Compendium of acronyms october 25, 2017 index

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J - Flux
J & A - Justification and Approval

JAPCA - Journal of Air Pollution Control Association
JASPER - Joint Actinide Shock Physics Experimental Research
JATS - Job Application Tracking System
JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JCEDAR - Joint Committee on Environment and Development in the Arab Region
JCL - Job Control Language
JCP - Joint Committee on Printing
JEC - Joint Economic Committee
JECFA - Joint Expert Committee of Food Additives
JEIOG - Joint Emissions Inventory Oversight Group
JFMIP - Joint Financial Management Improvement Program
JFO - Joint Field Office
JFOCG - Joint Field Office Coordination Group
JHA - Job Hazard Analysis
JHQ - Job Hazard Questionnaire
JIC - Joint Information Center
JIS - Joint Information System
JLC - Justification for Limited Competition
JMPR - Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues
JNCP - Justification for Noncompetitive Procurement
JOC - Joint Operations Center
JOFOC - Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition
JOHSC - Joint Occupational Health and safety Committee
JP-8 - Jet Fuel
JPA - Joint Permitting Agreement
JPAS - Joint Personnel Adjudication System
JPG - Jefferson Proving Ground (Indiana)
JPO - Joint Program Office
JRIES - Joint Regional Information Exchange System
JSD - Jackson Structured Design
JSI - Job Severity Index
JSP - Jackson Structured Programming
JSP - Java Server Pages
JTC - Joint Technical Committee
JTF - Joint Task Force
JTR - Jobs Through Recycling Program
JTR - Joint Travel Regulations
JTTF - Joint Terrorism Task Force
JTU - Jackson Turbidity Unit
JUDO - Judicial Officer Case Tracking System
JUXOCO - Joint UXO Coordination Office
JV - Journal Voucher
JVM - Java Virtual machine


K - Contract

K - Kelvin
Kd - Soil-Water Partition Coefficient
Koc - Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient
Kow - Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient
k - Kilometers
k2 - Square Kilometers
K list - Listed Hazardous Wastes from Specific Sources
KAPL - Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
keV - Kilo Electron Volt
kg - Kilogram
kg/ha/yr - Kilograms per Hectare per Year
kg/hr - Kilograms per Hour
KGRA - Known Geothermal Resource Area
kg/t - Kilograms per Metric Ton
kg/yr - Kilograms per Year
kHz - Kilohertz
KINEROS2 - Kinematic Runoff and Erosion Model, v2
K-ing - Contracting
KIPDA - Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency
km - Kilometer
kN - Kilonewton
KO - Contracting Officer
KOV - Knock Out Vessel
KP - Permeability Coefficient
Kr - Contractor
KSCATS - Kirkwood Highway Sydney Control Adaptive Traffic System
kPa - Kilopascal
kVa - Kilovolt Ampere
kw - Kilowatt
kwh - Kilowatt Hour
KWIC/UNVAC - Research Triangle Park Fey Word in Context Index


L - Limited Aquatic Life Use

l - Liter
LA - Load Allocations
LAA - Lead Agency Attorney
LAB - Linear Alkylbenzenes
LABCOM - US Army Laboratory Command
LABELS - Region 3 Mail Labels System
LABPROP - Laboratory Property Management System
LAC - Latin America and the Caribbean
LAC - Limits of Acceptable Change

LADCo - Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium

LADD - Lifetime Average Daily Dose

LADD - Lowest Acceptable Daily Dose
LAER - Lowest Achievable Emission Rate
LAI - Laboratory Audit Inspection
LAKE - Clean Lakes Database
LAMP - Lake Acidification Mitigation Project
LaMP - Great Lakes Lakewide Management Plan
LAMS - Lake Analysis Management System
LAN - Local Area Network
LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory
LAN/MAN - Local Area Network/Metropolitan Area Network
LAO - Local Administrative Officer
LAO - Local Area Operations
LAO - Local Area Office
LAP - Laboratory Analytical Protocol
LAP - Load, Assembly and Pack
LAR - Legislative Appropriation Request
LARA - Lead Abatement Risk Assessor
LASH - Lighter Aboard Ship
LB - Laboratory
lb - Pound
LBAU - Lab automation System
LBB - Legislative Budget Board
lb/d - Pounds per Day
lb/ft2 - Pounds per Square Foot
LBGR - Lower Bound Gray Region
LBI - Limited Background Investigation
LBL - Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
LBNL - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LBP - Lead Based Paint
LBPACD - Lead Based Paint Architectural Component Debris
lbs/hr - Pounds per Hour
LBV - Low Band Video
LC - Lethal Concentration
LC - Liquid Chromatography
LC - Loading Capacity
LC - Locked Closed
LC50 - Concentration of a Toxicant that is Lethal to 50% of the Organisms Tested in a Specified Period
LCA - Life Cycle Analysis

LCA - Life Cycle Assessment

LCA - Local Cooperation Agreement

LCCA - Lead Contamination Control Act
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LCD - Local Climatological Data
LCD - Local Climatological data annual summary with comparative data
LCL - Lower Control Limit
LCLo - Lowest Published Lethal Concentration
LCM - Life Cycle Management
LCMIS - Life Cycle Management of Information Systems
LCP - Local Coastal Program
LCPM - Life Cycle Project Management
LCRA - Lower Colorado River Authority
LCRS - Leachate Collection and Removal System
LCS - Laboratory Computer System
LCS - Laboratory Control Sample
LCS - Leachate Collection System
LD - Land Disposal
LD - Lethal Dose
LD - Light Duty
LD50 - Median Lethal Dose (i.e., dosage of a toxic substance which kills 50% of the test animals)
L&D - Lock and Dam
LDAR - Leak Detection and Repair
LDC - London Dumping Convention
LDCRS - Leachate Detection, Collection and Removal System
LDD - Light Duty Diesel
LDDT - Light Duty Diesel Truck
LDDV - Light Duty Diesel Vehicle
LDEQ - Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
LDF - Land Disposal Facility
LDGT - Light Duty Gasoline Truck
LDH - Lactic-Acid Dehydrogenase
LDIAD - Laboratory Data Integrity Assurance Division
LDIP - Laboratory Data Integrity Program
LD LO - Lowest Dosage of a Toxic Substance that Kills Test Organisms
LDMS - Region 2 Lab Data Management System
LDPE - Low Density Polyethylene
LDPFA - Land Disposal Program Flexibility Act
LDPHDN - Lead Additive Report for Refineries and Importers and Manufacturing
LDR - Land Disposal Restrictions
LDRD - Laboratory Directed Research and Development
LDRRDDB - Land Disposal Restrictions Rule Development
LDRTF - Land Disposal Restrictions Task Force
LDS - Leak Detection System
LDS - Light Duty Vehicle/Truck Certification
LDSFE - Fuel Economy
LDT - Light Duty Truck
LDT - Lowest Dose Tested
LDV - Light Duty Vehicle
LEA - Local Educational Authority
LEA - Local Enforcement Agency
LEA - Low Excess Air
LEAF - Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation
LEC - Local Emergency Coordinator
LED - Light Emitting Diode
LED - Low Emission Diesel
LEDO - Long Term Effects of Dredging Operations
LEL - Lower Explosive Limit
LEL - Lower Exposure Limit
LEL - Lowest Effect Level
LEP - Laboratory Evaluation Program
LEPC - Local Emergency Planning Committee
LEPD - Legal Enforcement Policy Division
LEPOR - Long-term and Expanded Program of Oceanic Exploration and Research
LERAM - Littoral Ecosystem Risk Assessment Model
LERC - Local Emergency Response Committee
LERD - Land, Easements, Rights-of-way, and Disposal Areas
LERR - Land, Easements, Rights-of-way, and Relocations
LERRD - Land, Easements, Rights-of-way, Relocation and Disposal Areas
LES - Law Enforcement Sensitive
LEV - Low Emissions Vehicle
LEVEL8(A) - TSCA 8(a) Level A Information System
LF - Low Frequency
LFG - Landfill Gas
LFL - Lower Flammability Limit
LGP - Low Ground Pressure
LGR - Local Governments Reimbursement Program
LH - Labor Hours
LHDDV - Light Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle
LHMA - Labeling of Hazardous Materials Act

LHV - Low Heating Value

LHW - Liquid Hazardous Waste
LI - Langelier Index
L&I - License and Inspection
LIBBKS - Headquarters Book System
LIBR - Research Triangle Park Library
LID - Low Impact Development
LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging
LIFE - Community Financial Instrument for the Environment
LIFO - Last In / First Out
LIH - Licensed Industrial Hygienist
LIMB - Limestone-Injection Multi-Stage Burner
LIMDIS - Limited Distribution
LIMS - Laboratory Information Management System
LIQ - Liquid
LIRAP - Low Income Vehicle Repair, Assistance, Retrofit, and Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Program
LIRAQ - Livermore Regional Air Quality Model
LISTS - Locator and Information Tracking System
LITS - Litigation Support System
LLDPE - Linear Low Density Polyethylene
LLEXT - Liquid Liquid or Solvent Extraction
LLNL - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LLR - Lessons Learned Report
LLRW - Low Level Radioactive Waste
LLRWPA - Low Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act
LLTSM - Low Level Threat Source Material
LLW - Low Level Waste
L/M - Line Management
LME - Low Mass emissions
LMF - Logical Mainframe
LMFBR - Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor
LMM - Lumbar Motion Monitor
LMMP - Limited Map Maintenance Program
LMO - Living Modified Organism
LMOP - Landfill Methane Outreach Program
LMOS - Lake Michigan Ozone Study
LMR - Labor Management Relations
LMS - Linearized Multistage Model
LMVD - Lower Mississippi Valley Division
LNAPL - Lighter than Water Non-aqueous Phase Liquid
LNB - Low Nitrogen Oxides Burner
LNEP - Low Noise Emission Product
LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas
LNO - Liaison Officer
LNRD - Land and Natural resources Division
LO - Lack of Objectives
LO - Locked Open
LOAEL - Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
LOC - Level of Concern
LOC - Library of Congress
LOC - Loss of Containment
LOC-TFCS - Letter of Credit, Dept. of Treasury Financial Communications System
LOCATOR - Mail Locator
LOD - Limit of Detection
LOE - Level of Effort
LOEC - Lowest Observed Effect Concentration
LOEL - Lowest Observed Effect Level
LOI - Letter of Intent
LOI - Loss on Ignition
LOIS - Loss of Interim Status
LONGZ - Long Term Terrain Model
LOOK-UP - On-line Account Status and payment History
LOP - Letter of Permission
LOQ - Level of Quantification
LOQ - Limit of Quantitation
LOR - Liquid Organic Reactor
LOS - Level of Service
LOSS - Licensed On-site Supervisor
LOTMP - Lake Ontario Toxics Management Plan
LOU - Limited Official Use
LOV - Letter of Violation
LP - Legislative Proposal
LPAH - Low Molecular Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPIG - Low Pressure Inert Gas
LPM - Low Permeability Media
lpm - Liters per Minute
LPP - Local Protection Project
LPST - Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank
L & Q - Limitations and Qualifications
LQAC - Laboratory Quality Assurance Coordinator
LQER - Lesser Quantity Emission Rates
LQG - Large Quantity Generator
LQHUW - Large Quantity Handlers of Universal Waste
LQMM - Laboratory Quality Management Manual
LRAD - Long Range Alpa Detector
LRMP - Land and Resource Management Plan
LRMS - Low Resolution Mass Spectroscopy
LRO - Labor Relations Officer
LRPO - Location Radiation Protection Officer
LRR - Limited Reevaluation Report
LRT - Light Rail Transit
LRT - Liquids Release Test
LRTAP - Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution
LRTP - Long Range Transportation Plan
L/S - Liquid to Solid
LSA - Labor Surplus Area
LSD - NEIC Laboratory Services Division
LSC - Laboratory Services Coordination
LSC - Logistics Section Chief
LSI - Large Spark Ignition Engines
LSI - Legal Support Inspection
LSL - Lump Sum Leave
LSO - Laser Safety Officer
LSPC - Loading Simulation Program in C++
LST - Low-Solvent Technology
LT - Lifetime
LTA - Lead Trial Attorney
LTA - Less Than Adequate
LTBMU - Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
LTC - Long-Term Concentration
LTCS - Long Term Contracting Strategy
LTD - Land Treatment Demonstration
LTD - Long Term Disability
LTHE - Low Temperature Heat Exchanger
LTI - Less Than Interesting
LTL - Less than Truckload Quantity
LTMS - Long Term Management Strategy
LTO - Landing Takeoff Cycle
LTOP - Lease to Purchase
LTPD - Long Tons per Day
LTR - Lead Technical Representative
LTRA - Long Term Remedial Action
LTRL - Long Term Remediation List (formerly the NPL)
LTRMP - Long Term Resource Monitoring Program
LTTD - Low Temperature Thermal Desorption
LTU - Land Treatment Unit
LT1ESWTR - Long Term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
LT2ESWTR - Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
LUAP - Land Use Allocation Program
LUCIFER - Listing of Organic Compounds Identified in Region 4
LUFT - Leaking Underground Fuel Tank
LUIS - Label Use Information System
LULC - Land Use/Land Cover
LULU - Locally Undesirable Land Use
LUST - Leaking Underground Storage Tank
LVE - Low Volume Exemption
LVM - Low Volatility Metals
LVS - Laboratory Ventilation Data System
LVSSS - Large Volume Suspended Sediment Sampling
LWA - Light Weight Aggregate
LWAK - Light Weight Aggregate Kiln
LWCF - Land and Water Conservation Fund
LWDII - Lost Workday Injury and Illness
LWOP - Lease with Option to Purchase
LWOP - Leave without Pay
LWRP - Large Scale Watershed Restoration Program
LZ - Landing Zone

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