Introduction - overview of the model and the subject.
The legal framework. Lawyer in public law.
Model has two columns and model has three columns: alternatives for Aix? The Member municipal governance.
Return over the three days.
10.15 - 11.00
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
11.00 - 11.30
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
11.30 - 12.15
The economy of the household garbage between public service and economic activity. Researcher of the institute of Wuppertal on climate, energy and the environment.
Everything is on hold. Municipal Governance, business of MCS, community of common: structure and relationships.
Director of the municipal economy.
Advantages and disadvantages of different billing models. Consultant specializing in of garbage collection systems.
The calculation of the loads and the containers has Aix. Legal Director of the municipal economy.
The loads in the homes. Director of the association " home and parcel " on.
The loads from the point of view of the tenants. Director of the association of tenants of Aix.
The loads in the framework of collective dwellings. Director - real estate management firm.
Development of an action plan: for a new system of loads at Aix.
General Formulation.
12.15 - 13.00
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
13.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 14.45
Figures - Data - facts. The past trends and current of garbage in the suburban residential zones of Aix.
Deputy Director of the municipal economy.
A fair distribution of burdens: Utopia or reality? Director of procurement the company of garbage AWA.
The factors that increased costs. Sub-director of the company of garbage collection.
A home free of garbage! Director of the association " Zukunftslobby ≪ - the lobby of the future.
Loads and SMES. Member of the chamber of commerce and industry of Aix.
Development of an action plan: for a new system of loads at Aix. Formulation and vote concrete measures has put in place.
14.45 - 15.30
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
Work in small groups and evaluation by the plenary.
15.30 - 16.00
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
16.00 - 16.45 A
Aix in perspective: a regional comparison of charges related to the household garbage. Private Consultant.
The structure and the quantities of garbage: a regional perspective. Consultant.
Visit of the regional incinerator canceled at the last moment and replaced by a visit via film. Director of corporate communication in support of the incinerator.
Discussion with the representatives of the political parties. SPD, GRUNE, CDU, FDP and Die Linke.
Conclusion and evaluation of the procedure.
-17.30 16.45 A
Work in a small group and evaluation by the plenary.
Illustration 36: The program of work of the Planungszellen.
Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic
5.3" The evaluation of regional action in the fight against climate change"
5.3 .1The constellation of actors and the political context
The jury citizen picto-charentais has taken place in a context significantly different from that of Planungszellen of Aix-la-Chapelle. It represents, in effect, the realization of a promise of campaign made in 2004 by the socialist party in the regional elections which provided for the holding of citizens juries on the major themes politiques97. The initiative is therefore come to the regional majority upstream of any political blockage or before that is not defined a subject of application. The realization of the idea has taken four years with an intermediate step major toward the end of 2006, when the subject of juries citizens became of national importance, as noted previously. On this occasion the jury is entrusted with a value of assessment tool of public policies, dimension that it had never yet had in Germany or the Planungszellen are of type prospective and propositionnels. This quantitative leap, has first view minor, is yet quite fundamental since it gives a new role to the group of citizens learned the fate. It is no longer a common construction of the policy grace the taking into account of a maximum of points of view and experiences but well of a new mechanism of accountability of elected representatives. We will see in the following chapters how this small revolution has resulted in the facts. A last important element of context affects the territory since the jury citizen has taken place at the regional level in a whole administrative and wider policy, either a territory of 25809 km2 for 1,665,000 inhabitants.
97Cf. the program of the parliamentary term ( Poitou-Charentes 2004, 14): " This is the reason to be of juries or conferences of citizens that the regional Executive is committed to put in place on subjects of general interest. It will be here to combine two dimensions also necessary and complementary but distinct from the participatory democracy: 1) strengthening the cooperation with the organizations, movements and associations which, on a permanent or ad hoc basis, consist of citizens, of the users of public services, employees, economic officials, etc. directly concerned has a subject, 2) the call has the inhabitants, if appropriate learned the fate, representative of the population of the Poitou-Charentes and volunteers to take a question at the request of the Region, for the review under its different angles, hear from experts, know the points of view contrasts which it is the object, take the time and means for a deliberation validly informed then of an independent opinion designed to illuminate The regional executive. ≪ 228
5. Operationalization of research: Aachen and Poitiers
5.3 .2The progress of the project
5.3.2 .1Preparatory Phase and framing of the topic
The regional council has, by a decision of the February 28, 2008, published a call for tender for a jury of citizens which was won by the cabinet council of public tasks. A council of pilotage has been put in place which included the two actors previously cited as well as members of the services of the region, members of the political majority as well as researchers. The team of the region has chosen the topic of climate change in a manner " obvious " according to the words of the teams in place because it was at the crossroads of all the thematic priority of the majority regionale98. The framing has led to the definition of three questions for which the citizens would finally has answer:
In the action of the Poitou-Charentes Region against climate change, is there anything that has surprised you? What is it that you think is best? The worst? Is the action of the Poitou-Charentes Region against the climate change induced sufficiently the inhabitants, public and private companies, associations, communities has act? Do you have any advice to give us to improve the effectiveness of the fight against climate change in Poitou-Charentes ?
5.3.2 .2realization Phase
The jury of citizens was held in two sessions of a day and a half, the first on 25 and 26 April, the second on 17 and May 17, 2008. 25 Citizens were present throughout the debates (cf. work program, illustration 38, 231). Has the inverse of the Planungszellen, the citizens have received at their arrival a folder of the participant containing information on climate change and on the action of the region in this area. Concerning the financial compensation, the jurors have collected a sum based on the hourly SMIC, or 152.49 euros for the whole of the sessions.
5.3.2 .3monitoring and evaluation Phase
After the second session, the cabinet Public Missions has brought together the recommendations and the text blocks of the opinion and then sent a first draft for reading of control has five members of the jury who have had the opportunity to make their comments. The June 23, 2008, 15 members of the jury have taken the time to find themselves once again in the home of the re98See
(P4-1, 04:30) and (P5-1). For detail of the meaning of the sources, see the next chapter.
Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic
Gion to finalize their opinion and prepare the discount to the public trustee that is-a-say to the regional council. The chairperson of this last is committed on this occasion has take into account the recommendations of the citizens for the future, and once again we will see how these words are translated.
5.3 .3The draw in the Basis
Just as in the Planungszellen, the draw has played a dual role in the jury of citizens. First of all, to choose the participants from a list of phone numbers provided by an institute of survey and on the basis of which the services of the region have achieved a "phoning" reports. The latter has allowed us to recruit some thirty volunteers distributed according to quotas based on the department and the size of the agglomeration of residence, the type of habitat, the age, the PCS (profession and socioprofessional category) and sex. In the course of the jury, the draw has also served to distribute the citizens in discussion groups.
Illustration 37: The official handover of the opinion (right to left: two participants, the chairman of the regional council, the vice-president in charge of the environment and the vice-president in charge of democracy).
Friday, April 25, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, may 16, 2008
Saturday, may 17, 2008
16.00 17.15
Welcome the participants by the Poitou-Charentes Region. Team participatory democracy.
Making contact with the group and the approach. Public Missions.
Identification by the Jury of Citizens of 10 key questions to ask the experts auditioned (challenges of climate change, the most effective actions, choice of the Region).
16.00 17.45
Welcome the participants and visit of the exhibition Naturalibus on climate change.
Identification by the citizens of the 10 key questions to ask the elected regional.
Work on the drafting of the opinion.
Citizen Jury and participatory democracy: why associate the citizens has the evaluation of a regional policy? Vice-president of the Regional Council.
Jury of citizens and environmental excellence: what the Region expects the Jury Citizen Vice-president of the Regional Council.
Time of questions / answers.
Debate on climate change.
An international consultant for energy efficiency policies, two community activists.
Debate with the elected representatives.
Two elected representatives of the majority (Socialist Party and green party) and two elected members of the opposition (UMP).
Collective Synthesis.
Work on the drafting of the Opinion.
Second working session with the Director Environment, of the Region at the request of the Jury of citizens.
Individual reading of the document support
Time of questions / answers.
Director Environment, Agriculture, Water, tourism in the Region.
12.30 13.45
Synthesis individual and collective: that retain from this first session for the opinion of the Jury of citizens?
15.45 16.30
Finalization of the opinion.
First individual responses to the three questions of evaluation.
13.45 14.30
Identification by the Jury of Citizens of 10 key questions to ask for regional actors
16.30 17.00
Evaluation of the approach.
Debate with economic actors.
A installer of solar panels, an owner of a hotel " eco-label " on, a director of the Regional Federation of Agricultural Co-operatives and a director of the pole of eco-industries .
Dinner and hearing on the theme of the development of the territory.
Chief of service urban planning and sustainable development - Community of agglomeration of Poitiers .
15.45 16.00
16.00 17.30
Synthesis individual and collective: that retain from this first session for the opinion of the Jury of citizens?
Illustration 38: The program of work of the jury of citizens of Poitou-Charentes .
Chapter 4: The Planungszelle and the jury of citizens, two models aleatoriens paradigmatic
6. Conclusions
A quick review of the contemporary practices of drawing in politics has left see a veritable profusion of experiences which have not all been adapted to the test of theoretical expectations. A category of instruments aleatoriens - this is the mini-public - has on the other hand seems to be particularly conducive due to its constituent elements (of citizens are drawn at random to make the policy in a deliberative framework) but also its discursive framework that borrows and se mele sometimes has the one of the proponents of the theory of democracy random. A historical analysis of the emergence and dissemination of mini-public has helped to focus the choice on a Planungszelle and a jury of citizens; the first because of its historic role central the second due to its strong hybridization.
Finally, we chose two concrete experiences, thematically close (environment) but in contexts significantly different. Whereas the Planungszelle of Aix-la-Chapelle dealt with a local problem and concrete for taking financial decisions upstream and in a context of political deadlock, the jury citizen picto-charentais had to subject the evaluation of a regional policy face has a global challenge, in the context of a political issue national. The scene, and the actors are in place, and we will finally be able to start the test bench. 232
Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?
A Aix-la-Chapelle and has Poitiers, in 2007 and in 2008, 119 citizens gathered to discuss, debate, deliberate, assess, and eventually formulate proposals for public policy. These experiences of living mini-public and forums " aleatoriens ≪ have they responded to the theoretical expectations that we have been able to identify in chapter 3? How is manifested the representation? What type of participation can we observe? The two experiences have they given birth has a new company? To answer these questions, it will be necessary to introduce first the methodology employed to achieve the empirical study (1). Then we will be able to judge of the expectations concerning the representation (2), the participation (3) and those broader concerning the policy and finally the society as a whole (4).
Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?
1. Methodology
For the sake of transparency and rigor, each of the elements of the inquiry will receive here a unique number used to track down and possibly of the consult in the annex. For Aix-la-Chapelle there will take the letter A and for Poitiers P, followed by two digits, the first corresponding to the type of source and the second has the precise reference of the document1.
1.1The arrangements put in place at Aix-la-Chapelle (A)
1.1 .1participatory Observation (A1)
The empirical study of the draft Planungszellen has Aix-la-Chapelle has begun in October 2007 by a visit to the (Forschungsstelle Burgerbeteiligung und Planungsverfahren of the university of Wuppertal, during the preparation phase of the project and it was given to me to have a preview of two days on the recruitment process from citizens, stakeholders, as well as on the preparation of the thematic units (A1-1). Then, from 12 to 15 and 19th to the November 22, 2007, I witnessed the conduct of four Planungszellen project as a photographer and observer (A1-2). The first role, has allowed me to be present during the discussions in plenary but also to circulate between the small discussion groups. The second has allowed me to be able to take notes and audio clips as well as to be present at the table of small discussion groups in order to be able to follow the interactions in this space which is the deliberative center of the entire process, which is normally closed has the observation and has the interference of the presenters. The observation was also allowed to take contact with the citizens and stakeholders for the campaign of interviews.
1.1 .2Interviews (A2 - A3 - A4)
I have made a total of 37 interviews between October 2007 and February 2008, divided into four sessions. The first was held in Munich during the delivery of a citizen report from another project of Planungszellen and was intended to test the guide for interviews with one participant and a facilitator. After correction, this guide has been available in three versions: a
1The detail of the two devices can be found in the Appendix (p. 401 et seq. ).
1. Methodology
For the citizens, more focused on their experience during the process and after (20 interviews notes A2-1 has A2-20), one for the politicians and stakeholders pressing the political context of the employment of the model but also on their experience (11 interviews notes A3-1 has A3-11) and finally one for the facilitators and organizers is interesting in priority to the process taking into account other comparable experiences or addressing issues of methodology of the approach (four interviews notes A4-1 has A4-4).
1.1 .3analysis of documents (A5)
The material written analysis during the empirical investigation is divided into four categories. The first is made up of documents employees during the preparation and conduct of Planungszellen either the invitations to the citizens (A5-1), the guide to animation (A5-2) which details the steps the sequence of the Planungszelle and that contains the questions-guides posed to small discussion groups during work sessions, the set of presentations made by the speakers (A5-3) that retrace their contribution to the thematic work of Planungszellen as well as the posters produced by the citizens (A5-4) reflecting the results of deliberations as well as those of intermediate votes. The second category includes the Burgergutachten (A5-5) or report citizen, final product of Planungszelle and public document handed over to the municipal authorities. Thirdly, there is the municipal decrees laying down the pricing in force before the draft (A5-7) and after the latter (A5-8) as well as the discussions of the city council regarding the project (A5-9). Finally, it has gathered in the last category the reactions in the press (A5-6) as well as the subsequent documents to projects and/or diverse in nature (A5-10).
1.1 .4Investigation a posteriori (A6)
In order to enter the dimension of medium term i realized in November 2010 a survey a posteriori using a questionnaire semi-open (cf. annex, p. 401 et seq. ) sent has 25 participants which have responded nine persons (A6-1 has A6-10) it is-a-say a return rate of 40 %2. I have also conducted a telephone interview with an official of the governed
2Rate which is particularly important for such a type of questionnaire. On the meaning of such a return concerning the expectation of participation and of empowerment. Cf. infra, p. 280.
Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?
Municipal waste collection in order to better evaluate the impact of recommendations citizens about the recipients of the notice (A6-11).
1.2The arrangements put in place in Poitou-Charentes (P)
1.2 .1participatory Observation (P1) and written evaluation (P2)
The empirical research in France has followed the same structure as that performed in Germany and is therefore structured around a participatory observation before and during the conduct of the jury. Before the jury, I attended the last steering committee and am gets in contact with the animation team for the purpose of familiarizing myself with the field and to monitor the preparation of the process, mainly concerning the recruitment and the finalization of the program (P1-1). The observation itself has held had during the two sessions of the jury, the 25 and 26 April and on 16 and 17 may as well as during the delivery of the report citizen, the June 23, 2008. Just as in Germany, I had during the process the double-hatting of photographer and researcher who allowed it to navigate between citizens, facilitators, speakers and organizers while having an offset position (P1-2). At the end of the second session, I had the opportunity to make complete an evaluation questionnaire semi-open, who has delivered the results on the assessment " warm " on the process (P2-1 has P2-22).
1.2 .2Interviews (P3 - P4 - P5)
The campaign of interviews took place in three stages. The first, in June 2008, either just after the delivery of the report, I have conducted 10 semi-structured qualitative interviews with participants (P3-1 has P3-10) in the whole region (figure 39, p. 239). The second series was held in September 2008 and was concentrating on the speakers, organizers and the animation team (P5-1 has P5-4). Finally, in December 2008 and January 2009, i conducted 5 interviews with representatives of various political parties of the regional council as well as with the director of the service environment of the region (P4-1 has P4-5).
1. Methodology
Illustration 39: Place of residence of the persons interviewed in Poitou-Charentes
1.2 .3analysis of documents (P6)
In France, the corpus includes four elements. First of all, the documents produced before and during the jury (P6-1 has P6-7) comprising the folder handed to citizens, the guide to animation, detailed program, thematic notes as well that the retyping of a work session and the record of the work in plenary. Follows the report citizen handed over has the region (P6-8) as well as the response of the regional Council published a year later which acknowledges the suites data to the jury (P6-12). In the third place, the reactions of the written press, regional and national (P6-13) as well as the film, made during the jury and presented at the awards ceremony of the report on 23 June (P6-9). Finally, the subsequent documents produced by the region (P6-10) as well as the various documents (P6-11).
1.2 .4Investigation a posteriori (P7)
Just as a Aix-la-Chapelle, i carried out a survey a posteriori (September 2010) based on a questionnaire semi-open sent has 25 participants (A7-1 has A7-9) with a response rate of 36 %3.
3A rate therefore lower than that observed in Aix-la-Chapelle but above the average. See note 1, supra.
Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?
1.3Translate expectations
In order to enter at what point the experiences of Aix and of Poitiers join the expectations of the theory, it seems important to " translate " on these recent in concrete terms. To do this, you will resume as the analysis the expectations formulated in chapter 3 and in deliver the possible empirical translation. We will begin as well by be interested has the question of the representation before address the issue of the participation and finally the effects of broader social and political. The more we deal with questions macro-social, more the nature of the answers will be of index-linked character, reflecting the trend.
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