Enhanced institutional capacity, technical and advisory support on social protection
Enhanced employment generation and skills development for inclusive growth, particularly focusing on youth and women
Improved livelihoods of land reform beneficiaries and small-scale farmers
Enhanced employability of young people particularly through e-skills development, in collaboration with universities and other partners
Improved capacities of firms, including SMMEs, to benefit from public procurement opportunities and to better integrate into supply chains
Promote gender equality for inclusive growth with specific focus on women’s economic empowerment within the context of the programme and policy interventions
3.3 Output One: Enhance Social Protection Framework
Description: The aim of the project is to support the Department of Social Development and Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) to expand and improve the social returns and efficiency of the country’s social protection framework. UNDP will support this result by providing technical support, undertake research that will inform policy development and review of various forms of social protection; and strengthen the institutional capacity of national government. In addition, exchanges with emerging economics on good practices will inform social protection schemes that facilitate transition from social protection to sustainable employment. In this research undertaking and knowledge exchanges, any special needs and concerns of women and other vulnerable groups, as well as lessons learnt and any good practice identified that can directly benefit these groups will be highlighted and form part of the policy recommendations.
Activity 1: Pilot a small scale social protection scheme for informal workers
Purpose: UNDP will provide support to the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation in piloting a small scale social protection scheme for informal workers. The support will also entail the development of a framework for the selection of informal workers for the pilot; development of a pre-pilot planning framework.
2017 Targets
Framework for the selection of informal workers for the pilot
Social protection scheme for informal workers piloted while taking care to ensure gender balance
Activity 2: Develop a food security plan as part of social protection mechanism Purpose: The NDP outlines several interventions and targets that need to be implemented to eradicate poverty, reduce unemployment and eliminate inequality by 2030. Food and Nutrition Security is a key element in fighting poverty and inequality. Therefore, there is a need to develop a food security plan as part of social protection mechanism in order to achieve 2030 targets. Together with the DPME and UNDP will provide support to develop a draft plan on food and nutrition security.
2017 Targets
Activity 3: Disseminate knowledge products on relevant digital platforms Purpose: Policy research and development lead to knowledge generation. Therefore, knowledge produced becomes useless if it is not properly disseminated and shared among those who must use it as a tool to transform ideas into actions. The purpose of the activity will be to institutionalise a central repository of information on social protection; identifying sources of publications and research on social protection, and identify a digital platform to share information on social protection for informal workers. UNDP will continue to package and disseminate knowledge products to be shared locally and internationally as part of its South-South Information Exchange Programme.
2017 Targets:
Policy briefs on social protection developed and disseminated to key stakeholders locally and internationally through the digital platform
An information and knowledge exchange platform for sharing of information on social protection identified
3.4 Output Two: Expanded Access to Employment Opportunities
Description: The purpose of this project is to contribute to government’s efforts of creating and increasing employment opportunities in rural communities. Working in conjunction with government departments and other stakeholders, UNDP will provide policy advisory support in developing gender-responsive policies on land and rural development; and initiate programmes that will integrate small scale farmers into the agricultural value chains. The project will also provide support to government efforts to address youth unemployment by reviewing youth employment programmes initiatives that have been implemented nationally and internationally with a view of informing policy and strategies to create sustainable jobs for the youth. The programme will facilitate the establishment of the Southern Africa Centre for Trade and Regional Integration to promote inter-trade in the region. Support will also be provided to the Government in domesticating and integrating Sustainable Development Goals into national and sub-national plans. The programme will also produce a National Human Development Report to track human development dynamics in South Africa.
Activity 1: Provide policy support to DRDLR to facilitate access to land Purpose: As part of its effort to provide security of tenure to people living in communal land areas, the DRDLR drafted the Communal Land Tenure Bill which guarantees security of tenure for people living in communal land areas. During the process, DRDLR also engaged communities in the Eastern Cape Province to discuss the intention of the Bill and get their views on the Bill. The purpose of the activity is to conduct engagements with all stakeholders that will be affected by this bill to prepare them for the parliamentary public consultation on the Bill. UNDP will organise a consultative conference with Members of Provincial Legislature in Eastern Cape Province. Further community engagement on Communal Land Tenure Bill will be conducted with other sectors of the public such as academics, media, and House of Traditional Leaders. This support will ensure that the situational analysis and policy papers and recommendations take into consideration the specific needs and concerns of women in rural settings, and that there is a fair representation of women and women’s organizations in the community consultations and the consultative conference.
2017 Targets
A provincial (Eastern Cape) conference on Communal Land Tenure Bill
Policy process mapping Framework for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) developed
Activity 2:Develop an economic simulation model on land size and efficiencies Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to establish a South African Research Team (SART) and International Support Team (IST) to work on developing an econometric simulation model to test implications of the Regulations of Land Holding Bill on the South Africa economy.
2017 Targets
Work plan on the development of economic model
An economic model on Regulation of Agricultural Land Holding Bill designed
An advisory support in the planning and implementation of the Regulation of Agricultural Land Holding Policy and Bill provided.
A study on the status of mega-farms and super-farms in South Africa conducted
Activity 3: Facilitate the establishment of an International Exchange Programme to share international experience on land reform programmes
Purpose: In the last three years of implementation, the project on rural development and land reform has generated cutting edge research. Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to share South Africa’s experience on land reform and rural development; and to expose South Africa’s officials to experiences of other countries on land reform and rural development within the context of South-South Cooperation; and share experiences and strategies on addressing gender equality in land ownership.
2017 Targets
Seminars and video conferences to share experiences organised.
International study tours undertaken.
A Seminar on gender equality in the context of land reform
Lessons learnt and good practices on land reform programmes relating to women highlighted
Activity 4: Provide Support to develop an EU and DRDLR Cooperation Project
Purpose: Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) seeks to form a close collaboration with EU and its member states in the field of rural development and land reform. To formalise this collaboration, the DRDLR wants to develop a Cooperation Project that will guide the collaboration between the two parties in areas of land reform and rural development.
2017 Targets
A project proposal developed for cooperation between EU and DRDLR on land reform and rural development.
Activity 5: Provide technical assistance in closing the Belgian Project on Land Reform Beneficiaries
Purpose: To provide technical assistant to the DRDLR in closing the Belgian Project on Participatory Settlement and Development Support (PSDS) to Land Reform Beneficiaries and Rural Citizens.
2017 Target/s
Project closure report of the bilateral cooperation programme on PSDS.
Purpose: Many Governments Departments have budget support programmes on land reform and rural development, these Department intervention are not coordinated. . This lack of coordination o lead to less impact intended. Therefore, the DRDLR will undertake an assessment to determine ten Government Departments with budget support to land reform beneficiaries and come up with a better coordination mechanisms and possible collaboration platform to maximise resources available for rural development and land reform.
2017 Target
Report on government departments providing technical and financial support to DRDLR objectives.
Activity 7:Support the implementation of the National Development Plan
Purpose: This project is designed to assist the government in implementing the priorities articulated in the NDP. The project will organise debate series on implementing the NDP, more in-depth Roundtable meetings on debate topics; and selective Deep Dives.
2017 Targets
Project Manager and SDG Advisor appointed.
A strategic planning session for partners held.
Three public debates organised.
At least two round table discussions held.
One deep dive conducted.
Gender balance for identified experts to participate in the debates and dialogues
Activity 8: Develop a programme of support to address youth unemployment
Purpose: This project is designed to address the complexity of youth unemployment by: bridging the skills gaps and mismatch between labour supply and demand with specific focus on the ICT sector in South Africa, leverage on the burgeoning digital economy to provide young people with necessary digital skills to be employed in the industry and provide training to rural youth in entrepreneurship and vocational skills linked to the local economy.
2017 Targets
A project document on youth unemployment with sex disaggregated data finalised.
Mobilise resources for implementation of the project.
Project document signed with NYDA.
Agreement with Accenture signed.
Project implemented in three provinces (KZN, NC and EC)
80% of trained youth placed in permanent employment and internship (with sex disaggregated data)
100 young people trained on entrepreneurship with sex disaggregated data
Activity 9: Produce the NHDR for South Africa
Purpose:The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives. South Africa has not produced a national human development report. This report is critical to measure progress towards addressing inequality, poverty and produced other socio-economic indicators that will assist Government on the status of human development in South Africa in detail.
2017 Targets
Draft terms of reference for the consultant.
Established a reference group.
Training of government officials and other stakeholders on developing the NHDR conducted.
Activity 10: Establish a Southern African Centre for Trade and Regional Integration
Purpose: The purpose of this initiative is to establish a South African Centre for Trade and Regional Integration. The Centre will advance the developmental regionalism approach to trade and integration in Africa based on three principles: increasing trade liberalization by reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers; building regional value chains in productive sectors that increase share of value-added and gains through increased beneficiation and industrial development and cooperating with each other in building cross-border regional infrastructure projects.
2017 Targets
Purpose: The 1st of January 2016 ushered a new era of the global new sustainable development agenda. The17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)of the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development were adopted at UN Summit in September 2015. The new goals unlike the MDGs are unique in that they call for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. While not legally binding, governments are expected to take ownership and establish national frameworks for the achievement of the 17 Goals. Countries have the primary responsibility for follow-up and review of the progress made in implementing the Goals. The purpose of this activity is to provide support to the Government of South Africa in domesticating SDGs. UNDP will work closely with the DPME and Stats SA in designing framework and mechanism of implementing and monitoring the implementation of the SDGs.
2017 Targets
Report mapping out NDP and SDG convergence
Two information session to stakeholders on integrating SGDs into local development plans