ANNEX G. Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
The preparation of an ESMP normally applies to project classified as moderate or high-risk project. Note: This project has been classified as MODERATE RISK for reasons explained in the previous section. (See in particular SESP Question 4.) However, the after due diligence, UNDP and the project proponent DEA considered that the need for a specific and additional Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is NOT foreseen at this stage. UNDP will monitor all identified risks. Should the need for such a plan emerge during project implementation, applicable and additional measures will be introduced and budgets allocated for the purpose. Else, the following summarizes the justification: All applicable project risks at this stage have been dully identified and scoped in time and scale with a reasonable degree of certainty. They were considered manageable, either through project design, the application of standard best practice, mitigation measures and consistent stakeholder engagement during project implementation.