Student: Muminova Khusniyakhon Professor: Gulbakhor Mamadiyeva lesson plan

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LP shadow

Shadow Lesson Plan

Subject: 5042 Initial Practicum in English Language Classrooms
Group: 2U
Student: Muminova Khusniyakhon
Professor: Gulbakhor Mamadiyeva


  • Teacher’s name: Khusniyakhon Muminova

  • Course name: English

  • Institution: School № 40 in Tashkent region

  • Topic of the lesson: ʼʼ Cooking ʼʼ

  • Lesson type: Reading

  • Allotted time: 45 minutes

  • Coursebook: ʼʼ Prepare ʼʼ Students’ book, Workbook (by Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2015, 2019, 2021)

  • Target learners:

  • Level: intermediate (B1)

  • Number: 15 students

  • Age: 17-18

  • Grade: 11

  • Materials: blackboard, chalk, laptop, worksheets, colorful paper,

  • Approach: CLT, TBLT

  • Method: inductive

Description of learners

Grade: 11th; secondary school pupils (monolinguals)
Number of students: 15
Age: 17-18
Level:B1, intermediate

School: secondary school
Language: Uzbek
Lesson type: writing/ speaking (productive skills)

visual aids
a sheet of paper


45 minutes

Content topic

Let's cook !

Grammar topic

Relative clauses


Content objectives:

  • make up a recipe for the meal which they want to illustrate to their friends [S], [W], [V],

  • write clear explanation of instructions for their friends who want to cook the meal [S], [W], [V], [F]

Language objectives: SWBAT
use correct verb to write their recipe, [V], [W], [F]
explain their recipe using relative words [F], [S]
Students will learn how describe the place with the help of prepositions of place.[S], [W], (CEFR, Speaking, B2)


Stage 1

(10 minutes)

Checking the attendance.
Checking the homework.
Warm-up activity. Video song about cooking. Initially, pupils listen to the song and try to guess what the new topic is. After the song teacher and pupils discuss the song and ask some questions about the song. The song is very enthusiastic and increases the motivation to study.

Stage 2

Activity 1
[ F ], [ V ]

Matching. This is an individual work. Pupils are supplied with pictures of meals and recipes which describe the meals. They should find which recipe describes which meal, and match them in a correct order. (Appendix 1)

Stage 3

Activity 2
(5 minutes)

Fill in the gaps with prepositions of place.
This is an individual work. They should write the correct prepositions by listening the audio script. This activity is suitable for them and practical to explore what they have learned. (Appendix 2)

Stage 4

Activity 3
(8 minutes)

Describe the picture.
This is a peer work. Students will be provided with the same pictures, one picture for each peer. Peers should be equal with the level and learning styles. They should make a narrative story which describes the picture and tell it to their classmates orally. (Appendix 3) writing the direction for your friend [D] (Appendix 4).

Stage 5


Questionaire. (Appendix 5)

Stage 6


Giving homework.


  1. Content objectives: SWBAT

  1. Language objectives: SWBAT

  • choose the correct word in the topic of cooking by reading the passege [R], [V],

  • write recipe using provided vocabulary and relative clauses [W], [V]

  • describe orally their recipe [S],

Key Vocabulary: verbs related to cooking
Key Grammar: “ relative clauses ʼʼ

Students divided into 3 groups and they are given a task related to adjectives. They should tell only one adjective with three degrees. Each member of the group should tell it. The group which done the task correctly without mistakes, this group will be winner.
(pre-stage) [L],[P], [V]; CEFR A2, B1; pair-work; gap filling

Complete the sentences with transcription as listening the track.

[kɑːˈtuːn], [ˈtʆænl], [striːm], [ˈrekɔːd], [laɪv]

Since my childhood, I really love watching (1)____________ on TV every day. The cartoons which were demonstrated in my childhood were very useful and they had a behavioral side. Nowadays, most cartoons are not being showed in (2)_________ on TV, because most children watch them in YouTube when they want. Sometimes they are watching (3)_________ shows if they have enough time for it. However, they do not have time, they try to (4)__________ the (5)___________ in order to watch it later at home.

In this activity students should are explained how to work with this task. This task is gap filling task and students are given transcription of words which are listened in the track. Actually, students listen the words, but they should write the transcription of those words. For instance, in the first sentence the word “cartoon” is told, but students should not write this word itself, vice versa they should write the transcription of cartoon like this [kɑːˈtuːn]. While doing this task even the teacher can tell a correct answer for first one in order to explore the task more. Telling or showing the correct answer of first sentences can be sample for scaffolding.
Answers: [kɑːˈtuːn], [ˈtʆænl], [laɪv], [ˈrekɔːd], [striːm].
(while stage) [W], [V], [G]; individual work; gap filling

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