Status of Ratification/Accession/Acceptance/Approval:
11.08.1992 (r)
Ratification of the Amendment to the Basel Convention:
Not yet as of 20.11.2002
Competent Authority
Focal Point
Subscretario de Salud
Ministerio de Salud
Mc Iver No 541, Santiago
tel: (56-2)630-0406
fax: (56-2) 639-9461
web site:
Direccion de Medio Ambiente
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Catedral No 1143, Santiago
tel: (56-2) 679-4375 and 679-4373
fax: (56-2) 673-2152
web site:
National Definition
Chile is preparing a regulation on management of hazardous wastes that contains a national definition of waste and hazardous waste. This definition of wastes is also to be used for the purpose of transboundary movements. A Draft Law is being prepared by the National Congress, which, if approved, will prohibit the entry of hazardous wastes into Chile. This Draft Law would also contain the above-mentioned definitions of waste and hazardous waste.
Chile is in preparatory process to regulate/control additional wastes as hazardous that are not included in Art. 1 (1)a of the Basel Convention and would be controlled for the purpose of transboundary movements pursuant to Art. (1)b. Hazardous wastes that are not covered by the Basel Convention are being considered for inclusion in the above mentioned regulation.
Any wastes, even those that are not hazardous, require authorization from the National Sanitary Authority for every kind of management, including their transport.
Restrictions on Transboundary Movement
Amendment to the Basel Convention
The amendment to the Basel Convention (Decision III/1) has not been implemented in Chile.
Restrictions on export for final disposal and for recovery
Chile has no restrictions on the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery, when there are no national capabilities for treatment or disposal.
Restrictions on import for final disposal and for recovery
Chile is in a preparatory process to restrict import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery. A Draft Law is being prepared by the National Congress, which, if approved, will prohibit the entry of hazardous wastes into Chile.
Restrictions on transit
Chile is in a preparatory process to restrict the transit of hazardous wastes and other wastes. The Draft Law, if approved, will limit the transit of hazardous wastes.
Reduction and/or Elimination of Hazardous Waste Generation
National strategies/policies
Chile has implemented a policy of clean production in some production sectors.
Legislation, regulations and guidelines
Guidelines have been developed for each sector included in the clean production programmes.
Economic instruments/ initiatives
Measures taken by industries/waste generators
Sound environmental management for pesticide containers;
Hazardous waste components segregation in some waste streams.
Transboundary Movement Reduction Measures
National strategies/policies
Chile does not import wastes. Export of hazardous wastes is allowed when Chile has not capability to treat or dispose those wastes.
Legislation, regulations and guidelines
Economic instruments/ initiatives
Measures taken by industries/waste generators
Disposal/ Recovery Facilities
Disposal facilities
Hidronor S.A., Av. Vizcaia # 260, Santiago, tel: (56-2) 640-9364, fax: (56-2) 640-9372, treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes.
Recovery/recycling/re-use facilities
Some of the available facilities are:
Hidronor S.A., Av. Vizcaia # 260, Santiago, tel: (56-2) 640-9364, fax: (56-2) 640-9372, transformation of liquid residues in fuel;
Bravo Energy Chile S.A., Av. Las Industrias # 12 600, Maipú, tel: (56-2) 535-0514, transformation of liquid residues in fuel;
Procesan S.A., Cerro El Roble No 9661, tel: (56-2) 738-6089, fax: (56-2) 747-1009, incineration of wastes from health-care activities;
Sercoin S.C.I. Ltda., Las Acacias No 02519, San Bernardo, tel: (56-2) 528-3679, fax: (56-2) 528-2424, solvent reclamation/regeneration; and
Recycling Instruments Ltda., Cerro Santa Lucia No 9981-C, Quilicura, tel: (56-2) 747-1241, fax: (56-2) 747-1162, solvent reclamation/regeneration and used oil re-refining.
A complete list could be obtained from the Focal Point.
Bilateral, Multilateral or Regional Agreements
Technical Assistance and Training Available
The available sources are:
Ministry of Health, Mc Iver 541, Santiago; and
National Environment Centre, Av. Larraín # 9975, Santiago.