WP 7 - To create VI content for thermal analysis and calorimetry
WP No:7
Starting Date: Month 4 Duration: 28 months
Total Effort
MD 194
Task Description/Contribution
Effort (MD)
Task 7.2 Member Compile Good practice guides database
Task 7.5 Member Integration of THERSYST database
Task 7.3 Member Compile Standards database.
Task 7.4 Member Compile List of available certified reference materials for temperature and heat calibration
Task 7.1 Member Compile List of research laboratories and projects
WP 7 leader
Task 7.0 Member Compile List of manufacturers, equipment providers etc
Task 7.5 Member Compile and review Database for existing data in the field of calorimetry and thermal analysis
3 Participants (*without labour costs)
All Tasks
Sub-contract costs
Tasks 7.0 – 7.5, Database compilation and use of other existing databases – via NPL
Other project specific costs
Task 7.1, Design costs for newsletters – via NPL
€ 1,250
WP 7defines the content for Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis. It will contain a number of different databases related to providers, consultants and testing laboratories, good practice guides, and databases for publications, standards and reference materials. A regular newsletter and an e-mail discussion group will also be established. The content of the databases will be reviewed with potential industrial members and accredited laboratories.
Task 7.0 Compile list of European manufacturers, suppliers and service providers in the field of calorimetry and thermal analysis. This database will propose a tool for selecting calorimeter type (DSC, reaction, solution, combustion, gas, etc) and the calorimetric technique (DSC, isothermal, adiabatic, isoperibolic) and will be applications oriented.
Task 7.1 Compile list of research laboratories and research projects in the field of calorimetry and thermal analysis. This guide will also provide information on new field of research in calorimetry and thermal analysis. This task group will also provide a regular newsletter on this matter.
Task 7.2 Develop a database for good practice guides. This database will collect and examine existing guides. The task group also will identify additional industry needs.
Task7.3 Develop a database of the existing standards in the national, European, international collections. Provide links with the ISO working groups, ASTM E37 and other groups. The task group will also identify the needs for additional standards in the field.
Task 7.4 Identification of available certified reference materials and sources of supply for temperature and heat calibration, for heat capacity calibration. Additional reference materials (not certified) will also be identified. A database with materials properties, uncertainty, recommendations of use, toxicity, .. will be elaborated. Needs for additional reference materials will be identified
Task 7.5 Collect, compile and review databases for existing data in the field of calorimetry and thermal analysis (heat capacity, enthalpies, etc) - especially THERSYST database for heat capacity.
D7.0 to D7.5 Sets of data compiled in tasks 7.0 to 7.5 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site – months* 12 - 30
D7.6 Approved compiled data reviewed for phased insertion into the live EVITherM web site – months* 12 - 30
Milestones and criteria
M7.0 Draft report defining the form and the content of the EVITherM database as regards thermal analysis and calorimetry - month 9
M7.1 Sets of data compiled in tasks 7.1 to 7.5 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site - months* 12 - 30
M7.2 Phased completion of approved inputs to EVITherM live website - months* 12 - 30
* Note. A plan defining the target dates for phasing information generated within this WP into the EVITherM website will be developed by the steering committee in WP1 during the first 6 months of the project
WP7 depends on WP1 (general definition, review and harmonisation of technical content) and interacts with WP2 and WP3 as necessary in order that the needs of industry are addressed. WP7 will also be developed in conjunction with the other scientific workpackages to ensure that interrelated technical issues are adequately covered and appropriate links between corresponding themes are incorporated in the EVITHerM web site.