Rīgas pedagoģijas un izglīTĪbas vadības augstskola


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TRAINING Minor Academy of RTTEMA– Pedagogy Master course; IT course; Foreign language course.
LANGUAGES Latvian - native

Russian -can speak, can write

German - can speak, can write

English - by the help of dictionary.

Curriculum vitae
Name, surname Kristiāna Lapiņa

Date and place of birth 9 April 1970, Rīga

Personal code 090470-10902

Citizenship: the Republic of Latvia

Nationality: Latvian

Place of work, position – Rīga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy.

Education psychology department – lecturer

Address of work - Imantas 7. līnija 1


Acquired Master’s degree in Educational sciences at Pedagogy and Psychology Institute at the University of Latvia.

Acquired higher education in medicine at Medicine Academy of Latvia / Rīga University named after P.Stradins.

Diploma No 000116, Bachelor’s degree in medicine, degree in nursing; professional and academic study programme - in nursing.

St.Petersburg Acmeology Academy – acquired qualification of social-psychology training manager – May 2004

Previous education – Rīga Medicine school No 5, obtained qualification – nurse, diploma No ЗТ 233545, issued in June 1988

Basic education – Rīga Secondary School No 2

Work experience

Since 1998 - present place of employment- Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Psychology faculty, Education psychology department

Cooperation with the internet portal Apollo – analytical articles and weekly comments, internet portal ”Guru”- as a consultant, articles for journals ”Psiholoģijas Pasaule”, ”Psiholoģija Mums”.

Employment position – lecturer in Day and Extramural department – education psychology, organisational psychology department and School management Master’s study department.

Lectured courses – psycho-somatic medicine, fundamentals of genetics, study of the human anatomy and physiology - biological basis of psyche, health psychology, introduction into clinical psychology, ecological psychology

Since 2003 – Lectures for the students in RTTEMA: School management Master’s study department – ”Personality theories in pedagogy”, and psychology Master’s degree studies - „Ecological psychology”.

Previous work experience – Clinic Hospital named after P.Stradiņs, surgery department.

Rīga Medicine School No 1, from 1990 – 1994, work on teaching aids development for training in demurrage and surgery.

Scientific research work – research in cooperation with P.Stradiņs’ University, student motivation research, and research connected to natural sciences acquisition, student motivation to study, state language acquisition and use in the study process.

Seminars, conferences, publications-

Developed, published and submitted to use by students an aid for distance learning on psycho-somatic medicine “Psihosomatiskā medicīna”(RPIVA-2000).

Rīga, September 1999, participation in seminar “Work with adults. Adult psychic peculiarities”, manager Dr. psych. Jeļena Mihailova.

Rīga, 21 – 23 March 2001, ”Natural sciences and teacher training – publication in Latvian “Natural sciences significance for professional career development”.

Tartu, Estonia, 20 – 22 September, conference organised by Tartu University on the types of learning and education ( The Sixth International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media International Conference on Learning and Educational Media); publication in Latvian – “Students’ self analysis of study process”.

28 February – 2 March 2002 – conference organized by Rēzekne Higher School ”Traditional and innovative for society long-term development”. Thesis:” Academically Trained Nurses Assessment of the Teaching Process”.

Publication in Latvian ” Assessment of professional and academic study process by medical nurses”.

25 – 27 March 2002 conference organized by RTTEMA “ Theory and practice on teacher training “ , publication in Latvian ”Career selection motives of the future pedagogues”.

2002– International conference „Society and culture” organized by Liepāja Pedagogical Academy, publication in Latvian „Meaning of pedagogy for culture, in the process of development of professional awareness of medics and teachers”.

7 March 2002– Scientific conference in medicine branch organized by Rīga University named after P. Stradiņs. Thesis „Adaptation and affection behaviour model correlation analysis of pre-school age children” and ”Whether an academically educated nurse can still be considered as medium personnel”. Rīga. Reports presented on both the above mentioned themes.

23 – 25 May 2003 - Y International scientific conference” Society and culture: diversity, regional in contemporary Europe” organized by Liepāja Pedagogical Academy, report in Latvian „State language significance for studies in medicine”.

12 – 13 June 2003 – report on Past – Time Psychology Students Learning Process Self- Assessment. International Scientific Conference: Spiritual values in Knowledge Society. Kaunas Academy, Lithuanian University of Agriculture.

2005 – International Conference „Society and culture organized” by Liepāja Pedagogical Academy, publications in Latvian “Student knowledge assessment significance in the study process” and ”State language significance for professional competency development of students of medicine”.
Publications in mass media

Cooperation with and publications in journals ”Psiholoģijas pasaule” and ”Psiholoģija Mums”, the internet portals ”Apollo” and ”Guru”- on issues of psycho-somatic medicine, eco-psychology a.o.

October 2003– a publication in the magazine ”Psiholoģija Mums”- No1 in Latvian - „Psycho-somatic correlations or, whether it is worth worrying, or 2x2=4”

November 2003, ”Psiholoģija Mums” No 2 – „Bronchial asthma and allergy in psycho-somatic medicine perception or, whether it is worth worrying about dust tick in the pillow”.

December 2003, ”Psiholoģija Mums” No 3 – ”Choose Damocles’’ sword yourselves or AIDS phobia”- Part 1.

January 2004, No 1 ”Psiholoģija Mums” – ”Choose Damocles’’ sword yourselves or AIDS phobia”- Part 2.

February 2004, No 2 – „Peripeteias around the heart or essential hypertension”

August 2004, No 7 ”Psiholoģija Mums”- ”Emotional panacea- humour. It Works? ”

November 2004, the internet portal ”Apollo” – ”Should the spouse take part in the child-birth?”.

December 2004, the internet portal ”Apollo”- ”Escape from yourself. From Christmas”.

December 2004, a publication in the magazine „Psiholoģijas pasaule”- ”Bulimia. Digestion disorders, are they real monsters?

February 2005, a publication in the magazine „Psiholoģijas Pasaule” „Technocracy and Christmas trees”.

February 2005, – the internet portal ”Guru”- „Environmental changes and contemporary human”.

April 2005 – a publication in the magazine „Psiholoģijas Pasaule”, „Contemporary thinking formats”.

May 2005 – a publication in the magazine „Psiholoģijas Pasaule”, „Excuse me, your world is locked today”.

August 2005, a publication in the magazine „Psiholoģijas Pasaule”, „The body fights against alien agents”: allergy.

August 2005, a publication in the magazine „Psiholoģija Mums”, „Homo-phobia’s politically correct eugenics”.

Since May 2005 – permanent contract on weekly publications on the internet portal Apollo in the chapter: opinion and consultation articles on different, basically psychological themes.

Computer-literacy – for every day use mainly Windows- XP.

Language skills: Latvian,-Russian – good command, English -conversational level.

Hobby - sports and literature.

Curriculum Vitae


I General information:

Name, surname: Anita Lasmane

Personal code: 111154-12851

Passport data: LE 0651407, Tukuma pasu daļa 10.06.97.

Place of birth: Latvia, Talsi region, Roja rural municipality

E-mail: anital@lanet.lv

Foreign language

knowledge: fluent-Russian, German, English – read with dictionary


  • 1972 – secondary education – graduated Roja Secondary School

  • 1975 – 1980 higher pedagogical – graduated Daugavpils Pedagogical institute with distinction (qualification – secondary school teacher of the Latvian and Russian languages and literature), diploma No 710350

  • 1993 – 1997 post-graduate doctoral studies at University of Latvia in psychology; Doctoral studies completed by submitted Doctoral thesis

  • 1994 - 1995 studies in Social science faculty at University of Latvia - programme of Bachelor of Science in Psychology

  • 1998 – 1999 studies at Practical psychology academy at University of Moscow, psychotherapy mastery-course by Alla Spivakovska –Certificate No H-000735

Academic titles and scientific degrees

1998 received Dr in Psychology degree / University of Latvia/ for the dissertation “Interrelations of the teacher’s self-conception and the pupil’s personality identity formation” (developmental psychology), diploma No C-D 001471.

2001 elected a docent in Psychology faculty at RTTEMA

1980 – 1989 teacher in Vocational school No 23 in Valmiera region

1984 – 1989 assistant director in educational work in Vocational school No 23 in Valmiera region.

1989 -1990 teacher in Kalnu vidusskola (secondary school) in Saldus region

1990 – 1994 assistant director in education and educational work in Kalnu vidusskola (secondary school) in Saldus region

1994-1995 social pedagogue and psychology teacher in Zemgales vidusskola (secondary school) Tukuma district

1995-1998 social pedagogue (career and education advisor) in Psychological assistance centre at Education board of Tukuma region

1998 – 2004 docent at Psychology department at RTTEMA, since 2000 in Psychology faculty

2002 – 2003 director of the study programme of Social science Master in Psychology at RTTEMA

Since 01/06/2004 – associated professor in sub-branch of social psychology at Organisational Psychology department at RTTEMA

II Research and Publications


Science Council of Latvia Grant research “Personality self-feeling and identity” (1999 -2001, project research leader at Institute of pedagogy and psychology at University of Latvia)

Science Council of Latvia Grant research “Personality development in multi-cultural environment” (2001 - 2003, project research leader at Institute of pedagogy and psychology at University of Latvia)

Science Council of Latvia Grant research No 03.0951 “Life at work quality social-psychological aspects in Latvia’s organisations” (2003 , leader)

Science Council of Latvia Grant research No 04.1324 “Psychic reality reflection in the language of various students and lecturers” (2004 – 2006, research leader, the project implemented by Faculty of pedagogy and psychology at University of Latvia)
International Projects

February 1999 – August 1999 “Formation of school and higher school cooperation models” – project by Soross Foundation Latvia.

March 2000 – December 2001 “Reshaping the Structure and Focus of Teacher/ Trainer Training in Latvia and Lithuania” by European Education Foundation.

  1. Articles in reviewed editions - 4

Lasmane A. Organizācijas vadītāja pašrealizācijas un organizācijas kultūras sakarības.// „Theory and Practice in Teacher Education”(Materials of International Conference), Rīga, RTTEMA, 2002., pp. 63-69.

D.Medne, I.Tunne, I.Krūmiņa, A.Lasmane „Development of Pupils Social Abilities in Multiculture Society” in the collection „Teachers, Students and Pupils in a Learning Society”, ATEE Conference materials, Rīga, SIA „Izglītības soļi”, 2003., pp 43-50

Lasmane A.Regularities of Personality Identity and Creativity Development.// “Creative Personality”, R., RTTEMA, 2000., p. 5.

Lasmane A., Tunne I., Krūmiņa I., Ābele A. “Personality Development in Multiculture Society”.// „RTU Zinātniskie raksti”, 2003., p12.

Lasmane A., Mārtinsone K. Theoretical approach and conception integration issue in psychology. Methodological article collection of Jaroslavl University, 2004, p.12.

  1. Monographies

Submitted for publication monography A. Lasmane, K. Mārtinsone “Psychology – History and Today”(Psiholoģija- vēsture un šodiena), pp. 600, included in publishing house „Zvaigzne ABC” plan in 2004.

  1. Academic publications

Lasmane A. Skolotājs - skolēna personības attīstības rosinātājs (Teacher – Facilitator of the Pupil’s Personality Development) in Latvian //Rīga, , 1998.g., p.76 ;

Lasmane A. Identitātes veidošanās nosacījumi skolotāja un skolēna saskarsmē (Conditions of Identity Development in the Intercommunication of the Teacher and the Pupil) in Latvian // Rīga, Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas institūts, 1998., p.80;

4. Lasmane A. Skolotāja psiholoģiskā virzība pedagoģiskajā realitātē (Teacher’s Psychological Promotion in the Framework of Pedagogical Reality) in Latvian //Rīga, Rīgas Pedagoģijas augstskola, konferences materiāli, 1995;

Lasmane A. Skolēna identitātes veidošanās karjeras izvēles procesā (Pupil’s Identity Development in the Selection Process of His Career) in Latvian // Rīga, Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas institūts, 1998., p36.

Lasmane A. Articles in collections:”Personības pašizjūta un identitāte”- “Personality Self-perception and Identity” (in Latvian) R., 1999, “Personality Development in the Family, School and Higher School” (Personības attīstība ģimenē, skolā un augstskolā). R., LU, 1999, total 11 pages.

Lasmane A. Organizācijas kultūras izpētes metodika “Research Methods of Organizational Culture“(in Latvian)// Psiholoģija. Teorija un prakse. Rīga, Latvijas praktisko psihologu asociācija, 2003, p.12.

Reports at International conferences and congresses
1st Scientific conference of Riga Pedagogy Higher School in 1995;

International conference “Development of Creative Individual” 2000; 2001; Riga, RTTEMA,

Baltic Psychologists’ conference, 2002, Tartu,

ATEE conference, Riga, 2003

Participant of the international conference: “Non-conscience production”, 2001, Cannes.

Report presentation at the methodology seminar of Jaroslavl University: “Theoretical approach and conception integration issue in psychology”, 11 – 15 April 2004

Report presented at the 63rd scientific research conference of University of Latvia in Psychology section. Report: “Reflections of psychic reality in language. Theoretical aspects”, Riga, 10/02/2005
In scientifically practical conferences of different type

Scientifically practical conference “Psychology: theory and practice”, Association of Practice psychologists of Latvia, 31 May 2003: Report “Research methods in organisational culture”

III Pedagogical activities

  1. Master Degree students

Mentored 1 defended Master’s dissertation in social science psychology programme at Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology at university of Latvia, 2002.

Mentored 5 defended Master’s dissertations in Pedagogy Master’s programme at RTTEMA 2000 – 2001;

Mentored 7 defended Master’s dissertations in social science Master’s degree study programme in psychology at RTTEMA in 2004.

  1. Mentored 63 bachelor’s papers

  2. Mentored 60 diploma papers

  3. Reviewed: D.Škuškovnika’s Doctoral studies work in social psychology “Alarm for Latvians and Russians residing in Latvia”, 21 July 2004

V.Reņģe’s developed distance education material for Business Management College “Organisational psychology I”, July 2004.

  1. Academic courses lectured since 1998:

  1. Individual psychology (RTTEMA and International Practical Psychology Higher School).

  2. History of psychology (RTTEMA).

  3. Social psychology (in the psychology, teacher professional, commerce organisation, personnel management study programmes at RTTEMA).

  4. Management psychology (for the Master’s programme students of Educational management, for the study programme of Personnel management at RTTEMA).

  5. Modern theories in social psychology (in the study programme of Master in Psychology at RTTEMA).

  6. Symbol psychology (optional course for psychology study programmes at RTTEMA).

  7. Personality development psychology (for the study programme of Commerce and entrepreneurship at RTTEMA).

  1. Courses developed: Personality psychology, Social psychology, Management psychology, History of psychology, Symbol psychology.

  2. Teaching Aids

Processed teaching aids for the courses “Theories of Personality. Focusing support-material”; in social psychology “Research Methodology and Nature of Social Stereotype” teaching/learning aid “Language psychology I”(In the framework of Latvian Science Council’s grant research No 04.1324, affirmed for use by Scientific department of University of Latvia).

  1. Qualification empowerment studies

  • Latvian Professional Career Consultation Centre programme “Basics of Pupils’ Career Counselling”, 80 lessons (certificate No 13; 1995).

  • Seminar-practice course “Psychological counselling” 1st level, 40 lessons, certificate No 430 (4180; 2nd level, 40 lessons, certificate No 766 (4516), 2000)

  • Seminar-practice course “Family Psychotherapy counselling” 24 lessons, certificate No 563 (4313, 2000)

  • Supervisions of the year 2000 (psychotherapist A,Baltmugure, Riga) 300 hours.

  • 2001 -2003 studies at university of ST. Petersburg faculty of psychology for obtaining a new speciality.

  • 1-7 May 2003 experience exchange at university of Leipzig at faculty of psychology in Labour and organisation psychology institute, processing of a joint research programme for organisation and social psychology.

9. Lectures – on contract

2001 - Employees training course “Stress management” and “Team building” guiding in the Training centre of s/c “Latvijas Krājbanka”.

2002 – Further education course “Management psychology”, “Developmental Psychology”, ‘”Communication psychology” reading at the Training centre ‘Support for Social Integration’, ltd.

2002 – Lecture course in Personality and Management Psychology at Kuldiga Adult Education Centre.

2003 - Further education course in psychology reading at the State Youth Initiative centre courses for pedagogues and ambition education guides.

2003 - Further education course “Communication psychology” reading at the Training centre for judges.

2003 - Lecture course on the adult learning motivation at the State language centre.

2003 – Seminar cycle on the creative approach to the work of the class teacher working with teenagers at the courses for the class teachers organised by Riga district School Board.

2004 - Seminar cycle on “Business psychology” in Latvenergo Training centre

2005 – seminars “Stress management” and “Efficient communication between the teacher and the pupil” on 25 Aug. methodological associations’ events organised by Education Board of Ludza region

9. Recognition certificates

Gratitude for the contribution made in the academy and its programme accreditation (RTTEMA rector, 2002);

Gratitude for the high quality work in the full-time study department in the academic year 2002/2003 (dean of Psychology faculty).
IV Organisational Work

  1. Science commission at RTTEMA Senate, in the academic year 2002/2003 for Study Board, member of Psychology faculty council at RTTEMA.

  2. Invited member of Doctorate Council at University of Latvia in 1998 – 1999.

  3. Conference organisation committees

section leader in “Personality Maturity Gender Aspects” at the conference” Personality Maturity Gender Aspects” 9-10 March 2001.

Member of the organisational committee of the conference “Psychology: Theory and Practice” for the Latvian Practical Psychologist association, reviewer of the collected articles “Psychology: Theory and Practice”.

  1. Associations

Member of Latvian Professional education and career choice advisors’ association;

Member of Latvian Practical Psychologists association.

  1. RTTEMA – director of the study programme: Social sciences Master in Psychology (From Sept. 2002 – Dec. 2003).

12.09.2005 A.Lasmane
Curriculum Vitae

Personal information

Name, surname

Data of birth


Mobile telephone

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