
Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

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3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

The texts studied in the chapter three of which contain expectations very enthusiastic in the area of political participation. The draw should allow a participation of all (3.1 ), mobilizing the skills citizens (3.2 ) and initiating a process of empowerment (3.3 ), while giving each citizen the chance to become the decisive voter (3.4 ). Now we will see what he has been has Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers.

3.1All and not everyone: "We have a small end of the world to our table "38

3.1 .1Translation of expectations

The authors supporters of the draw argue that the participation of more and more low of citizens by the conventional channels is greatly due to the fact that the latter are not interesting from a utilitarian view. They bet that the use of the draw would give a real power to the citizens and would reverse the calculation. What has he been has Aix-la-Chapelle and has Poitiers? How was the recruitment process? What were the motivations to participate or to refuse? The retribution of participating citizens has she been a decisive factor in their participation? What were the barriers and professional family has overcome? Who was absent? A second expectation of theorists is that the drawing would broaden the participation has new circles and would result in a redefinition of the boundaries of citizenship. What has he been in the two countries?

38Presentation of citizens by themselves during the first unit of work has Poitiers (P1-1, 14).


Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

3.1 .2why citizens participate?

3.1.2 .1The subject, the model, the Context

" Was hat Sie letztendlich zur Teilnahme bewegt? " On " Das Thema Mull Schon, aber das Verfahren nicht wirklich. Das ist eher ein allgemeines Interested year die Kommunalpolitik.  HAS2-10 (01:00).

" And finally why you participated? Rather because of the subject or rather because of the model? ≫≪ The subject. But also the context, that we are being asked as simple citizens.  P3-10 (0:35).

The issue of motivations has the participation has been an issue detached as well during the two forums that during the campaign of interviews: most of the German citizens of the first and second Planungszellen (respectively 13 and 18 people) have said be here because they are interested primarily in the subject, against 8 and 3 who said to be interested mainly in the process (A1-1, 36-51 and 54-57). In France, most of the participants justified their presence as much because of the subject that the model (P6-6-1, 1). The analysis of the interviews helps to clarify a little this attitude. Number of respondents report that the decisive factor in their participation has been the subject, which was a concern of private order. But the vast majority added quickly that the model, i.e. for most the opportunity to give its opinion, has also weighed in the balance. Finally, for some, the political context has been important. A Aix-la-Chapelle the timeliness of a referendum on popular initiative directed against a project of the municipal council has been able to play a role39. A Poitiers, it seems obvious that the fact that SéGolã¨ne Royal is chairperson of the Region has motivated some participants to take part, whether that be in a optical of support or criticism (P3-1, 43:00 ; P5-1, 01:02 AM:30).

3.1.2 .2False obstacles and real incentives

The theorists of the draw in politics are, for the most of the opinion that the participation should be remunerated, to compensate the work, give a symbolic character has the participation, expressing the gratitude of the community but also to motivate certain occupational categories. If we are to believe the persons interviewed, these three elements

39It was the construction of a museum in the city center, near the historic dome. During the Planungszellen and interviews, the voting, which was held in December 2006, was still in the minds.


3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

Are combined has Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers. Most consider that the sum received is compensation justified and that it plays a role of symbolic recognition of the work done. In their majority, the citizens also feel that the money can motivate the poorest, the most wealthy and most young people to take part. On the other hand nobody said have been motivated primarily by the argent40. This opinion is found very widely shared by all stakeholders, politicians and organisateurs41. Contrary to what one might think, the obstacles professionals have not seemed hinder many participants. This is explained in part by the proportion of pensioners and members of the liberal professions, although the latter have stressed the constraint imposed after the fact by the participation in order to catch up the backlog (A2-1, 03:49 AM ; A2-2, 06:12). However, even the employees and the workers were able to free themselves for the time of the sessions without too much difficulty (P3-3, 01:30). The family obligations have posed a problem for the young mothers (P3-18, 03:30) but they are reached has to arrange with family or has to organize grace to reimbursement of the custody of the children by the forum organizer. On the other hand, it is surprising to note that a number of participants had the feeling that their entourage was, before the participation, more skeptical that them-even on the model (P3-4, 01:32).

3.1 .3The absent and the abandonments

3.1.3 .1The question without real answer

A Aix-la-Chapelle, 1200 invitation have summers sent (A1-1, 6) and have helped to recruit 96 participants. A Poitiers it took nearly 1500 phone calls to bring together 26 participants (P1-1, 14). These rates of return are certainly better than those observed in other types of proceedings as the polls or questionnaires, they nevertheless remain weak. It is very far from the expectation of a massive participation of the population: the offer of participation is not sufficient to create the request. Beyond this finding, it should be of interest to those who are absent. We have seen previously that the foreigners, the more young and the PCS lower and

40The two interviewees who were unemployed during the mini-public have not differed on this point. See A2-18 (05:30) and P3-5 (07:10).

41See A3-3 (03:40) : " Wenn das nicht der Fall ware, wurden viã¨le absagen. Dann hatte man: 'I ride with reprasentativen Querschnitt, weil die Leute sehr wenig saying goes haben oder ihrer handschriftlichen Überlieferung Arbeit sehr angewiesen sind, wurden absagen. ≪ Or P4-4 (10:45) : "For me it is essential ... ] It must be the means and it is necessary that people be compensated. It is like someone who participates has a jury of assize. ≪


Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

Above were - particularly has Aix-la-Chapelle - under-represented. In the two experiments which we are interested, it is very difficult to speculate on the reasons general having pushed the citizens refused to participate. And we will have to leave this question largely unanswered. A few elements have however could not be gleaned during the recruitment has Poitiers (P5-3, 36:37). The reason most often given was the advanced age or a reduced mobility. In second place came from reasons of availability. The organizers say that they have had virtually no refusal based on a rejection of the model or of the subject. They also found that few individuals are backed out after a first positive reaction.

3.1.3 .2Bit of abandons

This is also a central finding in the two countries. Once the citizens have given their agreement, they tend to come and stay. In both forums, and therefore on the 124 participants recruited, there were only five drop-outs (including two just before and three during), all for reasons of health or urgent family (two deaths, a work accident, two diseases). Further note that a participant non-German-speaking has Aix-la-Chapelle who wanted to abandon has finally been able to continue grace in through his daughter who has played the role of translator.

3.1 .4Results

The empirical material therefore delivers a mixed picture which do partly satisfied the theoretical expectations. On one side it has not " all " on the citizens, and it is not known why the absent Not participating: the offer of participation is not sufficient to create the request. On the other hand, when the citizens respond, they are enthusiastic and did not abandon more the approach; they do not seem in addition not refuse by principle the participation has a mini-public.

3.2" The opinion of Mr. all-the-world" ?42

3.2 .1Translation of expectations

It was pointed out that the authors of the corpus theoretical defend a new definition of citizen competence, characterized by its multidimensional nature, relative and dyna42P2-

22, 8: " The opinion has the merit to exist, to be apolitical and is the reflection of a neutral jury and popular, the opinion of Mr. all-the-world. ≪


3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

Economic. These expectations can be translated in the following manner: what knowledge the citizens have they mobilized during the two forums? Was it a knowledge of use or the participants-they rather fact call has a citizen expertise and/or technical? And what has been their report to stakeholders: Have they had recourse to a critical competence vis-a-vis the experts? And how the different actors have-they judge the competence of members of the group?

3.2 .2lovers of policy, at Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers

" I have a little boy who prepared the business of plumber, I thought he could turn to the new energies, but today it is still studying the plumbing of grand-papa!  (P6-6-1, 12).

" Without having the scientific knowledge, everyone has at least the competencies conferred upon his experience in an area or the other.  (P7-6, 6.3 ).

The citizens are mobilizing as well the register of the good sense and knowledge of use that the more technical and critical of the citizen expertise, what is noted in the plenary sessions but also during the small groups: the personal experience provides the basis for a question, given the weight has an argument later, launched a discussion which then becomes more generale43. The analysis of a session of questions in each of the forums will illustrate this connection. A Aix-la-Chapelle, the work unit eight was devoted was the regional incinerator. The participants of the group three have asked 14 questions, and those of the group four were asking 25. Among this set, 30 had to subject the incinerator itself. Nine of these dealt more specifically its technical operation, nine had for object the composition and the nature of the waste treated, four were concentrated on the question of costs and tariffs, four addressed the report between the incinerator and its environment, four finally were relative to the rate of filling, theme particularly sensitive has Aix-la-Chapelle44. Among the remaining issues, seven had to object of broader topics concerning waste in gene43See

For example A2-17 (50:30) : " War die Alltagliche Erfahrung it? " On " Ja, ich glaube Schon, dass es zunachst poorly ein wichtiges Argument war. " ON Poitiers see for example P3-4 (37:30) : " Thou hast used thy own experience during the discussions? " On " Yes, I saw what i was doing and what I could do. Yes, personal stuff. The experience ... there is nothing better than the experience. ≪

44In effect the construction of an incinerator if large for the single city of Aix-la-Chapelle was the opportunity for a broad debate, regarding his employment and especially of the suspicions of corruption.


Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

RAL and the question of the yellow bag (five questions) and two concerned the waste policy has Aix-la-Chapelle. Finally two questions were of nature personnelle45.

A Poitiers we can take the first session of questions in the presence of defects-regional presidents responsible for the environment and for participatory democracy. The citizens have asked a total of 14 questions, of which seven were the policy against global warming, three involved participatory democracy, three a field even more general and a was of nature personnelle46. This example is representative of the whole of the working sessions and shows that the balance is tipped pretty clearly on the side of the generality. If the citizens are mobilizing their own experience in the formulation of their questions, these relate most often on the subject of technical manner and general. The citizens are also particularly attentive and sensitive to the comments of stakeholders. They are evidence of a critical sense very pushed and if they are of the opinion that the stakeholders should not and cannot in all ways not remain completely neutral, they do not hesitate to put in the wrong position, a claim of additional digits, has asked questions that hinder (A3-4, 9:50 PM ; P3-2, 23:26). This impression is also that that leave the citizens among stakeholders and politicians who have participated in two forums, even when the latter criticize the procedure itself or bring into doubt the possibility for citizens to deal with such a problem in so little time (A3-2, 01:15 AM or A3-5, 09:14 AM ; P4-2, 12:16 AM and 12:41).

3.2 .3" not competent, but responsible"

Participant 1 (P1): " I think it is a little incompetent; we had an information that the regional council; we need conflicting advice.  P2: " we are being asked to be novice not competent, we are asked to have a next citizen.  P3: " We are competent; if we were not then democracy would have no

45A1-2 (108-112) : " or do I throw my paper has bubble? " On " What happens if I do not sort? ≪

46A question of the first category was for example: " That fact the region to raise awareness among children? ≪, Of the second: " Is there a follow-up to the money spent in the framework of the GLP " and the third " What would happen if i chauffais to wood? ≪ (P1-1, 36-37). 276

Illustration 55: a participant has Poitiers, working on " the climate crisis " on.

3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

Meaning; it is because the citizen is competent that it can vote ; but we do not have any the environmental knowledge.  P4:" I replace competent by responsible, it is not competent but it is responsible.  (P6-3, 4).

A more particular attention has the whole empirical material pushes however has relativize the first impression. First of all, the citizens do not feel capable of mastering all the elements in play. They often emphasize the limits of their competence during the forum, in particular when the discussions are to develop, in plenary, on the meaning and the limits of the approach. This process of frustration by report has the procedure and the subject reached its climax at the end of the second day of work. The participants are asking for figures, are discussing the interest of their presence and the tension mounted. The animators accustomed to the process cannot be fooled yet not impress by this development that they know as " the frustration of the Tuesday " on and which corresponds to the awareness on the part of participants of the limits of the procedure and the mandat47. In the French case, the participants are of the opinion that they cannot conduct an evaluation of public policy, in all cases not within the framework which was propose48. In both cases, however, the citizens are a posteriori satisfied by their work and the notice that they have produced and they consider as sufficiently good to be rendered to their principal and serve as a basis for policy publique49. Another limitation is the fact of the presenters. The latter often stress to the participants that their role is that of " ordinary citizens " on, and that is not expected of them a technical opinion but an opinion citizen. They sometimes cut short has requests for additional information and regulate the field of jurisdiction citoyenne50. Finally, stakeholders felt that the participants are interested, motivated, serious but question their character of experts. They recognize their capacity to produce an opinion

47The name comes from the German organizers who in the conduct of the Planungszelle which usually begins a Monday.

48P6-6-4 (50) : " Michel, Jean and me-same, as citizens' juries, we have had the impression of not having enough explanation. There has been the impression of not having enough data, and not be in ability to assess the investment of the region on the annual budget. ≪

49 (A6-1 has A6-10 PROBE and P7-1 to P7-9, 7.1 and 7.2 )

50A1-1 (64): participant 1 (P1): " I want the figures, we do not have enough ". Facilitator 1 (A1) : " No, not of numbers, you have done enough in head and thirty years of experience have shown that this does serves has nothing " on. P2: " How can I work without numbers? ≪. A1 responds: " You are not experts but experts-citizens, you have been drawn and are the only for 4 days. ≪


Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

Of enlightened amateurs, based on their daily experience51 and are sometimes jealous of the chance they have to receive such a diversity of information diverse and specialized (A3-4, 26:40).

3.2 .4Results

The empirical study allows to conclude that the theoretical expectations in terms of jurisdiction are widely carried out. The citizens are mobilizing a large diversity of knowledge, font call has their own knowledge and has their experience as the basis of their argument but also has registers more technical. They also adopt a modest position vis-a-vis their own jurisdiction which they consider as relative and limited ; but sufficient to render an opinion and responsible citizen. So they look like well has these amateurs of policy that the authors refer to their wishes.

3.3The empowerment of citizens

3.3 .1Translation of expectations

For most of the supporters of the draw in politics, participation has a forum such as the Planungszelle or the jury of citizens would constitute a school practice of politics and democracy, having at minimum learning effects but which could also be the spark of the awakening has the citizen life. We will begin by analysing the gain of knowledge (Fachkompetenzen). Specifically, is it past of a speech " layman " on a speech " technical " on and there has been case has a raise in generality? The citizens have they changed their opinion during the process? Beyond these knowledge, have they acquired Handlungskompetenzen, that is to say the social skills and policies? In one case as in the other, what happened after the participation? The citizens have they acted differently just after the mini-public? And in the medium term? Were they used as a multiplier to change? All citizens have they benefited from the empowerment or has there been of inequalities?

51See, for example, A3-10 (11:53) : " Man hat schon bemerkt, dass sie sich mit dem Thema beschaftigt haben und auch ihre alltagliche velocity Erfahrung haben. ≪ For Poitiers see P4-2-2 (03:41) : " Is it that you would say the citizens are competent? " On " Non-this is not the way that it must be said, they are concerned, it affects their daily lives. ≪


3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

3.3 .2The gain of knowledge (Fachkompetenzen)

3.3.2 .1" MVA ", " KAG-NRW " and " Grund- und Zusatzgebühr " on one side, "VMC", "Prev" and "energy autonomy" of the other52

" Infolge der Modernisierung wird nach dem KAG-NRW und nach LAbfG proportional, Typengenau, kosten-deckend gearbeitet und der Wirklichkeits- und Wahr-scheinlichkeitsmasstab eingehalten. Soziale Staffelung, fehlende Gefasgrosen, Mindestentleerung und die Pflicht-Bio-Tonne fallen bei der Modernisierung weg.  (A5-5, 86).

" You had the impression of being able to act and intervene in the beginning? " On " not at the beginning. Then yes, I have equated not evil of questions. And after we can ask a few questions. But at the beginning it was rather interest has to listen.  (P3-4, 36:00).

If it was noted previously that the citizens are mobilizing a whole palette of registers in their interventions and of their discussions, it is undeniable that the mark between the first and the last day a trend has the mastery of more and more important issues and of the topic. We note that the citizens are appropriating little has little technical terms employed by the stakeholders. They begin by do not understand, ask for clarification and details. And then reuse the day after these data for new questions, and even to challenge the arguments employed by a new intervenant53. There is also a slight tendency has the rise in generality. The notes taken during the observation show that the general discussions appear frequently that this is when small groups of work or during the plenieres54. This rise seems to culminate in the two forums the last day at the time or the participants are the record of their work before they put it in the drafting of the final recommendations. For example, a Poitiers undertakes a discussion on of52All

These terms are present in the recommendations of citizens and have emerged during the presentations of the speakers before that participants will do the retrieve. In the order found the Mullverbrennungsanlage (MVA - incinerator), the Kreiswirtschaftabfallgesetz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (KAG-NRW - Act on the cyclical economy of waste of the Land of North Rhine-westphalia ), mechanical ventilation controlled (VMC) and the regional plan energy climate (PREC).

53See, for example, A1-1 (79) : " Sie sagen, dass die Prokopfgebuhr in Aachen niedrig ist. Aber gestern hat der Vortragende gezeigt, dass die Gebuhr im NRW Spiegel hoch ist, insbesondere im Vergleich mit Koln. Wie Sie erklaren das? ≪

54See for example the debate in a small group around the question " what system of census of waste is just and appropriate from the point of view of the producer of junk? ≪ (A1-2, 106). During the discussion, one participant intervenes: " The debate here is to know what is fair and what we want. These are two different things ". A second participant responds to this note and concludes " This would be a just solution but is not compatible with human nature ", what a third participant responds: " The justice that is good but too expensive. ≪


Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

Representative democracy and the meaning of participatory democracy. A Aix-la-Chapelle, the format of animation leaves less place has such discussions, but these are reflected in the small groups (A1-2, 96-97).

3.3.2 .2learning and change of opinion

" Ich war entsetzt vorher, dass eine Stadt 250 000euros as so ein Verfahren ausgibt. Sie hat eine Verwaltung und muss in der Lage stayed within Sichtpunkten zu betrachten. Ich habe nachher die Komplexitat of Themas gesehen und habe Dabei Temple bemerkt, dass die Verwaltung in gewissen befangen Sachen ist ... Ich habe aussi meine Aussage revidiert.  (A2-17, 03:45).

" I have learned things about the subject, on agrofuels, on the carbon sinks. Otherwise, I have begun to read on hydrogen.  (P3-2, 32:00).

The gradual control of the topic past by learning. In both countries, the vast majority of citizens declared having " learned things " on55 and feel more competent at the end of the forum. They also note that they know more now that their entourage. The gain of knowledge seems also result in changes of opinions. 73 Per Cent of participants in Germany, for instance say i have had a change of mind during the Planungszellen. In their explanations they underline the fact that these changes are the result of the discussion and of the presentation of information and points of views varied.

3.3 .3The gain of skills (Handlungskompetenzen)

3.3.3 .1The learning of soft skills

" Ich habe gelernt, dass Lobbies starkeren einen Einfluss auf Meinungsbildungsprozesse in der Bevolkerung haben, als ich dies zuvor hatte gedacht. Aus diesem Grund fand ich die stetig wechselnden Gruppen in der Planungszelle eine tolle Moglichkeit, das Aufkommen von " Alpha-Tieren " und Meinungsmachern zu unterbinden. Im Rahmen meiner beruflichen Tatigkeit setze ich aus o.g. Grunden wechselnde Teamkonstellationen ein und hinterfrage allgemein politische identifiable in hoherem Mase im Hinblick auf die oben genannten substitute.  (A6-5, 12.1 ).

55The answer has the corresponding issue of the survey later gave 94% yes and 6% of no opinion. Cf. A6-1 has A6-10 PROBE (12.1 ) and P7-1 P7-9 (12.1 ): " Have you learned things during the jury? ≪. The interviews involved very largely the same opinion.


3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

Beyond the thematic knowledge, the participants declare having acquired social skills. Most of the people interviewed said as well having learned the group work, the deliberative discussion, listening to different opinions. Some participants use the same techniques of group discussion and deliberation in their professional life after the forum. Some have the feeling that the participation their has also allowed us to see the world, to " get out of [their shell " (P3-2, 03:00).

3.3.3 .2multipliers Enthusiastic

" During these days of work which have been intense enough, we have been quite close to each other by report has this subject-the. It seems to me unfortunate that one is left and that we parte all in the nature and that we were lost from sight. I would have liked, for those who want, that there be a list of our names, addresses and where you can join, our centers of interest, or even our experiences in this area. It is a little silly that there be at least one who seeks people competent to do something when one of us has done, etc. It is a start of a network to combat global warming.  (A6-6-4, 35).

Once out of the bubble deliberative, participants return to their life of all days but are still marked by the experience not only on the short-term but also in the medium and even long term. Between the working sessions and just after the forum, they say they have spoken with their entourage of the subject to inform (A2-10, 35:30), to argue, to " remove the arguments of coffee trade " on which circulate but also to convince others to change their behavior (P3-3, 02:40). Two and three years after, they say be still influenced by the experience in their daily lives. They act otherwise, font more attention to the waste they produce, has the energy they consume: a participant has Poitiers installed same photovoltaic panels was the result of the jury, another a pump has chaleur56. The interviews reveal that the deliberative experience in itself marked a good part of the citizens. Capacitate is undeniable.

3.3.3 .3an awakening to the paradoxical policy?

" The fact of working with people " ordinary " on a complex question and produce a result demonstrates the potential of compe56A

Additional index of this empowerment is the rate of return in the inquiry posterior, which is substantially higher than the figures recorded in the comparable procedures. A Poitiers it is mounted has 36% and has Aix-la-Chapelle has 40 %, although these figures must be themselves considered with caution.


Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

Democratic coexistence that conceals the people. This makes it even more unfair confiscation of power by the policies.  (P7-2, 10.4 ).

" Manchmal, muss ich sagen, ich wunsche mir eine Planungszelle fur die Politiker mit vielleicht eine aus When Politiker und Burgern. Da wurde man ein bisschen mehr Verstandnis fur handle identifiable der Politiker haben.  (A2-16, 01:08 AM:30).

For a good part of the theorists, the employment of the draw in policy would have as effect to contribute to re-enchant the traditional policy. The empirical material book on this point an image rather contrasting color. On one side, the citizens are convinced that the model is good, that it allows you to fight against a crisis of representative democracy which they agree to say that it is preoccupante57. A Aix-la-Chapelle 100% of the respondents in the final questionnaire declare that they would advise has their entourage to take part in such an experience. In Poitou-Charentes , the participation also seems to have had a positive effect on the participants' opinion toward the regional majority. Six of the eight respondents in the inquiry declare posterior as well as the jury has influence their vote in the regional elections of March 2010. In contrast, none of the ten respondents Germans do said have been influenced for the elections to the parliament of North Rhine-westphalia . For a part of them, the Planungszelle has even become disenchanted yet a little more the policy traditionnelle58. That is the feeling that emerges from the other questions of the survey. The confidence in the elected representatives do not change (9 replies) or even decreased (4 responses), the impression that the policy is in ability to change things follows the same direction and confidence in the policy in general stagnated (12 replies on 18). In addition, if the participation pushes the citizens to act differently in the life of all days, their political behavior does not seem very affected by the experience. In France, the political effect seems however widely more positif59.

3.3 .4of the " earth which makes noise" to the "citizens who are deliberating "60

" The strength of the group is undeniable. By his number it generates conflicting ideas which derives from an idea consensual.  (P7-6, 2.2 ).

57See also infra (p. 292) and (p. 303).

58Cf. the emphasized or A6-9 (13.4 ): " Meine Meinung von der Politik war nie besonders hoch. Pound Veranstaltung hat meine Meinung hochstens etwas weiter negativ beeinflusst. ≪

59For example P3-1 (43:15) : " Thou hast changed thy political opinions or on the contrary confirmed ... " On " confirmed! "Unknown" in what sense? "Unknown" in the sense in which these ideas are very very good. What are the reliable projects and the jury has enabled us to confirm the viability of these projects. ≪

60 To resume the image used by Barber (1984, 154-155) cited in chapter 3 (note 103, p. 153).


3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

" About this document of individual opinion, I find that it is unnecessary.  (P6-6-4, 14)61.

The participatory observation, the whole interviews, as well as the results presented so far allow to move forward that the deliberative process strengthened among the participants the feeling to feel citizens and actors in their environment. We attended really has the creation of a community that the notice citizen - which as we have seen it is powerfully concentrated around the idea of general interest - materialized. However, it cannot ensure that this feeling is caused by the mere participation in the forum and on the contrary, it appears that certain additional conditions are necessary (cf. infra, 4.1 , p. 285 et seq. ).

3.3 .5Results

The empirical study shows clearly that the citizens have won not only technical skills but also broader competencies that influence their capacity to act, in the same framework of the subject matter (waste, the environment) or more widely (social and emotional skills). The participants are the multipliers of their deliberations and recommendations, they are trying to act accordingly, even on the medium term and experience the lasting mark. On all these points, the theoretical expectations are fully satisfied. On a point on the other hand we should rather conclude has a reversal since neither the Planungszellen nor the jury of citizens have been the place of a unique enchantment of the traditional policy.

3.4Become the decisive voter: The power of individual citizens

3.4 .1Translation of expectations

Unlike the previous expectations concerning the creation of a political community consensus, an important part of the authors that we have studied are hoping for the employment of the draw the increase of the individual power of each citizen. Translate this assumption led has two questions: what was the weight of each citizen in the opinion citizen? And on the final decision taken by the institution?

61Reaction of a participant has the presentation of a table summarizing the individual positions of the citizens on the three questions posed by the region.


Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

3.4 .2" All the world has been able to give its opinion"

" Sindh went zur Wort gekommen? " On " Ja, auf Karel Schwarzenberg will take part Fall " on " Wurde darauf aufgepasst, oder hat es sich ergeben? ≪ " Nein, es wurde aufgepasst ≪ ≫ Und hat deine Meinung gezahlt? " On " Ja sicher.  (A2-16, 32:30).

" There was a little of all the world. There was X which is very well, which is a brain " on "Thou hast felt that thou tutored elementary something by report has him? " " Yes, he is scientific and we it is the everyday life. It is a complement. For example, the small Y she has made his youth " ... " and all the opinions have account? ≪ " Ah yes, the whole world has been able to give its opinion.  (P3-4, 12:30 PM and 29:50).

Almost all participants interviewed reported having had the opportunity to express themselves in the small groups and consider their opinion has account. They are certainly in front of the distortions of the ideal conditions of deliberation (cf. infra, , p. 293) but none of them said have been ignored. In addition, they have the feeling of having made their own competence to travail62. Finally if you look at the votes intermediaries, for example has Aix-la-Chapelle, those outlined below reflect individual opinions aggregated. The same applies to the notice of the French citizens on the measures taken by the Region and presented at the start of the second session. Some opinions pass through even the ordeal of the deliberation virtually such what. As well, participants has Aix-la-Chapelle put in before the problem of wild waste (120 points on 385) of the second unit of work before even having been informed on this subject and this point is found prominently in a large part of the plans of actions. In the final opinion however, the individual opinions, including dissenting, become extremely rare and it is the opinion of the working groups and drafting the last day which dominates. When the discount, this is the group that spoke. When we put the two mini-public in context, the opinion of each individual citizen has almost more weight and it is the collective opinion of the group that account. On this point, the theoretical expectation is therefore not carried out. This result is however the result of the formula mini-public seeking precisely to avoid the individual opinions.

6213 OF 18 respondents in the inquiry later declare as well have brought their own expertise to the work of the group (A6-1 has A6-10 PROBE and P7-1 has P7-9).


3. Participate by the drawing and the deliberation?

3.4 .3Results

Within the deliberative process, the citizens exercise their individual power. In contrast, the weight of each notice decreased very strongly at the macro level, when the opinion is drafted and submitted to the authorities agents. Because of this, these are rather the expectations of the group of authors who place the emphasis on deliberation which are carried out.

4. The mini-public, the new mini-companies?

Unlike the previous expectations which was concentrated on the effects of the use of the draw on the participants, the expectations that we will now test revolve around the question of the relations between the mini-public and its context: are we witnessing a shift of power from elected representatives to the representatives learned the fate (4.1 ) ? What is the question of the legitimacy of the mini-public on the ground (4.2 ) ? And we can measure of collateral effects on society? If so, which ones (4.3 ) ?

4.1Make the power to the people

4.1 .1Translation of expectations

The question of the transfer of power is too complex to be tested satisfactorily here. But we can translate the expectations concerning this field by means of two series of questions. First, it is to understand if the mini-public are the place of the policy as a matter of all: is it " the people " who has participated, or only an elite citizen? And the two forums have they fulfilled the expectations concerning the simplification of the policy? Secondly, what was the power of the citizens on the policy actually implemented? That have become the recommendations in the representative bodies traditional? How many of them have been accepted and for what reasons? The citoyenne has she been instrumentalized? 285

Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

4.1 .2The policy as a matter of all

4.1.2 .1a people slightly biased

The analysis of the representativeness of the participants through their political and social commitment allows you to judge if the people present was the one accustomed to power and if it was balanced in partisan terms. We note in both cases that there is a certain gap in the average. A Poitiers, supporters of the regional majority seem to have been made redundant (P1-1, 46; P3-6, 1:33). The interviews and the observation also reveal that the participants had, in their majority, an interest and a sensitivity to the issue of climate change before their participation. On the German side, it is rather a sensitivity for the communal policy which spring and a dissatisfaction vis-a-vis the waste policy, without being able to locate a distortion of partisan affiliations.

The profile of commitment of the participants on the other hand is different from the national averages in France, as in Germany and the people who participated is slightly more politicized than the average (cf. illustration 56 p. 286). If such a state of fact is explained mainly by the voluntary nature of participation, it remains that the theoretical expectation which is carried out here is closest to the vision of a Burnheim and its advice to interested volunteers that from that of a Citizen Legislature has the Callenbach & Phillips.


Member of an association

Member of a party, of a municipal council or a Bürgerinitiative

Multiple Affiliation

Jury of citizens (N= 22)

50 %







4% (party) and  0.3 % (councillor)

5 %

Planungszellen (N= 89)

41 %



8 %



30 %

~ 2.3 % (party) and ~ 3% municipal council or Burgerinitiative

5 %

Illustration 56: Activity socio-political of participants63.

63Sources: the figures for the participants to the Planungszellen and the jury are derived from the evaluation questionnaire (P2-1 has P2-22 and A5-5, no. 94-96). For the associative commitment, the sources are the INSEE and the Deutsches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Numbers preceded by ~ are personal estimates based on the referencing of information of political parties, the voluntary sector and of different official sources. 286

4. The mini-public, the new mini-companies?

4.1.2 .2simplification of the language policy

" I did not understand what was the expression in English: two-step flow of communication. " On " in the surveys of opinion, in the American studies in psychosociology, the opinion is not done like that. This is done in several steps, i.e. in several levels of communication. Some people quite influential are interested in a problem that they broadcast around them. This can be done only by the influence of intermediate persons. " On " at this moment, it might be the call relay of information.  (P6-6-4, 44).

" Es muss eine stringente Uberwachung ... ≪ " Was bedeutet stringency washing? Konnen Sie Bollard es ins deutsche ubersetzen? "≪ Aussi stringency washing heist genaue Uberwachung.  (A1-1, 75).

The participatory observation has given of the elements which are consistent in the sense of a relative simplification of political language. On one side the citizens often ask of translations of technical terms and complex during the deliberations, and their opinion is written in large part with the common terms. However, they did not hesitate to employ the technical expressions and scientific when it should. In addition, the opinion citizen is itself translates into legal measures which are as complex as usual. The simplification takes place but it is limited to the debates and has the opinion.

4.1 .3The become of recommendations: The real power of the people drawn to the fate

4.1.3 .1The heart of the recommendations implemented

" Dennoch war es letztendlich immer nur ein Ideensammeln und Meinungsaustausch und kein Beschluss.  (A6-2, 1.2 ).

" The region has taken more than a year of study and explained why some recommendations have not been able to be followed and why others have been.  (P7-9, 8.3 ).

A Aix-la-Chapelle, the opinion citizen translates in two documents: theAbfallwirtschaftssatzung (stopped on the economy of waste, A5-8 -1) and theAbfallgebuhrensatzung (stopped on the taxation of waste, HAS5-8 -2). To find out what the new rules were based on the recommendations citizens, we can resume the 10 elements of the action plans proposed by the citizens and see what they have become (illustration 57, p. 291). The conclusion is fairly 287

Chapter 5: Aix-la-Chapelle and Poitiers, the theory in action?

Net: in all cases except one, the city has put in place the solution preferred by the majority (relative or absolute) of the participants. The only exception concerns the pace of lifting of the dustbin of residual waste, for which the citizens advocated a reduction in the rate. A Poitiers the situation is quite comparable. In the official response that the region has made the jury citizen, she resumed point by point the recommendations and declined its actions in the field concerned or expressed his reservations vis-a-vis the opinion of citizens (A6-12). The again, we can see that a large majority of the recommendations is accepted or that the measures already in place and judged as positive by the participants are maintained. Some proposals are also rejected but only on the basis of an argument.

4.1.3 .2The symbolic power of the citoyenne

Beyond the recommendations themselves, we can judge the authority of the citizen in is interesting to become of the opinion as a discursive object face which the actors must react. The empirical study reveals that no one player has been spared by the " citoyenne " and that all of them have, at one time or another, take a position. A part of them accepted completely the notice including critical recommendations and/or contrary to the beliefs propres64. This is the case of the regional majority and of the leadership of the service environment in Poitou-Charentes as well as Grunen has Aix-la-Chapelle65. Another part of the actors began by rejecting the instrument before to take up some of the results has their own account and to use the opinion as the basis for argument. This is what is observed in the case of the CDU and the FDP has Aix-la-Chapelle. While these two parties criticize the establishment of the model as serving the interests of politicking before and shortly after the forum, they will eventually resume the results has their account to criticize the policy of the coalition Grunen/SPD66. A third pattern of positioning appears if one is interested in the regional opposition in Poitou-Charentes who without denigrating the model or its results in private (interviews) in minimizes the importance in public (P6-8 -2-1, 15). A last diagram is more suffered, it mainly affects the administrative services which

64 Cf. for example the reaction of the president of the Poitou-Charentes region during the delivery of the opinion (P6-8 -2-1, 5) : " We are going to enter, we will say what we are potentially vulnerable, what also we cannot retain, to ensure, through this approach to citizenship, better keep our commitments. ≪

65A3-10 (22:35) : " Und wenn die Ergebnisse die Idea der CDU unterstutzt? " On " Das mussen wir akzeptieren und wir mussen few damit abfinden. ≪

66See, for example, A1-1 (91) on the criticism of the procedure during the Planungszellen. On the critical posterior see A3-8 (01:16 AM:00). Finally on the employment of subsequent results, see A5-6-7 (1-2).


4. The mini-public, the new mini-companies?

Without having the freedom to express their views on the results of the process are obliged to apply the political decisions arising therefrom. However, they make up with this situation and seek in the opinion the proposals which can help facilitate their work (P4-1, 37:20 ; A6-11 -1). The empirical study thus shows clearly that, regardless of the positioning chosen or suffered by the actors, they are forced to react: the floor citizen acquires a great symbolic value. The latter is confirmed by the combined effect of the recommendations and of the decision-making: a Aix-la-Chapelle the problematic of household waste was under discussion for a decade and the Abfallgebuhrensatzung was changed each year without a substantive reform either realisee67. The Planungszellen have by their results and by the very fact of their establishment creates a new legal status and symbolic that the actors have taken into account and which they believe it will be difficult to deviate in the short terme68.

4.1 .4Results

The jury of citizens as the Planungszellen are the opportunity of a transfer of power effective since the recommendations the most central of the participants are put in place by the constituent institutions that, in addition, are linked by the symbolic dimension of the word citizen. The latter creates a discursive balance sustainable and linked the institutional actors despite its nature officially optional.

67The previous text dated from 1992 and was the 18th version in 2007.

68 Cf. for example the opinion of one of the politicians: " Und wenn die Ergebnisse nicht umgesetzt werden, 'stellt 'es das Verfahren infrage? " On " Ich halte es as unwahrscheinlich, dass die nicht umgesetzt werden " on " Warum? " On " Ja, weil das politische Setting so ist, dass [now what belongs irgendeine Entscheidung getroffen werden muss. Da haben sich gone Beteiligten' committed .Sie konnten sich nicht einigen, welche Entscheidung treffen sie wollten und [now what belongs gibt es ein Burgergutachten. Da kann ich mir nur schwer vorstellen, dass man ein grundsatzlich anderen Weg geht. ≪ HAS3-1 (22:56). 289

Action Plans

N plans

 The Abfallwirtschiftsatzung 12.10.2008 (AWS) and Abfallgebuhrensatzung of 01.01.2009 (AGS)

(1) pace of lifted / residual waste

Reduced Pace

Twice per month


Dismissed in part

AWS-§14-1: is possible but is not the standard. In addition no difference between center and periphery

Two times per month on the outskirts and once a week in the center


Dismissed in part

Once a month


Adopted in part

AWS-§14-1: for the dustbin of 60 Liters

Reduced Rate and possibility of increasing against payment

Two times per month with the possibility of reducing a once


Dismissed in part

Cf. infra

Two times per month with the ability to increase was four times


Adopted in part

Once a month with the ability to increase has two times


Dismissed in part

Four times per month with the possibility of reducing has twice



AWS-§14-1: becomes the standard

Free choice without overhead


Adopted in part

AWS-§14-1: for the dustbin of 1100 liters

(2) pace of lifted / organic waste

Former pace

Once a week



AWS-§14-1: the dustbin of organic waste is picked up each week

Other pace

Once a week in summer and twice a month in Winter



Twice per month


Free Choice


The center four or two times per month. In periphery one or two times per month


At the center once a week. In periphery twice per month


(3) pace of lifted / paper

Fixed Rate

Once a month



AWS-§14-1: the dustbin of paper waste is picked up once a month

Twice per month


Rejected or in part rejected

Variable Rate

Free choice without overhead


The center two or four times per month. In periphery one or two times per month


The center two times per month. In periphery once a month


Choice between two and four times per month


(4) Size of bins

Keep the system (60/120/770/1100 liters)



AWS-§11-4: the city provides the bins of 60, 120, 770 and 1100 liters

Add a dustbin of 240 liters



Eliminate the dustbin of 770 liters



Pair the size of bins at the pace of the lifted



Decouple the size of the dustbin of organic waste and paper to that of the dustbin of residual waste

Not to mention (means no)


In part adopted

AWS-§11-4: the size of the dustbin of organic waste is coupled to that of the dustbin of residual waste, the size of the paper bin is decoupled



(5) electronic identification system




AWS and AGS: not to mention




Not to mention



(6) allocation key of the tax

A column



Action Plans N plans Abfallwirtschiftsatzung of 12.10.2008 (AWS) and  the Abfallgebuhrensatzung

01.01.2009 (AGS)

AWS-§24 and AGS-§2: a single tax is levied to cover all the costs of the collection of household waste. There is, however, not to base tax

A basic fee plus a column


In part adopted

Two columns



Three columns






(7) Bulky

Free as before


Adopted in part

AWS-§15 : In the city center, the bulky are picked up free on rendezvous. In the periphery, the collection is done once a month by appointment telephone.

AGS-§1-4 and AGS-§2-3: it is possible to request a pickup express against a tax of 50 euros

Free as before but with an appointment by telephone


Adopted in part

Surcharge for each removal



Free once a year only


Dismissed in part

Free twice a year only


Dismissed in part

Mcs express against payment of 10 euros


Adopted in part

(8) Full Service

Keep the system (mandatory-fee to the center and possible-surcharge at the edge)



AWS-§14-2: in the city center, the complete service is standard and surcharge but an exemption is possible. At the periphery, the service is possible against payment.

The full service is not concerned that the bins of 120 liters or more in the center and of 770 liters or more in the periphery.

Possibility to cancel the service in city center



Service to the city center remains fee but less expensive



Free Service everywhere



Compulsory and Free for the center and possible against tax elsewhere



Cancel everywhere



(9) Inclusion of shopping

No recommendation in this area



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