Cat and Bear Odd Couple Reunited in Zoo
BERLIN (Reuters) - Muschi, a small cat …1…formed an unlikely friendship with a half-ton bear called "mouse" in Berlin Zoo, has been reunited with her companion after pining outside the bear's cage for months, the zoo said Friday.
Muschi, …2…means "pussy," has been popular with zoo visitors ever since she appeared in the bear's enclosure three years ago. …3… the pair were split up last October …4…the bear was locked in a cage …5…her living space was enlarged.
Zoo keepers took pity on the distraught cat …6…had taken to roaming around the zoo and sitting outside the cage, and this week allowed her in the cage with the shaggy female Asiatic black bear called "Maeuschen," …7…means little mouse.
"They greeted each other …8…had a cuddle and now they're happy," said Heiner Kloes, a member of the zoo's management board. "The cat has a real fan club, mostly among our older, regular visitors."
No one knows …9…Muschi, a normal black domestic cat, came from. "She appeared from nowhere in 2000 and we decided to leave them together …10…they got on so well," said Kloes. "They sunbathed together and shared meals of raw meat, dead mice, fruit and bread."
The enlarged enclosure will reopen in the spring.
Study: Worldwide Demand for Herbal Remedies Threatens Plants
LONDON (Reuters) - Worldwide demand for herbal remedies is threatening natural habitats …1…endangering up to a fifth of wild medicinal plant species …2…are being harvested to extinction, a leading science magazine said on Wednesday.
A study to be published later …3…year by the conservation organization WWF warns …4…between 4,000 and 10,000 plants may be at risk.
"It's an extremely serious problem," study author Alan Hamilton …5…New Scientist magazine.
According to the research, the market for herbal remedies …6…risen by 10 percent a year for the past decade in North America …7…Europe and is now thought to be worth at least 11 billion pounds ($20 billion).
The findings…8…. based on an analysis of the number of species at risk on the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List of threatened plants. Two-thirds of the 50,000 medicinal …9…being used are harvested from the wild.
Hamilton, a member of the IUCN's Medicinal Plant Specialist Group, also contributed to a report …10…will be unveiled by …11…conservation organization Plantlife International next week.
…12…the threatened plants are tetu lakha, a tree found in south India and Sri Lanka …13…used for anti-cancer drugs in Europe; an Indian root called saw-wort …14…is used for skin disorders and tendrilled fritillary, a Chinese plant …15…to treat respiratory infections.
"With demand and commercialization growing fast, the future of the wild plants which …16…helped most of humanity for centuries is now more uncertain …17…it has ever been," Martin Harper, of Plantlife, told New Scientist.
The group, …18…says the problem has been looming for years, blames the herbal medicinal industry for not guaranteeing the sustainability of supplies.
"It is time for the industry…19… join forces with environmental organizations to ensure …20…herbal harvests have a sustainable future," Harper added.
7. Főnevek, névelők
A főneveknél az egyik legfontosabb kategória, ami a magyarban egyáltalán nem kérdés, hogy mi megszámlálható, mi megszámlálhatatlan.
Megszámlálható minden, ami darabra megy, pl: egg, roll, banana, child etc.
Nem megszámlálhatók - az anyagnevek, pl: milk, flour, water, bread, money
- a gyűjtő főnevek pl: furniture, luggage
- az elvont főnevek pl: love, health
Nem mindig esnek egybe a magyar és az angol kategóriák. Például, mitől gyűjtő főnév a gyümölcs, (fruit), ha a zöldség (vegetables) nem az, vagy mitől elvont főnév a házi feladat (homework), ha a lecke (lesson) nem az. De lehetne számtalan példát felhozni, nem érdemes (itt sem) automatikusan követni a magyar nyelvhasználati szabályokat.
Ez az egész megszámlálható – nem megszámlálható szembeállítás azért fontos, mert csak a megszámlálható főnevek kerülhetnek többes számba, illetve, csak a megszámlálható főnevek elé lehet tenni határozatlan névelőt. (a, an). A sok – kevés is különbözőképpen áll a megszámlálható és a megszámlálhatatlan főnevek előtt.
Állító mondatban a sok → a lot of mindkét esetben
tagadó és kérdő mondatban many → megszámlálható
much → megszámlálhatatlan
kevés → few →megszámlálható
little → megszámlálhatatlan
a few → egypár (quite a few – jónéhány)
a little → egy kis
I have few friends. – Kevés barátom van. (Szeretném, ha több lenne, a mondat negatív tartalmú)
I have a few friends. – Van néhány barátom. (Legalább kettő minden fontos pozícióban. Pozitív tartalmú.)
I have little money. – Kevés pénzem van. (Kenyérre is alig elég. Negatív)
I have a little money. – Van egy kis pénzem. (Húszmillió, dollárban. Pozitív)
Ha megszámlálható főnévről általánosságban beszélünk, többes számba tesszük, a nem megszámlálható természetesen egyes számban marad.
Pl: Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet.. (and so are you)
A megszámolható főnevek többes száma -s,-es, de ne felejtsük el a rendhagyó többes számokat sem.
Pl: children, policemen, people, teeth, wives
Az állatnevek közül sok rendhagyó:
mouse → mice (louse →lice – tetű) , goose → geese – liba, wolf → wolves – farkas (calf → calves – borjú)
ox → oxen – ökör etc.
A birka (sheep) és néhány szarvas (deer, reindeer, elk, moose etc) többes száma ugyanaz, mint az egyes szám, de az ige mellette állhat többes számban.
Pl. Santa has six white reindeer. Their names are…
Hogyan tesszük a nem megszámlálható főneveket mégis többes számba, ha úgy hozza a szükség? Mértékegység megadásával. Pl: two pieces of good advice
two lots of homework
two items of information
Természetesen az anyagneveket a nekik megfelelő mértékegysé a loaf of bread, a bottle of beer, a bar of chocolate, a bag of rice, a kilo of sugar, a packet of butter etc.
Néhány főnév megszámlálható és nem megszámlálható alakja mást jelent.
Pl. experience – tapasztalat, gyakorlat
an experience – élmény
paper – papír, a paper – újság; chocolate – csoki, a chocolate – bonbon; ice-cream – fagyi, an ice-cream – jégkrém etc…
a, an – határozatlan névelő. Minden egy és megszámlálható főnév előtt használjuk.
pl: My father is an engineer. There is a cat in front of the house. An American would never have said that.
Tulajdonnév előtt „egy bizonyos” jelentésben áll. pl: A Mr Smith called you in the afternoon.—
Valamilyen Smith úr telefonált délután.
the – határozott névelő. Akkor használjuk, amikor tudjuk, hogy melyikről van szó.
pl: The children are playing in the garden.
NEM használjuk: - általános jelentésben
pl. Children like ice-cream.
- Tulajdonnevek előtt
pl. Peter is my best friend.
Budapest people are like that.
Kivétel, ha egy családról van szó. pl: The Joneses live here.→Jonesék itt laknak.
- Elvont főnevek előtt, általános jelentésben.
pl. Life is hard.
DE. His new novel is about the life of Hemingway.
A földrajzi neveknél meg kell jegyeznünk egypár névelőhasználati szabályt.
- Egyelemű országneveknél nincs the, többeleműeknél, vagy többesszámúaknál van.
pl. Hungary, Switzerland, Brazil DE The Netherlands, the Hungarian Republic, the USA
- Városneveknél nincs pl. London, New York, Seoul, DE The Hague
- Folyók nevénél van pl: the Thames, the Nile, the Danube, the river Szárazér
- Tavak nevénél nincs, viszont használjuk a lake szót. pl: Lake Balaton, Lake Ontario
- Hegységek nevénél van pl: the Alps, the Himalayas, the Mátra
- Hegycsúcsok nevénél nincs pl: Mount Everest, Kékes
- Égitestek nevénél van pl: the Sun, the Moon, the Mars
Általában van mindennél, amiből csak egy van. pl. the Prince of Wales, the Prime Minister
Van a hajók nevénél. pl. the Queen Mary; az újságok folyóiratok nevénél . pl.The Guardian, a szállodák nevénél. pl. the Hilton Hotel
Van a sorszámneveknél, dátumokban is (nem mindig írjuk ki, de mondani akkor is kell.)
pl. on the first of November
Általában van a felsőfokú mellékneveknél is, ha azt akarom kifejezni, hogy valami a legszebb, legjobb stb, de nincs olyankor, amikor nem pontosan meghatározott. pl. Peter is the oldest boy in the family.
DE: A legtöbben úgy gondolják…→ Most people think…
some, any – nem megszámolható főnevek előtt névelőt helyettesít, megszámolható főnevek előtt azt jelenti,
pl. There is some milk in the bottle. → Van tej az üvegben.
There are some apples in the basket. → Van néhány alma a kosárban.
some – állító mondatban áll, vagy olyan kérdésben, amelyre határozott igen választ várok, pl
kérek, vagy kínálok valamit.
pl. Would you like/Can I have some chocolate?
any – tagadó mondatban áll, és minden más típusú kérdésben.
állító mondatban a jelentése → bár- , akár-
Összetételekben is ugyanez a szabály. pl. Is there anybody in the kitchen?
„any” kerül a mondatba, ha azt akarom kifejezni, hogy valamiből egyáltalán nincs.
Pl: Paul can’t eat any chocolate. → Paul nem ehet csokit. (egyáltalán)
Peter Jackson Sadly Faces Life After 'Rings'
By Chris Gardner
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - The past seven days were good to Peter Jackson, the writer/director/producer of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
He received a Directors Guild of America Award nomination for "The Return of the King" Tuesday, watched …1…film cross $300 million in domestic ticket sales Friday, and nabbed …2…top helmer prize from the Broadcast Film Critics Saturday.
And while good things are likely to keep coming for the native New Zealander in …3…current awards season, now that the third film is out, his "Rings" journey is almost over. So, now what?
"The sense of closure, I haven't quite gotten used to yet," Jackson said by…4… phone from Down Under. "I'm aware of the impact the movies have had on people and on the box office obviously too, and I realize what…5… significant .role these movies will play in my career and in my life. Now …6…it is finishing, it does really feel like one chapter of my life is closing and everything now is what I do after 'The Lord of the Rings.' It's a bit sad."
But don't expect Jackson to tumble under the weight of expectation hovering over what he does next. The helmer is quite frank when it comes to …7…future and how "Rings" will ultimately fit in.
"It very well may be that I never make anything as big as 'Lord of the Rings,' and I certainly will never make three films at once again, which I'm very happy about," he admits. "I can't get locked into …8…trap where I'm trying to top these movies for the rest of my life, which would be a very unsatisfying career. The only responsibility you have as a filmmaker is to make a good movie, and that's what I plan to do."
And do he will this August when he directs "King Kong" starring Naomi Watts for Universal. It's a gig that will earn Jackson and his partners $20 million.
"People don't have…9… right idea about the $20 million," Jackson says of the total payout. "It's a lot of money obviously, but it covers three people writing, two producers and the directing fee. And we will be making …10…$180 million movie for $150 million using the infrastructure we put into place on 'Lord of the Rings,' so it makes sense."
Jackson's "King Kong" is due in theaters in Christmas 2005.
1. a. − 2 .a. the 3. a. a 4. a. this 5. a. a
b. the b. this b. this b. the b. one
c. a c. a c. that c. − c. some
6. a. the 7. a. a 8. a. some 9. a. any 10. a. a
b. this b. − b. the b. the b. the
c. that c. the c. one c. some c. –
'Doggy Dancing' Lessons?
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - It has long been said that a dog is …1…man's best friend, but a Dutch dog trainer is taking…2… relationship one step further -- offering "doggy dancing" lessons to …3…wanting a …4…dancing partner.
Ten owners and …5…dogs -- including a border collie and a German …6…-- have signed up to learn to waltz, tango and boogie with Annette Helder at her training school in the northern Netherlands.
"Dogs love when they get …7….from their owners...You teach the dog certain basic…8…, like weaving between your legs, circling, walking backwards...rolling over," said Helder, who charges 45 euros ($60) for eight lessons.
Dogs and owners will learn to move in …9…to music in what has become a competitive sport in countries including …10…and Britain, she said of the classes near Groningen.
Tegyünk az üres helyekre névelőt, ha szükséges.
U.S. Troops Plan Olympics Security Drill-Daily
ATHENS (Reuters) - U.S troops plan to stage exercises in…1…Greece from March as part of security preparations for …2…Olympic Games, …3…Greek newspaper said on Monday.
Quoting government sources, …4…Eleftherotypia daily said Greece's Public Order ministry has agreed with U.S. authorities for …5…first exercise to take place in…6…March, with at least five more taking place before August.
The Games open on August 13.
There was no immediate official comment on …7…report.
"The plan sees …8…unknown number of C-130 aircraft transport planes landing in Athens in early March, transporting …9…U.S. troops for their first exercise, under …10…real conditions, for Olympic Games security," …11…newspaper said.
Eleftherotypia noted without …12…special law…13… U.S military exercises would be against …14… Greek constitution, which forbids…15… presence or operation of foreign military groups in …16…country unless …17…Greek Parliament authorizes it.
The daily said with …18…Parliament closing on February 6 before…19… general election on March 7, time was running out to sort out constitutional issues involved.
Against …20…background of September 11 2001's al-Qaeda attacks on …21…United States, …22…issue of foreign teams using their own security guards during…23… August 13 to 29 Athens Olympics has been …24…thorny one for Greek authorities.
There has still not been …25…full formal resolution over whether …26…foreign security guards could carry weapons and exactly what role they could play.
Greece is spending…27… record 650 million euros to protect …28…world's largest sporting event, mobilizing 45,000 personnel, three times…29… number used at …30…last summer Olympics in Sydney in 2000.
Woman on Billboard Looking for Love
At age 39, Julie Koehnen decided that she was looking for …1…in all the wrong places.
So this week, she began having her dates at…2… foot of a Sunset Strip billboard featuring her own face -- surrounded by publicists, camera crews and reporters.
The screenwriter is also the poster girl in…3… new advertising campaign for Yahoo! Personals, which features real users of the service in a bid to make …4…more comfortable with online dating.
But how comfortable was Julie, sitting on the famed Sunset Strip in a fake living…5… attached to the billboard, eating meat loaf, French …6…and a brownie with her first date, police officer Rick Farfan?
And what was she looking for in a…7… that she couldn't find in America's second-largest city?
"I'm looking for a man's man in the middle of Hollywood," Koehnen said with a slight roll of the eyes, as Farfan dined on …8…chopped veggie salad catered by the trendy Ivy restaurant. Most…9… in Los Angeles, she said, were too laid back and "ambivalent" to sweep her off her…10...
"I like it when a man says he wants to go out with me," Koehnen, a slender …11…with a Meg Ryan flip and bubbly personality, said. "I grew up in Minnesota, so I'm looking for …12…a little more familiar."
She said this is perhaps why most of …13…men she found herself selecting from the service came from outlying parts of Southern California, away from her trendier Los Angeles habitat.
Koehnen, who joined Yahoo! Personals in …14…bid to find a husband, said the billboard stunt had gone well -- except for when she momentarily forgot where she was and performed the "downward dog" yoga…15… in full view of Sunset Boulevard.
"Downward dog. I don't think I'll do that again," she said, shuddering slightly at …16…thought of all and sundry watching as she thrust her backside in the air and bowed her head.
Farfan, meanwhile, said he was impressed with a woman who had the sense of … go along with the experiment and added that the date was going well -- as far as he could tell, since the …18…had had little chance for one-on-one conversation.
As a man drove by in a black …19…utility vehicle and screamed to Koehnen: "I'll marry you!!," Farfan did his best to show her his manly man side, confiding: "I'm very sensitive and kind, and I can also kick somebody's ass if I have to."
Koehnen, who was one of 50 "real people" chosen as part of the advertising campaign, was expected to have eight brief dates while sitting on her billboard before choosing one "real man" for an …20…out on the town.
8. Melléknevek, összehasonlítás
A mellékneveket a fokozásuk szerint három csoportra osztjuk.
1. Rövid melléknevek.
Ide tartoznak az egy-, vagy kétszótagos, képzetlen, angol melléknevek
Fokozásuk középfokban –er, felsőfokban –est képzővel történik.
strong – stronger – the strongest
long – longer – the longest
Ha a melléknév egy magánhangzóra és egy mássalhangzóra végződik, toldalék előtt kettőzi a mássalhangzót.
(Ez általános helyesírási szabály!!)
big – bigger – the biggest
fat – fatter – the fattest
Ha a melléknév mássalhangzó + y végű, az y →ie –re változik. (Ez is általános helyesírási szabály!!)
happy – happier – the happiest
2. Hosszú melléknevek
Ide tartoznak a két szótagnál hosszabb, képzett és az idegen eredetű melléknevek
Fokozásuk a more, most szócskával történik
beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
interesting – more interesting – the most interesting
3. Rendhagyók
Néhány igen gyakran használt melléknév tartozik ide
good – better –the best
bad – worse –the worst
little – less – the least
many, much – more – the most
far – farther – the farthest → térbeli távolságot jelent
far – further – the furthest → időben, vagy elvont értelemben további
Lehet „visszafelé” is fokozni azaz, „kevésbé” és „ legkevésbé” a less és a least segítségével.
intelligent – less intelligent – the least intelligent
fat – less fat – the least fat
1. alapfokú, „olyan, mint”
as – alapfok – as, tagadó formában not so/as – alapfok – as
He is as tall as his father.
I’m not so clever as my sister is.
2. középfokú, „olyanabb, mint”
középfok + than
He is two years older than me.
This building is much bigger than our house.
Ha azt akarjuk kifejezni, hogy sokkal, vagy kicsit, használjuk az a lot, much, vagy a bit, a little kifejezéseket a középfokú melléknév előtt.
Az összehasonlítás második fele tárgy, vagy mellékmondat.
I’m older than you. – Tárgy. Ha megfordítjuk a személyeket, rögtön látszik. You are younger than me.
I’m older than you are. – Mellékmondat
Ha cselekvést hasonlítunk össze jobb a mellékmondatos változat a félreértések elkerülése miatt.
He likes chocolate better than I do. → Jobban szereti a csokit, mint én.
He likes chocolate better than me. → Jobban szereti a csokit, mint engem.
3. felsőfokú, „legolyanabb”
the + felsőfok (valami közül)
He is the youngest in the family.
This is the biggest city in my country.
Túlzófoknál (legesleg-) → by far the …est
Mary is by far the most beautiful girl in the school.
Vannak olyan melléknevek, amelyek magukban is erős jelentésűek, nem fokozzuk őket, és nem használjuk hozzá a very szót sem.
good → perfect
bad → disastrous
funny → hillarious
angry → furious
large → tremendous
Ha mégis nyomatékosítani akarjuk az erős jelentésű mellékneveket, az absolutely szót tegyük eléjük.
It’s very good. → Its absolutely perfect.
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