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Hajifakhraddin Safarli TREATY OF MOSCOW AND NAKHCHIVAN Summary The article discusses the treaty of Moscow, which is a very important step in giving
Nakhchivan the status of autonomy. It is noted that Article 3 and Annex I (C) of the Treaty of
Friendship and Brotherhood signed between Soviet Russia and Turkey in Moscow on March 16,
1921 are related to Nakhchivan. Even in the appendix, the borders of Nakhchivan are clearly
defined. Under the terms of the agreement, both sides (Russia and Turkey) agree to make
Nakhchivan an autonomous territory under the auspices of Azerbaijan, provided that the
protectorate of Azerbaijan will never make concessions to a third state. Thus, the treaty of Moscow
protected the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and clarified the issue of territorial affiliation of
Key words:Moscow, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan, treaty. SOSĠOLOGĠYA. SOSĠAL PSĠXOLOGĠYA. SĠYASƏT