Schedule of powers delegated by the general manager

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  • Note

Note: SPO/DPO/ APO will exercise power where JA grade post is not in operation.

These powers will be exercised by SPO/DPO where JAG post is not in operation.


Condonation of break in service in respect of claims for special contribution to Provident fund or Gratuity.

Full powers to PHODs/HODs to condone breaks in service of non-gazetted staff if the break does not exceed 12 months subject to the provision in Rule 918 RI but not powers to relax the condition in rule 918 (3) (ii) and (iii) RI 1985.
Note: These powers may be exercised in respect of non-gazetted staff governed by Indian Railway Rules only.

DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.

No powers.

No powers.


Private trade or employment grant of permission to group ‘C’ non-pensionable staff proceeding on leave prior to retirement to engage in on the understanding that the officials granting permission will be held responsible for satisfying themselves that such employment does not embarrass the Railway.

Full powers to PHODs/HODs

DRM/SAG officers in independent charge are also delegated these powers.

Dy.HODs/Sr.Divl. officers are delegated these powers.

No powers.


Private trade or employment grant of permission to pensionable group ‘C’ staff proceeding on leave prior to retirement to engage in on the understanding that officials granting permission will be held responsible for satisfying themselves that such employment does not embarrass the Railway

Full powers to PHODs/HODs

DRM/SAG officers in independent charge are also delegated these powers.

Dy.HODs all Depots/Units including workshops, Dy.CAO (TA) AII are also delegated these powers.

No powers.



House Rent Allowance payable to non-gazetted staff in lieu of free quarters.

Full powers to PHODs/HODs to sanction allowance in lieu of free quarters to the staff entitled to it, equal 10% of pay plus house rent allowance at the rates prescribed for the station as mentioned in the Railway Board’s letter No. E(S) 65 CPC/AL/7 dated 29.6.65 provided the allowance does not exceed the amount actually paid as rent in the case of staff whose pay exceeds Rs. 9000/- p.m. w.e.f. 1/1/96

DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers.

Dy.HODs/Sr.Divl. officers/Deputies of the Accounts Deptt. are delegated these powers.

Divisional officers (Sr. Scale) officers incharge of Districts./ Asstt. Officers in independent charge/AAO (G) of Dy.CAO(TA) AII’s office are also delegated these powers in respect of staff under their control in scale of pay rising upto 7000/- p.m.



Continuance of payment of House rent allowance beyond a period of six months.

CPO in the case of staff of all department excluding Accounts Departments is empowered to sanction the continuance of payment of House Rent Allowance beyond a six months period to the allottees of Govt. Accommodation who own houses at the place of their posting but who are unable to shift to their own houses because their houses which had consequently paying market license fee from 1.1.76 for the Govt. Accommodation allotted to them and who have filed suit against the occupant for obtaining the vacant possession of their flat and the decisions ending in the court and the delay arriving at the decision is not on account of the employee.

No powers.

Dy.CAO(G) in the case of staff of Accounts Departments are empowered to sanction same as in Col. 3.

No powers.


Rest Houses and peaches as Mount Abu and other rent houses.

Full powers to Chief Engineers.

DRMs are delegated these powers subject to rules for occupation of Rest Houses.

Sr.DENs are delegated these powers subject to rules for occupation of Rest Houses.

DENs are delegated these powers subject to rules for occupation of Rest Houses.



Retention of Quarters- Permanent Transfer
i) Gazetted officers on permanent transfer to another Railway or officers or from one station to another station on the Railway in the interest of administration subject to fulfillment of conditions laid down in para 1921 (A) E and Railway Board’s letter No. E(G) 85 R/1/9 dt. 15.1.90.

1. First 2 months on normal rent.

2. Further 6 months on payment of special license fee on education/sick ness ground.
3. Further extension beyond the aforesaid period may be granted on education ground only to cover the current academic session in force on the date of transfer on payment of special

license fee.

a) Cases of officers with in the HQ office, Jaipur.

Full Powers to SDGM.

No powers.

No power.

No powers.

b) Cases of officers other than Jaipur HQ .

Full powers to SDGM

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/Heads of Workshops/units

Full powers to JA Grade officers in independent charge of Workshops/Units.

No powers.

ii) Gazetted officers on temporary transfer to another Rly. or office or from one station to another station on the same Rly. in the interest of Administration.

a) Full powers to SDGM upto two months on payment of normal rent provided it is certified by Competent authority by the time of transfer that to transfer is temporary and the officer will be posted back to the original station.

b) Full powers to SDGM in excess of 4 months or by extension of the temporary transfer for period aggregating more than 4 months provided temporary transfer is approved by GM in terms of Railway Boards letter No. E(G) 85/GR/1/9 DT. 15.1.90.

DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are also delegated these powers. In cases of request for retention of Officers flat in Jaipur area the same should be referred to the SDGM.
ii) Where the occupation of the quarter is unauthorized whether it is for the first two months or later market rent is chargeable as per Board’s letter No. F(X)1-72(RN)-3./1) dt. 23.9.76

Dy.CAO(TA) AII/JA Grade officer incharge of workshop/units/Sr. Divisional Officers are also delegated these powers.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.

iii) Gazetted Officers on leave or Terminal leave.

iii) Officer on leave including extra ordinary leave (but excluding sick leave) may be permitted to retain railway quarters for 4 months only on payment of normal rent flat rate of license fee under order of SDGM provided that :
a) Where the quarters are allotted to post
b) Where it is known that railway servant is to be transferred to a different station either before commencement or after the expiry of his leave.
c) Maternity leave: Maternity leave plus leave granted in continuation thereafter subject to maximum one year/Ex. India leave not exceeding 180 days.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.

iv) Gazetted Officers on deputation.

(iv) In the case of deputation of Railway Officer Railway Quarters should be vacated immediately.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.



i) Non Gazetted Staff on permanent transfer to another railway or office or from one station to another on the same Railway in the interest of administration

i) CPO may exercise the same powers as in item 30 A(i)

i) Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge upto two months on payment of normal rent subject to fulfillment of the condition laid down in Para 1921 (A) E & Rly.Board’s letter no. E(G)85/QR/1/9 dt. 15.1.90 in case of transfer of staff within their own jurisdiction.

No powers

No powers.

ii) N.G Staff on temporary transfer to another railway office from one station to another on the same railway in the interest of administration

ii)CPO may exercise the same power as in item 30 a(ii) (a) &(b) above.

ii)DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers

ii) JA grade officer in independent charge of workshop units/Sr.Divl. officer//Dy. CAO (TA) AII/MSs are delegated these powers.

No powers.

iii) N.G staff on leave

iii) CPO may exercise the same power as in respect of N.G. Staff.

iii)DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated the same powers as in item 30 (A)(ii) in respect of N.G Staff

iii) JA grade officer of independent charge of workshop units/Sr.Divl. officer//Dy. CAO (TA) AII/MSs are delegated these powers.

No powers.

iv) N.G staff on deputation

iv) CPO may exercise the same power as in item 30A(iv).

iv)DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated the same powers as in item 30 (iv) under col.3.

iv) JA grade officer of independent charge of workshop units/Sr.Divl. officer//Dy. CAO (TA) AII are delegated these powers.

No powers.




Retention of Railway quarters by Gazetted/NG staff on retirement /Voluntary Retirement for a period of 4 months from the date of retirement/voluntary retirement on payment of normal rent and next 4 months on educational sickness account on payment of special license fee, subject to fulfillment of conditions laid down in para 14 of Railway Board’s letter no. E(G) 85/QR1/9 dt. 15.1.90

b) Cases of Rly. officers

Full powers to SDGM

Full powers to DRMs/ADRMs/Heads of workshop/units

Full powers to JA grade officers holding independent charge of workshops/units.

No powers.



To exempt the incumbent of post from accepting the quarter allotted to the post and from paying rent upto a maximum period permissible as per rules in following cases.

i) When an employee transferred temporarily to a post.

Full powers to SDGM

Full powers to DRM/ADRM/SAG officers in independent charge

No powers.

No powers.

ii) When quarter is subjected to extensive repair, renewal of roofing/flooring or other works necessary vacation of quarter.

Full powers to SDGM

Full powers to DRM/ADRM/SAG officers in independent charge

No powers.

No powers.


Quarters extension of tenancy when occupied by family of the deceased employees.
(Authority Board’s letter no. E(G)92/ RN2-7 dt. 27.8.93.

In case of officers and non-gazetted staff PHODs may permit retention of quarters by the families of the deceased employees upto a period not exceeding 12 months of payment of normal rent.
(SDGM will exercise the powers in respect of officers with in Jaipur area).

Note: No further extension shall be allowed.

In the case of Gazettted/ non gazetted staff the same powers as in col.3 are delegated to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge.

Note: Same as in Col. 3.

Dy. HODs in independent charge of units/Dy.CME incharge of workshops are also delegated these powers. These are restricted to NG staff only.

Note: Same as in Col. 3

No powers.


Quarters Storing of furniture rent-free in Railway by gazetted and nongazetted staff while on leave or on temporary transfer.

Subject to the conditions prescribed, powers to permit an employee to store at his own risk his furniture and other belongings rent free are delegated as follows:

In respect of Non Divisional department power is delegated to each Head of Department as well as to CPO to exercise by the letter if the Head of Department is not available.

In respect of Head quarter office powers are delegated to each PHOD for Officers of his Branch. CPO will exercise these powers in respect of personal officefrs and DGM(G) in respect of ‘General officers’.

These powers are delegated to DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge in respect of N.G. Staff of HQ office these powers may be exercised by CPO(Admn.)

These powers are delegated to Dy.HOD’s/Sr. Div. officers in independent charge of Units/Workshops.

No powers.


(A) Quarters – Joint occupation of

Full powers to PHODs subject of fulfillment of condition prescribed.

Note: i) In case of PHODs the themselves GM may exercise powers.
ii) DGM(G) will exercise these powers in respect of officer’s flats, the allotment to which is controlled by him.

DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge may exercise these powers in respect of joint occupation of quarters allotted to non-gazetted staff`

Dy. HODs/Sr,. Divisional officers in independent charge of units/workshops may also exercise these powers in respect of joint occupation of quarters allotted to non-gazetted staff.

Divisional officers (Sr.scale) Sr.Scale officers incharge of District/Asstt. Officer independent charge /AAO(G) of Dy.CAO(TA) AII’s office may exercise the same powers as in column 3 in respect of staff under their control. APOs may exercise same powers as in col.4 in respect of Class IV staff attached to Headquarter office other than Accounts Deptt. SPO(R ) may exercise these powers in respect of class III & APO(HQ) in case of class IV staff . As far as Accounts Deptt. in HQ deptt. is concerned SAO in respect of class III and AAO in respect of class IV staff exercise these powers.

Note: When however, an employee takes an outsider in his quarter of joining occupation permission of the Head of the department should be obtained.


(B) Sharing of Accommodation.

i) Gazetted staff

Full powers to PHOD’s subject of fulfillment of condition detailed in Board’s letter No.F(X) 1150 RN/5/8 of 22.4.54 & E(W) 66 QR 1-8 of 3.6.66 and further instructions issued by Board from time to time.
Note: i) In case of PHODs/DRMs, GM may exercise powers.
ii) DGM(G) will exercise these powers in respect of officers flats, the allotment to which is controlled by him.

DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge are delegated these powers subject to condition as in col.3.

No powers

No powers.

ii) Non-Gazetted staff.

(a) With bonafide Rly. servants Govt. Servants.

Full powers to PHODs/HODs subject to the fulfillment of conditions detailed in Boards letter No. F(X) 1150/RN/5/8 of 22.5.54 and E(W) 66 QR 1-8 of 3.6.66 and further instructions issued by Board from time to time.

Full powers to DRM/ADRM/SAG officers in independent charge subject to the fulfillment of conditions detailed in Board’s letter no. F(x) 1150/RB/5/8 of 22.5.54 & E(W) 66 QR 1-8 of 3.6.66 and further instructions issued by Board from time to time.

Dy. HODs in charge of workshops/ units/Sr. Divisional officers are delegated these powers as in col.3 in respect of staff under their control.

Divisional officer(Sr. scale) Senior Scale Officers in independent charge including Accounts Department may exercise the same powers as in col.3 in respect of staff under their control.

APOs may exercise the same power as in col.3 in respect of class IV staff subject to the fulfillment of the conditions mentioned in Board’s letter no. F(X) 1150 RN 5/8 of 22.5.54 & E(W)66QR 1-8 of 3.6.66. In respect of staff attached to the Headquarters office other than account department SPO(R) will exercise these powers in respect of class III staff and class IV staff.

As far as Accounts Department of Headquarters office is concerned SAO in respect of class III staff and class IV staff will exercise the same powers.


(b) With others who are not Rly. or Govt. servants.

Full powers to PHODs/HODs subject to the fulfillment of conditions detailed in Boards letter No. F(X) 1150/RN/5/8 of 22.5.54 and E(W) 66 QR 1-8 of 3.6.66 and further instructions issued by Board from time to time.

Full powers to DRM/ADRM officers in independent charge subject to the fulfillment of conditions detailed in Board’s letter no. F(x) 1150/RB/5/8 of 22.5.54 & E(W) 66 QR 1-8 of 3.6.66 and further instructions issued by Board from time to time.

Dy.HODs in independent charge of units/workshop/Sr. Divisional officers in charge of Stores Depot are delegated these powers subject to the fulfillment of conditions detailed in Board’s letter no. F(x) 1150/RN/5/8 of 22.5.54 & E(W) 66 QR 1-8 of 3.6.66 and further instructions issued by Board from time to time.

No powers.

Note: (1) In sharing of accommodation the allottee of quarter is permitted to share with another employee. The allottee in this case is responsible for the rent of the full quarter as he may charge a proportionate rent from the employee who share the accommodation with him which he may retain with himself.
Note: 2) In joint occupation a quarter is officially allotted directly by the Railway Administration to two different employees. Each occupant in this case is independently responsible for the proportionately on the basis of the floor area occupied by each railway servant. The amount to be recovered should not however, exceed 10% of the emolument or his share of the assessed rent whichever is less. No share will be recovered from railway servant entitled to rent free quarters.

Note: As in Col. 3.

Note: As in Col. 3.



Transfer of Gazetted officers.
a)Junior Admn. Grade

Full powers to AGM within the Railway.
Note: General Manager’s prior approval is necessary in respect of:
i) Temporary transfer.

ii) Transfer to other Deptt.

iii) Down-gradation

iv) Promotion at same station.

v) Dual charge arrangement.

vi) Transfer within a period of two years.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.

b) Sr. scale officers/Junior scale/ Group ‘B’ officers

Full powers to PHODs within the Railway.
Note: General Manager’s prior approval is necessary in respect of:
i) Temporary transfer.

ii) Transfer to other Deptt.

iii) Down-gradation

iv) Promotion at same station.

v) Dual charge arrangement.

vi) Transfer within a period of two years.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.



Transfer of N.G staff

Full powers to PHODs/HODs in the Railway.

Full powers to DRM/ADRM/SAG officers in independent charge have full powers in respect of staff working under their control. DRMs may also permit Inter Divisional transfers on mutual exchange basis in respect of all N.G staff under their control.
They have further delegated with powers to transfer N.G. staff from one Divn. to another with the consent of the DRMs concerned to the extent that they have power to fill in such posts.

Note: Such transfers should be dealt with strictly under normal rules regulating seniority. Any case involving a departure from the normal rules should be referred to the HQ office before the actual transfer are effected.

Dy.HODs/Sr. Divl. Officers are delegated these powers in respect of staff working under their control.

Note: As in col. 4.

Divl. Officer (Sr.Scale) Sr. scale. Officer incharge of District. Asstt. Officers in independent charge may permit transfers as follows:
1) Transfers with the Divn./District of staff in scales of pay not exceeding Rs. 8000/- p.m.
2) Inter District or Inter Divl. Or Inter Divl. Transfers on mutual exchange basis of class III in the lowest grade only.
3) Inter District or Inter Divl. Or Inter departmental transfers on mutual exchange basis or otherwise of all class IV staff within their jurisdiction.



Resignations Acceptance of from N.G Staff with or without the prescribed notice except voluntarily retirements.

Full powers to PHODs/HODs in respect of staff holding posts to which they have powers to appoint substantively i.e all N.G staff.

Note: The power of granting leave concurrently with the period of notice of resignation may be exercised to the extent that powers to sanction normal leave has been redelegated.

Full powers to DRM/ADRM/SAG officers in independent charge in respect of staff holding posts to which they have powers to appoint substantively i.e. al N.G. Staff.

Note: Same as in Col.3.

Full powers to Dy.HODs/Sr. Divl. Officers/Deputies of the accounts Deptt. in respect of staff holding posts to which they have powers to appoint substantively ie. All N.G staff.

Note: Same as in Col.3.

Divl. Officer (Sr.Scale) Sr. scale. Officer incharge of District. Asstt. Officers in independent charge AAO(Misc.) of FA &CAO’s office AAO(G) of Dy. CAO(TA) AII’s office have full powers in respect of staff holding posts to which they have powers to appoint substantively i.e.

Divisional officers.Sr. Scale officers and Asstt. Officers in independent charge-

N.G. staff in scale rising upto Rs. 8000/- pm.
Asstt. Officers –Class IV.

Note: Same as in Col.3.



ii) Voluntary retirement of Rly. Employees-Acceptance of Notice period of less than 3 months in case of Non-Gazetted Staff.

Full powers to PHOD Board’s letter no. E(P&A) i-77/RT/46 dt. 10.2.81.

DRMs are delegated these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff controlled by them only in deserving cases in consultation with associated finance subject ot the condition that no DAR/Vigilance case is pending against the staff.
These powers are to be exercised by DRMs personally.
(Authority – Board’s letter no. E(P&A) 1-77/RT/46 dt. 12.9.80 & 10.2.81).

No powers.

No powers.


Re-appointment of staff who may have resigned or left the service of their own accord(excluding those who were dismissed, removed from service or voluntarily retired

PHODs have powers to appoint persons who have resigned or left service of their own accord(excluding those who were dismissed or removed from service or voluntarily retired) provided such reappointment is offered to those persons only who were initially appointed to the Rly. in accordance with the prescribed procedure for recruitment of staff existing at the time.
Board’s letter no. (NG) 1-1/NCF-1 dt. 27.12.91.
Note: Re-appointment of person above 40 years of age should be made purely as a temporarily measure.

DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent chare are authorized to exercise the same powers as delegated to PHODs.

Dy. HODs of all deptt./units/Sr.Div. Officers are authorized to exercise the same powers as delegated to PHODs.

No powers.


Service certificate

Full powers to PHODs/HODs to issue service certificate to non-gazetted staff in accordance with the prescribed rules.

DRMs/ADRMs/SAG officers in independent charge may exercise these powers in respect of non-gazetted staff under their control.

Dy. HODs of all deptt./units/Sr.Div. Officers may exercise these powers in respect of NG staff under their control.

Divisional officer (Sr. Scale) Sr. Scale Officers incharge of Districts/Asstt. Officers in independent charge /AAO(G)/ of Dy. CAO(TA) AII’s office may also exercise these powers in respect of NG staff under their control.


Non-gazetted staff:

i) Deputation in India to other Govt. Deptt.

i) PHODs have full powers in respect of all non-gazetted staff under their control.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.

ii) Deputation in India to Foreign service such as corporated bodies etc.

i) PHODs have full powers in respect of all non-gazetted staff under their control. Board’s letter no. E(F) 66 FS/1 dt. 1.8.68.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.

39. a)

Rewards to non-gazetted Rly. servants.

i) Where an employee has displayed commendable courage in averting accidents.

On recommendation of 3 HODs a committee can approve with the sanction of GM upto Rs. 1000/-

i) DRMs/ADRM are competent to sanction rewards in such cases upto Rs. 500/- in terms of Bd’s letter no. 85/PR/16/ Misc.(iii) dt. 22.1.85. SOP Part ‘B’ para 28 (i)

No powers.

No powers.

ii) On the spot reward to an employee who has done outstanding work of displayed commendable devotion to duty.
(Authority : Item 10(b) of Annexure II to Chapter V IRFC vide Bd’s letter no. F(X)II/86/PW/6 dt. 5.5.87

Powers delegated to AGM/PHODs and co-ordinating HODs/Non-co-oridnating HODs are as under:

1. AGM is delegated powers upto Rs. 1000/- in each case for N.G. Staff and Rs. 2000/- in each case upto Sr. Scale officer subject to overall ceiling limit of Rs. 30000/- p.a. and subject to availability of Budget provision.

2.CE/CME/COM/FA&CAO/CCM/CEE/CSTE are delegated powers upto Rs. 750/- in each case for NG staff subject to overall ceiling limit of Rs. 30000/- p.a. and subject to availability of Budget provision.
3. Co-ordinating PHODs of other deptts./CWE and DGM(G) are delegated powers upto Rs. 700/- in each case for NG staff subject to overall ceiling limit of Rs. 15000/- p.a and subject to availability of Budget provision.
4.HODs in SAG of construction Deptt./ Non co-ordinating HODs are delegated powers upto Rs. 400/- in each case for N.G staff subject to overall ceiling limit of Rs. 8000/- p.a. and subject to availability of Budget provision.
5. Mukhya Rajbhasha Adikari JP and HOD for Hindi Organisation has power upto Rs. 400/- in each case for N.G. Staff subject to overall annual ceiling limit of Rs.3000/- only and subject to availability Budget provision.

Note: i) & ii) The scheme of sanctioning on the spot reward to staff having been approved by FA&CAO Financial concurrence for grant of rewards to staff in individual cases in not necessary.

DRMs and ADRMs are delegated these powers upto Rs. 750/- and Rs. 400/- in each case respectively for N.G . Staff subject to overall annual limit as shown against each Division below and subject to availability of Budget provision.

Rs. 50000/-

SAG officers incharge of W/shops are delegated these powers upto Rs. 750/- in each case for N.G. Staff subject to overall ceiling limit of Rs. 25000/- p.a and subject to availability of Budget provision.

Note: Same as in Col.3.

These powers are delegated to Dy.HODs in charge of W/shops/Loco sheds/Stores Depots/Units upto Rs. 300/- in each case of N.G Staff subject to annual ceiling limit as shown against each below and subject to availability of Budget provision.

1..Dy.CME- BKN/JU-Rs.3000/-

2..DY.CEE(W)-AII Rs.3000/-

3. Dy.COS-AII /JU Rs.3000/-

Sr.DME (D) ABR/BGKT are delegated powers upto Rs.250/- in each case for NG staff subject to overall ceiling limit of Rs. 3000/- p.a. and subject to availability of Budget provision.
JA Gr. Officers incharge of deptts. Of division are delegated these powers upto Rs. 250/- in each case for N.G Staff.

Note: The DRMs may distribute the amount to the various branches out of the budget provision given in col. 4.

Note: Same as in Col.3.

WM(S&T) /DEE(EPR) AII are delegated powers upto Rs. 200/- in each case for NG staff subject to overall ceiling limit of Rs. 2000/- p.a. and subject to availability of Budget provision.

Sr. Scale officers incharge of Deptt. Of Division are delegated these powers upto Rs. 200/- in each case for N.G Staff.

Note: Same as in Col. 5.

Note: Same as in Col.3.

iii) Where an employee has made a suggestion which would increase efficiency in some fields of Rly. working and yield monetary benefits to the Railway by way of savings in staff and material.

Full powers to PHODs to grant rewards to N.G. staff(including class IV) upto maximum of Rs. 200/- in each case subject to the acceptance of the suggestion by the screening committee and financial concurrence.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.

iv) Rewards & Awards to Railway staff for accident free service.

No power to PHODs/HODs. (Boards letter No. 86/safety-I/24/35 dt. 6.7.98.

DRMs are delegated these powers to sanction certificates and cash awards to the serving employees under their control for the accident free service at different level of service as under:

a) For Drivers/ Motormen

Service Basic pay

(in yrs.) without



Upto 7 20 days

Upto 15 40 days

Upto 23 60 days

Above 23 90 days

For ASMs/SMs/ Pointmen/Cabinmen/Switchmen

Service Basic pay

(in yrs.) without



Upto 7 15 days

Upto 15 30 days

Upto 23 45 days


23 yrs. 60 days

No powers.

No powers.

v)To Grant group Award to staff employed under their control for service of an exceptional merit rendered the Rly. On any occasion subject to individual awards not exceeding the prescribed limit.

AGM- Full powers upto Rs. 4000/-

HOD- Full powers upto Rs. 2000/-.

DRM – Upto Rs. 2000/-

ADRM/SAG- No power.

No power.

No power.

39 b)

Grant of Rewards N.G. Staff for detention/apprehension of offenders in criminal cases.

CSC has powers upto Rs. 500/- in each case to RPF staff.

No powers.

No powers.

No powers.


a) Grant of cash awards to Rly. employees for passing Praveen and Pragya Hindi examination under Hindi Training

CPO is delegated full powers.

DRMs/ADRMs are delegated full powers.

No powers .

No powers.

b) Grant of Awards to successful candidates in initial courses only

No powers.

No powers.

1. Principal ZTS-UD is delegated powers in incur expenditures upto Rs. 1500/- p.a. for purchasing prize books for distribution to successful candidates standing 1st & 2nd in their training courses during the year.
2. Principal STS-AII are delegated these powers only Rs. 500/- p.a.

c) Grant of prizes to students in Railway schools who tops the list in annual examination.

No powers.

DRMs/ADRMs/CWMs are delegated these powers to sanction prizes to first three student as per amount fixed vide letter No. E/ Sch/1001/52 dt. 26.7.82

No powers.

No powers.


Grant of matching share capital of Rs. 2500/- and interest bearing working capital loan upto Rs. 10000/- to each Railway men’s consumer co-operative society.

Full powers to CPO.

No powers .

No powers.

No powers.


Casual labour fixation of daily rate of wages.

a) Full powers to PHODs to fix wages with reference to daily rates ascertained from State Government concerned in consultation with FA&CAO in terms of para 2502 IREM.
b) Full powers to fix wages with reference to the daily rates derived from the minimum of the appropriate authorized scale plus dearness allowance in cases where local market rate is not available with prior consultation with FA&CAO.

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