E-Mail: ambiente@mrecic.gov.ar or mah@mrecic.gov.ar
National Definition
National definition of waste used for the purpose of transboundary movements of waste exists in Argentina.
The national definition of "waste" of Argentina is same as the Basel definition of waste (National Law 23922 - Basel Convention ratification).
National definition of hazardous waste used for the purpose of transboundary movements of waste exists in Argentina.
"Hazardous Waste" is any waste that belongs to any category contained in annex I of the Basel Convention "or" any waste that possess any of the characteristic listed in annex III of the Basel Convention. (National Law No. 24051 of Hazardous Wastes). Industrial and Other Activities Wastes Management are under the scope of Minimum Provision Law which is in process of reglamentation. Wastes listed in annex II of the Basel Convention, are under the scope of another Minimum Provision Law, concerning Domestic Wastes, which is in process of reglamentation. Household wastes with a hazardous characteristic listed in Annex III of the Basel Convention are covered by National Law 23.922 (Basel Convention approval). Radioactive wastes and wastes derived from the normal operations of a ship are excluded from the scope of National Law of Hazardous Wastes because they are ruled by other regulations and international instruments.
Argentina regulates/controls additional wastes as hazardous that are not included in Art. 1 (1)a of the Basel Convention and would be controlled for the purpose of transboundary movements pursuant to Art. 1 (1)b.
A list of such wastes is posted on the Basel Convention’s website (www.basel.int).
Argentina requires special consideration for the following waste(s) when subjected to transboundary movement:
Used tyres require special consideration when subjected to transboundary movement. There is an import ban on used tyres, asbestos (import ban for amphiboles), PCBs (in any application), and soft PVC toys.
Restrictions on Transboundary Movement
Amendment to the Basel Convention
Argentina is in a preparatory process of implementing the amendment to the Basel Convention (Decision III/1).
Restrictions on export for final disposal and for recovery
Argentina has no restrictions on the export of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery.
Restrictions on transit and import for final disposal and for recovery
Argentina restricts the transit and import of hazardous wastes and other wastes for final disposal and for recovery.
Argentina has an import ban for those wastes defined as hazardous according to the National Law of Hazardous Wastes (National Law 24051. Entry into force 1991). Decree of Import of Wastes 181 (Entry in force 1992). The entry of hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes into national territory is forbidden by National Constitution (Entry into force in 1994).
This restriction covers all countries and wastes covered by National Legislation.
National territory encloses 12 miles of Argentine sea.
Hazardous Waste generators have to present a plan to reduce the generation of hazardous wastes by means of change of technology; segregation of streams; and recycling, when it is possible, in an environmentally sound manner. The Environmental Authority (Competent Authority), has designed a National Plan of Reduction and Elimination of PCBs, which is under appliance. Additional Plans of Elimination (other POPs and PTS, such as mercury compounds and articles such as batteries) are under preparation.
Legislation, regulations and guidelines
National Law 24.051 - Decree 831/93.
Economic instruments/ initiatives
Environmental tax for generators, transporters of hazardous wastes and hazardous waste treatment plants. This tax is decreased in accordance with reduction of the generation of hazardous waste.
Measures taken by industries/waste generators
Industries are making efforts to replace the electrical devices with PCB and to eliminate them.
Establishment of a Sub-Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer in Buenos Aires.
Transboundary Movement Reduction Measures
National strategies/policies
Argentina has a number of treatment plants. But there are no licensed disposal facilities for specific waste such as PCBs (in concentration above 5.000 ppm) or high organochloride substances due to lack of capacity for the control of dioxins and furans. Training courses are given to the different provinces of the country to develop treatment capacity so as to dispose wastes near their place of generation. Provincial or territorial approval is required to operate a treatment plant. For regulation of waste management there are: A legal tool, Law No. 24.051, regulated by Executive Decree No. 831/93 that rules the "generation, handling and treatment of hazardous waste"; and a workable tool, Register of generators and operators of hazardous waste. With the intention of exercising due control over hazardous waste the enforcement authority requires mandatory registration of all those parties that generate, handle, carry, treat or dispose hazardous waste.
Two documents are used to exercise the control: Environmental Annual Certificate: After all the legal and technical requirements that ensure an environmental sound management of the hazardous waste are fulfilled, the concerned parties receive this certificate. Industries, carriers, treatment and disposal plants and any other activity that generates or operates with hazardous wastes must have the necessary authorization. The company which carries on a movement of hazardous wastes also needs this certificate for operating. Manifest: It is the document that records the origin of the waste, and its transfer from the generation site to the final disposal plant (from cradle to the grave).
Legislation, regulations and guidelines
Law No. 24051, regulated by Executive Decree No. 831/93 that rules the "generation, handling and treatment of hazardous waste"; Law No. 23922, ratification of the Basel Convention (1992); and Provincial legislations.
Information can be obtained from: www.medioambiente.gov.ar
Measures taken by industries/waste generators
The application of International Management Systems.
Recovery Facilities
For information about Licences for Wastes Operators granted by Argentine Jurisdictions (local authorities), see web site:www.medioambiente.gov.ar (COFEMA)
There are several facilities in the country. For an up-dated National Permits List see web site: www.medioambiente.gov.ar (Dirección Nacional de Gestión Ambiental - Unidad Registro).
Bilateral, Multilateral or Regional Agreements
No agreements.
Technical Assistance and Training Available
Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable, San Martín 459, Buenos Aires (1004), Argentina, 05411-4348-8425, e-mail:mcraviotto@medioambiente.gov.ar, www.medioambiente.gov.ar
Universidad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (UBA), Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, 05411-4576-3361, e-mail: majo@qb.fcen.uba.ar
INTI-Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, Av. Gral. Paz e/Albarellos y Avenida de los Constituyentes, 05411-4724-0587
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, CNEA, Av. Del Libertador 8250, 05411-0704-1000
INA - Instituto Nacional del Agua y el Ambiente, Autop. Ezeiza Cañuelas km1620, Ezeiza, 05411-44480-9219/448.9225
A complete list could be obtained from: www.medioambiente.gov.ar