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Participle mint melléknévi igenév, azaz jelző

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Participle mint melléknévi igenév, azaz jelző

a folyamatos melléknévi igenév – Ige + ing

pl. running water → folyó víz

smiling girls → mosolygó lányok
a befejezett melléknévi igenév – 3. alak

pl. boiled egg → főtt tojás

used car → használt autó
a beálló melléknévi igenév – to + 1. alak

pl. things to do →elvégzendő dolgok

a book to read → egy elolvasni való könyv

(az újságcikkek címében ez a szerkezet jövő időt jelent)

Ne felejtsük el, hogy a jelző felveszi a jelzett szó mondatbeli értékét, vele mindig szoros egységben áll.

Ha a jelző egyelemű, a jelzett szó előtt, kifejezésértékű jelző viszont a jelzett szó után áll.

Who is that smiling girl?

Who is that smiling girl wearing a red pullover?
Néhány ige után állhat to + 1. alak és Ige + ing

- jelentéskülönbség nélkül pl: start, begin

It started/began to rain/raining.→ Elkezdett esni az eső. Azt használom, ami eszembe jut, a jelentés nem


- különböző jelentéssel pl: stop, try, forget, remember etc.

stop + to+1.alak→megáll, hogy csináljon valamit

pl: He stopped to talk to his old friend. →Megállt, hogy beszélgessen a régi barátjával.

stop + ige+ ing→abbahagy valamit

pl. They used to be good friends, but they fell out and stopped talking to each other. →Régebben jó

barátok voltak, de összevesztek és nem beszélnek egymással.

try, forget, remember – ha előre nézek, és a következő cselekvést mondom, akkor to + 1. alakot kell használni.

pl. I forgot to lock the door. →Elfelejtettem bezárni az ajtót.

Ha visszanézek és azt mondom el, hogy eddig mit próbáltam, vagy felejtettem el, akkor ige + ing

pl. I can’t remember meeting him. → Nem emlékszem a vele való találkozásra.

I tried everything, even putting some oil in the lock. → Mindent megpróbáltam, még olajat is próbáltam tenni

a zárba.

Key West Barber to Trim Chicken Population

By Laura Myers

KEY WEST, Fla. (Reuters) - In the latest of battles against the strutting, …1…population of cocks, hens and chicks, city officials in Florida's southernmost city are hiring a local barber…2… and curb the feathered fowl.

Key West's city commission agreed on Tuesday night …3…up to $20,000 to hire Key West native Armando Para to capture the cluckers and haul them out of town, likely to a farm in Brooksville, Florida, north of Tampa.

"There's some places chickens shouldn't…4…," Para said on Wednesday, …5…to follow the city's orders when his contract is finalized in late January.

Assistant City Manager John Jones estimates Key West has 1,500 to 2,000 chickens roaming the free-spirited 2-mile-by-4-mile island, one of Florida's most popular tourist destinations.

Jones envisions a …6…population of 1,000 to quiet the complaints of bleary-eyed residents -- many who work nights and are awakened by crowing creatures.

The chickens -- a presence in Key West since the early 1900s, when cockfighting was popular in the rowdy …7…village -- also are a nuisance to the island's newer breed.

"One of the other problems is that rich people come down here, landscape their yards and don't appreciate the chickens …8…them up," Jones said.

Tom Hambright, Monroe County's historian, said the chicken population has exploded within the last decade. "In the 1970s, we had a lot of street people and a lot of the chickens disappeared into pots." he said.

Katha Sheehan, …9….around town as the "chicken lady" and owner of a popular memorabilia store dedicated to chickens, ran for mayor in October, but wasn't elected. …10…city leaders with 4,700 signatures from people favoring chickens, she urged creation of a chicken park.

"We ask that you hold them dear," she said. "We can't export our problems."

1. a. free-roaming 2. a. catch 3. a. to pay 4. a. is 5. a. pledged

b. roaming free b. to catch b. paying b. to be b. pledging

c. freely c. caught c. pay c. be c. to pledge

6. a. reducing 7. a. fishers 8. a. messing 9. a. to know 10. a. Presented

b. reduce b. fishing b. to mess b. knowing b. Presenting

c. reduced c. fishermen c. mess c. known c. To present

'Viking Village' Hopes Cruelly Dashed

LONDON (Reuters) - Archaeologists were excited …1…what they thought was the first evidence of ninth century Viking settlement in Scotland.

They had spent days painstakingly …2…the site after 50-year old Marion Garry said she had …3…an unusual arrangement of smooth, flat stones a few feet below the surface of her garden in Fife.

"We thought we'd hit the jackpot," Scottish archaeologist Douglas Speirs told newspapers.

But as they cleared the site, doubts began …4…− what for example was a 1940s baby pacifier doing in there? Never mind, modern objects are often …5…in archaeological digs.

Only when the area was completely excavated and materials…6… did the horrible truth dawn -- the stones were nothing more significant than a 1940s sunken patio.

"After all our efforts, you can…7… how silly we feel," said Speirs.

Ms Garry said that she was looking forward to …8…the patio into a new garden feature.

"It looks quite messy now but I think it will …9…very pretty with flowers and plants …10…around it during the summer," she said.

a. excavating

b. look

c. to arise

d. turning

e. found

f. to find


h. uncovered

i.be changed

j. analyzed

k. explore

l. imagine

m.turned out

n. growing

o. raised

'Honey, Feel Like Saving a Little Water?'

MANILA (Reuters) - Couples in the Philippine capital have been asked…1… start sharing the tub at bath time as part of a conservation drive.

"Start sharing baths …2…your partner…3… conserve water," the environment department advised the parched capital's 12 million residents.

Unseasonably dry weather …4…depleted water levels in the main reservoirs supplying the metropolis and officials …5…meeting on Friday …6…consider rationing and other measures.

Environment Secretary Elisea Gozun warned things…7… get worse before the monsoon season begins in May and said officials were "sounding the alarm early…8… avoid a water shortage."

As a haze of pollution masked blue skies over Manila on Friday, the weather bureau said fewer typhoons…9… normal at the end of last year caused water levels to drop and that the city …10…not expect a rainy reprieve for several months.

To hurry things along, officials plan to start cloud-seeding to raise water levels in the reservoir.

No Mini-Skirts, Country Tells Women Workers

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Authorities in Malaysia's conservative Terengganu state plan…1… ban non-Muslim women …2…mini-skirts or figure-hugging dresses …3…work as part of a drive against indecency, state officials…4… Monday.

Muslim women will …5…to wear headscarves and loose dresses to office, they said, …6…employers risked …7….their business licenses and face fines…8… the staff flouted the rules.

"The general policy is that non-Muslim women …9…dress decently," said Hadi Awang, chief minister of the northeastern state …10…leader of the hardline Islamic party PAS.

PAS or Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS) is the main opposition party in Malaysia where general elections …11…due this year.

"The PAS government …12…not tolerate females, including those from different religions, …13….such clothes during working hours," one state official said.

It wasn't immediately known when the ban…14… come into force.

Women's groups railed against the …15…ban.

"It's clearly an encroachment of the private space of women …16…in Terengganu," said Cynthia Gabriel, a women's rights advocate for the Kuala Lumpur-based Voice of Malaysia.

"It's certainly a step backward," she…17…..

PAS, the main threat to Malaysia's multi-racial government coalition, recently unveiled plans for an orthodox Islamic state, …18…strict sharia laws.

It rules just two of the 13 states in multi-racial, multi-religious Malaysia.

But in the two states PAS runs, gambling is banned and so …19…dancing and public consumption of liquor by non-Muslims. Men and women are required…20… use separate checkouts at supermarkets.

6. Összetett mondatok, kötőszók
Ahogy már eddig is láttuk, a magyar nyelv több összetett mondatot használ. Angolul igeneves szerkezettel, vagy a segédigék második jelentésével, vagy egyéb módokon fejezik ki ugyanazt a tartalmat. De vannak összetett mondatok, a tagmondatok kezdetét az új alany jelzi. Vesszőt, mint a magyarban, ne keressünk, nem feltétlenül van. Ha a nyelvtani feladatunkban két tagmondat között van az a bizonyos számozott üres hely, akkor nagy valószínűséggel kötőszót keresünk. A mondat értelméből kiindulva találjuk meg a legmegfelelőbbet a mellérendelő összetett mondatok kötőszói közül.

and, or, but – igen laza kapcsolatot feltételez, lehet a második tagmondatban is kérdő szórend, vagy jövő idő

általában a két tagmondatban párhuzamos a nyelvtani szerkezet, de a but ki is szólhat a szituációból és használhatok pl. más igeidőt, mint ami a mondat elejéből következne.

although, though – habár A magyarhoz hasonlóan használjuk, általában az első tagmondat elején.

however – azonban Nem tartozik közvetlenül a mondatba, vesszővel választjuk el tőle

still – mégis, mégsem Ezt is vessző választja el a mondattól.

if, provided, even if,− ha, feltéve, mégha,

as if, as though − mintha, úgy mintha,

when, as soon as – amikor, mihelyt A feltételes mondatok szabályai szerint.

because – mert

that’s why – ezért

so – így
A függő kérdésnél az összes kérdőszó egyben kötőszó is. Kérdőszó nélküli kérdéseknél if/whether.

Ha több dolog közül kell választani, akkor csak a whether – or használható.

A magyartól eltérően nincs utalószó –kötőszó azaz pl. akkor, amikor, csak a kötőszó maga pl. when.
A függő beszéd állító mondatait összeköthetjük a that kötőszóval, de nem mindig szükséges.

pl. He told me that he wanted to buy a new car.

He said (that) he wanted to buy a new car.
Vonatkozó mellékmondatok
Két fajtája van, az elsőben a mellékmondat tartalmilag fontos része a főmondatnak. (Defining)

A második mondatban a főmondathoz plusz információt fűz. (Non- defining)

A kötőszavak a what kivételével azonosak a kérdőszavakkal, az ami/amit – that, illetve which.
Ezek szerint: who – aki/akit, that/which – ami/amit, amely/amelyet, where—ahol, when—amikor

(the way) how – ahogy, (the reason) why – amiért
Ha a mellékmondat fontos része a főmondatnak, néha bele is olvad kijelölő jelzőként. Megteheti ezt akkor, ha tárgy, vagy pedig elöljárós szerkezet.

pl. A pohár, amelyből iszol, az enyém. Melyik pohár? Amelyből iszol. – kijelölő jelző

The glass you are drinking from is mine.

De meg is maradhat kijelölő jelzős mellékmondatnak.

The glass that you are drinking from is mine.
Ha ez a mondatot feleletválasztós tesztfeladatban a következőképpen fordulhat elő:

The glass …1…you are drinking from is mine.
1. a. what

b. who

c. –

Természetesen a c a helyes válasz, mert a what nem vonatkozó névmás, a who személyre vonatkozik, de ez a mellékmondat jelzőként beépülhet a főmondatba. Ránézésre a glass is főnév, a you is főnévi értékű, nincs vessző köztük, tehát semmi akadálya. Ha a c.—helyett c. that lenne megadva, az is helyes lenne.

Ha viszont ugyanez a mondat Cloze, azaz kiegészítős feladatban jelenik meg, akkor csak a that a helyes, mert az üres helyre egy szót kell írnom.

Ugyanez személyekről.

pl: A fiú, akivel beszéltél, a barátom.

Melyik fiú? Akivel beszéltél – kijelölő jelző

The boy you talked to is my friend.
Ezt a fajta kijelölő szerkezetet nagyon gyakran használják, ha a mellékmondat állítmánya létige lenne. (magyarul lévő, álló, fekvő stb)

pl. Ülj a sarokban lévő székre.

Sit down on the chair in the corner.

A pad, amelyik a kertben áll, még a nagyanyámé volt.

The bench in the garden belonged to my grandmother.
Ha a mellékmondat alany, akkor természetesen nem építhető jelzőként a főmondatba, és nem hagyható el a kötőszó sem.
pl. A fiú, aki ebben a házban lakik, Péter iskolatársa.

The boy who lives in this house goes to the same school as Peter.
A pohár, ami tegnap érkezett, az enyém.

The glass that arrived yesterday is mine.
Ez a mondat feleletválasztós tesztfeladatként az alábbi módon fordulhat elő.
The glass …1….arrived yesterday is mine.

1.a. that

b. –

c. what

Természetesen az a. lenne a megoldás, mert főnév és ige találkozik, ami azt jelenti, hogy valami kell, a what nem vonatkozó névmás, tehát marad a that helyes megoldásnak.
Ha az „ami” az egész mondatra vonatkozik, akkor vesszővel választjuk el a főmondattól és which kötőszót használunk.

pl: He played the piano all day, which annoyed the neighbours.

Egész nap zongorázott, ami idegesítette a szomszédokat.
Ugyancsak which áll that helyett, ha az elöljáró előre kerül. pl. This is the painting about which I have already

talked to you.

A többi vonatkozó névmás mindig megjelenik a mondatban.pl: This is the hotel where I stayed.

It was a Sunday when I first saw you.

This is the way how it is done.

That’s the reason why he never visited us again.

Ha a főmondat szempontjából elhagyható plusz információt akarok közölni, megtehetem közbeékeléssel, két vessző közé. Ilyenkor a that helyett mindig which áll, és megjelenhet a who tárgyesete a whom, elöljáróval, vagy anélkül.


Budapest, which is the capital of Hungary, is a beautiful city.

My grandmother, who is over eighty, likes chocolate very much.

My half-sister, who(m) I have never met, lives in the USA.

Madrid, where I spent my holiday last year, is the capital of Spain.
Some Opera Really Is Hard to Follow, Study Finds

By Paul Tait

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Perplexed by Puccini? Bewildered by Berlioz?

Opera buffs …1…have to sneak a peek at the subtitles to understand the words being sung no longer need to feel embarrassed.

A new study has found it's not their hearing that's the problem …2…the way sopranos amplify their voices to be heard above the boom of the orchestra.

A study by physicists at the University of New South Wales has found …3…a soprano's ability to sing powerfully in the high register comes at the cost of clarity.

A study published in the Nature journal Thursday (www.phys.unsw.edu.au/~jw/soprane.html) examined …4…sopranos boost the sounds coming from their vocal cords by adjusting the shape of their vocal tract.

The vocal tract is a fleshy tunnel, including the mouth and tongue, through …5…sound travels and resonates. It has several resonances that boost or amplify sounds produced in the larynx.

"It's a bit like a megaphone except…6… we can change the megaphone's shape and different frequencies get amplified," Professor Joe Wolfe, a physicist at the university, told Reuters.

The study measured four specific vowel sounds -- "la," "lore," "loo" and "le" -- and found that in the top half of their range sopranos tuned vocal tract resonances quite accurately to the pitch they were singing.

This makes the voice louder and more homogenous, …7…the vowels end up sounding very similar, explaining …8…opera is difficult to understand even for those who speak the language in which it is sung.

Composers such as Berlioz have warned about the effects of "resonance tuning" but joint author Elodie Joliveau, a French soprano and physics honors student, said it had not been confirmed before …9…the technical difficulty of measuring the acoustics of the vocal tract.

The study's authors did about 70 measurements of nine sopranos singing the four vowel sounds in a two octave range.

Using technology developed by Wolfe and colleague John Smith for applications in speech therapy, they were able to transmit different frequencies into the singers' mouths while they were singing.

They then measured…10… the frequencies were amplified independently of the frequencies present in the voice.

1. a. which 2. a. though 3. a. what 4. a. way 5.a. which

b. — b. however b. that b. who b. that

c. who c. but c. whether c. how c. what

6. a. that 7. a. and 8.a. how 9. a. because 10. a. how

b. what b. also b. why b. that’s why b. what

c. where c. but c. when c. because of c. where

Writer Deported for Insulting President

LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zambia said Monday it had given a controversial British writer 24 hours …1…the country for insulting President Levy Mwanawasa …2…calling two of his ministers "baboons."

Home Affairs permanent secretary Peter Mumba said Roy Clarke, a satirical writer for the privately …3….daily Post newspaper, was told Monday to leave Zambia Tuesday.

Clarke was not available for comment.

Clarke, …4…writes a column known as the "The Spectator," referred last Thursday to Mwanawasa as a "foolish elephant" and two of his ministers as "baboons" …5…Mwanawasa visited a game park for his Christmas holiday.

"Yes, he will be deported to Britain," Mumba told Reuters after …6…asked to confirm reports of Clarke's deportation.

"We will buy a ticket for him on British Airways …7…he cannot continue to live with people he thinks are baboons," Mumba said.

Clarke has…8… annoyed authorities with his satirical column, …9…portrayed government leaders as living lavishly in this impoverished southern African country of 10 million people.

He …10…in Zambia for many years and had a permanent residence permit

a. who

b. regularly

c. and

d. what

e. had lived

f. because

g. has been

h. owned

i. when

j. where

k. which

l. but

m. to leave

n. being

o. asking


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