
Part 2: Aix and Poitiers, the theory to the test bench

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Part 2: Aix and Poitiers, the theory to the test bench


" Das Modell Planungszelle 'stellt 'eine mogliche Anwendung der Benefits of aufgabenorientierten,'ermoglichenden Gruppenprozesses fur die industrielle Zwecke der Beteiligung year politischen identifiable dar. Der yesterday gemeinte Gruppenprozes last sich durch eine Reihe von Merkmalen beschreiben. Einige von ihnen, wie can be sampled again der Beteiligten'oder Dauer der Teilnahme, sind in bestimmten Grenzen variierbar. En sind es nicht. Sie werden als yesterday Hauptmerkmale bezeichnet. Ihre Bedeutung wird - auch wenn Sie lediglich zunachst technisch anmuten - sichtbar, wenn die Moglichkeiten long-term survival, die sich aus ihrer handschriftlichen Überlieferung Kombination ergeben, bedacht werden. Pound Hauptmerkmale of Modells lassen sich in folgendem Satz zusammenfassen: "Die Planungszelle ist eine Gruppe von im Zufall ausgewahlten, auf bestimmte Wirkstoffe 'Zeit freigestellten und verguteten Burgern, die - assistiert von Prozesbegleitern - Losungen fur vorgegebene, losbare Bewertungs-, Kontroll- oder Planungsprobleme erarbeiten." Der Begriff "losbar" meint yesterday, das die zur Losung of Problems relevanten Informationen in der zur Verfugung stehenden Zeit in die Gruppe eingegeben und von den Teilnehmern verarbeitet und angewendet werden konnen. ≪

Dienel (1976, 28).

Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

The previous chapter has put in before a series of analyzes and proposals concerning the democratic systems contemporaries who hope a lot of the reintroduction of the draw in politics. However, it is still a possibility to test these expectations on the field: Are there any practices that meet the theoretical propositions and which would help to verify the assumptions made by the authors supporters of the drawing? If yes, what are these models? The present chapter1 is intended to respond to these two questions by identifying certain instruments using the drawing which clearly fall within the conceptual proposals (1). Among the latter, the category of so-called mini-public seems to have the most potential, what a detour by the history of the innovations will show (2 and 3). Within the group, and this, we will focus particularly on two models: the Planungszelle and the jury of citizens (4). The first because of its historic role central in the development and dissemination of mini-public, the second due to its character Tardif and strongly hybrid which will enable us to integrate elements of comparison and cross-sectional as well as diachronic. To allow a concrete test of assumptions, however, it will be necessary to operationalize the research by concentrating on two concrete experiences (5) : the project of Planungszelle " eine neue Gebuhrensatzung as Aachen " on of 2007 and the draft jury citizen " evaluation of regional policy in the fight against climate change " of 2008.

1The research was the basis of this chapter have been made possible grace has access to the substance of Peter Dienel which is located has Elstal (Brandenburg) and whose doors have me summers opened by the family Dienel, that I would like to thank here. The substance contains the set of matches, writings, publications etc. , produced by Peter Dienel and the actors in the network Planungszelle throughout the years.

Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

1. Overview of a gradual renaissance

If the drawing has never completely disappeared from the political practice, it has clearly been a major eclipse between the liberal revolutions of the 18th century and the 1960s, time at which it has undergone a kind of gradual renaissance which we will quickly draw up a table that allows to tag the field of investigation of the empirical study.

1.1A myriad of jobs

Since the middle of 1960, the draw has been increasingly used in practice. It has already seen in the previous chapters that this was not without consequences on the development of the literature and on the political theory, but we will now focus on the real jobs. It is of course impossible to perform an exhaustive census, that is why it is proposed to use a grid of reading outcome of the work of the first chapter in order to present a maximum of examples of analytical manner. We will begin by the jobs in the field of lotteries, has the result of what we will review the striking examples of drawing in the framework of decisions taken. Finally we will focus on the prints of posts, which constitute the category most bountiful.

1.1 .1Conscription, Green card and places of study: lotteries

The reintroduction of the draw in the framework of military conscription in the United States in 1970 has been very widely commented on and it represents a typical case of modern reintroduction. It has been accompanied by a lively debate and represents for some authors the starting point of modern of the renaissance of the draw in policy in combination with the strengthening of the draw in the judicial panels (Buchstein 2009a, 339). The second employment in this framework, much more recent, is the Green card introduced by the Reagan administration in 1987 with the aim of diversifying the origin of candidates has immigration to the United States . It allows has 60,000 candidates per year to obtain a permanent visa regardless of the country of residence and without conditions of qualification other than the filling a form in row2. The third2For

For details see the information of the government united states. It is surprising to note that despite its impact and its originality this employment of the draw was apparently not been the subject of academic research depth, and no reference has been found on the subject. 182

1. Overview of a gradual renaissance

Third employment actually marking affects the access to goods educational it is-a-say to seats school and university which has spread from particularly rapid manner in the whole of Europe since little. The first country to have introduced the system after-war seems to have been the Holland of 1975. Elsewhere, the excitement is more delayed and the following countries has test the draw has the entry of schools (United Kingdom, United States and Germany) have done in the last 10 years (Boyle 2010).

1.1 .2The Swedish parliament: an example of advisory drawing

The advisory draw employment is the least present in the practice has the collective scale. In fact, when it comes to decisions that have a real impact, the draw is reported by his absence, with the exception of a case it seems unique in the post-war history. Between 1973 and 1976, the Swedish parliament, consisting of two blocks of 175 members mit in the drawing 79 of these decisions, 39 of them were won by the socialist bloc and 40 by the block conservateur3.

1.1 .3juries judicial: the employment of reference

" The jury, and especially the civil jury, serves to give the spirit of all citizens a part of the habits of the spirit of the judge ; and these habits are precisely those that are preparing the better the people to be free ... It teaches men the practice of equity. Each, in judging his neighbor, think it may be judge has his turn. It revet each citizen of a kind of judiciary; he felt was all that they have duties to fulfill toward society, and that they fall within his government. By forcing the men has to deal with something other than of their own affairs, he is fighting the individual egoism.  (De Tocqueville 1835a, 120).

The draw of judicial panels represents the exact opposite of the previous employment, since the drawing is often the rule, and this since their creation. It is not necessary to dwell here on the details of the procedure since it has been often studied in his report with the tirage4. However, it should be noted two elements: firstly the operation of drawing for the recruitment has experienced a substantial change from the end of the seventy years in response to the criticisms made to the default of representativeness of the jurors who has is to broaden the pool of sorteables while making participation more compulsory than before. This movement began in the United States then spread in the

3See Jahn (2003, 101) and Rasch (1995).

4See the works cited in the chapter 2. On the report with the drawing, see Buchstein (2009a, 341-364) or Vergne (2006, 99-102). 183

Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

All over the world and has had major consequence to democratize the jury and to make it more independent of political power but also of judges professionnels5. Secondly, the model of juries has constitutes, as we will see later, a source of inspiration not negligible for a part of the practitioners of the use of the draw in politics.

1.1 .4a revolutionary employment: the mini-public

Of all the practices identified here, there is one that constitutes a true revolution in the field of employment of the prize draw in politics because it is the first to be the result of a social engineering and proactive institutional comprising the draw as central element: this is the mini-public. A term which covers a palette very diverse uses that date back has two common tremenduous difference: the Planungszelle and the Citizens Jury, invented and then put into practice from the 1970s. These models are, in addition, as we have already emphasized, the meeting zone between the theory of democracy and random political practice. That is why they seem of a present constitute a favorable field of research when it comes to test the theoretical hypotheses and it seems justified to consider in detail on these models. However, it should be first to finish the tour of the practices of drawing by addressing two other uses.

1.1 .5The particular case of the polls and the televote

The polls represent, as we have seen, a complex case of employment from the draw. In fact, strictly speaking, they are not based on the draw that in a scientific concern of representativeness. So they do not have a priori nothing of policy, what confirms the mass of surveys conducted in the trade area to test products or advertising campaigns. However, some polls regarding the policy are themselves political and have important consequences on the system as a whole; it becomes difficult to ignore. If the use of the draw is limited well to ensure that the sample is representative of the population of the overall content of the polls influence directly the conduct of the policy which, as the jotting down a whole series of the authors studied in chapter 3, has profound consequences on the liberal democracies. The polls are also individuals

5Cf. Vergne (2006, 99-102). The reform is arrival in France in 1978, but has not affected the Germany or the jurors learned the fate remain an exception.


1. Overview of a gradual renaissance

In the direction where they constituted the starting point of the reflection of some of the practitioners of the drawing, such Ted Becker or James Fishkin who have developed models of democracy on the basis of polls opinion6. With effect from 1974, Becker introduced and then tested the Televote. The latter is a form of survey in which the sample drawn at random to answer the question receives an information pamphlet on the subject, and then attended from home has a television show corresponding before finally give its opinion by a telephone voting. This method, although revolutionary in its time has been employee that a dozen times the USA before falling into a forgotten certain7.

1.1 .6The tie-breaker in the elections

Although rarely used in practice, the use of the drawing such as tie -breaker after an election without winner is expected in most constitutions and/or parliamentary regulations of western democracies (Buchstein 2009a).

1.2Limitation of the field of investigation

This multiplicity of employment constitutes a solid basis to test the theoretical hypotheses but would exceed very widely the framework of this work. That is why we decided to limit itself - in agreement with the developments of chapters 2 and 3 - has the study of tools which have for their object the distribution of posts deliberative processes. The reasons for this choice are multiple. First of all, the distribution of posts is a phenomenon which has experienced a renaissance or even a birth since the end of the second world war, while most of the other practices have existed without interruption since longer. Then, there seems to be an affinity between the theory of democracy random and the sortition. In effect, the majority of texts and proposals related to posts deliberative and/or legislative. In addition, the practical models of distribution of posts couples has an activity of deliberation are models of relatively complex which allow to test widely the palette of theoretical expectations has the inverse of jobs as the tie- breaker whose scope is limited to decide a equality of votes in the context of a procedure more classic to vote. Finally, the bibliometric analysis has shown that the inventors of mini-public, and therefore probably their models, are particularly6See

Infra, p. 206 et seq.

7For details on the model, see Becker & Slaton (2000). 185

Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

Particularly central to the proponents of the theory of democracy random (see chapter 2, 5.2.4 , p. 119). The taking into account of all these elements leads naturally has to concentrate on the uses of type mini-public. However, the field thus defined is still too wide. That is why it is proposed to limit the study has two models of mini-public: the Planungszelle and the jury of citizens. This choice is based on a series of reasons that a detour by the history seems to justify.

2. Planungszelle and Citizens Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

2.1Methodology: a study of diffusion of innovations

The approach chosen for this study is based on the concept of diffusion of innovations, developed by Rogers and defined by him as a " process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels throughout the time and among the members of a social system " (Rogers 2003, 5-12). Innovation itself being " an idea, practice or object perceived as new by an individual or by a unit of adoption " on. There is no doubt that the Planungszelle, the Citizens Jury and their hybridisation is a count among the innovations in the field of instruments of democracy since they have the two constituent characteristics: they represent a novelty in objective terms of procedure and, what is more, they have been since their creations perceived as such (Smith 2009a, 1). The work done here has been to follow what Rogers identified as the heart of the diffusion process: the channels. In the framework of the Planungszelle and the Citizens' Jury, these are four in number: the persons, institutions, publications, and events. The research material consists of four elements. First, a job in the archives of Dienel consisting in the classification and indexing of the substance that he has left. This work has helped to formulate most of the results concerning the Planungszelle presented here, as well as those concerning the Citizens' Juries and a large part of their derivatives because of the centrality of Dienel and his team of collaborators in the international network of practitioners of mini-public. Secondly, a series of discussions and communications 186

2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

With the key players in the network above, including Ilse Burgass, Ned Crosby, Peter Dienel, James Fishkin and Benno Trutken. Thirdly, a qualitative survey among the actors of the German network Planungszelle8. Fourth, an analysis of the relevant literature, including manuscripts of Dienel and Crosby.

2.21969 - 1979: the emergence of a political innovation

2.2 .1pluralistic society and planning

It is at the beginning of 1970 that two pioneers - Peter Dienel in Germany and Ned Crosby to the United States of America - will invent and then test it independently two innovative instruments based on the torque draw and deliberation. If it is impossible to reconstruct the exact sequence of the intellectual process of innovation, we can at least identify three sets of factors concurring. First of all, it is clear that the political context of the 1968 has influenced the two researchers: the student movement in the two countries, based among other things on a fundamental criticism of the representation and decision-making mechanisms in the liberal democracies, as well as the many wishes to establish a participatory democracy have probably infused reflection (Dienel 1971a, 16-17 and 24-25). The two authors led the movement as particularly justified but not representing a solution durable9. Then, the intellectual context in the two disciplines probably has played a not insignificant role in the processes of creation. In the case of Crosby, the influence comes mainly from social psychology and moral philosophy (Crosby 1976, 9 and 2003, 247). But it also draws in the work of Rawls on social justice (Crosby 1976, 2). Dienel on his side seems more interested in matters relating to planning and is based primarily on work of commissions and committees of reflections on the possible reforms in this competence procedures.10. He is also aware of the work on the participation and found for example of contacts with Arnstein or publications

8See the attached form (p. 398 et seq. ).

9Crosby (1976, 2). See also Dienel (1971a, 6) on the student movement German: " Zunachst ist auf die Rateidee zu verweisen. Sie gilt in letzter Zeit als modern, aber auch als schwer realisierbar. Einmal verwirklicht, weist sie eine Reihe von Nachteilen auf. Die Integration der Gesamtheit wird schwieriger. Project entitled Die ihrer handschriftlichen Überlieferung Manipulation durch activist Gruppen werden eher groser. Die Entwicklung innerhalb ( Qualitätswein bestimmter Studentenvertretungen steigert jedenfalls nicht die Erwartungen, die sich year pound Idea knupfen. ≪

10Dienel quoted for example often the report Skeffington (1969). 187

Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

In works on has the participation11. But its point of entry is rooted in sociology and public administration. Finally, a series of biographical factors likely have catalyzed the reflections. For Dienel, it can be traced back three. First of all, in 1968 was 1969, he worked in the office of the minister-president of the Land of North Rhine-westphalia on the plan " North Rhine Westphalia 1975 ≪ and is charge of the party regional planning and education. His experience the convinces me that these areas are suffering from a great lack of transparency and participation (Vergne 2005a), and are located in the inability to take into account the new themes and issues of long terme12. The second essential factor is the activity that developed from 1969 and until 1972: he resigned from his post of adviser and became professor at the Pedagogical University of the Rhine13 or it is devoted to the problem of participation from a pedagogical point of view through a program of research on the concept of planerischer, Bildungsurlaub, i.e. training leave continues to planning (Dienel 1971b). The third factor is, by the admission of Dienel, its religious motivation has continue his idea (Vergne 2007, 2)14. Ned Crosby, on his side, is marked by academic influences theoretical that he accumulated during several cycles of studies distributed between 1954 and 1973. He began his thesis in 1968 at the University of Minnesota. In the course of his research, he has addressed the issue of the validity of psychological tests and then turns a little bit toward the question of jurisdiction and its measurement. These research the lead finally has work on the concept of social ethics, and on the issue of decision-making in a context where there are no objective values nor as a way to properly measure the validity of opinions. Taken together, these individual factors and contextual lead has a similar observation of the two researchers on their respective corporation, then even that their disciplines and intellectual inspirations were relatively remote. Dienel wonders as well in 1971 in what the " social pluralism " could be a " a problem for the planning " on. Crosby

11Dienel, "  Korrespondenz mit Arnstein ≪, 1971, Nietzsche's Nachlass -Dienel, Ca2-2. Cf. also Dienel (1971a and 1971b).

12Dienel (1971a, 17): " Ich habe, das sei am Rande erwahnt, in den letzten Wochen in Sachen- und Freizeithotel Verwaltungen mit Erfahrungen gemacht, die zeigen Flagge, wie man unzureichend komplexen Sachverhalten gerecht werden kann, die zwischen die Zustandigkeiten fallen. Auch- und Freizeithotel ist ein nicht ressortfahiger Bereich. Damit ist aber nicht gesagt, dass es das Problem 'Aufrechterhaltung of sozialen Pluralismus' nicht gibt. ≪

13German Equivalent of IUFM french.

14Dienel has worked after the war for 10 years in a home for young people held by a Protestant church (Freikirche). It was then the scientific coordinator of the Evangelical Academy of Loccum. He also has been active all his life in different associations evangelical, for example in the organization committee of the Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag a meeting of secular protestants, known for his critical engagement from the 1980s, particularly in the debates on the policy of German armament.


2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

Noted for its part that the " planning " was incompatible with " our present form of government pluralistic " on15. In modern societies, more and more fragmented, the centralized planning always becomes less obvious. The interests at stake are too diverse, the oppositions constants and the citizens want to participate. In addition, it is illusory to believe that the strengthening of existing instruments of participation can be a viable solution: the petitions, referendums, Burgerinitiative certainly allow citizens to express themselves but remain in the area of confrontation, of the opposition. Participation is either without institutional consequences, either qualitatively poor, and sometimes the two (Dienel 1971a, 5-6). It must therefore exceed the classical framework and promote " die Weiterentwicklung ... der Techniken burgerschaftlicher Beteiligung ≪. It must be " design new forms of democracy which are compatible with schedule " on16. The two researchers will present their solution in 1971 and 197317. The similarity and the concomitance are impressive.

2.2 .2" Neue Entwicklungen fordern ein neues Instrumentarium": the models and their constituent elements18

" Die Werte, die es yesterday zu transportieren gilt, etwa die Wertvorstellungen, die dieser neuen "demokratischen Gesellschaft" entsprechen, pound Werte lassen sich durch Ubernahme von Rollen eintrainieren, Zum Beispiel, moni man Leute year Planungsprozessen teilnehmen' lasst, moni man sie dafur finanziert und freistellt, sagen wir evil fur ein Vierteljahr. Laien nehmen year einem Planungsprozess de teil und entdecken zum ersten poorly in Ihrem Leben, was cast ja schon immer gewusst haben, dass es um ganz langfristige Problem geht und dass 'unsere

" In 1971 I finally decided that the best we could do to raise our views about social ethics above the level of mother taste gold subjective statements was to gather a group of people and let them say what they thought was the social good.  Crosby (2003, 255).

15Dienel (1969, 2) : " damit ist die eine deutlich Hinsicht, in der soziale Pluralismus ein planerisches Problem darstellt: er erschwert die Planung. Er steigert zwangslaufig namlich die Komplexitat von Planungsvorgangen. ≪ Crosby (1976, 23): " Many scholars have argued for some time now that our country will not survive without a great deal more planning by the government. Yet it appears that planning is incompatible with our current pluralist form of government. ≪

16Dienel (1969, 4) : " Demokratisierung meint die Weiterentwicklung der Verfahren zur Allokation gesellschaftlicher identifiable, der Dezentralisation von Planung und der Techniken burgerschaftlicher Beteiligung. ≪ Crosby (1976, 23) : " This could mean that at some point in the future, if our problems are not being solved, we run the risk of dictatorship as some 'man on a white horse' steps in to save us all. One way to Forrestall : - scholarly this is to design new forms of democracy which are compatible with schedule. ≪

17The first in his article Was heist und was will Partizipation? Wie konnen die Burger am Planungsprozesse beteiligt werden? Planwahl und Planungszelle als Beteiligungsverfahren (Dienel 1971b) and the second in his thesis, concerned for All (Crosby 1973). Note, however, that the idea of the model was already present in the earlier versions of the thesis, and that its formulation dates back to the Summer 1971as i was able to learn in an interview with him.

18Dienel (1971a, 8).


Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

Communication', die von further discussion of und jenen immer so lautstark ins Spiel werden the factory default condition, NC: Hoechst kurzfristige Basis sind, dass wir insgesamt ganz en langfristige Basis haben.  Dienel (1971a, 7).

In 1971, Dienel defines its model of the following form: " Die Planungszelle 'stellt 'eine Nutzung of projektorientierten, gruppeninternen Lernprozesses fur die industrielle Zwecke der Planung dar. ≪ Crosby remembers her side: " How devrait thesis people be gathered? Whynot at random? And how should they address questions of social ethics? Why not try to get them to follow the guidelines of the reason-in-ethics school of moral's philosophers, adding to it the emphasis that R. M. Hare and H. B. Acton placed on empathy or sympathy? In this way the Citizens Jury process was born. I called it, in my notes, the R. R. C. L. decision. This stood for representative, rational, concerned and legitimate. ≪19 The mini-public were born. If one is interested in the detail of the proposals, we note that they are based on a series of eight common elements and two main differences.

A participation of all as citizens

The primary motivation is therefore one of creating instruments to enable the participation of all and all: Dienel as Crosby wishing to put in place the processes of participation which exceed the " Angehorigen der dunnen Schicht der Sozialaktiven ≪ and which enable you to integrate " die Mehrheit indifferent ≪ (Dienel 1971b, 153). The new methods must also put the participants in a position to play their role of citizen and take them beyond their role of apathetic consumer policy. To achieve this goal, the two researchers propose the creation of small discussion groups composed of citizens working during a time determined on a given problem and chosen by drawing sort20.

A reform process institutionnalisable

" Die Suche nach neuen Beteiligungsformen sollte sich auf Verfahren ausrichten, die nicht nur would spontaneously shift realisierbar sind, sondern institutionalisiert werden konnen, nicht durch Sonderinteressen zu manipulieren sind, die politischen Gleichheitsrechte nicht verletzen und in die

19Dienel (1971b, 155) and Crosby (2003, 255). Crosby will change the designation of the model which will become the Citizen Committee before being renamed Citizens Jury in 1988.

20On the printout, see the details infra, p. 195.


2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

Bestehenden Planungsprozesse eingebaut, sachlich aber als korrektiv und erganzend zu den bestehenden Verfahren wirksam werden konnen.  Dienel (1971b, 154).

If the participation of all is the central motivation of two inventors, it is combined in such a way as inevitable with the need to be able to integrate into the political apparatus smoothly while remedying the weaknesses of other forms of participation, such as referendums or initiatives populaires21. This commitment is translated into four panes. First, the two inventors provide that their model is initiated by the administration or political representatives, it is therefore a question of process top-down. Secondly, it is a question of putting in place the tools having consequences on the actual policy and to go beyond the stage of the political discussion, which as useful as it may be, is not a solution to the frustrations caused by the political system. Dienel and Crosby therefore provide that the model be integrated in the decision-making political-administrative. Thirdly, the institutionalization must go by the standardized nature of the procedure which will allow for the use at all levels and for objects varied. Finally fourthly, the two models are presented as supplements to the process of existing decision, it is especially not to replace but to obtain a new view on an issue of public policy.

A predetermined agenda

It is also the common point next between the two models since in both cases, the question to be dealt with is fixed in advance: the group does not see entrust the management of his agenda, nor concerning the limits of the subject, nor concerning the process. Crosby (1976, 12) think thus limiting the topic has a closed question: " For example, we could randomly select fifty individuals and present to them two different solutions to some current outcome of importance.  Dienel ≪ proposed an option slightly more open in which he is to discuss the form that could take a planning project. But it is not question to choose if the project itself must have lieu22.

21Dienel (1971b, 154) : " Sie sind nicht in der Lage, Teilnahme auf Dauer zu motivieren. Auf kurzfristige Erfolge angewiesen, agieren sie entsprechend. Langfristig werden Sie fur die Mehrzahl der Beteiligten'zu einer zusatzlichen Frustrationsquelle. Sie sind wenig berechenbar und in die vorhandenen Planungsverfahren nur schwer einbaubar. ≪

22The two authors will very strongly evolve on this issue and quickly enough they will consider that the Planungszellen and Citizens Committees could be organized to determine the agenda of other Planungszellen and Citizens Committees, a bit like in the demarchique system proposed by Burnheim (1985) with these instances of first and second level.


Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

An external input of information

Dienel as well as Crosby put the emphasis on the fundamental role that must play the external contribution to information within the process, and this for three reasons. First, it is not to let the citizens decide without having heard before different positions and competent on the issue in debate. The question of jurisdiction is therefore central: the citizens are certainly able to decide but only a condition to receive a prior information and untrained passengers,23. Secondly, the external character must allow the participants to find themselves in a position of informed decision and must avoid that the special interests do not dominate the processus24. In order to achieve this goal it is a matter of presenting contradictory information on the part of groups and interested institutions has the object of the discussion25. The supply of information has finally a teaching role which form of elsewhere the main purpose of the first model developed by Dienel (1971a, 28) and that he called the " training leave continues to planning " on.

A small group deliberative

The third characteristic of proposed models is that they are based on the group work and the deliberation. The taking of a decision and the prior discussion which must be done by following the rules of the debate balance (Crosby 2003, 255). It is a sine qua non condition in  a pluralistic society, in which there is no truth a priori. This aspect is highlighted by Crosby from the beginning. Dienel about has him will make the process of group at the heart of his research during the implementation phase of the first project, beginning in 1972. The two authors are also in agreement on the size of the group, which must be reduced, in order to allow real interactions and to avoid the low quality of the communication when eve23Dienel

(1971B, 153) : " Die actuating the projektspezifischen Informationsstandes der Verwaltung wird durch die Teilnahme der betreffenden casts - ob mit oder ohne Stimmrecht ist Know der Absprache - und durch den Zugang zum benotigten Material sichergestellt. Einblick in dritter Erfahrungen wird durch Gastreferenten oder durch programname Informationsreisen geboten. ≪ Crosby (1976, 13).

24 Reason for the two models are intended to be organized by the public authorities and not by firms. Dienel always, refuse to organize Planungszelle for the private (Vergne 2005, 3).

25Crosby (1976, 6) : " We must be careful, however, not to over-simplify the problem. It would be tempting to have one person play the role of teacher and present the pros and cons of the outcome for the randomly selected members of the committee. If the teacher were skilled enough, after several months we might conclude that everyone was competent to make the decision. Purpose this present severe dangers that the information will be presented in a biased way. In any real political setting it is likely that whoever controlled the teacher (or the committee staff) would control the whole political system. ≪


2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

Governments of earth: the ideal size is around 20 people in the two cases. It is the origin of the concepts of Zelle, the cell, and of Committee, the comite26.

A duration variable but always short

The two authors are in agreement: for not falling into the faults of the planning and decision-making processes existing, it must be that the participation is limited in time. Crosby proposed from the outset of does not exceed a few days, Dienel provides for a period of between two weeks and a few months. This time must allow to combine the need of the time of the deliberative and the training while limiting the maximum the emergence of own interests on the part of the group of participants.

A series of incentives to motivate the participation

Whatever the length, the major challenge is, however, to motivate the citizens to participate and a move away from this for their daily activities. Dienel and Crosby share a premise: the little bit of interest that show the citizens of a pluralistic society has participate does not come from a human nature apathetic but of a lack of opportunities for effective participation. Dienel (1971b, 153) puts forward that the motivation can be financial, material, playful, symbolic, moral or social. It is important that the new models take into account these elements while ensuring that no does either dominant, under penalty of a priori limit  the capacity for deliberation of the group and to have a sample too homogenous. The solution is based on three pillars: it is necessary to pay the participation, ensure to free citizens of their other obligations, including through leave citizens27 and leave the public authorities organise the mini-public. If none of the two authors do not set the height of the remuneration, they consider absolutely necessary in order to give a serious nature to the process, character also guaranteed by the public nature of the agents. As for the holidays, they

26Cf. note 19, p. 190.

27Dienel (1971b, 154) : " Fur die voll reprasentative Planungszelle sind die heute fur solche Gruppen gangigen, Unter der Bezeichnung "Freiwilligkeit" zusammengefassten Teilnahmemotivationen nicht mehr ausreichend. Yesterday muss der Einzelne zur Teilnahme gesetzlich freigestellt und von der OFFENTLICHEN POSTEINRICHTUNGEN Hand vergutet werden, Wie wir das beim Abgeordneten, beim Laienrichter, beim Wehr- und Ersatzdienstpflichtgen oder auch dem EIB in Aussicht genommenen, Bildungsurlaub kennen. Im genannten Fall wurden sich die Kosten fur vier Wochen "Planungsurlaub", im download this from 1,500 DM pro Person gerechnet, auf 540,000 DM belaufen. Der Vergleich mit anderen Ausgaben Ã-sterreich zeigt, dass es yesterday fur ein Land gar nicht um ein finanzielles Problem geht. Die entsprechenden Versuche werden sich bald vervielfachen lassen. ≪


Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

Are designed as that can be optional or mandatory. Dienel pleaded in a prime time for the establishment of a Planpflicht, a duty of planification28.

A scientific accompaniment

A final common element is the need to put in place a structure of scientific accompaniment, at least in the first time, in order to realize and then to improve the models after studying precisely the effects. It is one of the fundamental aspects of the proposed research program by Dienel in 1972 and by Crosby in 1976.

Concerned or not concerned: the question of the Betroffenheit

The first difference between the two instruments lies in the notion that Dienel named Betroffenheit, i.e. is the fact to be concerned/affected by a problem. It has been seen that this question occupied the theorists and it is addressed by Dienel. The latter proposed in these first diagrams do not leave participate that citizens having an interest in doing so because it is affected by the subject matter of the planification29. In order to measure this interest, he proposes to employ the tools of gradation based on criteria such as geography, the profession, or other more suitable depending on the case as the position of client or student and which would be developed by the instances planificatrices30. This aspect disappears however little has little of the thought and practice of Dienel. If he defends the idea again in the early 1980s he will progressively change of opinion to finish by defending the contrary view, that is, the Planungszelle is the to allow people non-concerned at first blush to be able to give their opinion eclaire31. Crosby has proposed a similar differentiation without having detailed as much (the C of RRCLD means concerned).

28On the model of the Wehrpflicht, the military service.

29Dienel (1971b, 153) : " Die von einer betroffenen Planung sollen) for communication in einer den Gleichheitsgrundsatz verletzenden nicht wirksam Weise in den Planungsprozess eingehen. ≪

30Dienel (1971a, 31) : " Bei der Frage, was man als Betroffenheit gelten lassen will, wird sich bald herausstellen, dass EIB vielen Problem Is Not Restricted To unterschiedliche Hartegrade von Betroffenheit, Zum Beispiel EIB Problem Is Not Restricted To der Stadtteilsanierung, der Schul- oder der Sozialplanung unterschieden werden konnen. Betroffenheit lasst sich auch noch weiter differenzieren und zum Beispiel als komplizierter Index auffassen, der sich aus unterschiedlich call bewertbaren Indikatoren zusammensetzt. Fur die Bewertung von Betroffenheitsgraden lasst sich ein Raster vordefinierter Moglichkeiten schaffen. ≪

31Interview with Dienel, Part 1, minute 1:55 AM.


2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

Different objects

The second difference between the models is the type of problems that the process is applicable. For Dienel, democratization past by a reform of the public planning: the purpose of the cells is strictly speaking of " planning " on roads, cities, airports, etc. Crosby presume has him from the beginning to be able to assess the program of election candidates through a jury, in accordance with its research on the ethique32. This difference in initial design will appear later in the respective designations Planungszelle and Citizens Juries and will influence their subsequent dissemination.

2.2 .3Why the draw?

Now remains a central issue: the two researchers suggest the use of the drawing in order to select participants has their Planungszelle and RRCLD. What is it that has led to propose such a method? The answer is sum any banal: pragmatism. In effect, neither Dienel nor Crosby have analysis the draw in itself. Of what they say, neither the one nor the other knew not the proposal of Dahl or does se are inspired of juries judiciaires33. Unlike a hypothesis widely spread, Crosby has put his model in parallel with the jury that more late34 and adopted the name of Citizens Jury that in 198835. For Dienel, the drawing was the practical answer to the question of the representativeness within the Planungszelle. In order to avoid that the special interests do not monopolize the debate, it was first put in place a prior grid identifying the set of interests has re32Crosby

(1976, 7) : " If citizens committees turn out to work well, they might also be used to reform our electoral system. Every presidential election there are of numerous articles political commentators bemoaning the small attention given in the campaign to key issues. One might improve this situation by forming citizens committees on has own bard of the major campaign issues. ≪

33Crosby (2003, 256) : " I am not sure when I learned that Robert Dahl and Marcus Raskin, both in the 1970s, had given thought to using juries in the political arena, goal certainly it was not until after I had conducted the first Citizens Jury. ≪

34Crosby (2003, 256): " At the time I thought this up in the summer of 1971, I had given no thought to its being like a jury. (It was not until the later 1980s that we adopted the Citizens Jury name.) My creation of this idea was an odd achievement. A few months after I had thought it up, I explained it to a fellow graduate student. He said, 'Congratulations. You just invented the jury system.' I was mortified at having spent several years inventing something, when it was a common device in use since about the 12th century. It was only when I could not find anyone else proposing use of the jury system to make decisions about social or political matters that I felt better. ≪

35The first mention of an analogy found in this day is in a manuscript of 1983: " This research report describes a pilot study done by the Center for New Democratic Processes in 1981. One of our main research goals is to design Citizens Committees, built on the analogy of a jury, to make decisions on political issues. ≪ Crosby & Heegaard (1983, 3).


Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

Present. If this grid was be too complex to perform, then one could use directly has a draw of participants taking as a basis the registers of habitants36. This pragmatic approach will remain for long the main justification for recourse to the tirage37. For Crosby (2003, 255), the process seems to be the same: " I thought the best way to make it representative was to use random selection. " On It is therefore a concern of representativeness socio-demographic which is highlighted in the two cases, which confirms the idea that the frame was debate defended by the two authors is of type aleatorienne38.

2.2 .4of the paper to the ground

The path between these theoretical reflections and their implementation in practice has been in the two cases of a relatively short duration. Dienel, since his post of professor at the Pedagogical University of the Rhine materialized in November 1972 a project has Schwelm business unit grace to the financing of the Volkswagen Foundation in the framework of a research program on the teaching of the participation (Dienel 1972). It is for 75 citizens learned the fate of formulate, after three days of deliberation, recommendations on the improvement of the garbage collection. The second project is taking place four years later has Hagen has a scale more important since it involves 126 people, divided into five cells, responsible for formulating recommendations on the renovation of a portion of the city. The United States , Crosby created the " center for the new democratic processes " on39 in 1974, and launched - by financing on own funds - first two tests of Citizens Committees in 1974 (on the national health plan) and 1976 (on the program of the candidates to the presidential election)40.

36Dienel had however already discussed the drawing in a text of 1969 in order to allow a more citizens to participate in the decision-making process, it was proposed to form groups of parallel planning, working on the same problem and the results of which would be placed in competition. The planning finally adopted would be chosen, either by a vote (referendum), either by examination (using a computer tool) or by drawing. There was therefore a need to take a decision and not a post.

37When that I have talked with him in 2005, Dienel has given me as a justification that the drawing was required by the reason: " Vergne : Warum haben sie das Losverfahren als Method der Auswahl velocity? Es war damals ganz neu und uberhaupt nicht bekannt, dass man so etwas machen konnte. Dienel: [silence] Na, das lag vernunftig doch ganz nah, fand ich. ≪

38See chapter 1, point , p. 84 and following.

39CNDP - Center for New Democratic Processes which will become at the end of 1980 the Jefferson Center at the time or Crosby will change the title of its model for the baptizing Citizens Juries, juries citizens. A term which, as we shall see, will be required at the international level.

40See Crosby (1974) and Crosby (1976).


2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

2.2 .5The phase of standardization

Has the following the first experiments, the promoters of the Planungszelle in Germany add and/or modify three major elements complementing the standardization of the model. The first, and the most important of them all, is the introduction of the Burgergutachten, a citizen report intended for the authorities which summarized in written form the results of the process but also its execution. The second is the fixing of the ideal duration of the process has four days, a figure which will vary little by the suite (81% of German experiences have had this duration). The third is the attempt to always conduct several Planungszellen in parallel for each project in order to increase the representativeness of the results. In 1978 appears the first edition of the book on which Dienel worked since 1974 which fixed these elements and by the even the definition of what is a Planungszelle definitively (see highlights of part 2, p. 179), in French:

" A planning cell (Planungszelle) is a group of 25 citizens learned the fate and released for four days of their professional and family obligations, whose mission is to formulate - using a input of information on the part of specialists - a series of recommendations concerning a problem of public policy. These experts citizens (Burgergutachter) are compensated for their activity and accompanied in their work by a team of facilitators. The planning cell gave rise to the drafting of a report citizen (Burgergutachten) - summarizing the proposals and the process - which is handed over to the authorities having mandated at an official ceremony. A Planungszelle is not generally done in isolation, but rather within a project it is-a-say that several cells running in parallel on the same subject and with the same program. ≪ (Vergne 2008a, 1).

This phase also sees the birth of the first and most important organizing institution of Planungszellen, the (Forschungsstelle fur Burgerbeteiligung und Planungsverfahren der Universitat Wuppertal41. This research center has been created by Dienel between 1974 and 1979 for the specific purpose of giving a academic and institutional framework has its project. For the animation of the center, it is surrounded by four persons who play a central role in the organization of the experience of 1976 has Hagen and in the standardization of the model. From that time and until today, the research center becomes the " base ≪ rear  and the place of recruitment of a large majority (23 of 31) of the actors of the German network. 17 Of the 58 projects carried out to date have been carried out directly by the (Forschungsstelle, without counting seven other experiments in which he played a role of council. Strong of the success of the two pre41FBPUW

: Center of research on citizen participation and the procedures for planning at the University of Wuppertal, open the June 04, 1979 (bottom Dienel, Ca2-1).


Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

Pioneer projects and of the echo met by the publication of the book of Dienel, the network's first generation Planungszelle, composed then of about ten members, receives in 1979 a command of the city of Cologne. For this first public mandate to scale, ten citizens juries are responsible for formulating recommendations on the planning of the city center. This project is taking place in an ideal way for the promoters of the idea: the recommendations of the citizens are taken into account by the elected municipaux42, the experience is widely reported by the media, and the template is no longer presented as a test but as a tool for planning a citizen. We can therefore understand that the actors in the network believe then that the decade that opens will be that of the Planungszelle.

Crosby as has him will longer has standardize its model, since it must wait until 1984 for that either organized the first Citizen Committee leading to recommendations discounts to public authorities (Crosby 2003, 259). It is for five regional panels and a national panel (Minnesota) to deliberate on the question of the consequences of agriculture on the quality of the water. The project is a success, it allows a Crosby to make known his model and to publish an article on juries citizens (Crosby & al. 1986).

2.31979 - 2002: a slow process of maturation

2.3 .1between stagnation and major projects (1979 - 1992)

The hopes are yet disappointed. Between 1980 and 1991, only eleven projects see the day in Germany despite a continuous operation of the FPBUW who published in this period more than forty Werkstattpapiere and at least ten books on sujet43. In parallel, a hundred academic work are achieved by students on all aspects of the MB42They

Are even preferred to plans proposed by the architects in contesting of the architectural competition which was held before the project and among which the citizens would have choose. The latter had finally developed their own plan by mixing the different proposals of architects.

43The total number of Werkstattpapiere, the " papers of workshop " on products by the FBPUW mounts has sixty. 198

Illustration 27: Dienel (dr.) and his collaborators before the models proposed by the citizens during the project on the future of the city center of Cologne - 1980.

2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

Dele and dozens of articles appear on the possible projects or in progress. But the reactions are rare and the promoters of juries citizens are questioning the (non)dissemination of their idee44. The FBPUW must maintain on projects of recherches45. This scientific isolation is double of passivity or even a negative attitude on the part of the world political and administrative. The consignments of Dienel the policy-makers sometimes receive answers polite but often remain letter morte46. It is the same for many ideas for projects developed in the center of recherches47. In the facts, the Planungszelle, penalty has come out of his rank of innovation and product engineering university and remains a curiosity in the inventory of tools of democracy and planning. In fact, five of the eleven projects - all the more important in terms of participants - are presented and finance as of research projects. Crosby and his Jefferson Center were not much more successful: between 1984 and 1992, seven projects see the light of day, including a is apparently a desastre48. The support policies are rare, the returns of projects are absent.

The table is, however, not fully black and the Planungszelle is experiencing some success. The draft of 1982 entitled " An energy policy socially responsible " is as well, with 24 juries and more than 400 participants not only the first project at the federal level but still the biggest project carried out to date in terms of participants and accompanying scientific (Renn & Hafele 1985). It unfortunately remain without major consequences because of the change of government (1983) and despite few allies of weight in the political and administrative system. The character the most emblematic among them is Johannes Rau, Minister-president of North Rhine-westphalia in 1978 to 1998 and then President of the Federal Republic between 1998 and 2004, through which the majority of the projects in the years 80 to materialize. He stated that he had met Dienel 346 times in thirty years and

44There is in effect a whole literature on the diffusion of the Planungszelle. See for example Buning (1986), Kranz & Skirzinski (1986) or Nolte & Muller (1992).

45Given that it is not funded by the university (interview with Dienel, Part 2, minute 3:40).

46The substance Dienel includes thousands of letters written by Peter Dienel has all the political actors, social, administrative possible and imaginable as well as their responses. There is also a list of all symposia, seminars, round tables, evenings, during which he presented his model.

47A cases among other is that of the planning of national roads that Dienel developed in a dozen of writings and several tens of letters throughout the 1980s but which will never be realized.

48Jefferson Center (2011): " This was an experiment for the Jefferson Center, in that the Human Services Planning Board was responsible for the conduct of the Citizens Jury, with the Jefferson Center acting as a consultant. This approach to conducting a Citizens Jury was not successful and was not repeated by the Center. Tea ratings for bias were among the lowest received for any Citizens Jury project. ≪


Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

" There is not one of these meetings in which the word Planungszelle was not pronounced " on49. Another man central policy is then E. Sinner, which launched in 1990 the second most important project has made this day as federal minister of telecommunications and who will initiate three major projects from 2000, when it will be minister in Bavaria. The Citizens Committees of Crosby, become Citizens Juries are also employees in large scale projects, the most notable of which is probably the one on the infirmaries school bringing together 8 times 12 people plus a national jury. The experiments concerning the assessment of the candidates has the elections are also succes50.

2.3 .2Boom participatory and period of glory (1992 - 2002)

In 1992, a former member of the FBPUW residing in Spain, puts on foot a Planungszelle in the town of we could highlight Idiazabal (Spain), which marks the beginning of the dissemination of historical models - Planungszellen and Citizens Juries - outside their countries of origin. The boom is being felt both quantitatively and qualitatively. The number of experiments organized se figure between 1992 and 2002, has 165 in Germany (illustrations 28 and 29, p. 201) and has 350 at the global level51 (figure 30, p. 201) ; an evolution which is correlative of the resurgence of interest in the theme of participation and participatory democracy has from the 90s. The research carried out has this day52 allow you to move that they have been used, on the whole of the period (1972-2010), approximately 1000 times in about fifteen countries (see annex, figure 63, p. 400).

49Rau (2005, 177) : " Wir haben few oft getroffen. Es gibt aber unter den 346 Begegnungen, die ich notiert habe, nicht eine, in der das Wort Planungszelle nicht gefallen ware. ≪

50 See respectively Crosby (1988), (1989) and (1990).

51The " total " is the sum of the Planungszellen, of Citizens Juries and derivatives of these two models, that we detail subsequently.

52The date of completion of the research is attached to the January 01, 2011.


2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

Figure 28: Number of projects of Planungszellen in Germany. Own calculations.

Illustration 29: Number of Planungszellen in Germany. Own calculations.

Illustration 30: Estimate of the number of PlanungszellenCitizens Juries and derivatives in the world. Own calculations.

Beyond the dissemination in the form of projects, the idea even of Planungszelle knows in 1990 a real development and is found on the front of the scene universitaire53. In Germany, the event the more central is the symposium " reflexive democracy ≪ (reflexive

53Evolution that it feels has the view of the archives. The number of invitations received by Peter Dienel and that of publications on the Planungszellen increases. 201





















































































Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

Demokratie) of 1997 organized by the FBPUW around the 25th anniversary of the Planungszelle. It brings together about 200 participants academics around the world (for example, from Catalonia or the first projects were to be carried out, of England, Austria, Japan, etc. ) but also many local politicians, which is surely not alien has the evolution of the number of local projects in the following years. The academic interest for the template is also large in other countries ; Dienel is invited to submit these work in England, France, Israel, in Austria or in Spain. Crosby travel in Europe, Australia and the United States . The one as the other then become important factors in the dissemination of the idea of mini-public.

2.42002 - 2009: Crisis and stabilization

2.4 .1The ransom of the glory? (2002 - 2006)

2002 Constitutes a turning point for the two historical models. After a few years of euphoria which culminates in 1999 (31 juries for 7 projects in Germany)54 the activity is to cup and then falls even in the neutral position in 2005, the year during which no Planungszelle did take place. It is the same in the United Kingdom or the enthusiasm quickly fell back. Crosby has done his last project in 2002. The period is characterized by a double trend: on one side, the promoters of the PlanungszellenCitizens Juries and derivatives shall endeavor to implement tools for more and more hybrids from 2000 onwards. In England, many experiments are done on a day with the jurors learned the fate on lists of unpaid volunteers. In Germany appear of Burgerforen (forums citizens) picked up on an evening who say they inspire of the Planungszelle (Kastenholz & al. 1996)Berlin was born the Burgerjurys (cf. infra, p. 208). On the other side, we find the historical actors who attempt to initiate the process of standardisation of the concept, in order, they say, to ensure a minimum of quality. This process results in Germany or the protection of the name Planungszelle allows Dienel has to exercise some control over the projects. This standardization is double of an opening and the actors of the German network font evolve the procedure to make sure they stay abreast of developments in the world of participatory democracy: they propose to include the cells into broader processes or to create " mini-Planungszellen . A movement

54This pic in 1999-2000 seems also be found for other models. Cf. Hendriks (2005, 80).


2. Planungszelle and Citizens' Jury, models pioneers of mini-public

WHO seeks as much has set a reference that has to remove the model from its status of experimentation. In 2002, despite thirty years of existence and a quarantine of projects undertaken, the Planungszelle still remains an unidentified political subject. The situation is deteriorating in the years that follow, in particular because of internal tensions within the network and from the disappearance of central actors in the realization of projects. Thus the ATFA55 closed in 2003 following a change of the regional government. The outputs of the network - particularly of historical actors who say they want to refocus56 - multiply until 2005 (illustration 21, p. 118).

Illustration 31: Members of the German network of promoters. Own calculations.

The United States , Crosby must close the Jefferson Center including suite has a legal disputes with the tax administration that had resulted in the prohibition of organizing juries on the programs electoraux57, whereas only this type of jury was strongly requested.

It must be added to these developments of internal elements of context. 2000, Broadly favorable to the concept and tools of participatory democracy, have had a paradoxical effect on the original models of mini-public who have found themselves placed in competition with a range of procedures often presented as less costly, and less complex, but equally legitimate at the level of the speech of the political actors. The year 2005 marks the extreme point of this paradoxical evolution: the model Planungszelle - Citizens Juries is more known than ever but is almost more implemented.

55ATFA - Akademie fur Technikfolgenabschatzung Landes Baden-Wurttemberg : Academy for the assessment of technological risks from the Land of Baden-wuerttemberg .

56Interviews with several members of the network.

57The complaint launched in 1990 was based on the fact that a jury concerning elections violated the electoral code (sprained has equality between the candidates). After three years of proceedings, the administration eventually withdraw its complaint to the condition that the Jefferson Center is organized more than juries " policies " on.

































Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic

2.4 .2The beginning of a new cycle: 2006 - 2011

The year 2006 represents has many points of view a key moment of the broadcast. At the level of experiences first of all, concerning the speech then and in the dynamics of the network finally. From 2006 onwards, the mini-public are indeed put in place in new countries and dissemination resumed progress. The tests are performed in Japan and in Italy. In Africa, Mali convened its first jury; in Ecuador, an experience takes place in March 2007. In the United Kingdom, more than ten projects are launched by Gordon Brown just after his arrival in power. The most important event is still, however, the first European project: ten groups of citizens gather in 2006-07 in different regions to reflect the future of rural areas before that delegates from these local juries do meet at European level to prepare recommendations for the Commission. This project is directly followed by a second on the future of Europe which does not, however, take the form of Planungszellen partout58.

The network of promoters knows him also a rapid evolution toward internationalization which is manifested in a way that is particularly clear in the European projects involving actors from the whole of the EU. Another sign of growing integration is the development of an internal discussion on what should be a Citizens Jury reveal a willingness to standardize internationale59. This phenomenon is also collects at the national level. In the United Kingdom, some researchers are asking the return has the standards more stringent (Wakeford 2007). But the international trend that is emerging is that of a dissemination around research networks more and more structures. 2006 Is finally a pivotal year because it is marked by the disappearance of Dienel, genuine spiritual father of the model. An event which marks the end of a cycle if this is internationally, at least in Germany. Since then, the network is is tightened around the willingness to continue the work initiated while trying to release the innovation of its historical straitjacket. It is in this context that the project is carried out conducted has Aix-la-Chapelle in 200760.

58It takes a variety of forms depending on the country: Planungszelle in Germany, Citizens' Jury in England, conference of citizens in France, Deliberative Poll at European level. See infra p. 205 et seq.

59Thus is born for example a controversy around the experiments carried out in Italy who are criticized for not keeping the minimum standards. Cf. Carson (2006) and the response of Bobbio & al (2006).

60 Cf. infra, p. 221.


3. Apparitions, dissemination and hybridisation: the multiplication of models of mini-public

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