WP 6 - To create VI content for emissivity and other infrared-optical properties
WP No:6
Starting Date: Month 1
Duration: 33 months
Total Effort
175 MD
Task Description/Content
Effort (MD)
WP 6 leader
Task 6.0 – Member Determine the form and content of the tasks and review it with industry.
Task 6.5– Member Identification of the community and common tools for R&D and R&T projects.
Task 6.2 – Member Compile Database of qualified sources of technical data for relevant materials.
Task 6.1 – Member Compile Database of measurement providers, of testing equipment, of facilities and testing laboratories in Europe.
Task 6.4 – Member Compile Database of available reference materials and relative sources of supply.
Task 6.3 – Member Compile Database of best practice guides, of procedures and of use of measurement devices.
2 New members
Task 6.5 - Member Compile Database of norms, accreditation rules and legal metrology requirements in Europe and other contents to be defined after VI approval
Tasks 6.2 – 6.5, Organising meetings with industry and research institutions and report publication costs - Via CNR- IMGC
WP 6 defines the content for emissivity and other infrared-optical properties.
It will contain guides to best practice in the use, measurement and standardisation of equipment used in this field. It will input qualified data to the database related to measurements providers, consultants and testing laboratories and contain information relevant to specific industrial areas, reference materials, reports of meetings and latest developments. Databases for research activities, measurement providers, reference materials and sources of technical data will also be developed. The content will be reviewed with potential industrial users.
Description of Work Tasks
Task 6.0 Interact with the key members to determine the form and content of the various tasks. Define the content interacting with interested parties especially in industry. Evaluation of material from other WPs pertinent to this field. Provide a critical review of all data entries in the various databases generated in this WP, identifying strengths and weaknesses.
Task 6.1 Determination of the form and the content of a database that includes all facilities for measurements in this field in Europe. The construction of the database will include: measurement providers, measurement devices, testing equipment, calibration and testing laboratories in Europe. The database will be user oriented for industrial requests.
Task 6.2 Identify qualified sources of technical data in this field. Provide a review of the identification of relevant materials from appropriate data sources and a summary of their strengths and weaknesses. Review the best sources of data for various applications (radiation thermometry, remote sensing, heat exchange etc)
Task 6.3 Create a database that will collect existing material related to best practice guides, measurement procedures and use of measurement devices. Provide a review of existing material and identify additional needs. Compile a list of general reference sources in this field.
Task 6.4 Identification of available certified reference materials and their sources of supply for all properties in this field. Additional reference materials (not certified) will also be identified. A database with materials properties, uncertainty, aids to use, etc will be constructed. Needs for additional reference materials will be identified.
Task 6.5 Compile a review of topics of interest and an overview of technology and research outputs in the field plus an overview of where future work is required. This database will include a research partner tool for increasing the interaction between SMEs, NMIs and universities, to promote relevant R&D projects in this field. In addition construct a database, user oriented for industrial requests, of norms, accreditation rules and legal metrology requirements in this field and identify additional needs. Provide links with organisations for standardisation and with accreditation bodies.
D6.0 Report defining the form and content of this area of the VI - month 9
D6.1 to D6.5 Sets of data compiled in tasks 6.1 to 6.5 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site – months* 12 - 30
D6.6 Approved compiled data reviewed for phased insertion into the live EVITherM web site – months* 12 - 30
M6.1 Sets of data compiled in tasks 6.1 to 6.5 for review on pre-release EVITherM web site - months* 12 - 30
M6.2 Phased completion of approved inputs to EVITherM live website - months* 12 - 30
* Note. A plan defining the target dates for phasing information generated within this WP into the EVITherM website will be developed by the steering committee in WP1 during the first 6 months of the project
Interrelation with other work-packages
WP6 depends on WP1 (general definition, review and harmonisation of technical content) and interacts with WP2 and WP3 as necessary in order that the needs of industry are addressed. WP6 will also be developed in conjunction with the other scientific workpackages to ensure that interrelated technical issues are adequately covered and appropriate links between corresponding themes are incorporated in the EVITHerM web site.