Australian Institute of Marine Science — Appropriations 2001-02 Table 1.1: Appropriations and other revenue ($’000) Outcome Departmental (price of outputs)
Total 24,537 0 (K1) 24,537 The amounts in shading are included in annual appropriation bills
30,609 0 0 0 Total appropriationsDepartmental capital (equity injections and loans) Administered capital
24,537 (K2) 2,811 0 27,348
Note: C1 and E1 refer to information provided in Table 2.1. Amount K1 refers to Budgeted Statement of Financial Performance (Table 3.1), and amount K2 refers to the Departmental Capital Budget Statement (Table 3.4).
Under the appropriation structure, Bill No. 2 includes Specific Purpose Payments (SPP’s), New Agency Outcomes (NAO’s), administered capital and departmental capital via departmental injections and loans.
Refer to Budgeted Statement of Financial Performance for application of agency revenue.
Revenue from other sources includes other revenue from government (eg resources free of charge) and revenue from other sources (eg sales of goods and services by agencies). Non-appropriated departmental revenues are detailed in Appendix 1.
* Percentage figures indicate the percentage contribution of Revenue from Government (Departmental Appropriations) to the Total Price of Outputs, by outcome.
There are no measures in the 2001-02 Budget with resource implications for AIMS.
AIMS will receive an equity injection of $2.811m in 2001-02, as indicated in Table 1.1 and as accounted for in the Capital Budget and Appropriation Bill No 2, 2001-02. No departmental loans will be received.
The equity injection will be supplemented by $7.157m from internal Institute resources and will be used for the refurbishment program of ageing laboratories.
The following map shows the relationship between the outcome and the contributing output for AIMS. Financial details for the outcome by output appear in Table 2.1. Non-financial information for the Institute’s outcome appears in Table 2.2.