Queries whose name begins with jua. Primary contact is Barry King kingbd@jmu.edu Section last updated 1/30/2013.
Jua001 (TS): SA scholarships data for UA. see ITR06290 for further details. To be run by Pete DeSmit when asked for by Linda Elliott in University Advancement.
Jua002 thru jua002I (TS): See ITR06562 for specs. This series of queries was written to have the results emailed each Sunday to UA employees. The data is used to research and troubleshoot the imports written which push data from the SA system to the University Advancement system named Advance.
Department Head
To view all of the queries written for department heads, enter the five letters JUSDH after the begins with parameter on the query viewer page and either press the search button or press Enter. If your access is correct, you should see several queries as described below. If you do not see any queries, send email to is-us@jmu.edu with an explanation of your specific issue. Users must be granted permission and trained prior to receiving access to the department queries. Section last updated 2/9/2018.
To date, there are more than 250 of the more common queries we’ve labeled as belonging to two groups referred to as the department queries.Queries whose name begins with the letters JUSDS are referred to as the department secretary queries. Queries whose name begins with the letters JUSDH are referred to as the department head queries. One does not have to be a department secretary/head to run or be granted access to the set of queries. The name is one of history; the first queries were developed for one department secretary/head, and the name stuck.
jusdh001 Bio summary by acad plan (NTS): Includes three prompts. A term range and one academic plan. Returns one row per academic term with basic bio/demo counts for the following values: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Females, Males, Asian, Black, White and all other ethnicity values. Basic percentages for these columns could also be calculated within excel since a total count for the academic term is also included.
jusdh001a (NTS): acad plan summary data. Similar to jusdh001, minus the ethnicity data which is self-reported by students and subject to data anomalies.
jusdh001b (NTS): Similar to jusdh001, includes average term and cumulative GPA values for the given populations.
jusdh001b1 (NTS): Plan summary by declared date. This version uses a date range to return data when the student declared the respective academic plan vs. using a term range.
jusdh001b2 (NTS): Similar to jusdh001b1 in that it uses a declare date range. This version aggregates the data by the term the plan was declared in vs. the calendar year.
jusdh001c (NTS): Bio summary by plan/sub-plan. Similar aggregate data, but is broken out by academic sub-plan values for the respective academic plans.
jusdh001d (NTS): Bio summ by plan/sub range. Similar to jusdh001c, but allows a range of terms vs. a single term value.
jusdh001d1 (NTS): Bio summ by plan/sub milestone. This version includes milestone data which is used by some colleges to indicate whether the student has simply declared the plan or has been fully admitted. For use by areas such as psychology and SMAD.
jusdh001d2 (NTS): Bio summ by plan census date. Most of the queries in this series use the term end date to determine whether or not to include a student in the count. This version uses the term census date which is also used by areas such as Institutional Research and SCHEV. Intended for users who desire to have census date counts.
jusdh001e (NTS) Bio summary by subplan. This version prompts for the actual subplan numbers and ignores the parent plan number.
Jusdh001f (NTS) Bio sum by plan, fewer fields. As the name implies, is identical to jusdh001, but contains fewer fields.
jusdh001g (NTS) Bio sum by plan, HOME state. Includes aggregate counts based upon the students home state.
jusdh001_bot (NTS). acad plan summary data, as the name implies, uses the term begin date to determine a students inclusion in the results. Others in this series use the term end date or the census date as documented.
jusdh002 Bio summary by academic org (NTS): Returns the exact same columns as jusdh001. Whereas jusdh001 counts by a single academic plan, this version includes the person in the count if they were active in an academic plan belonging to the academic organization code at the end of the given term.
jusdh002a (NTS): Similar to jusdh002, minus the ethnicity data.
jusdh002b (NTS): Bio summary by org and sub-plan. Similar data as jusdh002, this version includes all sub-plans.
jusdh002c (NTS): Prompts for a term range. Returns one row of data for each term with the average cumulative and term GPA’s for each gender.
Jusdh002d (NTS): Bio summary by org/plan. Allows for results by academic org and/or academic plan.
Jusdh002e (NTS): Bio by plan and year distinct. Needed a version which counted people distinctly by the academic year. Originally asked for by Carole Ritchie in computer science. The eff date calc was also their idea as they wanted to make sure the counts were "official" so wanted them taken on the census date. Called Lou Hedrick who says the official census date is taken 3 weeks AFTER the beginning of each semester. The query essentially returns data as of the census date for the given term.
Jusdh002e_trn (NTS): Same as jusdh002e, but only selects TRN admit type students.
jusdh003 Aggregate major data by level (NTS): Includes one prompt, term. Returns one row of data for every academic plan which is a major. Values returned allow you to see how many of each level of student has/had the respective major as a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or other major.
jusdh004 Aggregate major data by term (NTS): Includes two prompts for a term range. Returns one row per academic plan providing a simple count of the number of student active in the given plan at the end of the given term.
jusdh004a Aggr Major/sub-plan data by trm (NTS): Same results as jusdh004, but includes sub-plan information (aka concentrations)
jusdh005 Summary program data by term (NTS): Includes one prompt for a term. Returns one row for each academic program and a simple count of the number of students active in the program and enrolled at the end of the term.
jusdh006 Historical course enroll by yr (NTS): Includes prompts for an academic year range. Returns one row for each unique combination of subject/catalog #. Includes a count of the number of section and total students enrolled as well as course capacity. Can either be run for one course at a time, or leave the last prompt blank to run for all courses.
jusdh006a Hist course enroll by subject (NTS): Includes prompts for an academic year range. And s single subject area. Returns one row for each unique combination of subject/catalog # for all courses with the given subject entered. Includes a count of the number of section and total students enrolled as well as course capacity. Can either be run for one subject at a time, or leave the last prompt blank to run for all courses (very long list will return).
jusdh006b (NTS): Hist course enroll by term. Returns aggregate course data for a range of terms and a single subject area.
jusdh006c (NTS): Course enroll by acad org. Prompts for a single course academic org, and a range of academic years. Returns aggregate course data by subject.
jusdh007 Grade analysis by subject (NTS): Includes four prompts. A term range, and the ability to enter either a specific subject area or a specific academic org. Returns one row of data per combination of admit type (true Freshmen or Transfers) and subject with counts and percentages for each official grade. The jusdh007a and jusdh007c versions return similar results with different prompts.
jusdh007a (NTS) Similar to jusdh007, but returns data based upon a course vs. simply a subject.
jusdh007b (NTS) Similar to jusdh007, replaces subject with the actual course (subject and catalog number) and admit type is not present in the results.
jusdh007c (NTS):Similar to jusdh007, admit type is not present.
jusdh007d (NTS): includes withdrawals whereas other queries in the series do not.
jusdh007e (NTS): Grade analysis by sub/instr. Prompts for a term range, subject area and academic org code (of the COURSE, not the academic org of the instructor who taught the course). Includes W, WP and WF grades as well as an average grade points per course/instructor.
Jusdh007f (NTS): Grade analysis by attribute. Returns aggregate grade data for a term range, subject areas, academic org and course attribute. Selecting by attribute allows data to be returned for all of GNED, for example.
Jusdh007f1 (NTS): Includes instructor and course section aggregated data for grades.
Jusdh007g (NTS): Grade analysis by course lvl. This version allows for course catalog range, such as all 100 or 200 level courses
jusdh008 Avg term to graduate DUPS (NTS) Prompts for an academic year range. Returns one row of data per JMU graduate (does not include transfer students) with values for their gender, ethnicity and a number of terms they took to graduate. Of special note for this query; a term is included in the count if the student was enrolled in one or more hours for the given term, which could include Summer terms. Only major plans are included in the results. In this case, DUPS is defined by the fact we include academic plan information for the graduates, so this data will contain duplicates for those students graduating with more than one major/degree. To determine actual averages, send the results to Excel and use summary functions or a pivot table to further manipulate the data.
jusdh008a (NTS) Avg term to graduate NODUPS: Data returned similar to jusdh008. In this case, NODUPS is defined by the fact we do not display major information for the graduates, so this data is a more accurate reflection of the avg # of terms to graduate from JMU, minus the TRN students.
jusdh008b (NTS) Avg term to grad by plan: Similar data to jusdh008, separated by different populations. In this case, the population field is defined by whether or not a student graduated with one/more of the academic plans entered at run time. This allows one to compare average number of terms to graduate for their majors as compared to those in all other majors.
Jusdh008c (NTS): Avg term to grad by org. Similar results to others in this series, allows the results to be returned by academic org. The population field allows comparison of the terms to graduate for students IN the academic org vs. those NOT in the academic org.
Jusdh008d (NTS): Does not include the multiple populations like jusdh008c. jusdh008d1 is used in an BI publisher report for a graph.
Jusdh009 (NTS): Graduates by plan summary. Whereas the jusdh001 series is both term and academic plan based, this series is based upon actual degree conferred data.
Jusdh009a (NTS): Similar to jusdh009, but no citizenship data is returned.
jusdh010 List of enrollment messages (NTS): Prompts for a term and course. Returns one row of data with a count of the number of student’s who received a specific “message” during the registration process. Original purpose for this query was to determine how many students attempting to enroll in a specific course were receiving the message that the course was full. Course full is one of dozens of message a student may receive during the registration process.
jusdh011 Comparing tests to courses (NTS): Includes four prompts. Testid and test component, as well as a term (optional) and a course subject/catalog #. Original purpose was to determine any possible correlation between a student’s JMU math placement test score and their grade in MATH200.
jusdh012 Class enroll sum by facility (NTS): Includes a prompt for term and a building code. Returns aggregated data by enrolled status. Original purpose was to determine if there were more courses being dropped/withdrew from as a result of a particular academic department moving to Memorial hall
jusdh012a Class enroll sum by reason (NTS): Prompts for a range of terms and up to 5 courses (subject and catalog number, no spaces). Returns a row of data per course with aggregates of the various enrollment reasons. Enrolled, dropped, withdrew and (left on the) waitlist.
jusdh013 Enroll summ by major NODUPS (NTS): Includes three prompts. A term, and either a subject/catalog # or a subject area. Returns one row of data for each major taking a particular course with a count of the number of students from that major. Original purpose was to analyze which majors were taking courses predominately targeted as major only courses
jusdh013a (NTS): Enroll summ by plan DUPS. Created for Margot Zahner in IDLS to show counts (by academic MAJ) of who is in a specific course. Note added on 4/23/2008: cloned this query from the jusds037 and overwrote the older version of jusds037A which was usding jsr_acad_plans record. Users needed to run for older courses, so data was not appearing, hard coded the plan sequence number.
jusdh013b (NTS): Enroll summ by major range. Allows a range of terms vs. a single term value.
jusdh013c (NTS): Enroll summ by acad org. Allows for data to be returned by the academic org of the student taking the course.
jusdh013d (NTS): Enroll summ by lvl/type. Needed a version to return which academic levels and admit types were taking a course for a term range.
jusdh013e (TS): Course anal by plan. Prompts for a term and a single academic plan number. Returns aggregate data for courses being consumed by graduating seniors for a specific academic plan. Query written to allow all subjects thru, and provide a count and distinct count.
jusdh014 Requirements by student (TS): Includes two prompts. A term and an (optional) academic level. One row returned for each academic level (Freshmen, Sophomores, etc.) with stats on the number (and percentage) of degree requirements complete and incomplete.
jusdh015 Credit hour prod by org (NTS): Credit hour production is defined @ JMU by the Office of the Registrar as the total number of student enrolled in a course, multiplied by the # of credit hours for the course. This query returns such data by term and subject area for the academic organization provided at runtime. In this series, the academic org on the production rows is that of the course, on the consumption side it is of the major of the student taking the course.
Jusdh015a (NTS): Cr hour prod/consump by org. In this context, production is defined by the academic org of the course being taught. Consumption is defined by the academic org of major of the student taking the course. Of special note, these do not always align as expected, but the data returned by the query IS accurate. One should not necessarily expect that all courses “belonging” to ISAT, for example, will be consumed by ISAT majors. This due to the way the data has been configured across various academic orgs, colleges and departments. This version returns aggregated data by course subject area.
Jusdh015b (NTS): This version omits subject area, returns aggregated data by academic org only.
Jusdh015c (NTS): Credit hour production by location. Returns aggregated data by the location of the course.
jusdh016 Credit hour prod by org/instructor (NTS): Results similar to jusdh015, but by instructor.
jusdh016a Credit hour prod by subject (NTS): Results similar to jusdh015, but by subject
jusdh017 Grade analysis by plan (NTS): Prompts for a term, a course and up to four academic plan numbers. Returns counts and percentages of students receiving the standard ABCDF grades in the respective course. Pay special attention to the last column of data. It indicates whether the row returned is for the student population who are IN one of the academic plans entered or are NOT in. This allows one to compare grades for their majors as compared to those in the course who are not in their majors.
jusdh017a (NTS) similar to jusdh017; prompts for a term and either a subject/catalog number OR a subject. Since this query does NOT include academic plan information, the categories of in plan and not in plan are not present in this query.
jusdh017b (NTS) although this query does not return grade analysis data, it is similar in behavior to jusdh017, so is documented here. Query returns data related to courses taken by students IN and NOT IN prompted for academic plans and academic years. If you’re interested in seeing aggregate data about how many students in your major took a specific course, this is the query to run.
jusdh017c (NTS) is similar to jusdh017b, but adds the instructor and course section as result fields.
jusdh017d (NTS) Grade analysis by plan, ALL plans. Returns one row of data for each combination of course (for a given term range) and the academic plan of the student who took the course. Standard counts and percentages for each letter grade are returned. Note, due to the nature of academic data, some would consider the results as returning duplicate information. IF a student, who took a course, was double majoring, their data will be present in two rows, one for each of their majors. The same logic applies for the other academic plan types of minors, concentrations and pre-professional plans.
Jusdh017e Grade analysis by plan DROPPED (TS): Quite different from the other queries in this series. Prompts for an optional subject and course information, up to four academic plans, and a plan dropped date range. Returns one row of data per course with aggregate grade data for all students who have ever taken the course @ JMU who are active in the given plan(s). The second row of data returned is for all those students who dropped the given academic plan during the prompted for date range. Originally created for a faculty member who desired statistics on those students who dropped their major and how they had done on specific courses. This query is labeled as time sensitive (TS) due to the first row of data being returned; those students must be active in their academic program in order to be returned. You can use any date range desired. So if you want to look back over five years worth of data for those who have dropped your major, use an appropriate date range.
Jusdh017f (NTS): Grade analysis by degree. Returns grade analysis data by a degree value (BS, MS, BA, BFA, etc.)
Jusdh017g (NTS): Grade anal by course x 10. Allows for up to 10 courses to be run at one time.
Jusdh017h (NTS): Course analysis by plan. Allows a year range and course to be analyzed who from that major took the course as well as all students outside that major who took the course. Can be used to analyze who is consuming credit hours for a given set of values.
Jusdh018 Program completion by term (NTS): Prompts for a term range, returns aggregated results of the number of students who completed their UGEN(undergraduate) program of study. Term range defined over the students admit term. Students still active in their UGEN program are not included. Completed column defined as the program status=completed. Not completed column as all other values (excluding active).
Jusdh018a Program compl by term and plan (NTS): Allows a term range, a single academic plan number (leave blank to return all plans) and a plan type (MAJ, MIN, etc.) which can be left blank to return all plan types.
Jusdh018b Program compl by term/org (NTS): Allows a term range and an academic organization (leave blank for all)
jusdh019 (NTS): Retention data by plan. Prompts for two terms (use ONLY Fall term values) and up to four academic plan numbers. Returns one row of data for the first term entered for two different populations as follows.
10-Freshman retained for term xxxx. This row of data is defined as the student being active in the prompted for academic plan as of the census date for the first prompted term.
10-Freshman NOT retained for term xxxx. Is the inverse of a; these are students who were active in the prompted for academic plan as of the census date of the first prompted term, but were NOT in the prompted for academic plan as of the census date of the second prompted for term. Refer to column d for an explanation of the various returned columns.
Similar rows are returned for the three remaining academic levels; sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Counts are provided for the number of students who meet specific criteria.
The total students, female and male columns are obvious.
Underrep contains the total number of students whose ethnicity is Black, Hispanic or American Indian, defined for the purposes of this field as under represented.
The last three columns of data are really only meaningful for the row of data returned for NOT retained. The number in the active column is the total number of students who are active in their program as of the second prompted for term census date. Likewise for completed. The “other” column contains ALL program status’s other than active and complete, which include: Leave of Absence, Suspended, Discontinued, Dismissed and Deceased. Of special note again for the row of data which contains the word NOT. Pay special attention to the values in these three fields, as they indicate WHAT has happened to your students who you’ve NOT retained. The active column students are still @ JMU active in SOMEONE ELSES MAJOR, they left your major. The completed count can only include those who have completed their program of study, aka they graduated. And the other count was previously explained to mean all other program status’s.
The following table contains results for this query run for the accounting majors between the two Fall terms of 2012 ad 2013. The following details are an explanation of the eight rows of data returned by the query, by row number.
of the 20 freshman NOT retained, 10 were female, 10 male. 2 of these were underrepresented students. The 15 still active are the ones who dropped accounting as a major, and the 5 others are no longer active in their academic program; they are on a leave of absence, were suspended, etc.
86 freshman who were accounting majors the Fall of 2012 were still accounting majors the Fall of 2013; an 81% retention rate for that freshman class for that term.
This row returns data similar to row 1, but for sophomores
This row returns data similar to row 2, but for sophomores
This row returns data similar to row 1, but for juniors
This row returns data similar to row 2, but for juniors
This row returns data similar to row 1, but for seniors. Of special note, the completed column count indicates the number of seniors who completed their program of study; aka they graduated.
This row returns data similar to row 2, but for seniors.
Total students
10-Freshman NOT retained for term 1138
10-Freshman retained for term 1138
20-Sophomores NOT retained for term 1138
20-Sophomores retained for term 1138
30-Juniors NOT retained for term 1138
30-Juniors retained for term 1138
40-Seniors NOT retained for term 1138
40-Seniors retained for term 1138
jusdh019a (NTS) Retention data by College. Results similar to jusdh019, but the academic plan has been replaced with the “College” of the major.
jusdh020 (NTS) Median CUM GPA: Prompts for a single academic year and an optional academic org value. The academic org is used to select which academic plans (majors only) are returned in the results. Uses a connected query and BIP report so the underlying queries should NOT be run. Needs to be scheduled as a BIP report. Used to compare the median CUM GPA for graduates in four distinct populations as follows: 1: TRN with an associates degree 2: TRN w/o an associates degree 3: FYR with an associates degree 4: FYR w/o an associates degree. Allows user to compare “success” of the four specific populations.
jusdh021 (NTS): Median CUM GPA: Cloned from jusdh020 for UG Admissions who is more interested in comparing graduate populations by the graduating term and the specific community college from which they transferred. In this case, user must run BOTH queries jusdh021 and jusdh021a using the same graduation term and merge the results manually.
jusdh022 (TS): Comparing two courses (AKA Course Success Indicator). Do you think there may be a correlation between two courses and their source? Or whether course A taken AFTER course B equates to a more successful grade? This query provides the raw data to “prove your point”. Please bear with me as this query requires a bit of documentation to enable you to properly interpret the results. ONE indicator of a students success in a course is their official course grade. Grades are assigned a numeric value known as grade points per unit (GPPU). The GPPU range from a high of 4.0 for an “A” to 0 points for grades such as F, WP and WF. The basic scale is A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0 and D=1.0, with the + and – values in between. Many transfer and test credit courses receive 2.0 GPPU. In the degree progress world, each course also has what is known as a source. The values for course source are: E=course enrolled at JMU, I=Internal transfer course, S=Test credit and T=Transfer credit. This query contains 5 prompts as follows:
1st course: enter as you would any course subject and catalog number when running any of the jus queries; such as MATH220
1st course type: Enter a single character in the list E, I, S or T, or leave the prompt blank to allow all sources for a given course.
2nd course: similar to the first prompt, enter the course you want to compare to the first course.
2nd course type: again, either enter a single value from the list above, or leave it blank to allow all sources for a given course.
Current academic term: IF the current term has NOT had grades posted yet, enter the current term. IF grades have been posted, use the next term to allow the current term grades to be used.
An example: for the table below, I ran this query using the following values:
1st course: MATH205
1st course source: left blank
2nd course: MATH220
2nd course source: left blank
Current academic term: 1158
1st course
1st course source
1st course avg GPPU
2nd course
2nd course source
2nd course taken
2nd course avg GPPU
# students in this population
JMU course
JMU course
JMU course
JMU course
JMU course
JMU course
JMU course
Test credit
JMU course
JMU course
Test credit
JMU course
JMU course
JMU course
Test credit
JMU course
JMU course
Test credit
jusdh024 (NTS) Completion rates by college. Prompts for a 4 digit academic year representing the academic year of the respective admit term. Also includes a prompt for the academic year to use for comparison purposes. This query is hard coded to return data for just the primary major of all undergraduate students. The year range provided is used to determine those who completed (aka graduated or were conferred a degree) their program of study in the given range. The baseline begins with all undergraduates whose primary major is associated with the given college. The 2nd year prompt value is then used to determine the status of this same baseline population. At the end of the time period, a student will be present in one of the following statuses:
Completed their program of study (graduated, was conferred a degree)
Still active; is still actively pursuing the same program of study.
Did not complete; there are dozens of reasons all of which are lumped together into this field.
jusdh024a (NTS) Completion rates by plan. Similar to jusdh024, but this version allows the user to provide 1-5 academic plan numbers vs. jusdh024 which is for all colleges. Returns one row for each academic year (via the admit term) for the given college. Follows the plan of the student population as of the census date of their admit term. Includes both true freshman and transfer students. The completion, active and did not complete categories are all calculated as of the date the query is being run. Completed is a term assigned to the students academic program, it is synonymous with graduated or conferred a degree. None of the students represented in the “did not complete” field are still active. For a break down of the reasons they are no longer active, follow the drill down for a given year. In addition to the overall Completed % field, there are percentage fields to indicate whether the student was conferred a degree inside the college to which they were admitted, or outside the college to which they were admitted. Meaning, IF you are reading a row of data for the accounting major the % inside college field indicates the total percentage of students who were conferred a degree whose primary major was INSIDE the College of Business. Likewise; % outside college indicates the total percentage of the student population who were conferred a degree from a college other than COB even though they began their career @ JMU from within COB.
Select a displayed number in the “Did not complete” column. Returns one row of data for each combination of status and reasons along with a total number of students. Not all status actions have action reasons.
jusdh025 Transfer credits by plan (TS): Is NOT a query; to run this report navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. The FIRST time you run this report, you will need to add a run control, follow these steps:
Steps to add a new run control the first time you schedule a BI Publisher report.
From the Query Report Scheduler page, press the “Add a New Value” hyperlink.
In the “Run Control ID” field, enter the value “JUSDH025”then click the Add button
Use the drop down selection box to select “Connected Query”
In the “Report Name” field, enter the value “JUSDH025” and press Tab
The first of three prompt screens will appear. Enter a valid admit term and 1-4 ten digit academic plan numbers to be used in your report run, click OK to continue
The second of three prompt screens will appear. Enter the same values for the admit term and the 1-4 plan numbers. In the “Academic description for rpt” type OVER the default description which reads “PLEASE ENTER A DESCRIPTION FOR THE REPORT”. Enter a meaningful value to appear on the report, such as “Biology Majors”. Click OK to continue
The third of three prompt screens will appear. Enter the same admit term as previously entered, press OK to continue
You will be returned to the query report scheduler page, with all of the prompt values present. Press the Save button to save your values, then press the Run button. You will be advanced to the Process Scheduler Request Page.
On the Process Scheduler Request Page, use the drop down selection box for Server, select PSUNX.
In the Process List area, use the drop down in the “Type” field to select Email. Leave the default values, PDF in the “Format” field.
Press the Distribution hyperlink to advance to the Distribution Detail page.
On the Distribution Detail page, enter something meaningful (to you) in the “Email Subject” field. When the SA system emails you the report results, the text you enter in this field will appear in the email subject line. I suggest the following text “Data from the BI Publisher report in the SA system named jusdh025”.
Enter something meaningful in the Message Text field. I suggest the following text “is attached to this email”
Press OK, then OK again. The BI Publisher report has now been scheduled to run. You will be returned to the Query Report Scheduler page where you may enter new values for subsequent report runs. If you are finished running this report, simply navigate to another page.
Steps to use an existing run control; in other words, this is not the first time you’ve scheduled this report
Navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. IF you followed the first time instructions above, enter the text “JUSDH025” in the “begins with” field and press the Search button. If you’ve only entered one run control, it will be selected and you will advance to the Query Report Scheduler page. IF the values in the prompt fields are what you desire, press the Run button, then OK, the report will be scheduled and results emailed to you. IF you want to run the report using new values for the admit term and academic plans, press the “Update parameters” hyperlink located just above the “Query Parameters” text. Then follow steps from above to enter new prompt values and schedule your report.
Reading the results of the report
The title of the report includes which of three different populations for which the report was run. The report includes prompts which allow it to be run three different ways which will be reflected in the report title as follows:
Transfer credit by course for FYR, academic plan and term. Includes just true freshman; admit type=FYR
Transfer credit by course for TRN, academic plan and term. Includes just transfer students; admit type=TRN
Transfer credit by course for FYR & TRN, academic plan and term. Includes both true freshman as well as transfer students.
In the header of the report, there are two rows of data. The first row begins with the “Term” field. This row represents numbers for the admit term and academic plan numbers you entered, as follows.
# Admits: represents the total number of students admitted for the given admit term for all of the academic plan number you entered.
# w/trans credits: represents a distinct count of the number of your admitted students who had any type of transfer credits accepted by the Office of the Registrar’s transfer credit team.
% w/trans credits: represents the percentage of your admitted students who had any type of transfer credits accepted by the Office of the Registrar’s transfer credit team.
Transfer credit ranges: Represents the total number of your admitted students who had the total number of transfer credits in the given 4 ranges.
Also in the header row is a 2nd table with these fields present which represent the entire Freshman class for the given admit term:
Total for term: Represents the total number of students admitted for the entire University for the given admit term.
# Students w/zero transfer credits: Represents the total number of students for the given admit term who were admitted with no transfer credits. After the number in the cell is a percentage.
Freshman-Senior ranges: Each cell represents a number and percentage of each given population defined as a range of incoming transfer credit hours.
Course detail data
Course: A row of data will appear in the results for each course your students transferred for the given admit term.
Students w/Test/AP Credit: Represents the number of your students who had Advanced Placement (aka AP, or test credit) accepted for the given course
Students w/Dual Enrollment Credit: Represents the number of your students who had Dual Enrollment transfer credit accepted for the given course.
Total number of transfer courses. This row represents the total number of each category of transfer courses accepted. Do not attempt to reconcile these numbers with the number of students as these numbers represent COURSES not students.
This BI Publisher report can also be reconfigured and run to produce results for entire FYR or TRN populations vs. it’s original design to report by major. Contact Pete DeSmit for details on such runs.
jusdh026 Academic standing by college (NTS). Prompts for an academic term. Returns one row of data for each College. Returns aggregate data based upon the primary major of the Undergraduate student and their academic standing for the given term. To “drill down” to summary data for the given majors, follow the hyperlink labeled “Summary by major”. The Summary by major query returns one row for the given term for each primary major associated with the given College.
jusdh027 Graduate Loan Averages (NTS): This is NOT a query. Due to the nature of the data, it must be run as a BI Publisher report. Navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. IF this is the first time you’ve scheduled the report, you will need to add a run control. The report includes two sets of prompts, again due to the nature of the data. A range of academic years, 1-4 academic plan numbers OR a college code. The first prompt series will also include a 45 character field labeled “report title” which will appear in the header. A few notes about this report.
It is hard coded to only return undergraduate majors who have been conferred a degree.
The range of academic years is applied to the term the student graduated (was conferred a degree).
If a student received a dual degree or graduated with two/more majors, their data is included in the results
The average loan value includes the following 6 loan types: Loans – Other, Federal Perkins, Federal PLUS, Federal Subsidized Direct Loan, Federal Unsub Direct and Addl Federal Unsub Direct.
The % of students with loans field is calculated by dividing the distinct count of students receiving loans for the given academic year by the total number of distinct students in the given baseline population (undergraduate major’s conferred a degree) for the given academic year.