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soverweÃnie n. 1, accomplishment; completion. 2, commission; perpetration (of a crime).

soverweÃnno adv. completely; entirely; absolutely; per-fectly; utterly.

soverwennoleÃtie n. majority; coming of age. ÑsoverwennoleÃtnij, adj. & n. adult.

soverweÃnnyj adj. 1, perfect. 2, absolute; utter. ÑsoverweÃnnyj vid, gram. perfective aspect.

soverweÃnstvo n. perfection. Ñv soverweÃnstve, perfectly; to perfection.

soverweÃnstvovanie n. improvement; perfecting.

soverweÃnstvovat; v.impfv. [pfv. usoverweÃn-stvovat;; pres. -stvu[, -stvuew;] to improve; per-fect; refine.

soverwiÃt; v., pfv. of soverwaÃt;.

soÃvestit; v.impfv. [pfv. usoÃvestit;; pres. -]u, -stiw;] colloq. to chide; shame. ÑsoÃvestit;sq, refl., colloq. to be ashamed; feel ashamed.

soÃvestlivyj adj. conscientious; scrupulous.

soÃvestno adj., used predicatvely (with dat.) ashamed; embarrassed: Mne byÃlo soÃvestno, I was ashamed/ embarrassed.

soÃvest; n.f. conscience: imeÃt; na soÃvesti, to have on oneÕs conscience. Ñna soÃvest;, conscientiously. Ñpo soÃvesti govorqÃ, in all conscience; in all honesty; to be honest; to tell the truth.

soveÃt n. 1, advice; counsel. 2, council. 3, soviet: Ver-xoÃvnyj soveÃt, the Supreme Soviet.

soveÃtnik n. adviser.

soveÃtovat; v.impfv. [pfv. posoveÃtovat;; pres. -tu[, -tuew;] (with dat.) to advise. ÑsoveÃtovat;sq, refl. (with s + instr.) to consult; seek the advice of.

soveÃtskij adj. Soviet. ÑSoveÃtskij So[Ãz, the Soviet Union.

soveÃthik n. adviser.

sove]aÃnie n. conference.

sove]aÃtel;nyj adj. consultative; deliberative. ÑpraÃvo sove]aÃtel;nogo goÃlosa, voice but no vote. Ñhlen s sove]aÃtel;nym goÃlosom, non-voting member.

sove]aÃt;sq v.r.impfv. 1, to deliberate. 2, (with s + instr.) to confer (with).

soviÃnyj adj. 1, owlÕs. 2, owlish.

sovladaÃt; v.pfv. (with s + instr.) colloq. to cope with; handle; control. ÑsovladaÃt; s soboÃj, to control oneself; get control of oneself.

sovladeÃlec [gen. -l;ca] n. co-owner; joint owner.

sovladeÃnie n. joint ownership.

sovmestiÃmyj adj. compatible. ÑsovmestiÃmost;, n.f. compatibility.

sovmestiÃtel;stvo n. holding of more than one job. RaboÃtat; po sovmestiÃtel;stvu, to hold another job; hold down two jobs.

sovmestiÃt; [infl. -]uÃ, -stiÃw;] v., pfv. of sovme-]aÃt;.

sovmeÃstno adv. jointly; together.

sovmeÃstnyj adj. joint; combined. ÑsovmeÃstnoe obuheÃnie, coeducation.

sovme]aÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sovmestiÃt;] to combine.

sovoÃk [gen. sovkaÃ] n. 1, scoop. 2, colloq. (since 1989) A, the Soviet system or society. B, person with a Soviet mentality. ÑsadoÃvyj sovoÃk, trowel. ÑsovoÃk dlq muÃsora, dustpan.
sovokupleÃnie n. copulation; coition.

sovokuplqÃt;sq v.r.impfv. to copulate.

sovokuÃpno adv., obs. jointly.

sovokuÃpnost; n.f. aggregate; sum total.

sovokuÃpnyj adj. 1, joint; combined. 2, aggregate.

sovpadaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sovpaÃst;] 1, to coincide. 2, to agree; tally.

sovpadeÃnie n. 1, coincidence. 2, identity; concurrence; harmony (of interests, opinions, etc.). 3, combination (of circumstances).

sovpaÃst; [infl. like past;] v., pfv. of sovpadaÃt;.

sovratiÃtel; n.m. seducer.

sovratiÃt; [infl. -]uÃ, -tiÃw;] v., pfv. of sovra]aÃt;.

sovraÃt; v., pfv. of vrat;.

sovra]aÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sovratiÃt;] 1, to pervert. 2, to seduce.

sovra]eÃnie n. perversion; seduction.

sovremeÃnnik n. contemporary.

sovremeÃnnost; n.f. 1, modernity. 2, the present.

sovremeÃnnyj adj. 1, contemporary. 2, modern.

sovseÃm adv. 1, quite. 2, completely; entirely. Ñne sovseÃm, not entirely. ÑsovseÃm ne, not at all; not in the least; not a bit. Vy sovseÃm ne izmeniÃlis;, you havenÕt changed a bit.

sovxoÃz n. state farm (contr. of soveÃtskoe xozqÃj-stvo).

soglaÃsie n. 1, consent; assent. 2, agreement. 3, har-mony.

soglasiÃtel;nyj adj. conciliation (attrib.): sogla-siÃtel;naq komiÃssiq, conciliation committee.

soglasiÃt;sq [infl. -wuÃs;, -siÃw;sq] v.r., pfv. of soglawaÃt;sq.

soglaÃsno adv. in harmony; harmoniously. Ñprep., with dat. according to. ÑsoglaÃsno s (+ instr.), in accordance with.

soglaÃsnyj adj. [short form -sen, -sna] 1, (with s + instr.) in agreement: Q s vaÃmi soglaÃsen (soglaÃsna), I agree with you. 2, (with na + acc.) agreeable: On so-glaÃsen na vse usloÃviq, he agrees (or is agreeable) to all the conditions. 3, harmonious. 4, phonet. conso-nantal: soglaÃsnaq buÃkva, consonant. Ñn. consonant.

soglasovaÃnie n. 1, coordination. 2, gram. agreement. SoglasovaÃnie vrem\n, sequence of tenses.

soglasoÃvannyj adj. coordinated; concerted. Ñso-glasoÃvannost;, n.f. coordination.

soglasovaÃt; [infl. -suÃ[, -suÃew;] v., pfv. of sogla-soÃvyvat;.

soglasovaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -suÃetsq] (with s + instr.) 1, to be consistent (with); be in con-formity (with); be in keeping (with). 2, gram. to agree (with).

soglasoÃvyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. soglasovaÃt;] 1, to coordinate; harmonize. 2, to clear: soglasovaÃt; plan s nahaÃl;nikom, to clear the plan with oneÕs supervisor. 3, gram. to make agree.

soglawaÃtel; n.m. compromiser. ÑsoglawaÃtel;-skij, adj. of compromise. ÑsoglawaÃtel;stvo, n. policy of compromise.

soglawaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. soglasiÃt;sq] 1, (with s + instr.) to agree (with). 2, (with inf. or na + acc.) to agree (to); consent (to). ÑsoglasiÃtes;, you would agree; you must admit.

soglaweÃnie n. agreement.

soglqdaÃtaj n. detective; sleuth.

sognaÃt; [infl. sgon[Ã, sgoÃniw;; past fem. sognalaÃ] v., pfv. of sgonqÃt;.

soÃgnutyj adj. 1, bent. 2, bent over; stooped.

sognuÃt; v., pfv. of gnut; and sgibaÃt;. Ñso-gnuÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of gnuÃt;sq and sgibaÃt;sq.

sogra'daniÃn [pl. sograÃ'dane, sograÃ'dan] n. fellow citizen.

sogrevaÃnie n. heating; warming.

sogrevaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sogreÃt;] to warm; heat. ÑsogrevaÃt;sq, refl. to get warm; warm up.

sogrevaÃ[]ij adj. warming. ÑsogrevaÃ[]ij kom-preÃss, hot compress.

sogrewiÃt; v., pfv. of grewiÃt;.

soÃda n. soda: kaustiÃheskaq soÃda, caustic soda. Ñpit;evaÃq soÃda, baking soda; bicarbonate of soda.

sodeÃjstvie n. assistance; help.

sodeÃjstvovat; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -stvu[, -stvuew;] (with dat.) 1, to assist. 2, to further; promote; contribute to.

soder'aÃnie n. 1, support; maintenance; upkeep. So-der'aÃnie sem;iÃ, support of oneÕs family. Soder-'aÃnie aÃrmii, maintaining an army. Byt; na soder-'aÃnii (+ gen. or u) to be supported by. 2, confinement: soder'aÃnie v t[r;meÃ, confinement in prison. Soder-'aÃnie pod areÃstom, custody; detention. 3, content: foÃrma i soder'aÃnie, form and content. 4, content; amount: soder'aÃnie 'iÃra v molokeÃ, the fat content of milk; soder'aÃnie belkaà v mqÃse, the amount of protein in meat. 5, colloq. contents (of a container). 6, contents (of a book, letter, etc.); subject matter. 7, table of contents. 8, pay; wages; salary.

soder'aÃnka [gen. pl. -nok] n. kept woman.

soder'aÃtel; n.m., obs. owner; operator.

soder'aÃtel;nyj adj. rich in content; informative; meaty.

soder'aÃt; v.impfv. [pres. -der'uÃ, -deÃr'iw;] 1, to contain. 2, to support (a family, children, etc.). 3, to keep (in a certain state): soder'aÃt; v ispraÃvnosti, to keep in working order. 4, to keep; (forcibly) confine: soder-'aÃt; pod areÃstom, to keep under arrest; hold in custody. 5, obs. to own; operate (a business). Ñso-der'aÃt;sq, refl. 1, to be kept; be maintained. 2, to be confined (to an institution). 3, to be contained: V mqÃse sodeÃr'atsq belkiÃ, meat contains proteins.

soder'iÃmoe n., decl. as an adj. contents.

soÃdovyj adj. soda (attrib.). ÑsoÃdovaq, n., decl. as an adj. soda (water).

sodoÃm n., colloq. uproar; commotion.

sodraÃt; [infl. sderuÃ, sder\w;; past fem. sodralaÃ] v., pfv. of drat; (in sense #6) and sdiraÃt;.

sodrogaÃnie n. shudder.

sodrogaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. sodrognuÃt;sq] 1, to shudder. 2, (of the ground) to shake.

sodruÃ'estvo n. 1, cooperation; harmony. 2, associa-tion; union. 3, commonwealth. ÑBritaÃnskoe so-druÃ'estvo naÃcij, British Commonwealth of Nations. ÑSodruÃ'estvo nezaviÃsimyx gosudaÃrstv, Com-monwealth of Independent States.

soÃevyj adj. soybean (attrib.). ÑsoÃevye bobyÃ, soy-beans.

soedineÃnie n. 1, joining; uniting. 2, linking; connect-ing. 3, joint. 4, chem. compound. 5, mil. large unit (division-size or larger).

soedin\nnyj adj. united. ÑSoedin\nnye WtaÃty, the United States.

soediniÃtel;nyj adj. 1, connecting. 2, gram. copu-lative. ÑsoediniÃtel;naq tkan;, connective tissue.

soedinqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. soediniÃt;] 1, to connect; hook up. 2, to unite. SoedinqÃt; siÃly, to join forces. 3, to link; connect; join. 4, to combine. ÑsoedinqÃt;sq, refl. 1, to unite; be united. 2, to be linked; be connected. 3, (with s + instr.) to join; link up (with). 4, to be combined.

so'aleÃnie n. 1, regret. 2, pity. Ñk so'aleÃni[, unfortunately.

so'aleÃt; v.impfv. 1, (with o or a dependent clause) to regret. 2, (with o) to pity; feel sorry for.

so''eÃnie n. burning.

so'iÃtel; n.m. [fem. -nica] person (of the opposite sex) with whom one lives. Ñso'iÃtel;stvo, n. co-habitation.

so'iÃtel;stvovat; v.impfv. [pres.-stvu[, -stvu-ew;] to live together.

so'raÃt; v., pfv. of 'rat;.

sozvaÃnivat;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. sozvoniÃt;sq] (with s + instr.) colloq. to call (someone) on the telephone; be in touch by phone.

sozvaÃt; [infl. like zvat;] v., pfv. of sozyvaÃt; and szy-vaÃt;.

sozveÃzdie n. constellation.

sozvoniÃt;sq v.r., pfv. of sozvaÃnivat;sq.

sozvuÃhie n. 1, music consonance. 2, harmony; con-cord. 3, assonance.

sozvuÃhnyj adj. 1, (of sounds) harmonious; assonant. 2, (with dat.) in keeping with; in tune with.

sozdavaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sozdaÃt;; pres. -da[Ã, -da\w;] 1, to create. 2, to build; construct. 3, to found; form; establish. 4, to write; compose. 5, to develop. 6, to pose (a threat). 7, short form past passive part. only (with dlq) made (for); cut out (for): soÃzdany drug dlq druÃga, made for each other; ne soÃzdan dlq `Ãtogo, not cut out for this. ÑsozdavaÃt;sq, refl. to be created; arise; develop. U menqà sozdaloÃs; vpehatleÃnie, hto..., I got the impression that...

sozdaÃnie n. 1, creation (act of creating). 2, founding; establishment. 3, development. 4, creation; work. 5, creature.

sozdaÃtel; n.m. creator; founder.

sozdaÃt; [infl. like dat;; past soÃzdal, sozdalaÃ, soÃzdalo, soÃzdali] v., pfv. of sozdavaÃt;. Ñsoz-daÃt;sq, refl. [past tense stress as in daÃt;sq] pfv. of sozdavaÃt;sq.

sozercaÃnie n. contemplation. ÑsozercaÃtel;nyj, adj. contemplative.

sozercaÃt; v.impfv. to contemplate.

sozidaÃnie n. creation. ÑsozidaÃtel;, n.m. creator. ÑsozidaÃtel;nyj, adj. creative.

sozidaÃt; v.impfv. [pres. -daÃ[, -daÃew;] to create.

soznavaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. soznaÃt;; pres. -zna[Ã, -zna\w;] to realize; recognize; be conscious of; be aware of. ÑsoznavaÃt;sq, refl. (with v + prepl.) to confess (to).

soznaÃnie n. 1, consciousness: prixodiÃt; v soz-naÃnie, to regain consciousness. Bez soznaÃniq, uncon-scious. 2, awareness; realization; recognition; conscious-ness. 3, confession.

soznaÃtel;no adv. consciously; deliberately.

soznaÃtel;nost; n.f. consciousness; awareness: klaÃssovaq soznaÃtel;nost;, class consciousness; politiÃheskaq soznaÃtel;nost;, political awareness.

soznaÃtel;nyj adj. 1, conscious. 2, deliberate.

soznaÃt; [infl. -znaÃ[, -znaÃew;] v., pfv. of soznavaÃt;. ÑsoznaÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of soznavaÃt;sq.

sozrevaÃnie n. ripening; maturing.

sozrevaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sozreÃt;] 1, to ripen. 2, (of a person) to mature.

sozreÃt; v., pfv. of zret;1 and sozrevaÃt;.

sozyÃv n. calling; convening.

sozyvaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sozvaÃt;] 1, to call together; invite; summon. 2, to call; convene.

soizvolqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. soizvoÃlit;] (with inf.) obs. to deign (to).

soizmeriÃmyj adj. commensurable.

soiskaÃnie n. (with gen.) competition (for an award or degree).

soiskaÃtel; n.m. (with gen.) 1, competitor (for). 2, can-didate (for).

soÃjka [gen. pl. soÃek] n. jay (bird).

sojtià [infl. sojduÃ, sojd\w;; past sow\l, sowlaÃ, sowloÃ, sowliÃ] v., pfv. of sxodiÃt;. ÑsojtiÃs;, refl., pfv. of sxodiÃt;sq.

sok n. 1, juice. 2, sap. Ñv poÃlnom sokuÃ, in the prime of life.

sokaÃmernik n. cellmate.

sokovy'imaÃlka [gen. pl. -lok] n. squeezer; juicer.

soÃkol n. falcon. Ñgol kak sokoÃl (with different stress), poor as a church mouse.

sokoliÃnyj adj. falconÕs. ÑsokoliÃnaq oxoÃta, falconry.

sokratiÃt; [infl. -]uÃ, -tiÃw;] v., pfv. of sokra]aÃt;. ÑsokratiÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of sokra]aÃt;sq.

sokra]aÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sokratiÃt;] 1, to reduce; curtail; pare down. 2, to shorten. 3, to abridge; condense. 4, to abbreviate. 5, colloq. to dismiss; fire. 6, math. to cancel. Ñsokra]aÃt;sq, refl. 1, to become or grow shorter. 2, to be shortened. 3, to be reduced. 4, physiol. to contract.

sokra]eÃnie n. 1, reduction; curtailment. 2, shortening. 3, abridgment; condensation. 4, cut; deletion. 5, abbrevi-ation. 6, contraction (of muscles). 7, math. cancellation. 8, colloq. discharge; dismissal.

sokra]\nno adv. for short.

sokroveÃnnyj adj. 1, secret; hidden. 2, (of oneÕs thoughts, feelings, etc.) innermost.

sokroÃvi]e n. treasure. Ñni za kakiÃe sokroÃvi]a, not for (anything in) the world.

sokroÃvi]nica n. treasure house.

sokruwaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. sokruwiÃt;] 1, to shatter; smash; destroy. 2, to distress; upset. ÑsokruwaÃt;sq, refl. [impfv. only] 1, (with o) to grieve (for or over); be distressed (over). 2, with a dependent clause, to regret (that).

sokruweÃnie n. 1, smashing; destruction. 2, distress.

sokruw\nnyj adj. grieving; grief-stricken. Ñsokru-w\nno, adv. sorrowfully.

sokruwiítel;nyj adj. 1, (of a blow) crushing; crippling; shattering. 2, (of a feeling) overwhelming.

sokruwiÃt; v., pfv. of sokruwaÃt;.

sokuÃrsnik n.m. [fem. -nica] n. classmate.

solgaÃt; v., pfv. of lgat;.

soldaÃt [gen. pl. -daÃt] n. soldier. ÑsoldaÃtik, n. toy (or tin) soldier. ÑsoldaÃtka, n. soldierÕs wife. Ñsol-daÃtskij, adj. soldierÕs.

solevaÃrennyj adj., in solevaÃrennyj zavoÃd, salt-works. Also, solevaÃrnyj.

solevaÃrnq [gen. pl. -ren] n. saltworks.

solevoÃj adj. saline.

soleÃnie n. salting; pickling.

solenoÃid n. solenoid.

sol\nost; n.f. saltiness; salinity.

sol\nyj adj. 1, salt (attrib.): sol\naq vodaÃ, salt water. 2, salty. 3, salted; pickled. 4, fig., colloq. spicy; racy; ris-quŽ. See also soÃlon.

soleÃn;e n., usu. pl. salted foods.

soleciízm n. solecism.

solidariziÃrovat;sq v.r.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -ru[s;, -ruew;sq] (with s + instr.) to express oneÕs solidarity (with); make common cause (with).

solidaÃrnost; n.f. solidarity.

solidaÃrnyj adj. [short form -ren, -rna] 1, united; as one; of one mind. 2, (with s + instr.) in full agreement (with); at one (with).

soliÃdno adv. 1, solidly. 2, firmly. 3, in a sizable amount: soliÃdno zarabaÃtyvat;, to earn good money.

soliÃdnyj adj. [short form -den, -dna] 1, solid; firm. 2, sound; thorough. 3, reputable; well-established. 4, imposing; impressive. 5, mature; middle-aged. 6, colloq. large; stout. 7, colloq. sizable; considerable.

soliÃst n.m. [fem. -liÃstka] soloist.

soliteÃr (t`) n. large diamond; solitaire.

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