Schedule of powers delegated by the general manager

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  • Note

Note: i) CPO may grant extraordinary leave without pay upto one year at a time to temporary railway servant on grounds of his own illness.
ii)CE/CEE/CME/COM/CSTE may sanction extraordinary leave without stipend on Medical grounds to apprentices covered by rules 535 RI 1985 Edition under the rules applicable to temporary railway servants.

Divisional officers (Sr.Scale) and Sr. Scale officers in independent charge may sanction the last spell of leave, before attaining the age of superannuation under Liberalised Leave Rules to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff under their control.
Note: Branch officers of the various Accounts offices including Headquarters Accounts office have powers to sanction leave less than 60 days to Group ‘C’ staff in the scales of pay above that of Rs. 5000-8000 (RP) without any limit for other class III staff in the scale of pay Rs. 5000-8000(RP) and below and Group ‘D’ staff working under their control.

They may also sanction leave prior to retirement to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ under their control. Assistant officers may grant leave to Group’D’ under their control in case where FA&CAOs certificate is not necessary (vide col.3.).

They may also sanction leave prior to retirement to Group ‘C’ & Group ‘D’ staff under their control.

Section officers (Accounts) Sr. I.S.A Jr. I.S.A./Sr. T.I.A\I.A/Jr. T.A.A./C.E.P.E. in independent charge of sections and working directly under an Accounts officer may grant casual leave to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ staff working under them upto 8 days at time.

Sr. Supervisory staff in grade Rs. 5000-8000(RP) and above may grant earned leave and casual leave to class Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ under them upto 15 days at a time.

( c)

Leave- Out of India to N.G. Staff

PHODs/CPO has full powers to sanction leave out of India to all non-gazetted staff on the railway as per extent.

DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers as per extent rules.

No powers.

No powers.


Grant of extra ordinary leave for counting towards increment

Full powers to PHOD in respect of staff controlled by them.

DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge full powers in respect of staff controlled by them.

No powers.

No powers.


Grant of leave to Rly. Servant in respect of whom a medical Board have reported that these is no reasonable prospect that he will ever be fit to return to duty.

Full powers to PHODs.

DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge full powers in respect of staff controlled by them.

No powers.

No powers.


Grant of extra ordinary leave(W/o) leave salary without lien on a permanent post while officiating in a post of holding temp. post on a monthly rate of pay.

Full powers to PHODs upto one year at a time on ground of own sickness for HQ staff and HQ controlled staff.

DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers as in col.3. for Divisional controlled posts.

No powers.

No powers.


Grant of extraordinary leave. i.e. leave without stipend on medical ground due to circumstances beyond his control to apprentices covered by Rules 533, 534 & 535 R1(1985)

Full powers.

Upto one year.

SG- Full powers.

No powers.


Grant of cash payment in lieu of unutilized leave on average pay (Encashment of un-utilized LAP on retirement)

Full powers to controlling officer.

Full powers for controlling officer for staff working under them.

Full powers to controlling officer for staff working under them.

Full powers to controlling officer for staff working under them.


Grant of Special disability leave.

Full powers to PHOD/HOD on recommendation of CMD.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge. On recommendation of Medical authorities i.e CMS

No powers.

No powers.


Grant of Study

a) Leave to N.G.staff

b) For Gazetted officers.

Full powers to PHOD/HOD in case of non-gazetted staff.

Railway Board.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge.
No powers.

No powers.
No powers.

No powers.
No powers.


Hospital leave grant of:
To N.G Staff while absent from duty for medical treatment in consequence of accidents or injuries met with in execution of their duties.

Full powers to CPO/FA&CAO, Heads of Non-divisionalised departments to sanction hospital leave including injury time on full average pay or half average pay at their discretion to all staff provided the period is covered by a medical certificate or countersigned by an officer of the Medical Department of the Railway.

Note: i ) This leave is not admissible out of India.

ii) If the railway servant is one to whom the Workmen’s Compensation Act - 1923 applies the amount of leave salary payable during hospital leave shall be reduced by the amount of Compensation payable under section 4(i) D of the said Act. When disablement and compensation becomes payable under clause B or C section 4(i) of the said Act, the hospital leave salary should be restored to the full amount admissible under the above Rule.

DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers as in col.3. in respect of staff under their control.

Dy.HODs of all departments/workshops are delegated these powers as in col. 3 in respect of staff under their control. Sr. Divisional officers are delegated these powers upto maximum period of 6 months in respect of staff whose pay rising upto Rs. 8000/- p.m. in revised scale pay.

Divisional officers (Sr. Scale) Sr. Scale officers incharge in Districts./DAOs/SAOs/SAO/Assistant Officers in independent charge /AAO of Dy.CAO(TA) AII’s officer may exercise these power upto a maximum period of 6 months in respect of staff under their control on revised scales of pay rising upto Rs. 8000/- p.m.

The Branch officers of the Headquarters office of the Accounts Department may sanction this leave upto two months in the case of subheads and upto 6 months in the case of clerks.
These powers may be exercised by Asstt. Officers of the divisions and APOs on the Divisions and workshops.


Leave-Grant of Special Casual

1) Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction special leave to staff as follows:

a) To staff taking part in athletic contests and tournaments, special casual leave may be sanctioned subject to the following conditions:

i) Participation in Inter Rly. And Inter divisional contest and open tournaments recognized by the North Western Rly. Sports Association.
ii) The total leave granted to any one person does not exceed 90 days in calendar year exclusive Sunday & Holidays. Board’s letter No. E(W)74/SPI-4 dt. 24.1.75.
iii) The total period a person is absent from work on one occasion does not exceed 7 days inclusive of transit time in case of contest in the same division and 10 days exclusive to transit time where the contest is away from the player’s own division.
Note: a) The limit of 30 days in a calendar year also applies to cover the absence of staff arising out of any injuries which may be sustained by participating in any recognised tournament. The grant of special casual leave to an employee injured in tournament etc. should have the concurrence of FA&CAO before such leave is sanctioned Bd’s letter No. E(W) 65/SP1-2 dt. 10.5.65.
b) To temporary staff recruited locally by departments pending the selection by the Railway Recruitment Board and later on applying the commission for selection to posts to which they have been originally appointed. This concession is not admissible more than once, nor should it be allowed to permanent or temporary staff applying or other advertised posts.
c) To staff nominated to attend enquiries in compliance with Rule 1707 (iv) of discipline and Appeal Rules.
d) Grant of one day’s special casual leave plus journey period to staff donating blood.

DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers as in col.3.

Dy.HODs/Sr. Divisional officers are delegated these powers as in Col.3.

1. These powers are further delegated as follows:
Divisional officers and Sr. scale officers in charge of district/Asstt. Officers in independent charge and Branch officers in the Headquarter office of the Accounts Department.

2) Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction special casual leave to staff when they are permitted to attend at their own request meeting, conference recognized as being in the interest of the Government as listed in the Boards decision at page 100/101 under Rule 1689 RII Revised (edition 1990).

2) DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers as in Col 3.

2)Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officer are delegated these powers as in Col.3.

2) Full powers to Senior Scale officers of all Departments as in col.3.

3) Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction special casual leave to staff who are Boy scouts or Rover Scouts for attending training camps or Rallies or when engaged under instructions from their scouting duties provided that this is done without retirement to their railway duties.
Note: The total leave granted any one person should be limited to 30 days in a calendar year.

3) DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers as in Col.3.

3)Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officer are delegated these powers as in Col.3.

3) Full powers to Senior Scale officers of all Departments as in col.3.

4) Full powers to PHODs/HODs to treat as special casual leave the period spent by staff in attending courts as juriors or assessors provided that staff concerned have obtained prior permission and no extra payment except those admissible under Rule 1670 (Note) of RII (1990 Edition) are made to them for the period.

4) DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers as in Col.3.

4)Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officer are delegated these powers as in Col.3.

4) Divisional officers (Sr. scale)/Sr. Scale officers-in-charge of District/Assistant officers in independent charge, and Branch officers of the HQ office of the Accounts Departments are also delegated these powers as in Col.3.

5) Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction special casual leave in the case of following staff:

i) To staff participating in cultural activities during railway week celebrations.

ii)a) To staff undergoing operation under Family Welfare Scheme.

b) To staff undergoing non-puerferal sterilization limited to 14 days.

c) Special casual leave in excess of 6 days to male employees and 14 days to developing post operative complications.

5)DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers as in Col.3.

a) DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers as in Col.3.

b) DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers as in Col.3.
c)DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge.

5)Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officer are delegated these powers as in Col.3.

a)Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officer are delegated these powers as in Col.3.

b)Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officer are delegated these powers as in Col.3.

c) Full powers to Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional officers.

5) Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers-in-charge of Districts/Assistant Officers in independent charge and Branch officers of the HQ office of the Accounts Deptt. Are also delegated these powers as in col.3.

a) Full powers to Sr. Scale officers of all Departments.

b)Full powers to Sr. Scale officers of all Departments.

c) These powers are delegated only to Senior Scale and Assistant officers who are in independent charge.

iii) To staff attending Shibirs(conference organized by the State Government as internal agents for small savings scheme not exceeding 3 days once a year.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Full powers to Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers.

No powers.

iv) To staff attending the Managing Committee Meeting of the Consumers Co-operative Societies, Co-operatives Credit Societies (including Banks) and Housing Co-operative Societies.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Full powers to Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers.

Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers of District/Divisions.

v) To staff for Home Guard training and duties.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Full powers to Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers.

Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers of all departments.

vi) To staff who are members of Indian Institutes of Public Admn. For attending meeting and conferences of the Institutes.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.

vii) To staff serving as Stenographers for appearing in examination held by RRB for purpose of advance increments (limited to 2 chances)

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Full powers to Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers.

Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers of all departments.

viii) To staff for Territorial Army Training.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Full powers to Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers.

Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers of all departments.

ix) To staff for participation in Republic Day Parade and rehearsal in the capacity of St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Full powers to Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers.

Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers of all departments.

x) To RPF staff who are attending the RPF Annual Meeting.

No powers.

No powers.

Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers and Sr. scale officer of Security Deptt.

xi) To office Bearers of Unions/Federation to attend Meetings of Union /Federation.
Note: i) Free passes may be issued for any Railway journey of such staff on these occasions but no travelling allowance will be admissible.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Full powers to Dy. HODs/Sr. Divisional officers.

Full powers to Sr. Scale Officers and Assistant Officers.


a) On foreign lines Passes and PTOs to employees and retired employees.

Note: The Gazetted officers to whom these powers have been delegated may on their own responsibilities authorize their subordinates in writing to issue and sign such passes and PTOs on their behalf if they are admissible under the rules as a matter of course.

a) Full powers to CPO/FA&CAO/CAO (C ) and CSC to issue passes and PTOs in accordance with the rules to staff under their control.

a) DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers as in Col.3. in respect of staff under their control.

a) Dy. HODs and Divl. Officers are delegated these posers in respect of staff under their control.

a) Divisional officers (Sr. scale ) /Sr. Scale officers in charge of units/District/ Asstt. Officers in independent charge are delegated powers in respect of passes and PTOs only to staff under their control.

Authorities empowered to issue school Duty and Residential card passes on the Bombay Sub urban section are also authorize to issue passes on the Central Railway Bombay Suburban Section.

b) On Home lines

b) Full powers to CPO/FA&CAO/CAO (C ) and CSC to issue passes and PTOs in accordance with the rules to staff under their control.

b) DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers as in Col.3. in respect of staff under their control.

b) Dy. HODs and Divl. Officers are delegated these posers in respect of staff under their control.

b) Divl. Officers(Sr. Scale)/Sr. Scale officers in charge of District/Asstt. Officers in independent charge are delegated these powers except for special and complimentary passes.

All Group ‘C’ Supervisory officers who are empowered to issue passes and or PTOs should submit a six monthly report to to their Dist. Officers regarding any irregularities in the use of such passes and PTOs which may come to their notice so that the position may be watched .

Note: Sr. No. 19(a) & 19(b) for grant of free passes during special casual leave.

Note: To Sr. No. 19(a) &(b)

1. Same as in Col.3.

2. The authority delegated to DRMs may also be exercised by the DPOs who may issue passes and PTOs over their own designation.

3. The authority delegated to CWMs may be exercised by the SPO(W) who may issue passes and PTOs over their own designation.

Note: Sr. No. 19(a) & (b).

1. Same as in Col.3.

2. The authority delegated to CWM may also be exercised by the SPO(W) AII.

b) Asstt. Officers incharge of subdistrircts or subdivisions under Dist./divisional officers are delegated powers in respect of privilege duty and Medical passes & PTOs admissible under the rules to staff under their control.
Class III Supervisory staff in the grade of Rs. 5000-8000 (RP) and above and other equivalent grades are also delegated powers in respect of Privilege Passes and PTOs as admissible under the rules to class III & IV staff working under them and this delegation should be made in writing and a list of class III & IV staff working under them and this delegation should be made in writing and a list of class III supervisory staff to whom powers are so re-delegated should be submitted to HQ office and Dy.CAO(TA) AII. In a unit where there are more than one class III supervisory staff these powers may be exercised by the senior most person. Class III supervisory staff on scale of pay not lower than Ra\s. 5000-8000 (RP) in independent charge under a Gazetted officer are delegated powers in respect of duty and medical passes as admissible under the rules to staff under their control. All other class III Supervisory staff in independent charge under Gazetted officer are further delegated power to issue duty and medical passes only as admissible under the rules, to staff under their control.

c) i) Issue of settlement passes between 6 months and twelve months after retirement (in deserving cases).

ii) Between 12 months and 24 months after retirement (in deserving cases)

Full powers to CPO as regard to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff to issue Passes in accordance with rules.
(Authority Board’s letter no. E(W) 74 P.85-9/1 dt. 22.6.74.

DRMs/ADRMs/ SAG officers in independent charge have been delegated these powers upto 12 months.

No powers.

No powers.

d) Issue of Kit passes on transfer account by passenger trains if distance is less than 640 KM.

d) SDGM/CPO are delegated powers in respect of officers below the rank of HODs.


SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers in respect of officer and staff working under them.

Dy.HODs/JAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers in respected of staff working under their control

No powers.


Passes to Contractor.

Full powers to the PHODs/HODs in accordance with the terms of each contract and in consultation with CPO.

SAG officer in independent charge may exercise these powers in accordance with the terms of each contract and in consultation with CPO. DRMs may exercise these powers in consultation with Sr. DPO/DPO.

No powers.

No powers.


Provident Fund Recoveries of arrears of subscription in installments.

Full powers to the PHODs/HODs in accordance with the prescribed rules.


SAG officers in independent charge are delegated powers these powers in accordance with the prescribed rules.

Dy. HODs /Sr. Divl. Officers and Dy. Of Accounts Deptt. Are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.

Divisional officers (Sr. Scale ) Sr. Scale officers in charge of Districts/ SAOs/ Asstt. Officers in independent charge /AAOs/ AAO(Admn.) of FA&CAO’s offices/AAO (G) of Dy.CAO(TA) All office are also delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control. These powers may be exercised by Asstt. Officers of the Divisions and Workshops.


Provident Fund Recoveries of amount due under a liability incurred by the subscriber to the Government

Full powers to FA&CAOs in respect of all non-gazetted staff on the entire railway

Note: This may be redelegated to Dy.CAO/FA&CAO(F&B) /FA&CAO (WST) and Divisional Accounts officers . this should be done in writing.
In respect of non-gazetted staff under their control the Heads of Department may exercise the powers of the controlling office in terms of Rule 944 (ii) of RI to order reduction to the extend of 10% of the contribution made from Railway revenue without interest thereon lying to the credit of the subscriber in the fund.

In respect of non-gazetted staff under their control SAG officers in independent charge/ DRMs/ADRMs may exercise these powers, subject to the same condition as per HODs.

In respect of NG staff under their control the Dy. HODs of the workshop/Sr.Divisional Officers may exercise these powers subject to the same conditions as for HODs.


Provident Fund Temp/Final withdrawal from Provident Fund Assets.

Full powers to AGM for grant P.F advance/Final withdrawal by officers in S.A. Grade.

Full powers to DRMs in respect of officers upto Selection Grade under their control.

Dy.HODs/Sr.Divisional Officers in JA grade are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.

Divisional Officers (Sr. Scale) Sr. Scale officers in charge of District/Asstt. Officers in independent charge are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control. However, DPOs/APOs wherever provided will exercise these power in respect of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ staff for whom they exercise personnel function.


a) Sanction to refund Provident Fund Money and Special contribution to Provident Fund/gratuity drawn by non-gazetted staff installment consequent on their re-employment re-installment.

Full powers to PHODs/HODs subject to the number of monthly installments not exceeding 12 in case of staff whom they are empowered to re-employ or re-instate.

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG/WM officers in independent charge subject to the number of monthly installment not exceeding 12 in case of staff whom they are empowered to re-employ or re-instate.

Dy.HODs of all Deptts. Including workshops.Sr.Divisional Officer/Dy.COS incharge of stores deptt. Are delegated these powers subject to the number of monthly installments not exceeding 12 in the case of staff whom they are empowered to re-employ or re-instate.

No powers.

b)Sanction of SC to PF or gratuity as the case may be to staff at the specified rates in cases falling under para 1004, 1012, 915 RI (1985)

Full powers.

Full powers.

Full powers.

Full Powers.

FA &CAO and HODs full power in r/o staff under their control . DY. HODs full powers in r/o extra divisional officers excluding those controlled by HQ office Sr. scale full powers in r/o staff in Extra Div. Officers controlled by them. SPO/HQ full powers in r/o staff employed in HQ.

c)Sanction of distribution of the amount of gratuity/ SC to PF amongst the widows and or dependent children of the Rly. Employees under rule 943 RI(1985).

Full powers.

Full powers.

Full powers.

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