Scientific Research Presentations with CWU Students
1. Johnson, J., S. Belmont*, R. S. Wagner (2007) Chytridiomycosis and declines of Pacific Northwest amphibian populations. Oral paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Mycological Society of America, Baton Rouge, LA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
2. Matheson, M., J. Hartel**, C. Whitaker*, L.K. Sheeran, J.H. Li, & R.S. Wagner. (2007) Self-directed behavior correlates with tourist density in free-living Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at the Valley of the Wild Monkeys, Mt. Huangshan , China. Oral paper accepted for presentation at the 30th annual meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Winston-Salem N.C. **Graduate Student- Psychology, *Graduate Student-CalState Fullerton, Anthropology.
3. McCarthy M.**, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Lester*, J.H. Li, and R.S. Wagner. (2007) Sequences of Tibetan macaque behaviors and tourist behaviors at Mt. Huangshan, China Oral paper accepted for presentation at the 30th annual meeting of the American Society of Primatologists, Winston-Salem N.C. **Graduate Student-Psychology, *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
4. Lester, M.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Li., R. Steven Wagner. (2007) Demography of Chinese Paddle-
tailed Salamanders (Pachytriton brevipes) Using Spot Pattern Recognition. Oral Presentation accepted for presentation at CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
5. McCoy, C.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Li., R. Steven Wagner. (2007) An abundance survey of Paa spinosa
in the Huangshan Scenic District, China. Oral Presentation accepted for presentation at CWU Symposium
on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
6. Belmont, S.*, J. Johnson, T. Englund, R. S. Wagner (2007) Death and Pestilence: a deadly fungus in a natural
population of Treefrogs. Oral Presentation accepted for presentation at CWU Symposium on University
Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
7. Peterson, L.*, J. Johnson, R. S. Wagner (2007) Phylogeography of Stubby Squid (Rossia pacifica). Oral
Presentation accepted for presentation at CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression,
Ellensburg, WA. *Graduate Student-Biological Sciences
8. McCarthy M.**, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Lester*, J.H. Li, and R.S. Wagner. (2007) Sequences of
Tibetan macaque behaviors and tourist behaviors at Mt. Huangshan, China. Oral Presentation accepted for
presentation at CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA.
**Graduate Student-Psychology, *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
9. Lester, J.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Li., R. Steven Wagner. (2007) Green Cascade Frog, Rana livida,
Detection in the Valley of the Wild Monkeys, Mt Huangshan, China. Oral Presentation accepted for
presentation at CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA.
*Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
10. Gain, J.*, R. S. Wagner, J. Johnson. (2007) Effects of the herbicide Roundup® on the growth of pathogenic
strains of Saprolegnia. Oral Presentation accepted for presentation at CWU Symposium on University
Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
11. Gaulke, C.*, J. Irwin, R. S. Wagner, J. Johnson (2007) Mechanisms of Mortality of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
in amphibians. Oral Presentation accepted for presentation at CWU Symposium on University Research and
Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
12. Belmont, S.*, J. Johnson, T. Englund, R. S. Wagner (2007) Teasing apart death and pestilence: demography
and infection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in a natural population of Pacific Treefrogs. Oral Presentation.
Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology, Victoria, Canada. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences. Best
Paper Presentation Award.
13. Gaulke, C., J. Irwin, R. S. Wagner, J. Johnson (2007) Pathophysiology of B. dendrobatidis. Oral Presentation.
Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology, Victoria, Canada. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences.
14. Lester, M.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Li., R. Steven Wagner. (2007) Population size estimates of Chinese
paddle-tail salamanders using mark-recapture with spot pattern recognition. Oral Presentation. Society for
Northwest Vertebrate Biology, Victoria, Canada. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
15. Irwin, J.T., J. Fry*, S. Cox*, R.S. Wagner, and D.M. Green (2007) Phylogeography of wood frogs (Rana
sylvatica): mtDNA cytochrome b sequences indicate a deep East-West division. Oral Presentation. Society for
Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, AZ *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
16. Belmont, S. *, J. Johnson, and R.S. Wagner (2006) Chytridiomycosis in Pacific Northwest amphibians: Death and pestilence in your backyard. Oral Presentation. Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network/Reseau Canadien de Conservation des Amphbiens et des Reptiles, Victoria, Canada *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
17. Lester, M.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Li and R.S. Wagner (2006) Abundance and demography of Chinese Paddle-Tail salamanders. Poster Presentation. Fifteenth Regional Conference On Undergraduate Research of the Murdock College Science Research Program, University of Portland, OR. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
18. Mullen, L*, J. Irwin, T. Englund and R.S. Wagner (2006) Consequences of dissolved oxygen and temperature on the respiration of Pacific Northwest stream associated salamanders. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences 1st Place Presentation Award
19. Charbonneau, J.*, T. Englund, R.S. Wagner (2006) Project CROAK! Community based research. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Graduate Student-Education 1st Place Presentation Award
20. Belmont, S.*, J. Johnson, R.S. Wagner (2006) Detection and prevalence of Bactrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Washington State. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
21. Bullock, E., T. Lamberte*, R.S. Wagner (2006) Aggregation and toxicity of buckminsterfullerene in water. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
22. Heer, T.*, C. Crisafulli, R.S. Wagner (2006) Phylogeography of a rare endemic mature forest-associated salamander. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
23. Peterson, L.*, R.S. Wagner (2006) Phylogeography of the Stubby squid (Rossia pacifica). Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Graduate Student-Biological Sciences
24. Fry, J.*, S. Cox*, R.S. Wagner, J. Irwin (2006) Deep East-West division of the Wood Frog, Rana sylvatica based on the sequence analysis of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
25. Smith, C.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Li, R.S. Wagner. (2006) Population monitoring of the mountain stream frog (Rana spinosa) in Huangshan, China. Poster Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
26. Cusack, A.*, R.S. Wagner (2006) Interaction of morphological color change and demography in Hyla regilla. Poster Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate-Biological Sciences
27. Ruesto, L.*, L. Sheeran, M. Matheson, J. Li., R.S. Wagner (2006) Investigation of possible impacts of tourist density, behavior, and decibel levels on Tibetan Macaque aggression. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Graduate Student- Resource and Environmental Management.
28. Hartel, J.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, J. Li., R.S. Wagner (2006) Post-conflict and self-directed behaviors in a population of Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Huangshan, China. Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Graduate Student- Psychology.
29. Mullen, L.*, J. Irwin and R. S. Wagner (2006) Respiration constraints of Pacific Northwest forest-associated salamanders: implications for stream management. Oral Presentation. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology. Olympia, WA. *Murdock Senior Honors Thesis student-Biological Sciences
30. Johnson, J., E. Dean*, S. Belmont*, D. Darda, S. Germaine and R.S. Wagner (2006) Chytridiomycosis: A Silent Spring for Pacific Northwest Amphibians. Oral Presentation. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology. Olympia, WA. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
31. Lackey, D.*, M. Matheson, L. Sheeran, Li, J., and R.S. Wagner (2006) Demography and non-invasive individual identification using spot patterns in Chinese salamanders (Pachytriton brevipes). Poster Presentation. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology. Olympia, WA. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
32. Cox, S.*, J. Fry*, R. S. Wagner, J. Irwin (2006) Phylogeography of Wood Frogs (Rana sylvatica): MtDNA cytochrome b sequences indicate a deep East-West Division. Poster Presentation. Oral Presentation. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology. Olympia, WA. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
33. Ruesto, L.*, L. Sheeran, M. Matheson, J. Li., R.S. Wagner (2006) Investigation of possible impacts of tourist density, behavior, and decibel levels on Tibetan Macaque aggression. Northwest Anthropological Conference, Seattle, WA. *Graduate Student- Resource and Environmental Management.
34. Mullen, L.* and R. S. Wagner (2005) The synergistic interaction of oxygen and temperature in temperature sensitive salamanders: implications for conservation and the evolution of lunglessness. Murdock Research Conference, Northwest Nazarene, ID. *Murdock Senior Honors Thesis student-Biological Sciences
35. King, J.*, J. Johnson and Wagner, S., (2005) Sublethal concentrations of the herbicide roundup increase the susceptibility of Northwest amphibians to disease pathogens. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA. *Graduate Student-Biological Science, Honorable Mention- Student Presentation Award.
36. Dean, E. *, Hackenberger, S., Henebry-Deleon, L. and S. Wagner (2005) Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in historic and prehistoric osseous tissue samples from the Kittitas Valley and Columbia Plateau. Poster Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
37. Peterson, L. * and S. Wagner (2005) Phylogenetics and specific taxonomy of the Stubby Squid Rossia pacifica. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA *Graduate Student-Biological Science
38. Englund, T., Charbonneau, J. **, Buchan, A., Dean, E. *, Hunn, S. *, Reisen, J. *, Winner, G. *, Wagner, S. (2005) The importance of long-term monitoring studies of Pacific Northwest amphibian populations. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA. **Graduate Student-Education, *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
39. Sullivan, A., Dehen, L. *, and S. Wagner (2005) Toxic effects of an invasive weed on amphibians: management implications. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA. , *Graduate Student-Biological Science
40. Dean, E. **, King, J. *, Johnson, J., Darda, D., and S. Wagner (2005) Chytridiomycosis: an impending decline in Pacific Northwest amphibians? Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA. , **Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences, *Graduate Student-Biological Science
41. Paulk, N.* and S. Wagner (2005) Assessment of synergistic effects of an herbicide and pesticide on amphibian larval development and mortality. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA. , *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
42. Lamberte, T**, Bullock, E., and S. Wagner (2005) Toxicological effects of fullerene nanoparticles (C60) on amphibian larvae. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA. **undergraduate student-Chemistry
43. Mullen, L. *, Buchan, A., Englund, T., and Wagner, S. (2005) Temperature and respiration constraints on cold-stream adapted amphibians: conservation implications. Oral Presentation. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA. , *undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
44. Buchan*, A., Charbonneau**, J., Johnson, K., Englund, T., Sun, L., Wagner, S. (2005) Project CROAK!: Balancing selection for color change in Hyla Regilla “It Ain’t Easy Bein’ Green”. Oral Presentation. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, Corvallis, OR. *Graduate Student-Biological Science, **Graduate Student-Education
45. Wagner, R.S., L. Mullen**, and L. Dehen*. (2005) Temperature and stress: implications for torrent salamander evolution and management. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, Corvallis, OR. *Graduate Student-Biological Science, **undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
46. King, J* and R.S. Wagner. (2005) Pacific northwest amphibian management and application of glyphosate based herbicides. Oral Presentation. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, Corvallis, OR. *Graduate Student-Biological Science
47. Dehen, L.* and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Adaptation to temperature stress in Torrent Salamanders: Expression of Heat Shock Proteins (Hsp 70). Oral Presentation. Northwestern Science Association, Ellensburg, WA. *Graduate Student-Biological Science
48. Ripplinger, J.* and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Phylogeography of northern populations of the Pacific Treefrog, Hyla regilla. Poster Presentation. Northwestern Science Association, Ellensburg, WA *Graduate Student-Biological Sciences
49. Buchan, A.*, L. Sun, and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Interaction of seasonal demography and color change in Pacific Treefrog, Hyla regilla. Oral Presentation. Northwestern Science Association, Ellensburg, WA *Graduate Student-Biological Sciences
50. Cauble, K.* and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Herbicide effects on metamorphosis of amphibian larvae (Rana cascadae). Poster Presentation. Northwestern Science Association, Ellensburg, WA *undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
51. Paulk, N.* and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Interaction of glyphosate and malathion on mortality and development in Cascades Frog (Rana cascadae). Oral Presentation. Northwestern Science Association, Ellensburg, WA *undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
52. Mullen, L*, P. Bryan, A. Buchan**, T. Englund and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Comparison of temperature effects on oxygen respiration in temperature sensitive amphibians: implications for conservation management. Poster Presentation. Northwestern Science Association, Ellensburg, WA *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences, *Graduate student-Biological Sciences
53. Charbonneau*, J., K. Johnson, T. Anderson, A. Buchan**, T. Englund, G. Aggett and S. Wagner. (2004) Project CROAK: Population dynamics of amphibians in Zillah, WA. Northwestern Science Association, Ellensburg, WA *Graduate student-Education, **Graduate student-Biological Sciences
54. King*, J. and R.S. Wagner (2004) Adaptive genetic variation of Northwest Amphibians to chemical stressors. Oral Presentation, 3rd CWU Conference of Graduate Student and Faculty Scholarship, Ellensburg, WA *Graduate student- Biological Sciences.
55. Dehen*, L. and R.S. Wagner (2004) Heat shock protein response in temperature sensitive forest-associated amphibians. Oral Presentation, 3rd CWU Conference of Graduate Student and Faculty Scholarship, Ellensburg, WA *Graduate student- Biological Sciences. Outstanding Student Presentation Award.
56. Buchan*, A., L. Sun, and R.S. Wagner (2004) Seasonal demography as a consequence of metabolism, behavior, and color morphology Hyla regilla. Oral Presentation, 3rd CWU Conference of Graduate Student and Faculty Scholarship, Ellensburg, WA *Graduate student- Biological Sciences. Honorable Mention- Student Presentation Award.
57. Wagner, R.S., J. Charbonneau*, K. Johnson, T. Anderson, A. Buchan**, Tim Englund, and Graeme Aggett (2004) Project CROAK: Population dynamics of amphibians in Zillah, WA: integrating teaching, scholarship and service. Oral Presentation, 3rd CWU Conference of Graduate Student and Faculty Scholarship, Ellensburg, WA *Graduate student-Education, **Graduate student-Biological Sciences
58. Paulk, N.* and R.S. Wagner. (2004) The effects of malathion and glyphosate on the survival and development of the Cascades frog (Rana cascadae). Oral Presentation, Symposium On Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate student- Biological Sciences. Honorable Mention-Student Presentation Award.
59. Lyman, J. * and R.S. Wagner (2004) Respiration effects of malathion and glyphosate on Western Toad (Bufo boreas) metamorphs. Poster Presentation, Poster Presentation, Symposium On Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
60. Cauble, K.* and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Herbicide effects on metamorphosis of amphibian larvae (Rana cascadae). Poster Presentation. Symposium On Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences. Honorable Mention -Student Presentation Award.
61. Mullen, L*, P. Bryan, A. Buchan**, T. Englund and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Oxygen respiration in mountain stream adapted amphibians and evolution of lunglessness. Oral Presentation. Symposium On Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences, *Graduate student-Biological Sciences
62. Dean, E* and R.S. Wagner (2004) Conservation and phylogeography of Van Dyke’s salamander (Plethodon vandykei). Poster Presentation, Poster Presentation, Symposium On Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences. 1st Place Presentation Student Award.
63. Mullen, L*, P. Bryan, A. Buchan**, T. Englund and R.S. Wagner. (2004) Oxygen respiration in mountain stream adapted amphibians and evolution of lunglessness. Oral Presentation. XIX International Zoological Conference, Beijing, China. *Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences, *Graduate student-Biological Sciences
64. Wagner, S, L. Dehen*, K. Cauble**, N. Paulk**, and J. King*. (2004) Genetic variation and sensitivity of Pacific Northwest (North America) amphibians to stressors. Oral Presentation. XIX International Zoological Conference, Beijing, China. *Graduate student-Biological Sciences, **Undergraduate student-Biological Sciences
65. Scott, J.* and R.S. Wagner (2002) Conservation genetics of Van Dyke’s salamander (Plethodon vandykei). Oral Presentation. Symposium On Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Ellensburg, WA. *Undergraduate student
Other Scientific Conference Presentations
1. Society of Northwest Vertebrate Biology (Victoria, Canada) “Synergistic interactions among a herbicide and amphibian pathogens: a potential evolutionary arms race.” (w/Johnson, J., T. Chestnut) March 2007
2. Society of Northwest Vertebrate Biology (Victoria, Canada) “Detecting a deadly amphibian disease: Are park visitors inadvertent vectors?.” (w/Johnson, J., T. Chestnut, E. Lund) March 2007
3. Joint Mathematics Association Meetings (New Orleans, LA) “Balancing selection and the evolution of color
variation in Pacific Treefrogs (Hyla regilla)-an Interactive Lively Activity Project (ILAP)” (w/ T. Englund)
January 2007
4. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (Ellensburg, WA) “Synergistic interactions among a herbicide and amphibian pathogens: a potential evolutionary arms race.” (w/Johnson, J., T. Chestnut) May 2006
5. CWU Symposium On University Research and Creative Expression (Ellensburg, WA.) “Natural freezing in Pacific treefrogs (Hyla regilla) overwintering at Engelhorn Pond, Ellensburg, WA.” (w/J. Irwin) May 2006
6. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (Ellensburg, WA) “Pestilence and Death: studies of amphibian declines in the Pacific Northwest” (w/J. Johnson) May 2006
7. Amphibian Disease Diagnostics Workshop. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (Olympia, WA) “Detecting Chytridiomycosis in Pacific Northwest Amphibians” (w/J. Johnson) March 2006
8. Amphibians’ Amphibian Disease Diagnostics Workshop. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (Olympia, WA) “Pathogen and Immune Defense in Amphibians” (w/J. Johnson) March 2006
9. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (Olympia, WA) Co-organizer, “Amphibian Disease Diagnostics Workshop” (w/T. Chestnut, E. Wind) March 2006.
10. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (Ellensburg, WA.) Chair & Moderator-Amphibian Decline Symposium & Roundtable Discussion. May 2005
11. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (Ellensburg, WA.) “Interdisciplinary approaches at CWU to address Pacific Northwest amphibian decline issues.” May 2005
12. CWU Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression (Ellensburg, WA.) “Preliminary report of tourist impact on aggression and social behavior in two Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) groups. (w/M. Matheson, L. Sheeran) May 2005.
13. Northwest Anthropological Conference (Spokane, WA) “Preliminary analysis of aggression and monkey-human interactions in habituated Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana), Huangshan, China.” (w/ M. Matheson, L. Sheeran) March 2005
14. Society for Information Technology & Teachers. (Phoenix, AZ) "Project Croak! - Technology and Curriculum Integration Through Field-based Studies of Amphibians.” (w/T. Englund, J. Charbonneau). March 2005.
15. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (Corvallis, OR). Potential negative effects of Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundicacea) on tadpole development through chemical toxicity (w/ A. Sullivan, L. Dehen). February 2005.
16. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (Corvallis, OR). Amphibian biodiversity and primate conservation research in Huangshan (Yellow mountains) of China (w/L. Sheeran, M. Matheson). February 2005.
17. National Science Teacher Association (Seattle, WA). Project CROAK! It ain’t easy bein green. November 2004 (w/ T. Englund, J. Charbonneau, A. Buchan, J. Johnson).
18. Central Washington University – Anhui University Interdisciplinary Research Symposium (Anhui, China). “Conservation genetics of Pacific Northwest amphibians: genetic diversity and adaptive genetic variation” August 2004.
19. XIX International Zoological Conference (Beijing, China) “Regional Phylogeography and Conservation of Pacific Northwest Amphibians” August 2004.
20. Northern Plains Biological Symposium (Invited Keynote Address: North Dakota State University, Fargo. North Dakota) “Regional Phylogeography and Conservation Genetics of Pacific Northwest Amphibians.” November 2003.
21. PNW-USFS Stream Interaction Annual Meeting (Longview, WA) “Phylogeography and Conservation of Van Dyke’s and Larch Mountain Salamanders.” February 2003
22. China Herpetological Society (Invited Keynote Address: Hangzhou, East China) “Conservation Genetics of Pacific Northwestern (North America) Salamanders.” November 2002
23. 1st Annual Graduate and Faculty CWU Research Symposium (Ellensburg, WA) “Genetic Tools for the Management of Wildlife: Chapter 1.” May 2002
24. Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology (Hood River, OR) “Conservation Genetics of Forest Associated Species: Salamander Tales”(w/ C. Crisafulli, D. Darda, L. Dehen, M. Macki). March 2002
25. Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology (Best Paper Award; Victoria, Canada) “Genetic Tools for the Management of Forest Associated Amphibians” (w/M. Pfrender) March 2001.
26. The Northwestern Chapter of the Wildlife Society (Spokane, WA) “Phylogeography of Plethodontid Salamanders”(w/M Pfrender). September 2001
27. Co-Organizer, “Definition of Conservation Units and Multi-scale Planning” (w/S. Haig). Society for Conservation Biology (Missoula, MT). June 2000
28. Society for Conservation Biology (Missoula, MT): The relationship between listing under the ESA and the Northwest Forest Plan: Conservation strategies for amphibians (w/S. Haig). June 2000
29. Society for Conservation Biology (Missoula, MT): Definition of conservation units and listing implications for Spotted Owls (w/S. Haig, E. Forsman, T. Mullins). June 2000
30. Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology (Invited; Ocean Shores, WA): Phylogeography and genetic structure in forest associated terrestrial salamanders of concern. March 2000
31. Society for Conservation Biology (Sydney, Australia): Species boundaries, ESU’s, MU’s and salamander complexes (w/S. Haig). July 1998
32. Society for Conservation Biology (Sydney, Australia): Genetic structure and status of Micronesian Kingfishers (w/S. Haig, J. Ballou). August 1998
33. Society for Conservation Biology (Victoria, Canada): Genetic differentiation and conservation in the Torrent Salamanders (w/S. Haig). June 1998
Community Presentations
1. Gates Foundation Scholars (Invited: Ellensburg, WA) “Death and Pestilence in Pacific Northwest Amphibians.” 2006
2. CWU College of Sciences Faculty Development (Ellensburg, WA) “Project CROAK! integration of science and teaching.” 2005
3. CWU Natural Science Seminar (Ellensburg, WA) “Biodiversity and Conservation Research in the Yellow Mountains of China (w/ M. Matheson, L. Sheeran).” 2004
4. PEO Ellensburg Chapter (Invited: Ellensburg, WA) “Conservation Research of Pacific Northwest Amphibians.” 2004
5. CWU Geography and Land Studies Symposium (Invited: Ellensburg, WA) “Geography, Genes and Conservation of Pacific Northwest Amphibians.” 2003
6. CWU Biological Sciences: Darwin’s Birthday Celebration (Ellensburg, WA) “Evolution of organelles.” 2003
7. Southern Oregon University- Department of Biology (Invited: Ashland, OR) “Salamander tales and other stories.” 2001
8. Central Washington University-Biology Department (Ellensburg, WA) “Mutation, DNA repair and vanishing frogs” 2001
9. 2001: Genetics Symposium, Davis High School (Invited: Yakima, WA): “Genetic applications for wildlife management.”
10. Natural Sciences Seminar, Central Washington University (Invited: Ellensburg, WA): “Conservation Genetics of forest salamanders.” 2000.
11. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Invited: Portland, OR): Genetic tools for the designation of conservation units (w/S. Haig). 2000
12. Utah State University-Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (Invited; Logan, UT): Phylogeography and conservation in forest associated Pacific Northwest salamanders. 2000
13. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Genetics Workshop (Invited): Genetics of reintroductions and augmentations. 2000
Guest Lecture Presentations
1. (Fall 2006) “Death and Pestilence in Pacific Northwest Amphibians” Human Ecology
2. (Spring 2006) “Amphibian Abundance and Mark-Recapture Techniques” Biol 493 Field Techniques
3. (Fall 2005), “Field Techniques for amphibian studies” Research Methods in Secondary Science Education.
4. (Fall 2005), “Project CROAK! a long-term natural selection and demography study” Zillah High School.
5. (Spring 2005), “Amphibian Demography and Genetics” STEP 101, Central Washington University
6. (Summer 2004), “Tree Frog Population Abundance and Genetics” STEP program, Renton High School.
7. (Fall 2004), “Project CROAK: why change color?”, Zillah Washington
8. (Fall 2003), “Genetic diversity and conservation of amphibians” Ephrata High School
9. (Fall 2003), “Project CROAK; Amphibian biodiversity in Zillah Washington”, Zillah Washington
10. (Summer 2003), “Mutation and DNA Repair” and “DNA extraction lab” STEP program, Central Washington University
11. (Spring 2003), “DNA structure” MESA program, Central Washington University
12. (Spring 2003), “Pond Breeding Amphibians” Field Biology, Central Washington University
13. (Fall 2002), “Biodiversity of Amphibians”, Human Ecology, Central Washington University
14. (Fall 2002), “What are amphibians and why should you care?”, Zillah High School, Zillah, Washington
15. (Spring 2002), “Mendelian genetics in humans”, MESA program, Central Washington University
16. (Spring 2002), “Conservation Genetics of Larch Mountain Salamanders”, Field Biology, Central Washington University
17. (Spring 2002), “Conservation and northwest amphibians”, Herpetology, Central Washington University
18. (Fall 2001), “Kinetics and rate properties”, Biochemistry, Central Washington University
19. (Summer 2001), “Metabolism and applications to fermentation products” Cell Biology, Central Washington University
20. (Spring 2001), “Methods of phylogenetic analysis” Mechanisms of Evolution, Central Washington University
21. (Spring 2001), “Conservation of Larch Mountain Salamanders” Field Biology, Central Washington University
22. (Winter 2001), “Conservation genetics and population viability analyses” Conservation Biology, Central Washington University
23. (Fall 2000), “Phylogenetic methods for the study of evolution” Mechanisms of Evolution, Central Washington University
24. (1997 & 1999), Graduate course “Genetics and Demography of Small Populations”. Oregon State University
University and Community Service:
1. I-90 Wildlife Monitoring Committee-member (2007-present), Department of Transportation
2. Associate Dean Search Committee-member (2006-present)
3. Washington Northern Leopard (Rana pipiens) Endangered Species Recovery Working Group
4. Animal Care and Use Committee (2004-present), CWU
5. University Undergraduate Research Committee-member (2001-present), CWU.
6. Graduate Committee (Biology) (2004-present)
7. Pre-Vet Advisor (2004-present)
8. Primate Behavior and Evolution, Faculty Member (2005-present).
9. Cell and Molecular Biology Working Group-member (2000-2004).
10. Biology/Peer-review of Teaching Group, coordinator (2004-2005)
11. Darwin Day Committee- Member (2004, 2006))
12. “Project CROAK!” Professional Learning Community-Research Coordinator, Zillah High School (2002-present).
13. Graduate Faculty-regular, CWU (2003-present)
14. Graduate Faculty-associate, CWU (2000-2003).
15. Molecular Developmental Biologist Search Committee-member (2004).
16. Biology Curriculum Committee-member (2002-2003).
17. Microbiology Position Search Committee-member (2001-2002).
18. Core Biology Working Group-member (2000-2002).
19. Developmental Biology Position Search Committee-member (2004-2005)
CWU Mentorship Award (2006) Symposium on University Research and Creative Expression. Ellensburg, WA.
Best Paper Presentation Award (2001)- Annual meeting for the Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology in Victoria, Canada. “Genetic Tools for the Management of Forest Associated Amphibians”.
Smithsonian Fellowship (1996)-selected as one of 25 promising young scientists from around the world to participate in a two-week workshop entitled “Recent Advances in Conservation Genetics” organized by Dr. Stephen J. O’Brien.
Alpha Zeta (1996)- Agricultural Fraternal Honor Society member.
Society Memberships:
Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology
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