Permission to employees to leave their jurisdiction under Rule 1622-RII 1990 edition
Full powers to PHODs/HODs in respect of N.G.Staff working under them in connection with official duties.
Note: While submitting the TA journals, the fact that the competent authority’s sanction was obtained in writing should be recorded in the TA journal invariably.
DRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers in respect of group ‘C’ and ‘d’ staff working under them.
Note: Same as in Col.3.
Dy HODs/Sr. Divl. Officers are delegated these powers in respect of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ staff working under them.
Note: Same as in Col.3.
Sr. scale officers can exercise these powers in r/o non-gazetted staff in response to summons issued by court of law.
Mileage allowance
Full powers to HODs to allow mileage allowance to be calculated by route other than the shortest or cheapest if the journey is actually performed by such route subject to the provision of Rule 1607 (1990 Edition)
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG Officer in independent charge are delegated these powers to allow mileage allowance to be calculated by a route other than the shortest or cheapest if the journey is actually performed by such route subject to the provision of Rule 1607-RII (1990 Edition).
No powers.
No powers.
To grant actual cost of transportation of personal effect or mileage allowance within time limit of six months. Para 1643(iv) of RII
Full powers to CPO/CPO(Adm)
DRMs/ADRMs are delegated these powers.
Dy. HODs in independent charge including workshop are delegated these powers.
No powers.
Transfer Allowance
Full powers to PHOD/HODs to grant transfer allowance to gazetted and non-gazetted staff as admissible under the rules. (Rule 1644-RII) (Edition 1990)
Note: Powers to sanction transfer allowance to DRMs will be exercised by SDGM.
DRMs/ADRMs /SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers to grant transfer allowance to gazetted and non-gazetted staff as admissible under the rules.
Dy HODs/Sr. Divl. Officers are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.
Any gazetted officer including Accounts officer, who is head of office is also delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.
Contingent bills sanction of to gazetted and non-gazetted staff as admissible under rule
i)Full powers to HODs in respect of gazetted and non-gazetted staff under their control.
ii) AGMs are delegated these powers in respect of PHODs/HODs and DRMs/ADRMs
iii) For non-gazetted staff. Full powers to respective section controlling officer or competent authority.
Full powers to SAG officer in independent charge in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control. DRMs will exercise these powers in respect of gazetted staff of their division.
ADRMs are delegated these powers in respect of N.G. staff under their control.
Dy. HODs/J.A.Grade officer of the division are delegated these powers in respect of N.G staff under their control J.A. Grade Officers incharge of workshops/units are delegated these powers in respect of gazetted and non-gazetted staff except their own cases.
Sr. Scale officers also empowered if they are independent incharge of the unit in respect of gazetted and non-gazetted staff under their control.
Advance of pay and daily allowances:
On transfer
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction such advances as are permissible under the rules.
Note: Powers to sanction advance of pay on transfer to PHODs/HODs/ DRMs/SADRM will be exercised by AGM.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers to sanction such advances as are admissible under the rules.
DRM will exercise these powers to sanction such advances in respect of gazetted staff working under their control.
Dy. HODs incharge of W/Shops/Dy. CAO(TA)AII, Dy. CAO(W&S)AII are delegated these powers to sanction such advances as are permissible under the rules. Other Dy. HODs. Sr. Divisional Officers are delegated these powers of non-gazetted staff only.
Divisional officers in Senior Scale/Officers in independent charge are also delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control. These powers may be exercised by APOs of Divisional/Districts. Works Managers of the Mechanical W/shops are also delegates these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff attached to the W/shop.
Note: In case of temporary employees also the advance of pay only on transfer and of TA before proceeding on tour may be sanctioned by HODs and other Officers on the same terms and conditions as for permanent staff provided. The employee concerned should produce a surety from a permanent railway servant not governed by the payment of Wages Act and provided also that the circumstances of the case warrant an advance being sanctioned Rule 1118 IREM-I (1989).
Advance for antirabic treatment
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction:
i) Advance of pay
ii) Advance of defray traveling expenses, and
iii) Maintenance allowance as may be admissible under the rules.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officer in independent charge are delegated powers to sanction.
i) Advance of pay
ii) Advance of defray traveling expenses, and
iii) Maintenance allowance as may be admissible under the
Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.
Divisional Officers(Sr. Scale) officers incharge of Districts. SAOs/DAOs/ Assistant Officers in independent charge/ AAOs are also delegated these powers, same as in Col. 3 in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.
Advance under special circumstances
i) For special circumstances.
Full powers to PHODs/ HODs to sanction an advance of one month’s pay in terms rule 1123 IREM Vol.1.(1989 revised edition) subject to the condition that they will exercise these powers only when the General Manager has declared a particular natural calamity as one necessitating the grant of the concession.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers to sanction an advance of one months pay in terms of Rule 1123 IREM Vol. I(1989) Revised edition) subject to the condition that they will exercise these powers only when the General Manager has declared particular natural calamity as one necessitating the grant of the concession.
No powers.
No powers.
ii) For exceptional circumstances such as floods/cyclones and other natural calamities of exceptional severity
Full powers to HODs to sanction an advance of three month’s pay or Rs. 2500/ which-ever is less subject to the condition that they will exercise these powers only when the Central Government has declared a particular natural calamity as one necessiating the grant of concession of exceptional severity.
(Rly.Board’s letter no. E(G) 97/ADI/7 dt. 13.1.98)
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers to sanction Rs.2000/- or three month’s pay whichever is less subject to the condition that they will exercise these powers only when the Central Government has declared particular natural calamity as one necessiating the grant of the concession of exceptional severity.
Dy, HODs in charge of workshops/Units Sr. Divisional officers are delegated powers in respect of staff working under them subject to the conditions mentioned in Col. 3.
No powers.
Advances for festivals to non-gazetted staff drawing pay in revised scales upto Rs. 8300/- Rule 1125 IREM Vol. 1 (Revised edition 1989)
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction such advance permissible under the rules.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated full powers to sanction such advances as are permissible under the rules.
JA Grade officers incharge of W/Shops/Units/Dy.HODs/ Sr. Divisional Officers are delegated full powers to sanction such advances as are permissible under the rules.
APO(Bills)JP for HQ office excluding Accounts Deptt. DPOs and APOs attached to Divisions/W/Shops and other units. Divisional Officers (Sr.Scale)/Sr.Scale Officers in charge of Districts/ Assistant Officers in independent charge are delegated these powers in respect of staff working under them.
Advances to staff drawing pay up to Rs. 9000/- p.m suffering from cancer 1124 IREM Vol. 1 (1989) Revised edition).
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction advance limited to 4 months pay of the railway servant suffering from cancer or Rs.1000/- or such other amount as the medical officer in charge of the patient may recommend whichever is the lowest.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers to sanction advance limited to 4 months pay of the railway servant suffering from cancer or Rs 1000/- or such other amount as the medical officer in charge of the patient may recommend whichever is the lowest.
No powers
No powers
Advance of TA/DA to gazetted staff when proceeding on long tour Rule 1697 RII(1990 Edition).
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction advance of TA/DA to gazetted staff for whom they are controlling officers as defined in para 1697 RII (1990 Edition) in accordance with the prescribed rules.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers subject to the same conditions as in Col. 3.
JA grade officers of workshops Dy.HODs /Sr. Divisional officers are delegated these powers subject to the same condition as in Col. 3.
Divisional officers (Sr. Scale) Sr. scale officer in charge of Districts are also delegated these powers subject to the same conditions as in Col.3.
Advance of TA/DA to non-gazetted staff when proceeding on long tour.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction advance of TA/DA to non-gazetted staff for whom they are controlling officers as defined in para 1697 RII (1990 Edition) in accordance with the prescribed rules.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers subject to the same conditions as in
Col. 3.
JA grade officers of workshops Dy.HODs /Sr. Divisional officers are delegated these powers subject to the same condition as in Col. 3.
Divisional officers (Sr. Scale) Sr. scale officer in charge of Districts/Assistant officers in independent charge and other Assistant Officers are delegated these powers subject to the same conditions as in Col. 3.
Sanction of advances from SRPF (Non-contributory)
Full powers to PHODs/HODs.
Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers.
Full powers to JA grade officers of workshops Dy.HODs /Sr. Divisional officers.
Sr.Scale Officers- Full powers in r/o of staff in Gr. Upto 5000-8000.
Jr. Scale officers- Full powers in r/o group ‘D’ and Artisans.
Sanction of advance – While proceeding on leave of more than 30 days as leave salary advance.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs
Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers.
Full powers. To JA grade officers of workshops Dy.HODs /Sr. Divisional officers
Sr.Scale officers - Full powers.
Jr.Scale officers- No power.
Advance required for payment towards life insurance policy within existing Rule.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs.
Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers.
No powers.
No powers.
Advance for purchase of Bicycles.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to grant the advance in accordance with the rules prescribed for the purpose subject to funds being available. 1107 IREM Vol. 1 (1989 revised edition)
Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge to grant the advance in accordance with the rules prescribed for the purpose subject to funds being available.
Dy.HODs/JA grade officers and Sr. Divisional Officers are delegated these powers in respect of staff working under them.
These powers are further delegated to :
i)DPOs and Personal Officers in charge of workshops in respect of staff working under them.
ii) Sr. Scale Officers in independent charge, such as WMs/DEEs/DCOSs etc. in respect of staff working under them.
iii) Assistant officers in independent charge in respect of staff working under them.
iv) APO(Bills) JP in respect of staff of HQ office, JP. AAO(Adm) JP in respect of staff of Accounts Office JP. AAO(G)-AII in respect of staff of Dy.CAO (TA) AII.
v) All DAOs/SAOs in Sr. Scale/Assistant Accounts Officers in independent charge in respect of staff working under them.
9 (b)
Advance for purchase of Motor Car/Computer.(Minimum basic pay Rs. 10500/-) for gazetted staff.
AGM/PHOD/ CHOD is delegated full powers in respect of gazetted staff
No powers.
No powers.
No powers.
Motor Cycle/Scooter (Minimum basic pay Rs. 4600/-) for gazetted/N.G staff. (Bd’s letter No. (E)spl./97/ADV/E/2/2 dt. 04.03.98)
PHODs/CHODs are delegated powers to sanction advance for purchase of Motor cycle/Scooter in respect of N.G. staff under their control.
DRMs/ADRMs & SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers on par with HODs.
No powers
No powers.
Advance for House Building Advance 1132-IREM Vol. 1(1989 edition)
Full powers to PHOD/HODs
Full powers to DRM/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.
No powers
No powers
Claims for arrears of pay and allowances etc. remaining undrawn for over 3 years.
Full powers to CPO for staff other than Accounts Deptt. FA&CAO for staff of Accounts, cash and pay Deptt. CAO(c ) /CSC for staff under them to sanction investigation and claims for arrears of pay and allowances remaining undrawn for over 3 years subject to provisions of para 1542 to 1544 G1 subject to prior certification by the Accounts officer concerned.
Full powers to DRM/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge subject to conditions as in Col. 3.
Full powers to Sr. DPOs/Dy.CMEs/Dy CEEs/Dy.CEs in charge of workshops Dy. CAO(G), Sr. DAOs/ Chief Cashier and Dy. CAO(TA) AII are delegated these powers subject to the conditions as in Col. 3.
No powers.
Claims for arrears of pay and allowances etc. remaining undrawn for over one year but less than 3 years (other than unpaid deposits, which can be paid at any time up to 3 years.
i) Full powers to CPO for staff other than Accounts Deptt. to FA&CAO, for staff of Accounts and cash and pay Deptt. CAO(c ) /CSC for staff under them to sanction investigation and claims and allowances remaining undrawn for 3 years or less subject to prior certification by the Accounts officer concerned for cases over one year.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers independent charge delegated these powers subject to the condition as in Col. 3
Sr. DPOs/Dy.CMEs incharge of W/Shops are delegated full powers subject to conditions as in Col. 3.
These powers are further delegated to Sr. Scale officers on the divisions including DAOs/Sr. Scale officer in independent charge of District may exercise powers in respect of Sub para (i) of Col.3 in respect of cases less than one year old and in respect of subpara(ii) of Col 3 to the entire extent to delegation to CPO.
ii) Claims consequent on detection of a mistake by the Accounts/Audit Deptt. Or by the department concerned can be sanctioned by the CPO upto one year proceeding the date of detection.
ii) Dy. CEEs/ Dy. CEs incharge of workshops, Dy CAO(G)/Sr. DAOs/Chief Cashier and Dy. CAO(TA) AII are delegated these powers subject to the conditions as in
Col. 3.
Recovery of over payment of pay and allowance etc. or recovery of arrears of rent etc.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs subject to Accounts concurrence to fix the number of installments for recovery of irregular payments and arrears of rent etc. from gazetted as well as non-gazetted staff under their control in terms of para 1705 G1.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers subject to the condition as in Col.3.
Dy.HODs in charge of workshops/ Dy. CAO (TA) AII are delegated these powers subject to the conditions as in Col.3 other Dy.HODs /Sr.Divl. Officers are delegated these powers in respect of non gazetted staff only.
Divisional Officer (Sr.Scale)/Sr. scale officer incharge of districts and workshop Assistant Officer in independent charge, AAO(G) of Dy.DAO(TA) AII’s office are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their jurisdiction subject to the following conditions:
i)The amount to be recovered does not exceed Rs. 300/- in each individual case.
ii)The number of installments does not exceed 12.
iii) The amount of each installment does not exceed one/sixth of individual’s pay.
Waiver of recovery of amounts over drawn by non-gazetted staff or otherwise due from them.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs subject to account concurrence if the erroneous payment of the amount due is discovered by the Accounts or Audit more than one year after the date on which it was made or on which it was due provided the amount disallowed had been finally passed by the Accounts officer or had been drawn by the Rly. servant concerned under the reasonable belief that he was entitled to it . The reasons for the waiver should be recorded in writing.
Note: 1) Waiving recoveries of amounts overdrawn by staff should not be sanctioned as a matter of course but the sanctioning authority should satisfy himself about the merits of each case in the light of a para 1707 GI and Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)52/OP-1(i) dt. 10.3.1962
2) The Authorities competent to sanction the waiver should also inter alia bear in mind that recovery should not ordinarily be waived in cases where the amount involved does not exceed two months pay of the railway servant concerned. Rly. Bd’s letter no. F(E)60/OP-1(i) dt. 02.3.1961
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers subject to the conditions as in Col.3.
1)Same as Col. 3
2) Same as Col. 3
Dy.HODs in-charge of workshops/ Dy. CAO (TA) AII is delegated these powers subject to the conditions as in Col.3.
1) Same as Col. 3
2) Same as Col. 3
No powers.
(c )i)
Write off of amount overdrawn by non-gazetted staff on account of pay and allowance or those due from them towards rent, cess, water tax etc. or other Railway claims, which have become irrecoverable.
PHODs/HODs are delegated these powers upto Rs. 2000/- in each individual case subject to Accounts concurrence.
Note: The orders sanctioning the write off should invariable contain a clause that any sum which is subsequently found due to the persons concerned will be adjusted against written off (Rly Bd’s letter no. F(E)59/OP-1 dt. 27.8.59 & 16.2.61
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers upto Rs. 1000/- in each individual case subject to the Accounts concurrence.
Note: Same as in Col 3.
Dy.HODs in independent charge of workshop are delegated these powers upto Rs. 1000/- in each individual case subject to the Accounts concurrence.
Note: Same as in
Col. 3.
No powers
Write off of amount overdrawn by Gazetted class II staff on account of pay and allowance or those due from them towards rent, cess, water tax etc. or to other Railway claims which have become irrecoverable
AGM has delegated these powers upto Rs. 2000/- in each individual case subject to Accounts concurrence.
Note: As per 11( c) (i) above
No powers
No powers
Compensation to an employee governed by the Workmen Compensation Act in all cases in respect of personal injury sustained in an accident arising out and in the course of employment.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction payment of Compensation as admissible under the Workmen Compensation Act subject, however, to subsequent certificate by the A/Cs Deptt. Which will after certification pass on papers to the commissioner under the Workmen’s Compensation Act.
Note: Doubtful cases should, however, be referred to the General Manager.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers in respect of staff under the control subject to subsequent certificate by accounts department which will after certification pass on papers to the commissioner under the Workmen’s Compensation Act.
Dy.HODs in-charge of workshop including Accounts Deptt. And Sr. Divisional Officers are delegated these powers in respect of staff under the control subject to subsequent certificate by accounts department which will after certification pass on papers to the commissioner under the Workmen’s Compensation Act.
Divisional Officer (Sr.Scale)/Sr. scale officers incharge of district/Workshops/DAOs/ SAOs/SAO /Assistant Officers in independent charge, AAOs are delegated these powers in respect of staff under their control subject to subsequent certificate by the accounts department which will after certification pass on paper to the commissioner under the Workmen’s Compensation Act.
Honorarium of fees to sanction under taking of work and to accept Honorarium of fees there of.
Gazetted Staff
a)Full power to PHODs including DGM(G) upto a maximum of Rs. 2000/- in each case of Gazetted Railway servant under taking the work as an arbitrator in a dispute in which the railway administration is a party. In all Other cases Rs. 1000/-.
In case of disiplinary enquiry resulting from vigilance/ CBI cases Rs. 3000/-. Board’s letter no. E(G) 90/HQ1/18 dt. 17.10.91 .
Powers to CPO.
No powers
No powers
N.G. Staff
Full powers upto a maximum of Rs. 10000/- in each case of N.G. Rly. servants. In the case recurring honorarium or fees this limit applies to the total of the recurring payments made to an individual in a year.
Note: i) In the case of recurring Honorarium which is being paid to Rly. Staff, AGM may sanction Honorarium upto Rs. 5000/- to an individual in a financial year.
ii) One third of any fee in excess of Rs. 400/- or of a recurring fee of Rs. 250/- a year paid to a railway servant shall be credited to railway revenues provided that the amount retained by the Railway servant concerned will not merely by the operation of this rule be reduced below Rs. 400/- if non recurring or Rs. 250/- a year if recurring.
DRMs//SAG/CPO are delegated full powers upto Rs. 10000/- in each case of N.G Rly servants. In the case of recurring honorarium or fees this limit applies to the recurring payments made to an individual in a year.
Note: (i) & (ii) Same as in Col.3.
3. DRMs are delegated powers to sanction the payment of honorarium to non-gazetted staff of their Divisions where such proposals including rates thereof being initially approved by FA&CAO.
Dy. CPO(HQ) upto Rs. 4000/- per case.
No powers
R.B.L.no. F(X)11/94/PW/3 dt. 26.3.96
Hours of employment Regulations Grant of temporary exemptions from the limitations of hours of work and period of rest.
Full powers to PHODs/HODs to grant temporary exemptions from the provisions of subsections (1) (2) & (3) of section 71(c) and sub-section (1) & (2) of section 71(d) subject to the provisions of section (4) of section 71( c) of and of subsection (4) of section 71(D) respectively of the Indian Railway (Amendment) Act 1956 as embodied in Rule 6 of the Railway Servant (Hours of employment) Rule 1961 in respect of any Railway servant or class of railway servant sub-ordinate to them.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers.
Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officers including the deputies of the Accounts Department and workshops are delegated these powers.
Divisional Officers (Sr.Scale/ Sr. Scale officers in charge of Districts/DAOs/SAOs /SAO/ Assistant officers in independent charge /AAOs are also delegated these powers.
Note: 1) Senior officers incharge of the workshops may exercise the powers conferred under this rule only n emergencies such as unforeseen absence of staff, late running of trains sudden rush of work etc. when it is not possible to manage to work without engaging staff on overtime whenever such formal order are issued one copy should be maintained as a permanent record by the Senior Departmental officials in-charge of the workshop and one copy forwarded to Divisional / Depot officer concerned within 24 hours of the issue of the formal orders. For purpose of check these forms should be serial numbered. When overtime claims are preferred the Senior officials incharge forwarding the overtime slops will quote reference to the temporary exemption order number and date and his letter number and date under which it has been forwarded to the controlling officer for each period for which temporary exemption order is issued.
2. Assistant officers and above should exercise regular check to ensure that Senior officials in charge of the Workshops allow staff to work overtime only in genuine cases.
Joining time powers to extend certain conditions within a maximum of 30 days
Full powers to PHODs/HODs.
DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge have full powers in the case of non-gazetted staff under their control.
No powers.
No powers.
Leave Grant of
(a) Gazetted staff except cases of special disability leave, study leave, and leave out of India.
a) Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction all leave due to gazetted staff in accordance with the rules.
FA&CAO’s certificate is necessary in the case of leave. Grant of leave other than casual leave should be advised to the FA&CAO as also when such leave already sanctioned has been curtailed or cancelled to enable him to complete his Audit Register.
a)DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge sanction leave to gazetted staff working under them subject to the same condition as for PHODs in Col.3.
Note: Headquarter office should be advised of leave other than casual leave to enable relief arrangements being made where necessary. Deputies of the Accounts Deptt. May sanction casual leave to any AAO working under them upto 5 days in terms of FA &CAO’s letter No. G57/24 dt. 8.7.57.
a) Dy. HODs of all Deptts/ Sr. Divl. Officers may sanction leave to the gazetted officers working under them subject to the same condition as for PHODs in col.3.
Note: Same as in Col.4.
a)WMs are delegated these powers to sanction leave to the gazetted officer under their control as per conditions laid down for PHODs in col.3.
Sr. scale officers incharge of District/ Divl. Officers.(Sr. scale) may sanction casual leave to the extent due to Asstt. Officer as also special class apprentices working under them.
Non-Gazetted staff except cases of special disability leave study leave and leave out of India.
b) Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction all leave due to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff in accordance with the rules under the 512 RI(1985 Edition).
a)DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge may sanction leave to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff under their control subject to the same conditions as for PHODs/HODs in Col.3.
b) Deputy HODs including Deputies of Accounts Department/Sr.Divl. officers may sanction leave to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff under their control subject to the same condition as for HODs in col. 3.
b) Divisional officers (Senior Scale) Senior scale officers in charge of Districts/DAOs /SAO/Asstt. Officers/AAOs may sanction leave to class III and IV staff under their control in cases where accounts certificate is not necessary vide col.3.
512 RI(1985 Edition).
Accounts certificate is necessary in the following cases:
a) Furlough by itself under the furlough Regulations.
b) Combined leave under the furlough Regulations.
c) Combined leave beyond 12 months under the ordinary and the Asiatic leave Rules.
d) Leave without pay by itself beyond 6 months under the ordinary and the Asiatic leave Rules.
e) All leave prior to retirement.
f) Combined leave to class III staff of non-Asiatic domicile in Revised scales rising above Rs. 8000/- p.m. in accordance with the prescribed rules.
g) The last spell of leave prior to retirement or any other leave before attaining the age of superannuation under liberalized leave Rules All leave before the date of superannuation should be subject to Accounts check before being made available to the staff .