This grant is to establish an Australian Standard for compressed natural gas (CNG) and to establish a test facility to enable the development of a market in CNG. In 2000-01 $167,000 was spent on the facility and a further $296,000 is anticipated in 2001-02 before the facility commences testing. The Commission and the Australian Greenhouse Office are currently in the process of renegotiating the grant.
In accordance with accounting standards the grant is treated as revenue and the test facility included as an asset of the Commission. Consequently the Operating surplus or deficit in 2000-01 and 2001-02 is distorted by the capital component of the grant included in revenue.
This Appendix is cross referenced to Table 1.1, Note 4, and to Table 2.1.
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Australian Institute of Marine Science...............................................................153 Section 1: Overview, appropriations and budget measures summary......................153
Overview.................................................................................................................................153 Appropriations.......................................................................................................................153 Budget measures — Summary.............................................................................................155 Administered capital and departmental equity injections and loans.............................155
Section 2: Outcome and output information..................................................................156
Outcome and output.............................................................................................................156 Changes to outcome and output .........................................................................................157 Trends in resourcing across outcome .................................................................................157 Outcome 1 — Description ....................................................................................................158 Measures affecting outcome 1..............................................................................................158 Outcome 1 — Resourcing.....................................................................................................158 Outcome 1 — Contribution of outputs...............................................................................159 Evaluations .............................................................................................................................160 Competitive tendering and contracting..............................................................................160
Section 1: Overview, appropriations and budget measures summary
The Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) is one of Australia’s key research agencies and the only one committed solely to marine research, with an emphasis on tropical marine science. The role of AIMS is to generate the knowledge to support the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment through innovative, world-class scientific and technological research.
Harnessing the future potential of our marine resources in a sustainable manner is a high national priority. A major goal of the Government’s Ocean Policy is “to understand, monitor and conserve Australia’s marine biodiversity, the ocean environment and its resources and ensure ocean uses are ecologically sustainable”. The Australian Institute of Marine Science Act 1972 and mission statement are particularly relevant to this goal and the research conducted by AIMS will make major contributions to the Government’s initiatives.
The total appropriation for AIMS in the 2001-02 Budget is $27.348m.
Table 1.1, on the following page, shows the price of output appropriation and equity injection for the Institute’s outcome. AIMS has no administered appropriations.