitimine Giriş

Antrenörlüğün tanımı, antrenörlük ilkeleri, antrenörlük felsefesi, antrenör tipolojileri, Antrenör eğitiminin ön koşulları. Antrenörlerin çalışma alanlarında karşılaşacağı sorunlar ve çözüm yolları. Antrenörlerin görevleri gibi ana başlıkları kapsar.


Spor Fizyolojisi I

Bu dersin amacı öğrencilere; kas hücresini tanıtmak, kas kasılması sürecini, kas fibril tiplerini ve egzersizin tipine göre ortaya çıkacak değişimleri anlamasını sağlamak, kasılma tiplerini ve egzersizle ilişkisini kavratmak, enerji üretim yollarını, egzersiz ve toparlanma sürecinde enerji üretimini, dolaşım sisteminin, solunum sisteminin, kanın, hormonların akut ve kronik egzersizdeki değişimlerini öğrenmesini sağlamaktır.


İnsan Anatomisi

İnsan vücudunu meydana getiren hücre, doku, organlar, sistemler ve hareket sisteminin yapıları, anatomik terimler ve kavramlar, düzlemler, eksenler, baş, boyun, gövde, üst ve alt kısımların hareketleri ve harekete katılan kasların kasılması sırasındaki fonksiyonları tanımlayabilme ve, meydana getirdikleri eklem hareketleri, sportif hareketlerin kinesiyolojik analizleri ile gözlemleyebilme bu dersin temel hedefidir.



Bu dersin amacı öğrencilere; insan hareketini meydana getiren organ/organ sistemlerinin yapısı ve fonksiyonlarının özelliklerini öğretmek.


Spor Tarihi Ve Olimpizm

Spor, Beden Eğitimi, Oyun ve Hareketin tarihsel kökenleri, çeşitli çağlarda spora bakış açıları, Antik Olimpiyatlar ve Modern Olimpiyatların ortaya çıkışı, Fair Play ve Olimpizm kavramları ele alınmaktadır.


Genel Psikoloji

Psikolojinin temel kavramlarını tanıtmak, insan davranışı konusunda içgörü kazandırmak amacıyla bilim dalı olarak psikolojinin amaçları, kalıtım çevre ilişkisi, psikolojik gelişim ve aşamaları, çocuklukta bilişsel gelişim, kişilik ve sosyal gelişim, bilinç, algı, dikkat, öğrenme, hafıza, dil gelişimi, davranışın kaynaklarında güdüler ve heyecan konularının ele alınması hedeflenir.


Genel Cimnastik Eğitimi

Çeşitli cimnastik araçları kullanılarak temel motorsal özelliklerin geliştirilmesi, cimnastiğe özgü sportif ısınma, temel çalışma şekilleri, kondisyonel ve koordinatif özelliklerin geliştirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.


Oyunla Hareket Eğitimi

Çocuk gelişiminin önemli unsurlarından olan oyunlar, sağlıklı yaşamın temeli olan hareket olanaklarının yaş kategorilerine uygun oyunlarla düzenlenmesi, oyunların psikomotor gelişime katkıları ele alınmaktadır.


Özel Spor Dalı I

Antrenörlük eğitimi kapsamında tüm bireysel ve takım sporlarının tarihsel süreçlerinin ele alınmasını, Türkiye ve Dünya da bireysel ve takım sporlarının uygulanış biçimlerinin değerlendirilmesini, kuram ve kurallarının öğretilmesini, antrenman planlamalarının ve periyotlamalarının(günlük,haftalık,aylık,dönemlik,yıllık) yapılmasını, fiziksel,psikolojik ölçüm yöntemlerinin ve testlerinin kavratılmasını, antrenör özelliklerinin sosyal ve psikolojik değerlendirilmesini ,motivasyon yöntemlerini içerir.


Yüzme Eğitimi

Su ortamına alışma, solunum egzersizleri, yüzme teknikleri için temel hareketler ve serbest, sırtüstü,kurbağa ve kelebek yüzme stillerinin öğretimi ve yüzme öğretim teknikleri ele alınmaktadır.


Özel Spor Dalı II

Antrenörlük eğitimi kapsamında tüm bireysel ve takım sporlarının tarihsel süreçlerinin ele alınmasını, Türkiye ve Dünya da bireysel ve takım sporlarının uygulanış biçimlerinin değerlendirilmesini, kuram ve kurallarının öğretilmesini, antrenman planlamalarının ve periyotlamalarının(günlük,haftalık,aylık,dönemlik,yıllık) yapılmasını, fiziksel,psikolojik ölçüm yöntemlerinin ve testlerinin kavratılmasını, antrenör özelliklerinin sosyal ve psikolojik değerlendirilmesini ,motivasyon yöntemlerini içerir.

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