Come and Study in Hungary

International Study Programmes in Medicine

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International Study Programmes in Medicine

University of Pécs Medical School

Courses offered in English and German
Dean of the Medical School: Professor Balázs Sümegi, Ph.D., DSc.

Address: English Program Office, H-7624 Pécs, Szigeti út 12., Hungary

English Programme Phone: +36-72-536-110, 536-001/1204, 1517

Fax: +36-72-536-110

English Programme E-mail:

English Programme Web:

Chairman of the English Programme: Prof. Júlia Szekeres-Barthó, M.D., Ph.D., DSc.

Contact person: Magdolna Kovács, M.D., Ph.D., DSc. Registrar
General information:

The Hungarian Accreditation Board accredited the medical programme in 1997. The faculty is listed in the directory of the World Health Organization. The medical programme is accredited by the United States of America.




Language of


Tuition fee per Semester


Doctor of Medicine

12 semesters

(6 years)


4500 USD



6 semesters

(3 years)

English or Hungarian

3000-9000 USD

Preparatory courses: These courses are organised for students who require additional instruction or review in basic sciences and languages (English, Hungarian) to prepare them to take the entrance examination for admission into the regular degree programme of the University. The course organised by the University of Pécs is eight months long, starting in October each year. The language of instruction is English. The tuition fee is 3000 USD.

Credit system: Courses are offered under the European Credit Transfer System. Credit transfer is subject to European Credit Transfer System regulations.

Admission process & requirements:

competence in English language, oral and written

strong basic knowledge in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

a completed application form

an officially attested English translation of the secondary school-leaving certificate

an officially attested English translation of the transcript of grades obtained in secondary school

certificates or higher courses (if any)

curriculum vitae in English

a passport size, recent photo

letters of recommendation

100 USD application and 150 USD entrance examination fee

successful completion of the entrance examination (Applicants holding a B.A. or a B.Sc. degree in Biology, Biochemistry or Chemistry might be exempted from this.)

Applications are accepted from graduates of accredited high schools or colleges.

Entrance examination: Entrance examinations are held in Hungary and at different locations in Europe, Asia and the United States between March and August each year. (Applicants holding a B.A. or B.Sc. degree in biology, biochemistry or chemistry might be exempted.) The decision about acceptance will be made on the basis of documents submitted and upon an entrance examination, which consists of a written test (Biology, Chemistry or Physics and English Language) and an interview (Biology and alternatively Chemistry or Physics).

Application Procedure: Application forms may be obtained from the English Programme Office, the local representatives of College International, and from Hungarian Embassies in many countries. The completed forms should be submitted to the English Programme Office or to College International, together with all the necessary enclosures. Deadline for application: for the first round 7 February, for the second round 30 April, and for the third round 30 June 2004. Late applications can be considered on request.

Notice: Students are expected to learn the basics of the Hungarian language during their first four semesters, in order to perform personal interviews with patients, beginning in the fifth semester.

Contact details for application: E-mail:

Deutschsprachiger Studiengang

Seit dem Wintersemester 2004/2005 bietet die medizinische Fakultät der Universität Pécs auch einen deutschsprachigen Studiengang an.

Zulassung und Studienberatung:

Universität Pécs

Deutsches Studienbüro

H-7624 Pécs, Szigeti út 12.

Tel.: 0036 72 536 001 / 1204 (Durchwahl)

Tel./Fax.: 0036 72 536 110


Die Zulassung zum Studium erfolgt nicht auf Grund der Ermittlung eines Numerus Clausus oder auf Basis eines Eignungstests. Über jede Aufnahme wird individuell entschieden. Die Zulassungskommission macht sich auf Grund der Abiturdurchschnittsnote, naturwissenschaftlicher Vorkenntnisse (z.B. naturwissenschaftliche Leistungskurse oder ein Studium in einem der naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer) und eventueller praktischer Erfahrung im Gesundheitswesen (Ausbildung, Zivildienst) ein Gesamtbild von jedem Bewerber. Maßgebend für die positive Beurteilung einer Bewerbung ist, dass der zukünftige Student die Kommission mit seiner Bewerbung davon überzeugt, dass er über genug Motivation, Fleiß und Ausdauer verfügt, um das Grundstudium erfolgreich zu absolvieren.


Bewerbungsgebühr 110,- €

Immatrikulationsgebühr 110,- €

1. Semester 5390,- €

2. Semester 5280,- €

3. Semester 4630,- €

4. Semester 4340,- €
Allgemeine Informationen:

Etwa 160 ungarische Studenten beginnen jährlich ihr Studium an der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Fünfkirchen. Darüber hinaus beginnen 80 Erstsemester den Medizinstudiengang in englischer Sprache und 90 Erstsemester in deutscher Sprache. Gelehrt wird in 23 Kliniken und an 24 Instituten, die sich mit der theoretischen Ausbildung befassen. Nach 6 Jahren Ausbildung wird der Titel „Dr. med.“ verliehen, der in allen Staaten der Europäischen Union anerkannt wird. In Deutschland können Sie den Titel als „Dr. med. (Univ. Pécs)“ führen.


Die Medizinstudenten an der Universität Fünfkirchen sind in so genannten „Studiengruppen“ von ungefähr 15-18 Studenten organisiert. Jede Studiengruppe wählt einen Gruppensprecher, aus diesen setzt sich der studentische Rat zusammen. Die Gruppensprecher sind das Bindeglied zwischen Studienbüro und Studentenschaft, sie organisieren Freizeitprogramme und sind Ansprechpartner für die Mitglieder ihrer Gruppe.

Die Fakultätsbibliothek befindet sich im 3. Stock des Hauptgebäudes, dort haben Sie Zugriff auf über 1000 internationale Fachzeitschriften. Des Weiteren hat jedes Institut eine Institutsbibliothek, wo Sie ausgewählte Fachliteratur finden.

Die Studenten haben freien Internetzugang von den Computerterminals der Universität aus.

Nach dem Sie einen positiven Entscheid über Ihre Bewerbung erhalten haben, erhalten Sie von uns eine Bücherliste, in der die benötigten Lehrbücher aufgelistet sind. Da deutschsprachige Fachbücher in Ungarn teurer als in Deutschland sind, raten wir Ihnen, diese zum Studienbeginn aus Deutschland mitzubringen.

Eine Mensa gibt es nicht, da sich die medizinische Fakultät aber unmittelbar im Studentenviertel der Stadt befindet, gibt es zahlreiche Studentenrestaurants, in denen Tagesmenüs für ca. 1.50 € angeboten werden.

Programmes offered in English, German, Italian, Russian, French, Latin and Spanish


Name of diploma:

Master of Arts degree


Teacher of modern European languages and literature

Language of instruction

The given language

Length of study programme

10 semesters


English, Russian, Italian, German, French, Latin classical

Philology, Spanish (BA)

Admission requirements

Secondary school leaving exam

Entrance exam oral and written

Application procedure

Application deadline:

        application form

        Secondary school leaving certificate

        Oral, written and practical examination

15 May each year

Tuition fee

Registration fee: 100 Euro

1000-3000 Euro/semester, depending on programme,

Part time study, credit transfer


Postgraduate studies


Doctor of Liberal Arts in painting or sculpture (DLA)

Length of study programme:

6 semesters (3 years)


metal / stone / ceramic sculpture

Course description:

The Master School of Fine Arts of Pécs provides a three-year postgraduate art training programme in the fields of painting or sculpture. The Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA) training programme of the Master School of Fine Arts, which, for the first time, made it possible to obtain a university doctorate degree in the field of fine arts, was introduced in the academic year of 1995-96. The training of Doctors of Liberal Arts offers the possibility of higher education for those outstandingly talented young artists, who became autonomous artists by the end of their undergraduate studies and for whom permanent and supported professional improvement is required. Several traditional methods are also available, such as bronze casting, marble carving and grinding, and monumental wall-painting techniques. Otherwise new materials and media are used in the creative work. The professors’ common intention is to teach young artists the different ways of using certain materials, devices and methods in order to become sovereign individuals with high professional knowledge and technical experience. We attach great importance to foreign relations with partner institutions. The Master School exchanges exhibitions with Hungarian and foreign partner institutions. Famous guest professors are invited to offer short, intensive courses, which make the theoretical and practical training more complete.

Application procedure:

The Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA) training programme of the Master School of Fine Arts, which, for the first time, made it possible to obtain a university doctorate degree in the field of fine arts, was introduced in the academic year of 1995-96.


The training of Doctors of Liberal Arts offers the possibility of higher education for those outstandingly talented young artists, who became autonomous artists by the end of their undergraduate studies, and for whom permanent and supported professional improvement is required.


Several traditional methods are also available, such as bronze casting, marble carving and grinding and monumental wall-painting techniques. Otherwise new materials and media are used in the creative work.


The professors’ common intention is to teach young artists the different ways of using certain materials, devices and methods in order to become sovereign individuals with high professional knowledge and technical experience.


We attach great importance to foreign relations with partner institutions. The Master School exchanges exhibitions with Hungarian and foreign partner institutions. Famous guest professors are invited to offer short, intensive courses, which make the theoretical and practical training more complete.

Application procedure:

In the first stage, potential applicants should write a letter of

request for an application form (to be returned by 15 May).

The completed application form must be accompanied by:


1)   a curriculum vitae, (eleven copies)


2) a copy of your first degree, (eleven copies)


3)  foreign-language certificate (not your mother tongue) (eleven copies)


4) a three-year project proposal (split into six half years) eleven copies)


5) a portfolio of your works to date.

6) application form (eleven copies)

7) voucher of the application fee (eleven copies)

Application deadline:

at the beginning of June each year

Please, contact the professors before the deadline, min. 1 month, and show them your work.

Tuition fee:

2500 USD per semester


This includes course fees, materials and studio, but not accommodation

or living expenses.

More information:

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