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Roth, W., Fraser, S. , Roychoudhury, A. (1993). The nature of scientific knowledge, knowing and learning: The perspectives of four physics students. International Journal of Science Education, 15(1), 27-44 // g6,CTL,CSC.

Roth, W., Verechaka, G. (1993). Plotting a course. Science and Children, 30(4), 24-27 // g5.

Roth, W. (1993). Problem-centered learning for the integration of mathematics and science in a constructivist laboratory: A case study. School Science and Mathematics, 93(3), 113-122 // g6,g7,P,M.

Roth, W., Roychoudhury, A. (1993). Using vee and concept maps in collaborative settings: Elementary education majors construct meaning in physical science courses. School Science and Mathematics, 93(5), 237-244 // g8,g9,CTL.

Roth, W. (1994). Experimenting in a constructivist high school physics laboratory. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 31(2), 197-223 // g6.

Roth, W., Roychoudhury, A. (1994). Physics students' epistemologies and views about knowing and learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 31(1), 5-30 // g6,CTL,CSC.

Roth, W. (1994). Student views of collaborative concept mapping: An emancipatory research project. Science Education, 78(1), 1-34 // g5,g7,CTL.

Roth, W. (1995). Affordances of computers in teacher-student interactions: The case of interactive physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32(4), 329-347 // g7,P,M,.

Roth, W. (1995). Vom Alltagswissen zum Schulwissen in der Physik: Ein Unterrichtsansatz zur Integration. In H. Behrendt (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie - Probleme und Perspektiven - Vortraege auf der Tagung fuer Didaktik der Physik / Chemie in Dresden, September 1995 (pp. 109-111). Alsbach: Leuchtturm-Verlag // g1.

Roth, W., Woszczyna, C. , Smith, G. (1996). Affordances and constraints of computers in science education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(9), 995-1017 // g6,P,M,.

Roth, W. (1996). Situated cognition. In R. Duit, Rhoeneck, C. von (Ed.), Lernen in den Naturwissenschaften (pp. 163-179). Kiel: IPN, Kiel // g1,SCON,SITL.

Roth, W., Tobin, K. (1996). Staging Aristotle and natural observation against Galileo and (stacked) scientific experiment or physics lectures as rhetorical events. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(2), 135-157 // g1,g5,g7,g8,P,M,.

Roth, W. (1996). Unterricht ueber einfache Maschinen im 6. und 7. Schuljahr - geplant und analysiert aus einer sozial-konstruktivistischen Perspektive des Lernens. Zeitschrift fuer Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 2(1), 39-52 // g6,P,M.

Roth, W., Lucas, K. (1997). From "truth" to "invented reality": A discourse analysis of high school physics students' talk about scientific knowledge. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(2), 145-179 // g6,CSC,LPRO.

Roth, W. (1997). The interaction of learning environments and student discourse about knowing,learning and the nature of science: Two longitudinal case studies. International Journal of Educational Research, 27(4), 311-320 // g7,CTL,CSC,LPRO,DISCOURSE.

Roth, W., Todd, A. (1997). The interaction of students' scientific and religious discourses: Two case studies. International Journal of Science Education, 19(2), 125-146 // g6,CSC,DISCOURSE.

Roth, W. (1997). Interactional structures during a grade 4-5 open-design engineering unit. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(3), 273-302 // g1,SCON,g7,LPRO.

Roth, W., McRobbie, C. , Lucas, K. , Boutonn , S. (1997). Why may students fail to learn from demonstrations? A social practice perspective on learning in physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34(5), 509-533 // g7,P,M,FORCE,DISCOURSE,.

Roth, W. (1998). Designing communities. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers // g1,SCON,g7,LPRO,DISCOURSE.

Roth, W. (1998). Science teaching as knowledgability: A case study of knowing and learning during coteaching. Science Education, 82(3), 357-377 // g8,CTL.

Roth, W.-M. (1998). Editorial. Learning process studies: Exapmles from physics. International Journal of Science Education, 20(8), 1019-1024 // g1,g7,LPRO.

Roth, W.-M., McGinn, M. (1998). Inscriptions: Toward a theory of representing as social practice. Review of Educational Research, 68(1), 35-59 // g1,SCON,MMEDIA,GRAPH.

Roth, W.-M. (1998). Starting small and with uncertainty: Toward a neurocomputational account of knowing and learning in school science laboratories. International Journal of Science Education, 20(8), 1089-1106 // g1,SCON,NEURO,SITL,g7,P,M,SIMM,LRPO.

Roth, W.-M. (1998). Teaching and learning as everyday activity. In B. J. Fraser, Tobin, K. G. (Ed.), International handbook of Science Education, Part 1 (pp. 169-181). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press // g1,SCON,g7,DISCOURSE.

Roth, W.-M., Boyd, N. (1999). Coteaching, as colearning, is practice. Research in Science Education, 29(1), 51-67 // g8,CTL,DISCOURSE.

Roth, W.-M., McGinn, M. K. , Woszczyna, C. , Boutonne, S. (1999). Differential participation during science conversations: The interaction of focal artifacts, social configurations, and physical arragements. The Journal Of The Learning Sciences, 8(3&4), 293-347 // g7,P,M,SIMM,LAB,DISCOURSE,LPRO.

Roth, W.-M., McGinn, K. , Woszczyna, C. , Boutonne, S. (1999). Differential participation during science conversations: The interaction of focal artifacts, social configurations, and physical arrangements. Journal of the Learning Science, 8(3&4), 293-347 // g1,SCON,DISCOURSE,P,M,SIMM,LPRO.

Roth, W.-M. (1999). Discourse and agency in school science laboratories. Discourse Processes, 28(1), 27-60 // g6,P,LAB,DISCOURSE.

Roth, W.-M., Boutonné, S. , McRobbie, C. J. , Lucas, K. B. (1999). One class, many worlds. International Journal of Science Education, 21(1), 59-76 // g7,P,CTL,CSC,DISCOURSE,g8.

Roth, W.-M. (2000). Artifical neural networks for modeling knowing and learning in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37(1), 63-80 // g1,g6,NEURO,CC,SCON.

Roth, W.-M. (2000). Autobiography and science education: An introduction. Research in Science Education, 30(1), 1-12 // g1,PHEN,g5.

Roth, W.-M. (2000). Learning difficulties related to graphing: A hermeneutic phenomenological perspective. Research in Science Education, 30(1), 123-140 // g1,SCON,GRAPHING,g7,GRAPH,VIDEO.

Roth, W.-M., Welzel, M. (2001). Die Geste: Das fehlende Bindeglied zwischen Handlung und Sprache. In S. v. Aufschnaiter, Welzel, M. (Ed.), Nutzung von Videodaten zur Untersuchung von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen (pp. 129-142). Muenster: Waxmann // g7,P,E,ESTAT,LPRO,VIDEO.

Roth, W.-M., Welzel, M. (2001). From activity to gestures and scientific language. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(1), 103-136 // g1,SCON,DISCOURSE,g7,LPRO,VIDEO.

Roth, W.-M. (2001). Gestures: Their role in teaching and learning. Review of Educational Research, 71(3), 365-392 // g1,GESTURES,g7.

Roth, W.-M. (2001). Learning science through technological design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(7), 768-790 // g1,SCON,g7.

Roth, W.-M., Lucas, K. B. , McRobbie, C. J. (2001). Students' talk about rotational motion within and across contexts, and implications for future learning. International Journal of Science Education, 23(2), 151-180 // g1,SCON,DISCOURSE,P,M,ROT.

Roth, W.-M., Tobin, K. , Zimmerman, A. , Bryant, N. , Davis, C. (2002). Lessons on and from the Dihybrid Cross: An activity - theoretical study of learning in coteaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39(3), 253-282 // g1,ACTIVITY THEORY,g7,B.

Roth, W.-M., Lawless, D. (2002). Science, culture, and the emergence of language. Science Education, 86(3), 368-385 // g1, SCON, GESTURES, g3.

Roth, W.-M. (2005). From normal to revolutionary science. In K. Boersma, M. Goedhart, O. De Jong & H. Eijkelhof (Eds.), Research and the quality of science education (pp. 3-14). Dordrecht: Springer // g1, SCON, ACTTH.

Roth, W.-M. (2007). "Vygotsky's neglected legacy": Cultural-historial activity theory. Review of Educational Research, 77(2), 186-232 // g1, ACTTH, INQUIRY.

Roth, W.-M. (2008). The nature of scientific conceptions: A discursive psychlogical perspective. Educational Research Review, 3(1), 30-50 // g1, SCON, DISCOURSE, CC.

Roth, W.-M. (2008). A question of competing paradigms? Cultural Studies of Science Education(3), 373-385 // g1, CC, SCON.

Roth, W. M., Roychoudhury, A. (1994). Science discourse through collaborative concept mapping: New perspectives for the teacher. International Journal of Science Education, 16(4), 437-455 // g5,g7.

Roth, W. M. (1995). What happens to a rock when you throw it in the water? Doing high school physics the physicists' way. In D. R. Lavoie (Ed.), Toward a cognitive-science perspective for scientific problem solving (pp. 80-111). Manhattan, Kansas: NARST // g1,g7,P.

Roth, W.-M., & Duit, R. (2003). Emergence, flexibility, and stabilization of language in a physics classroom. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(9), 869-897 // g1, CON, DISCOURSE, g7, P, NONLIN, CHAOS, LPRO, VIDEO.

Roth, W.-M., Jin Lee, Y., & Hwang, S. W. (2008). Culturing conceptions: From first principles. Cultural Studies of Science Education(3), 231-261 // g1, CC, SCON.

Roth, W.-M., & Lee, Y.-J. (2006). Contradictions in theorizing and implementing communities in education. Educational Research Review, 1(1), 27-40 // g1, ACTTH, SCON.

Roth, W.-M., Tobin, K., Carambo, C., & Dalland, C. (2005). Coordination in coteaching: Producing alignment in real time. Science Education, 89(4), 675-702 // g8.

Roth, W.-M., Tobin, K., & Ritchie, S. M. (2007). Time and temporality as mediators of science learning. Science Education, 92(1), 115-140 // g7, g8, CTL.

Rowell, J. A., Renner, V. J. (1976). Quantity conceptions in university students: Another look. British Journal of Psychology, 67(1), 1-10 // g6,P,M,GEN.

Rowell, J. A., Dawson, C. J. (1977). Teaching about floating and sinking: An attempt to link cognitive psychology with classroom practice. Science Education, 61(4), 243-251 // g6,P,M.

Rowell, J. A., Dawson, C. J. (1977). Teaching about floating and sinking: Further studies toward closing the gap between cognitive psychology and classroom practice. Science Education, 61(4), 527-540 // g6,P,M,.

Rowell, J. A., Dawson, C. J. (1979). Cognitive conflict: Its nature and use in the teaching of science. Research in Science Education, 9, 169-175 // g1.

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Rowell, J. A., Dawson, C. J. (1989). Towards an integrated theory and practice for science teaching. Studies in Science Education, 16, 47-73 // g1.

Rowell, J. A., Dawson, C. J. , Lyndon, H. (1990). Changing misconceptions: A challenge to science educators. International Journal of Science Education, 12(2), 167-175 // g1,g7,P,M.

Rowell, J. A. (1993). Developmentally-based insights for science teaching. Science & Education, 2(2), 111-136 // g1.

Rowell, J. A., Dawson, C. J. , Madsen, P. (1993). Probing students' non-scientific conceptions: A new tool for conventional and action-research in science teaching. The Australian Science Teachers Journal, 39(1), 62-68 // g5.

Rowell, P. M. (1990). Science concepts and children's writing: A preliminary study. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Victoria, 1-16 // g4,g5.

Rowell, P. M. (2004). Developing technological stance: Children's learning in technology education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 14(1), 45-59 // g1, TECHNOLOGY.

Rowell, P. M., Ebbers, M. (2004). Shaping school science: Competing discourses in an inquiry-based elementary program. International Journal of Science Education, 26(8), 915-934 // g7, g8, INQUIRY, CTL, DISCOURSE.

Rowlands, M. (2001). The development of children's biological understanding. Journal of Biological Education, 35(2), 66-68 // g6,B,HUMAN.

Rowlands, S. (2000). Turning Vygotsky on his head: Vygotsky's 'Scientifically Based Method' and the socioculturalist 'Social Other'. Science & Education, 9(6), 537-575 // g1,SCON,VYGOTSKY.

Royuk, B., & Brooks, D. W. (2003). Cookbook procedures in MBL physics exercises. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 12(3), 317-324 // g7, P, M, FORCE, LAB, MMEDIA.

Rozier, S., Viennot, L. (1990). Students' reasoning in thermodynamics. In P. L. Lijnse, Licht, P. , Vos, W. de, Waarlo, A. J. (Ed.), Relating macroscopic phenomena to microscopic particles: A central problem in secondary Science Education (pp. 36-49). Utrecht: CD-ß Press // g6,P,T,AT.

Rozier, S., Viennot, L. (1990). Students' reasoning in thermodynamics. Tijdschrift voor Didactiek der ß-wetenschappen, 8(1), 3-18 // g6,P,T,AT.

Rozier, S., Viennot, L. (1991). Students' reasonings in thermodynamics. International Journal of Science Education, 13(2), 159-170 // g6,P,T,AT,.

Rozin, P., Fallon, A. E. , Augustoni, M. (1985). The child's conception of food: The development of contamination sensitivity to "disgusting" substances. Developmental Psychology, 21(6), 1075-1079 // g6,B.

Rubba, P., Bradford, C. , Harkness, W. (1996). A new scoring procedure for the views on science-technology-society instrument. International Journal of Science Education, 18(4), 387-400 // g5.

Rubba, P. A., Andersen, H. O. (1978). Development of an instrument to assess secondary school students` understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge. Science Education, 62(4), 449-458 // g6,CSC.

Rubba, P. A., Horner, J. K. , Smith, J. M. (1981). A study of two misconceptions about the nature of science among Junior High School students. School Science and Mathematics, 81(3), 221-226 // g6,CSC,GEN.

Rubba, P. A., Harkness, W. L. (1993). Examination of preservice and in-service secondary science teachers' beliefs about science-technology-society interactions. Science Education, 77(4), 407-431 // g8,CSC,STS.

Rubin, E., Bar, V., Cohen, A. (2003). The images of scientists and science among Hebrew- and Arabic-speaking pre-service teachers in Israel. International Journal of Science Education, 25(7), 821-846 // g8, CSC.

Rubitzko, T., & Girwidz, R. (2005). Fotografieren mit einer virtuellen Kamera - Lernen mit multiplen Repräsentationen. Physik und Didaktik in Schule und Hochschule, 4(2), 65-73 // g7, P, O, MMEDIA.

Rubuitzko, T., Girwidz, P. (2004). Kognitive Flexibilität durch verschiedene externe Repräsentationen - Multimediaanwendungen zur Wärmelehre. In A. Pitton (Ed.), Chemie- und physikdidaktische Forschung und naturwissenschaftliche Bildung Band 24 (pp. 262-264). Münster: LIT Verlag // g7, P, T, MMEDIA.

Ruby, A. (2006). Improving science achievement at high-poverty urban middle schools. Science Education, 90(6), 1005-1027 // g7, g8, CTL.

Rudolf, S., Wiesner, H. (2001). Koennen Grundschulkinder grundlegende Phaenomene zum Schall verstehen? In R. Brechel (Ed.), Zur Didaktik der Physik und Chemie, L21 - Vortraege der Tagung fuer Didaktik der Physik / Chemie in Berlin, September 2000 (pp. 159-161). Alsbach: Leuchtturm-Verlag // g7,P,S.

Rudolph, J. L., Stewart, J. (1999). Evolution and the nature of science: On the historical discord and its implications for education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 35(10), 1069-1090 // g7,B,CSC.

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Rudolph, J. L. (2003). Some thoughts on portraying epistemology in today's classrooms: A reply to Garrison. Science Education, 87(1), 90-93 // g1, CTS.

Rudolph, J. L. (2005). Inquiry, instrumentalism, and the public understanding of science. Science Education, 89(5), 803-821 // g1, CSC, INQUIRY, DEWEY.

Ruesink, J., O'Connor, E., & Sparks, G. (2006). Biodiversity & ecosystem functioning: Exploring principles of ecology with agricultural plants. The American Biology Teacher, 68(5), 285-292 // g7, B, ECOLOGY, LAB.

Ruggieri, R., Tarsitani, C. , Vicentini-Missoni, M. (1993). The images of science of teachers in Latin countries. International Journal of Science Education, 15(4), 383-393 // g8,CSC.

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Ruiz-Primo, M., Shavelson, R. (1996). Problems and issues in the use of concept maps in science assessment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(6), 569-600 // g5.

Ruiz-Primo, M. A., Schultz, S. E. , Li, M. , Shavelson, R. (2001). Comparison of reliability and validity of scores from concept-mapping techniques. Journal of Research in Science Education, 38(2), 260-278 // g5.

Ruiz-Primo, M. A., & Furtak, E. M. (2007). Exploring teachers' informal formative assessment practices and students' understanding in the context of scientific inquiry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(1), 57-84 // gp, g8, CTL, DISCOURSE, VIDEO.

Rule, A. C., Baldwin, S., & Schell, R. (2008). Second graders learn animal adaptions through form and function analogy object boxes. International Journal of Science Education, 30(9), 1159-1182 // g7, B, GDD, ANA.

Rule, A. C., & Furletti, C. (2004). Using form and function analogy object boxes to teach human body systems. School Science and Mathematics, 104(4), 155-169 // g7, B, HUMAN, ANA.

Rumpf, H. (1976). Schullernen und die Bedrohung der Identitaet. In H. Rumpf (Ed.), Unterricht und Identitaet (pp. 9-28). Muenchen: Juvena // g2.

Russ, R. S., Scherr, R. E., Hammer, D., & Mikeska, J. (2007). Recognizing mechanistic reasoning in student scientific inquiry: A framework for discourse analysis developed from philosophy of science. Science Education, 92(3), 499-525 // g1, INQUIRY, DISCOURSE, CSC, g7, P, M.

Russel, D. H. (1956). Children's thinking. Waltham, Mass.: Blaisdell // g1.

Russel, T. (1993). An alternative conception: Representing representations. In P. J. Black, Lucas, A. M. (Ed.), Children's informal ideas in science (pp. 62-84). London: Routledge // g1.

Russel, T., McGuigan, L. (2003). Promoting understanding through representational redescription: An exploration referring to young pupils' ideas about gravity. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P., Tselfes, V., Hatzikraniotis, E., Fassoulopoulos, G., Kallery, M. (Ed.), Science education research in the knowledge-based society (pp. 277-284). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers // g7, P, M, GRAV.

Russel, T., & Martin, A. K. (2007). Learning to teach science. In S. K. Abell & N. G. Lederman (Eds.), Handbook of research on science education (pp. 1151-1178). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates // g1, CC, g7, g8, g9.

Russell, D. W., Lucas, K. B., McRobbie, C. J. (2004). Role of the microcomputer-based laboratory display in supporting the construction of new understandings in thermal physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(2), 165-185 // g7, P, T, DISCOURSE, LPRO, VIDEO, MMEDIA.

Russell, R. W., Dennis, W. (1941). Note concerning the procedure employed in investigating child anismism. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 58, 423-424 // g6,B.

Russell, T., Johnston, P. (1988). Teachers learning from experiences of teaching: Analyses based on metaphor and reflection. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 5-9, 1988. Session 12.19, "Teacher Reflection on Practice" // g8,CTL.

Russell, T., Harlen, W. , Watt, D. (1989). Children's ideas about evaporation. International Journal of Science Education, 11, 566-576 // g6,P,M.

Russell, T., Munby, H. (1989). Science as a discipline, science as seen by students and teachers' professional knowledge. In R. Millar (Ed.), Doing science: Images of science in Science Education (pp. 160-179). London, New York, Philadelphia: The Falmer Press // g1,g6,CTL,.

Russell, T., Watt, D. (1990). Evaporation and condensation. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press // g6,g7,P,T.

Russell, T., Longden, K. , McGuigan, L. (1991). Materials. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press // g6,g7,MATERIALS.

Russell, T., Munby, H. (1992). Teachers and teaching. From classroom to reflection. London, New York, Philadelphia: The Falmer Press // g8,g9,CTL.

Russell, T., Osborne, J. (1993). Constructivist research, curriculum development and practice in primary classrooms: Reflections on five years of activity in the science processes and concept exptoration (SPACE) project. In J. Novak (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University (distributed electronically) // g1,g9.

Russell, T. (1993). Learning to teach science: Constructivism, reflection, and learning from experience. In K. Tobin (Ed.), The practice of constructivism in Science Education (pp. 247-258). Washington, DC: AAAS Press // g9.

Russell, T. (1993). Misconceptions in learning to teach science: Student teachers' stories of unfulfilled expectations. In J. Novak (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University (distributed electronically) // g8,CTL.

Russell, T., Bell, D. , Longden, K. , McGuigan, L. (1993). Rocks, soil and weather. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press // g6,g7,ROCK,SOIL,WEATHER.

Russell, T., McGuigan, L. , Hughes, A. (1998). Forces. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press // g6,g7,P,M,FORCE.

Russell, T., McGuigan, L. (2001). Promoting understanding through represententional redescription: an illustration referring to young pupils' ideas gravity. In D. Psillos, Kariotoglou, P. , Tselfes, V. , Bisdikian, G. , Fassoulopoulos, G. , Hatzikraniotis, E. , Kallery, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Vol. 2 (pp. 600-602). Thessaloniki, Greece: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki // g1,CC,g7,P,M,GRAV.

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