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אֶֽדֶרI m.n. 1 splendor, magnificence. 2 garment, mantle. [Related to אַדֶּרֶת. For sense development see ibid.]

אֶֽדֶרII m.n. 1 either a kind of a cedar or a kind of an oak. 2 nh maple tree. [Aram. אַדְרָא, perhaps related to Gk. kedros (= Acer).]

אֵֽדֶר m.n. pbh skin (of a stuffed animal). [Aram. אֵדֶר, אִדְרָא (= skin of an animal), which prob. derives from base אדר (q.v.). cp. אַדֶּרֶת.]

אֲדָר m.n. ‘Adar’ — name of the twelfth Jewish month. [A loan word from Akka. Addaru, Adaru, which is prob. related to Akka. iddar (= threshing floor), and properly means ‘month of the threshing floor’. According to Friedrich Delitzsch, Akka. Addaru, Adaru lit. means ‘the dark or clouded month’ and derives from Akka. adāru (= to be dark.]

אִדְּרָא m.n. 1 threshing floor. 2 pbh a circular place for assemblies. [Aram., BAram. and Syr. אֶדְּרָא (= threshing floor), perhaps borrowed from Akka. iddar, adru. Arab. ándar is an Aram. loan word.]

אַדְּרַבָּא, אַדְּרַבָּה adj. pbh on the contrary. [Aram., lit. meaning ‘upon the greater’, and formed from pref. א□ (= עַל, on, upon), pref. דּֽ□ (= which), and רַבָּא (= great). cp. the pref. אַ□ in אַיְּדֵי, אַלִּבָּא, אַהֲדָדֵי.]

אִדְרָה f.n. pbh fishbone. [Aram. אִדְרָא; of unknown origin.]

אִדְרוֹן m.n. nh camera obscura. [From Aram. אִדֽרוֹנָא.]

אִדְרִיָּה f.n. nh eider (duck of the genus somateria). [Hebraization of eider, from Icelandic aedar.]

אַדְרִיכָל see אַרְדִּיכָל.

אַדְרִיכָלוּת see אַרֽדִּיכָלוּת.

אַדְרֵיסָה f.n. fw (pl. אַדְרֵיסוֹת and אַדְרֵיסָאוֹת) address. [Fren. adresse, back formation from adresser (= to address), from adrecier (= to raise, erect), from a (= to), and drecier (= to direct), from VL dīrectiāre, from L. dīrectus, p. part. of dīrigere (= to put into a straight line; to direct, guide). See ‘a’ and ‘direct’ (v.) in my cedel.]

אֲדַרְכּוֹן m.n. mh an ancient Persian gold coin. [A Persian loan word. cp. Avestic zaranya, Pers. zar (= gold) and see זַרְנִיךְ. cp. also Gk. dareikos (= a Persian gold coin), which is of the same origin as אֲדַרֽכּוֹן.]

אַדְרַכְתָּה f.n. pbh (pl. אַדֽרַכֽתּוֹת, אַדְרַכְתָּאוֹת) legal permission to seize the debtor’s property; right of seizure. [Aram. אַדְרַכֽתָּא, lit.: ‘permission to reach’, from אַדְרֵךְ, from דְרַךְ (= he stepped, walked, treaded) which is related to Heb. דָּרַךְ (of s.m.). Formally, Aram. אַדְרַכֽתָּא is equivalent to Heb. הַדְרָכָה. cp. Aram. אַבְדַּלְתָּא and Heb. הַבְדָּלָה, Aram. אַכְרַזֽתָּא and Heb. הַכְרָזָה.]

אַדְרֶנָלִין m.n. fw adrenalin(e) (chemistry). [Coined by the Japanese chemist Jokichi Takamine in 1901 from L. ad (= to, toward), L. rēnālis (= pertaining to the kidneys) — from rēn (= kidney) — and chemical suff. -in. See ‘ad-’ and ‘renal’ in my cedel.]

אַדֶּֽרֶת f.n. 1 splendor, glory, magnificence. 2 robe of state; cloak, coat, mantle. [Prob. formed from אדר (q.v.) with suff. □ֶת. cp. אֵדֶר and אֶדֶרI. According to Haupt אַדֶּרֶת is related to Akka. udru (= camel).]

אדש to be indifferent. [From Aram. אֲדַשׁ (= he was silent), was indifferent. See אָדִישׁ and cp. הִתֽאַדְּשׁוּת.] — Qal אָדַשׁ intr. v. nh he was indifferent. — Pi. אִדֵּשׁ nh he made indifferent, neutralized. — Pu. אֻדַּשׁ nh was made indifferent, was neutralized. — Hiph. הֶאֱדִישׁ nh he made indifferent, neutralized. — Hith. הִתְאַדֵּשׁ nh behaved indifferently, was apathetic. Derivative: אִדָּשׁוֹן.

אִדָּשׁוֹן m.n. nh apathy (psychology). [Formed from אדשׁ with suff. □וֹן.]

אהב to love. [Related to Ugar. ahb (= to love), perhaps also to Arab. hábba (= he got in motion).] — Qal אָהַב tr. v. he loved, liked. — Niph. נֶאֱהַב he was loved, was liked. — Pi. אִהֵב pbh he loved passionately. — Pu. אֹהַב pbh 1 he became beloved; 2 he fell in love. — Hith. הִתְאַהֵב 1 he was loved by; 2 he fell in love with. — Hiph. הֶאֱהִיב pbh he caused to love. Derivatives: אֲהַבְהָבִים אַהַב, אַהֲבָה, אֳהָבִים, מַאֲהָב, הִתְאַהֲבוּת, אהבהב, אַהֲבָן, אוֹהֵב, אָהוּב, נֶאֱהָב, מְאַהֵב, מֽאֹהָב.

אֹֽהַב see אֳהָבִים.

אַֽהַב m.n. mh (in Biblical Heb. only in the pl. אֲהָבִים) love, amour. [Back formation from אַהֲבָה.]

אַהֲבָה f.n. love. [Properly inf. of אָהַב (= he loved). For the ending see subst. suff. □ָה. For the infinitival origin of the word cp. e.g. Deut. 7:8 and 11:3 לֽאַהֲבָה (= to love); cp. also יִרְאָה (= fear), אָכְלָה (= eating food).] Derivative: אֲהַבֽתָּן.

[[pg-9]]אהבהב to flirt. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) after Hos. 4:18 אָהֲבוּ הֵבוּ. [See אהב and cp. אֲהַבֽהָבִים, אֲהַבְהֲבָן.] — Pi. אֲהַבֽהֵב intr. v. nh he flirted.

אֲהַבְהָבִים m.n. pl. nh flirt. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah from the verb אהבהב.]

אֲהַבְהֲבָן m.n. nh philanderer. [Formed from אהבהב with agential suff. □ָן.]

אֳהָבִים m.n. pl. love (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Pr. 7:18). Pl. of אֹהַב, from אהב (= to love).]

אַהֲבָן m.n. nh lover. [Formed from אהב with agential suff. □ָן.]

אֲהַבְתָּן adj. nh amorous, flirtatious. [Formed from אַהֲבָה with agential suff. □ָן.]

אהד to sympathize. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah (1858–1922) on the basis of Arab. hā́wada (= he was indulgent). See אַהֲדָה.] — Qal אָהַד nh he sympathized with. — Niph. נֶאֱהַד nh was sympathized. Derivatives: אַהֲדָה, אָהוּד, אֵהוּד, אוֹהֵד.

אַהֲדָדֵי adv. pbh mutually. [Formed from pref. אַ□ (= עַל, on, upon), and הֲדָדֵי (= each other).]

אַהֲדָה f.n. nh sympathy. [Coined by Eliezer ben Yehudah from אהד (= to sympathize) with first suff. □ָה.]

אֲהָהּ interj. woe! alas! ah! [Of imitative origin. cp. Syr. אהה, Arab. ’ah, ’ahān, hāh, Akka. a-a (= oh! ah!). cp. also Eng. ah, oh! and its equivalents in the other ie languages.]

אָהוּב adj. loved, beloved. [Pass. part. of אָהַב (= he loved). See אהב.]

אָהוּד adj. nh sympathetic, congenial. [Pass. part. of אָהַד. See אהד and cp. אוֹהֵד.]

אֶהֱוִ״י abbr. nh vowel letters in non-vocalized Hebrew. [Abbr. of וָו, הֵא, אָלֶף, יוֹד.]

אֲהוּרְיָר, אוּרְיָר m.n. pbh horseman, stableboy. [Of unknown origin.]

אֲהוּרְמִין m.n. pbh Ahriman, the spirit of evil in the Zoroastrian religion. [From Avestic anra mainyu (= the evil spirit); lit.: ‘the hostile spirit’.]

אֱהִי pron. meaning ‘where’ (occurring three times in the Bible, Hos. 13:10 and 14). [Prob. formed from demonstrative pref. אֱ□ and deictic הִ, a var. of הֵ, which appears e.g. in הֵא (q.v.).]

אֶהְיֶה m.n. name of God. [Lit.: ‘I am’, imperf. of הָיָה (= was). Shortened from אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה, ‘I am that I am’ (Ex. 3:14).]

אָהִיל m.n. nh 1 umbrella. 2 lampshade. [From אהל.]

אֲהִילָה f.n. 1 nh pitching a tent, tent making. 2 pbh pl. אֲהִילוֹת, the laws concerning the uncleanness of a tent. [Verbal n. of אָהַל. See אהל and first suff. □ָה. cp. אֲהִילוֹת.]

אֲהִילוֹת f.n. pl. pbh ‘Ahiloth’, name of a Tosephta tractate of the order טָהֳרוֹת. [Properly pl. of אֲהִילָה. cp. אָהֳלוֹת.]

אהל to pitch a tent, to dwell in a tent. [Denominated from אֹהֶל (= tent).] — Qal אָהַל intr. v. he pitched a tent, dwelled in a tent. — Pi. אִהֵל pbh he pitched a tent. — Hiph. הֶאֱהִיל pbh he shaded, overshadowed. Derivatives: אֲהִילָה, הַאֲהָלָה.

אֹֽהֶל m.n. 1 tent, shelter. 2 tabernacle. 3 dwelling, habitation. [cp. Aram. אָהֳלָא (emphatic st.), Phoen. אהל, Ugar. ’hl (= tent). Usually connected with but prob. not related to Arab. ’ahl (= relatives, kin, kinsfolk, adherents, inhabitants, people). cp. Egypt. ’(a)har(a). Derivatives: אָהֳלִיָּה, מַאֲהָל, אָהִיל, אָהָל, אָהֳלָה, אָהֳלוֹן, אָהֳלוֹת, אָהֳלִיבָה.

אָהָל m.n. (pl. אֲהָלִים and אֲהָלוֹת) 1 aloe. 2 pbh an alkalic plant used as a soap. 3 nh mesembryanthemum (botany). [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps borrowed from agaruh, aguruh (= aloewood), which are prob. of Dravidian origin. Gk. aloe (= aloe), is prob. a Heb. loan word. See ‘aloe’ in my cedel.]

אָהֳלָה f.n. proper name ‘Oholah’, symbolic name for Samaria. [For אָהֳלָהּ (= her tent), short for ‘she who has her own tent’, in contradistinction to אָהֳלִיבָה (q.v.).]

אָהֳלוֹן m.n. nh small tent. [Formed from אֹהֶל with suff. □וֹן.]

אָהֲלוֹת f.n. pl. pbh ‘Oholoth’, name of a Mishnah tractate. [From אֹהֶל. cp. אֲהִילוֹת.]

אָהֳלִיבָה f.n. proper name ‘Oholibah’, symbolic name of Jerusalem. [For אָהֳלִי בָהּ (= my tent is in her), short for ‘she in which my tent (i.e. the Temple) is’. See אֹהֶל and בָּהּ and cp. אָהֳלָהּ.]

אָהֳלִיָּה f.n. pbh encampment, a camp formed from tents. [Formed from אֹהֶל (= tent), with suff. □ִיָּה.]

אוֹ conj. or. [Related to Aram. אוֹ, Syr. אוֹ, Ugar. ’u, Arab. au, Ethiop. ’aw, Akka. ū (= or).]

אוֹאָזִיס m.n. fw oasis. [Gk. oasis, of Egypt. origin. cp. Coptic ouahe (= oasis), whence also Arab. wāhah (of s.m., properly ‘dwelling place’), from ouah (= to dwell).]

אוֹבְּpref. fw ob- (in words of Latin origin) 1 toward, to. 2 against. 3 across, over, upon. 4 down. 5 completely. [L. ob-, from ob (= toward, against, in the way of; about, before; on account of; instead of), from ie base *opi-, which stands in gradational relationship to ie *epi-. See ‘epi-’ in my cedel and cp. ‘ob-’ ibid.]

אוֹבI m.n. (pl. אֹובוֹת), skin bottle. [Of uncertain etymology. cp. אוֹבII (a hapax legomenon occurring Job 32:19 in the pl.).]

אוֹבII m.n. (pl. אֹובוֹת) 1 necromancer, sorcerer. 2 ghost. [Of uncertain etymology. Some scholars connect this word with Arab. ’ā́ba (= he came back), so that אוֹב would denote the ghost coming back from the other world. cp. Fren. revenant (= ghost), properly subst. use of the pres. part. of revenir (= to come back). However, it is more prob. that אוֹב in the above sense is ultimately identical with אוֹב (= skin bottle), and would properly refer to the dull sounds made by the ghost. This etymology gains in probability if we compare Syr. זַכּוּרָא (= necromancer) with Arab. zúkrah (= wine skin).]

אוֹבֵד adj. lost, forlorn. [Properly part. of אָבַד. See אבד.]

אוֹבְּיֶקְט m.n. fw object. [Med. L. objectum (lit.: ‘something thrown before’), neuter of L. objectus, p. part. of obicere (= to throw or put before or against), from ob (= toward, against, in the way of; about, before; on account of, instead of), and jacere (= to throw). See ‘ob-’ and ‘jet’ (= to spurt forth) in my cedel. Med. L. objectum is properly a loan translation of Gk. problema (= a problem; lit.: ‘something thrown before’).]

אוֹבְּיֶקְטִיבִי adj. fw objective. [Med. L. objectīvus, from objectum (= object). See אוֹבְּיֶקְט and adj. suff. □ִי.]

אוֹבְּיֶקְטִיבִיּוּת f.n. fw objectivity. [Formed from אוֹבְּיֶקְטִיבִי with suff. □וּת.]

אוּבָל m.n. 1 stream, rivulet, water course. 2 nh aqueduct. [Of uncertain origin. According to Jensen, a proper name for the River Ulai (cp. אוּבַל אוּלָי, Dan. 8:2), and lit. meaning ‘that which carries its waters to the sea’, and related to יוּבַל. cp. אָבֵלII.]

אוֹבְּלִיגַצְיָה f.n. fw debenture. [L. obligātiō (= a binding, obligation), from obligātus, p. part. of obligāre (= to bind, put under obligation, oblige), from ob (see אוֹבְּיֶקְט) and ligāre (= to bind). See ‘ligament’ in my cedel and cp. ‘obligation’ ibid.

אוֹבֶּלִיסְק m.n. fw obelisk. [Gk. obeliskos (= a small spit, an obelisk), dimin. of obelos (= a spit, needle, pointed pillar, obelisk), which is of uncertain origin.]

[[pg-10]]אוֹבְּסְטְרוּקְצְיָה f.n. fw obstruction (esp. in Parliament). [L. obstructiō (= a building up), from obstructus, p. part. of obstruere (= to build up, wall up; to bar, render impassable; lit.: ‘to build against’), from ob (see אוֹבּֽיֶקֽט) and struere (= to build). See ‘structure in my cedel. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

אוֹבְּסֶרְוָטוֹרְיָה f.n. fw observatory. [From L. observāre (= to watch, regard, observe), from ob (see אוֹבְּיֶקְט) and servāre (= to save, deliver, preserve, protect). See ‘conserve’ in my cedel and cp. ‘observatory’ ibid. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

אוֹבַצְיָה f.n. fw ovation. [L. ovātiō, from ovō, ovāre (= to exult, to triumph in ovation), which stands for *ewāyō, from the imitative base *ewā-, whence also Gk. euazein (= to utter cries of joy; lit.: ‘to cry eua‘ in honor of Bacchus’).]

אוֹבֶרְטוּרָה f.n. fw overture (music). [Fren. ouverture (= opening), from ouvrir (= to open), from VL *ōperire (= to open), from L. aperīre (= to open), but influenced in form by L. cooperīre (= to cover). See ‘aperient’ in my cedel and cp. ‘overture’ ibid.]

אוֹג m.n. pbh sumach (kind of a tree). [From Syr. אוֹגָא.]

אוֹגֵד adj. nh 1 copulative. 2 copula (grammar). [Properly part. of אָגַד.] Derivative: אוֹגְדָן.

אוֹגְדָן m.n. nh classer, classeur (file). [Formed from אוֹגֵד with suff. □ָן.]

אוֹגוּסְט, אַבְגּוּסְט m.n. fw the month August. [L. Augustus. Named after Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor. Lit.: ‘venerable, august’. Related to augēre (= to increase). See ‘auction’ in my cedel.]

אוֹגֵרI m.n. 1 mh lexicographer. 2 nh collector. [Subst. use of the act. part. of אגר.]

אוֹגֵרII m.n. nh hamster. [Of the same origin as אוֹגֵרI.]

אוּגָרִיתִי adj. nh Ugaritic. [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from אוּגָרִית (= Ugarit) name of an ancient city in north Syria, whose ruins form today the artificial mound called Ras Shamra. The name Ugarit, which occurs in Babylonian, Hittite and Egyptian records, derives from Akka. Ugārītu, from ugārīytu, which was formed from Sumerian ugāru (= field), with gentilic suff. -īytu (corresponding to Heb. □ִי).]

אוד base meaning ‘to bend’; ‘to oppress’. [Whence אֵידI. See אוֹדוֹת.]

אוּד m.n. brand, firebrand. [Related to Aram. אוּד, Syr. אוּדָא (= brand, firebrand), possibly also to Arab. ’ūd (= wood). For the interchangeability of א and ע see the introductory article to letter א.]

אוֹדָה f.n. fw ode. [Gk. ode, contraction of aoide (= song), which is related to aeido (= sing), which prob. is cogn. with aedon (= nightingale), aude (= voice, tone, sound), audao (= I talk, speak). cp. ‘ode’ and words there referred to in my cedel.]

אוֹדוֹנְטוֹלוֹגְיָה f.n. fw odontology. [Compounded of Gk. odon (= tooth) and of -logia (see □לוֹגְיָה). Gk. odon was assimilated from edont, prob. orig. a pres. part. of ie base *ed- (= to eat), and lit. means ‘that which eats’. See ‘tooth’ in my cedel and cp. the second element in מַסְטוֹדוֹן.]

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