Hebrew language for readers of english

אוֹמֶֽנֶת f.n. foster-mother, nurse, governess. [f. of. אוֹמֵן.] אוּמְצָה

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אוֹמֶֽנֶת f.n. foster-mother, nurse, governess. [f. of. אוֹמֵן.]

אוּמְצָה see אֻמֽצָה.

אוֹןI m.n. 1 strength, power. 2 manly vigor. 3 wealth, riches. [Of uncertain origin.]

אוֹןII, אוֹנָה, אוֹנִי m.n. resp. f.n. pbh (pl. אוֹנוֹת, resp. אוֹנִיּוֹת) deed of purchase. [Gk. one (= buying, purchasing; deed of purchase), which is cogn. with Old I. vasnáh (= purchase money), vasnám (= reward), L. vēnum or vēnus (= sale), vēnālis (= that which can be bought). See ‘venal’ in my cedel. cp. the second element in אַפֽסַנְיָה.]

אָֽוֶן m.n. (pl. אֹונִים) 1 trouble, sorrow, wickedness, iniquity. 2 idolatry. [Of uncertain origin. There are only three more ‘segholate’ nouns of this form and they all have a ו as their second radical: עָוֶל (= iniquity), מָוֶת (= death), תָּוֶךְ (= middle). The regular form should have been אֶוֶן, etc.]

אוּן m.n. pbh skein. [Of uncertain origin.]

אוֹנָאָה f.n. pbh 1 deception, deceit, fraud. 2 overreaching, imposition. [A secondary form of הוֹנָאָה.]

אֶוַנְגֶּלְיוֹן m.n. fw Evangel, Gospel. [Gk. euaggelion (= reward of good tidings; gospel), from euaggelos (= bringing good news), from eu (= well), and aggelos (= messenger). See ‘eu-’ and ‘angel’ in my cedel and cp. אַנֽגַּרְיָה.]

אוֹנָה see אוֹןII.

אוּנָה,אֻנָּהf.n. pbh lobe. [Aram. אוּנָא, אֻנָּא. Assimilated from אוּדֽנָא (= ear; see אֹזֶן); so called in allusion to its shape. cp. אוּנִית.]

אוֹנוֹמָטוֹפֵּיָה f.n. fw onomatopoeia. [Late L. onomatopoeia, from Gk. onomatopoiía (= the formation of a word in imitation of a sound; lit.: ‘name-making’), from onoma, gen. onomatos (= name), and a derivative of poiein (= to make). See נוֹמִינָלִי and פִּיּוּט.]

אוֹנוּת f.n. nh strength; potency. [Formed from אוֹן (= strength), with suff. □וּת.]

אוֹנִיsee אוֹןII.

אוּנִיבֶרְסוּם m.n. fw universe. [L. ūniversum (= the whole world, the universe), properly neuter sing. of the adj. ūniversus (= whole, general, universal; lit.: ‘turned into one’), from ūnus (= one), and versus, p. part. of vertere (= to turn).]

אוּנִיבֶרְסִיטָה f.n. fw university. [Med. L. ūniversitās (= university), from Late L. ūniversitās (= a number of persons), from L. ūniversitās (= the whole, the whole world, associated into one body), from universus (= whole, general, universal). See אוּנִיבֶרְסוּם.]

אוּנִיבֶרְסָלִי adj. fw universal. [L. ūniversālis (= belonging to all, universal), from ūniversus. See אוּנִיבֶרֽסוּם.]

אוּנִיסוֹן m.n. fw unison (music). [Fren. unisson, from Late L. ūnisonus (= having one and the same sound), compounded of L. ūnus (= one), and sonus (= sound). See ‘uni-’ and ‘sound’ (noise) in my cedel.]

אוּנִיפוֹרְמִי adj. fw uniform. [L. ūniformis (= having one form), from ūnus (= one), and forma (= form, shape). See ‘one’ and ‘-form’ (n.) in my cedel. For the ending see adj. suff. □ִי.]

אוּנִיפוֹרְמִיּוּת f.n. fw uniformity. [Formed from אוּנִיפוֹרְמִי with suff. □וּת.]

אוּנִית, אֻנִּית f.n. nh lobule. [Formed from אוּנָה with dimin. suff. □ִית.]

אוּנִיתִי, אֻנִּיתִי adj. nh lobular. [Formed from אוּנִית, resp. אֻנִּית, with adj. suff. □ָי.]

אוֹנֵךְ see אָנֵךְ.

אוֹנָן m.n. nh onanist; masturbator. [Named after אוֹנָן (Onan), son of Judah (see Gen. 38:39).] Derivatives: אוֹנָנוּת, אוֹנָנִי.

אוֹנֵן m.n. pbh mourner (before the burial). [Properly subst. use of the act. part. of אָנַן. See אנן (= to mourn).]

אוֹנְנוּת f.n. mh mourning (before the burial). [Formed from אוֹנֵן with suff. □וּת.]

אוֹנָנוּת f.n. nh onanism; masturbation. [Formed from אוֹנָן with suff. □וּת.]

אוֹנָנִי adj. nh onanistic. [Formed from אוֹנָן with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אוּנְקְיָא, אוּנְקְיָה f.n. ounce. [Gk. ounkia, from L. uncia (= the sixteenth part of a pound, an ounce), from oinicia, oincia (lit.: ‘unity’), and related to L. ūnus (= one). See ‘uncia’ in my cedel. cp. אוֹקֽיָה, אִינְץ׳.]

אוּנְקָל, אוּנְקְלִי m.n. pbh hook. [A loan word from Gk. ankyle (= bend of the arm, hook), which is related to ankylos (= crooked, curved), ankol (= elbow), and cogn. with L. ancus (= crooked, curved), angulus (= angle, corner). See ‘angle’ (corner), and ‘angle’ (fishhook) in my cedel.]

אוּנְקָלִי adj. nh (also אַנֽקוֹלִי) unciform, uncinate. [Formed from אוּנְקָל (resp. אַנְקוֹל) with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אוֹסְמִיּוֹן m.n. fw osmium (chemistry). [Modern L. osmium, coined by its discoverer, the English chemist Smithson Tennant in 1803 from Gk. osme (= smell, odor), which is cogn. [[pg-13]]with L. odor (= smell, odor); so called because of the strong odor of its oxide. See ‘odor’ in my cedel and cp. ‘osmium’ and words there referred to ibid.]

אוֹסְרָנוּת f.n. nh non-permissiveness, strictness. [Formed from אוֹסֵר, pres. part. of אָסַר (see אסר), with suff. □ָן and suff. □וּת.]

אוֹפֶה m.n. baker. [Subst. use of the act. part. of אָפָה (= he baked). See אפה.]

אוֹפּוֹזִיצְיָה f.n. fw opposition. [L. oppositiō (= a placing against), from oppositus, p. part. of opponēre (= to place against), from ob- (see אוֹבְּיֶקְט) and ponēre (= to put, place). See ‘position’ in my cedel. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

אוֹפּוּס m.n. fw opus. [L. opus, gen. operis (= work, labor, exertion), whence opera (= service, pains, work, labor), operārī (= to work, labor). Related to ops, gen. opis (= strength, power, might, abundance, wealth, riches, treasure), and cogn. with Old I. ápas- (= work), ā́pas- (= work, religious act). See ‘opus’ in my cedel and cp. אוֹפְּטִימוּם, אוֹפֶּרָה,אוֹפֶּרָטִיבִי.]

אוֹפּוֹסוּם m.n. fw opossum. [Algonquian apasum (= a wild animal).]

אוֹפּוֹרְטוּנִיזְם m.n. opportunism. [Fren. opportunisme. See אוּפּוֹרְטוּנִיסְט and □ִיזְם.]

אוֹפּוֹרְטוּנִיסְט m.n. fw opportunist. [Fren. opportuniste, coined by Rochefort in 1876 from L. opportūnus (= suitable, convenient, seasonable, advantageous), and suff. -iste and applied by him to Gambetta. L. opportūnus stands for ob-portūnus and lit. means ‘leading to the port or harbor’, from ob- (see אוֹבְּיֶקְט) and portus (= harbor). See ‘port’ in my cedel.]

אוֹפּוֹרְטוּנִיסְטִי adj. fw opportunistic. [Formed from אוֹפּוֹרְטוּנִיסְט with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אוּפוֹרְיָה see אֵיפוֹרְיָה.

אוֹפְּטוֹמֶטְרִיָּה f.n. fw optometry. [Compounded of Gk. optos (see אוֹפְּטִי) and -metria (= measure of), from metron (= measure). See ‘metry’ in my cedel.]

אוֹפְּטִי adj. nh optic, optical. [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from Gk. optos (= seen; visible), verbal adj. of opsomay (= I shall see), whence also ops, gen. opos (= eye, face), opsis (= sight). See ‘optic’ in my cedel.]

אוֹפְּטִימוּם m.n. fw optimum, the best. [L. optimum, neuter of optimus (= best), which stands for opitumos, seen in ops (= wealth); accordingly optimus orig. meant ‘the richest’, but was used later in the senses ‘the most esteemed, the most distinguished, the best’. See אוֹפּוּס and cp. אוֹפְּטִימִי.]

אוֹפְּטִימִי adj. fw optimistic. [Back formation from אוֹפְּטִימִיזְם. For the ending see adj. suff. □ִי.]

אוֹפְּטִימִיּוּת f.n. fw optimism. [Hebraization of אוֹפְּטִימִיזֽם. For the ending see suff. □וּת.]

אוֹפְּטִימִיזְם m.n. fw optimism. [Fren. optimisme, from L. optimus (= best); see אוֹפְּטימוּם. The word optimisme was coined by the Jesuits. It first occurs in the ‘Mémoires de Trévoux’ conducted by them (in the number for February 1737).]

אוֹפְּטִיקַאי m.n. fw optician. [Back formation from אוֹפְּטִיקָה.]

אוֹפְּטִיקָה f.n. fw optics. [Ultimately from Gk. ta optika (= optics), neuter pl. of optikos (= pertaining to the eyes or sight), from optos (= seen, visible). See אוֹפּֽטִי.]

אוֹפִי see אֹפִי.

אוֹפְּיוּם, אוֹפְיוֹן m.n. fw opium. [L. opium, resp. directly from Gk. opion (= poppy juice), from Gk. opos (= vegetable juice).]

אוֹפִיצְיָאלִי adj. fw official. [From L. officium (= service), which stands for opi-faction (lit.: ‘work-doing’), from ops, gen. opis (= strength, power, might; see אוֹפּוּס), and the stem of facere (= to make, do). cp. L. opi-fex (= workman, artist; lit.: ‘one who does a work’), which has the same two elements. See ‘fact’ in my cedel.]

אוֹפַן m.n. wheel. [Of uncertain origin. cp. אוֹפַנַּיִם, אוֹפַנָּן, אוֹפַנּוֹעַ and the second element in חַדּוֹפָן, דּֽיוֹפַן. cp. אֹפֶן, אפן.]

אוֹפַנּֽוֹעַ m.n. nh motorcycle. [Compounded of אוֹפַן (= wheel), and נוֹעַ (= movement, motion). Derivatives: אוֹפַנּוֹעִי, אוֹפַנּוֹעָן.

אוֹפַנּוֹעִי adj. nh of, or pertaining to, a motorcycle. [Formed from אוֹפַנּוֹעַ with adj. suff. □ִי.]

אוֹפַנּוֹעָן m.n. nh motorcyclist. [Formed from אוֹפַנּוֹעַ with agential suff. □ָן.]

אוֹפַנַּֽיִם m.n. dual bicycle. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) in the (inexact) form אָפְנַיִם as the dual of אוֹפַן (= wheel).]

אוֹפַנָּן m.n. nh bicyclist, cyclist. [Back formation from אוֹפִנַּיִם. For the ending see suff. □ָן.]

אוֹפֶנְסִיבָה f.n. fw offensive. [From Med. L. offēnsīvus (= pertaining to striking), from L. offēnsa (= a striking against), from offēnsus, p. part. of offendere (= to strike against), from ob- (see אוֹבְּיֶקְט) and fendere (= to thrust, strike), from ie base *gwhēn- (= to strike). See ‘defend’ in my cedel. cp. דֶּפֶנְסִיבָה.]

אוֹפְסֶט m.n. fw offset (printing). [Eng. offset, compounded of off (adv.), and set (n.).]

אוֹפְּצְיָה f.n. fw option. [Fren. option, from L. optiōnem, accusative of optiō (= choice), from opiō, opere, p. part. optus (= to choose), whence also opinārī (= to think, suppose). See ‘opine’ in my cedel. For the ending of אוֹפְּצְיָה see □יָה.]

אוֹפֶּרָה f.n. fw opera. [It. opera (= work, labor, composition), from L. opera (= service, pains, work, labor), from opus, gen. operis (= work, labor, exertion). See אוֹפּוּס and cp. אוֹפֶּרֶטָה.]

אוֹפֶּרֶטָּה f.n. fw operetta. [It. dimin. formed from opera (see אוֹפֶּרָה).]

אוֹפֶּרָטִיבִי adj. fw operative. [Late L. operātīvus, from operātus, p. part. of operārī (= to work, labor). See אוֹפּוּס.]

אוֹפֶּרִית f.n. nh operetta. [Hebraization of It. operetta. See אוֹפֶּרֶטָּה.]

אוֹפֶּרַצְיָה f.n. fw operation. [L. operātiō (= a working, operation), from operātus, p. part. of operārī (= to work, labor). See אוֹפּוּס.]

אוץ to make haste, hasten. [Perhaps related to Arab. ’aṣṣa (= he urged).] — Qal אָץ intr. v. & tr. v. 1 he made haste, hurried. 2 he urged. — Hiph. הֵאִיץ 1 he urged; 2 nh he hastened, accelerated. — Hoph. הוּאַץ nh was hastened, was accelerated. Derivatives: אָץ, אִיצָה, הֶאָצָה, מֵאִיץ, תְּאוּצָה.

אוֹצָר m.n. (pl. אוֹצָרוֹת) 1 supply. 2 storehouse, granary. 3 treasure, treasury. [Of uncertain etymology. cp. Aram. אוֹצָר, אוֹצָרָא, which are prob. Heb. loan words. In senses 2 and 3 אוֹצָר is elliptically used for בֵּית הָאוֹצָר (lit.: ‘house of supplies, storehouse’).]

אוֹצֵר m.n. nh curator. [Subst. use of אוֹצֵר, part. of אָצַר; see אצר.]

אוֹקוּפַּצְיָה f.n. fw occupation. [L. occupātiō (= a seizing, taking possession of), from occupātus, p. part. of occupāre (= to seize, take possession of, possess), from ob- (see אוֹבְּיֶקְט) and capere (= to seize, take). See ‘captive’ in my cedel.]

אוֹקְטָאֶדֶר m.n. fw octahedron (geometry). [Gk. oktaedron, neuter of the adjective oktaedros (= eight-sided), compounded of okta- (= eight) and edra (= seat; base, side, face). See ‘octa-’ and ‘hedron’ in my cedel.]

אוֹקְטָבָה f.n. fw octave. [From L. octāva (= an eighth part), f. of octāvus (= eighth), from octō (= eight). See ‘octave’ in my cedel. cp. אוֹקְטוֹבֶּר.]

אוֹקְטוֹבֶּר m.n. fw October. [L. Octōber [[pg-14]](mēnsis) (lit.: ‘the eighth month’), from octō (= eight). The Roman year began with March. cp. סֶפְּטֶמְבֶּר, נוֹבֶמְבֶּר, דֶּצֶמְבֶּר.]

אוֹקְטָן m.n. fw octane (a hydrocarbon of the methane series C8H18). [Coined from Gk. oct-, combining form meaning ‘eight’, and -ane, suff. used to form names of saturated hydrocarbons.]

אוֹקְיָה, אוֹקְיָא f.n. pbh ounce. [A var. of אוּנְקְיָא, אוּנְקָיְה.]

אוֹקְיָנוֹס m.n. pbh ocean. [Gk. okeanos (= the great river encompassing the whole earth), hence ‘the great Outward Sea’ (opposed to the Inward or Mediterranean), the Ocean, which is of uncertain etymology.]

אוֹקָרִינָה f.n. fw ocarina (music). [It. ocarina, dimin. of oca (= goose), from L. auca (= goose; properly ‘bird’), back formation from avicula (= a little bird), from avis (= bird). See ‘aviary’ in my cedel. The instrument was called ocarina (lit: ‘a goose pipe’) in allusion to its shape.]

אורI to give light, shine. [Related to Aram. אוּר (= to give light, shine), Ugar. ’r (of s.m.), Akka. urru, ūru (= light, day), Arab. ’áwwara (= enkindled), ’uwā́r (= heat, glow).] — Qal אוֹר intr. v. was lit, shone. — Niph. נָאוֹר was brightened, was enlightened. — Hiph. הֵאִיר it gave light (said of the sun or the moon), shed light, brightened, shone. — Hoph. הוּאַר nh was lit, was lighted. Derivatives: אוֹרI (n.), אוּר, אוֹרָהI, אוּרִים, אוֹרִית, הֶאָרָה, מָאוֹר, מְאוֹרָה, מֽאוּרָה, מוּאָר, נָאוֹר, תְּאוּרָה. cp. אַיָּר.

אורII to air, ventilate. [Denominated from אֲוִיר (= air). cp. מֽאֻוָּר. cp. also אִוְרֵר.] — Pi. אִוֵּר tr. v. nh he aired, ventilated. — Pu. אֻוֵּר nh was aired, was ventilated. — Hith. הִתְאַוֵּר nh was aired, was ventilated. Derivative: אַוָּר.

אוֹרI m.n. (pl. אוֹרִים, also אוֹרוֹת) 1 light, brightness. 2 daylight. [From אורI. cp. Ugar. ’r (= light). cp. also אוֹרII and the second element in מָגִנּוֹר, מַחֲזִירוֹר, רַמֽזוֹר, זַרְקוֹר, מִגְדַּלּוֹר.] Derivatives: אוֹרִיָּה, אוֹרִיּוּת.

אוֹרII m.n. pbh evening. [Lit.: ‘light (see אוֹרI); formed on the analogy of Aram. אוּרֽתָּא (= evening), which was formed euphemistically from אוּר (= to give light). See אורI.]

אוּר m.n. fire. [From אורI.cp. אוּרִים.]

אַוָּר m.n. nh breather, ventilator. [Formed from אִוֵּר, Pi. of אור.]

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