2 ve acámielmet illon minyave náner astarmoli ar núroli i quetto, 3

And the scribes an the Pharisees started to think, saying: “Who is this man that is speaking blasphemies? Who may forgive sins except God alone?” 22

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21 And the scribes an the Pharisees started to think, saying: “Who is this man that is speaking blasphemies? Who may forgive sins except God alone?” 22 But Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, said in answer to them: “About what are you thinking in your hearts? 23 What is the [thing] more easily done, saying 'Your sins are forgiven to you' or saying: “Rise, take your bed and go to your house.' 24 But for you to know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins” – he said to the lame man: “I say to you, rise and take up your bed and go to your house.” 25 And in the same moment he arose before them, took up that on which he lay, and went to his house giving glory to God. 26 Then all among them were beside themselves, and they gave glory to God and were filled with fear, saying: “We have seen wonders today!”
27 Ar apa nati sine *etelendes ar cenne *tungwemo estaina Lévi hámala mí *tungwemen, ar quentes senna: “Áni hilya.” 28 Ar hehtala ilqua orontes and hilyane se. 29 Ente, Lévi carne túra merende sen coaryasse, ar enge hoa şanga, *tungwemóli ar exeli, i náner aselte ara i sarno. 30 Ar i Farisar ar parmangolmoltar nurruner hildoryannar, quétala: “Manen ná i matilde ar sucilde as *tungwemóli ar úcarindoli?” 31 Hanquentasse Yésus quente téna: “I samir mále uar same maure *nestondova, mal i nar engwe. 32 Utúlien yale, lá failar, mal *úcarindor inwistenna.”

33 Quentelte senna: “Hildoryar Yoháno rimbave *avamatir ar carir arcandeli, mal *lyenyar matir ar sucir.” 34 Yésus quente téna: “Lau polilde mauya i endero meldoin *avamate íre i ender ea aselte? Ananta aureli tuluvar yassen i ender nauva mapaina oa tello; tá *avamatuvalte, ente auressen.”
27 And after these things he went forth and saw a tax-collector called Levi sitting at the tax office, and he said to him: “Follow me.” 28 And abandoning everything he arose and followed him. 29 Furthermore, Levi made a great feast for him at his house, and [there] was a great crowd, tax collectors and others, that were with them at the table. 30 And the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled against his disciples, saying: “How is [it] that you eat and you drink with tax collectors and sinners?” 31 In answer Jesus said to them: “[Those] that have health do not have need of a healer, but [those] that are sickly. 32 I have come to call, not just ones, but sinners to repentence.”

33 They said to him: “John's discipels frequently fast and make supplications, but your ones eat and drink.” 34 Jesus said to them: “Surely you cannot compel the bridegroom's friends to fast when the bridegroom is with them? And yet days shall come in which the bridegroom will be taken away from them; then they shall fast, in those days.
36 Ente, quentes téna sestie: “*Úquen cire lanneranta ho vinya colla ar neme sa yára collasse, mal qui mo é care sie, tá i vinya lanneranta narca oa; ente, i lanneranta ho i vinya colla ua vávea i yáran. 37 Ar *úquen panya vinya limpe yáre *helmolpessen, mal qui mo é care sie, tá i vinya limpe *ruve i *helmolpi, ar ulyas ettenna ar i *helmolpi nar nancarne. 38 Mal mauya panya vinya limpe vinye *helmolpessen! 39 *Úquen ye usúcie yára limpe mere vinya, an quetis: 'I yára ná mára.'”
36 Furthermore, he spoke this comparison: “No one cuts a cloth-piece from a new cloak and sews it in an old cloak, but if one indeed does so, then the new cloth-piece tears away; furthermore, the cloth-piece from the new cloak is not similar to [= does not match] the old. 37 And no one puts new wine in old skin-bottles, but if one indeed does so, then the new wine bursts the skin-bottles, and it flows out and the skin-bottles are destroyed. 38 But it is necessary to put new wine in new skin-bottles! 39 No one who has drunk old wine wants new, for he says: 'The old is good.'”

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