Tashkent state pedagogical university named after nizami foreign languages faculty

Collaborate with a speech therapist and teacher

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Difference between reading and writing

Collaborate with a speech therapist and teacher. Did you promise the specialists to work together? So don’t shirk! Follow all recommendations, do homework with your child, do not neglect advice and do not let learning take its course.

What do they have? In Europe and the USA, one word - "dyslexia" - is used to describe specific disorders of reading, writing, and even arithmetic (in our country it is dyscalculia). Although Western scientists note the need to correct these disorders, the main attention is paid not so much to correction, but to creating favorable conditions for the learning and life of dyslexics (special devices are being developed to facilitate visual perception, computer programs, etc.).
In the USA, there are clubs for dyslexics—where they communicate, share experiences and find support. By the way, in our country recently, organizations have also begun to be created, the purpose of which is to give such “special” children the opportunity to feel like full-fledged members of society.
Gudimenko Elena Eduardovna

2.3 Psychological structure of the processes of writing and reading.

Writing is “a mental function, the
psychological content of which includes various
mental processes in their interaction, and is formed
only through learning.”
There are three levels of writing, each of which is divided into a number of units. The first level is psychological. Any letter begins with the emergence of intention, motive. Then the plan is formed, i.e. something to write about. Initially, the idea is limited to a certain thought, which is then formed into a phrase, and from the latter, keywords are extracted . Thus, on the basis of the plan, the general meaning of the content is created, i.e. what exactly to write. The final link of the psychological level is the regulation of activity and control over the actions performed.
The next level is psycholinguistic . It provides the operational side of program implementation and consists of a number of links. The first link is the process of sound discrimination. The sound composition of a word is analyzed, individual sounds are isolated and sound variants are transformed into clear, consistent phonemes.
The second link - the volume of acoustic perception and auditory-speech memory - ensures the perception of a certain amount of information and its retention in RAM. The third link of the psycholinguistic level is the actualization of image-representations of the grapheme. The identified phonemes must be translated into a visual graphic scheme , i.e. re-encrypted into the corresponding letter. After which the motor image of the letter is updated (the fourth link) and re-encoded into a series of subtle hand movements. The final link is writing letters, words, phrases.
The third level is psychophysiological . It ensures the implementation of all the above operations and actions. Thus, the process of sound discrimination is ensured by the joint work of speech motor and acoustic analyzers. The volume of perception of acoustic speech signals is determined by the acoustic analyzer (and, possibly, together with the kinetic one). Transcoding from one mental process to another (from sound to letter) is carried out thanks to the joint work of the acoustic, visual and spatial analyzing systems (the temporo-parietal-occipital zone is responsible for their activity). The recoding of an optical image into a motor image and into the writing of a letter is carried out as a result of the complex joint work of the visual and motor analyzer systems.
It is obvious that the implementation of such a complex process as writing is possible only with the joint work of a number of brain zones, each of which performs its own specific function. It is now known that writing is ensured by the interaction of the inferior frontal, inferior parietal, temporal and occipital zones of the left hemisphere of the brain. To master the skill of writing, it is necessary to preserve both the general organization of the joint activities of these zones and each of them.
The psychological content of the writing process is quite well known to psychology, but the role played by each of the psychological components of writing, and the ways in which a student can most successfully fulfill all the conditions that ensure correct writing, have not been fully studied.
Reading is currently considered as one of the highest mental functions, as a purposeful activity, in the process of mastering which a huge turning point is made in the entire cultural development of the child.
Reading is a process of semantic perception of written speech and its understanding. The complexity of this process is determined by its heterogeneity: on the one hand, reading is a process of direct sensory cognition (visual, speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers take part in its act), and on the other hand, it is an indirect reflection of reality. Reading is a complex activity that includes mental functions such as semantic perception and attention, memory and thinking.
Reading is a type of writing that is a process that is in many ways the opposite of writing. But at the same time, they also have common features. For example, reading, like writing, is an analytical-synthetic process, including sound analysis and synthesis of speech elements.
Analytical-synthetic reading is especially pronounced in the initial stages of its development, when the child analyzes letters, translates them into sounds, combines them into syllables, and synthesizes a word from the syllables. At later stages, this process is more complex. An experienced reader, as eye movement studies have shown, does not analyze every element of a word; he grasps a limited complex of letters that carry basic information (usually the root part of a word), and from this complex of sound letters he reconstructs the meaning of the whole word. At the same time, the reader often returns to the word he has already read and compares the “hypothesis” that has arisen with the real word. When reading fairly familiar words, the most reinforced in past experience, the reader recognizes the word immediately.
This reading strategy, which consists of running forward (anticipation) and going back (comparison), is ensured by a complex act of eye movement. In this case, the unit of reading is the word, and the letters play the role of landmarks in it. In the process of fluent reading, the eye does not perceive all the letters, but only some that carry the most information about the word. These letters are called dominant.
Eye movement is one of the necessary conditions for reading, but only a condition. If we talk directly about the structure of the reading process, then it is characterized by the interaction of two levels - sensorimotor and semantic. The sensorimotor level includes sound-letter analysis, retention of received information, semantic guesses arising from this information, and comparison, i.e. testing hypotheses with this material. The sensorimotor level provides understanding of the meaning and meaning of information. The complex interaction of these levels ensures the speed and accuracy of perception of signs and an adequate understanding of the meaning of information. Error-free perception is the main condition for understanding what is read.
From the very beginning, the primary meaning of reading is understanding the written message. The development of reading comprehension in the process of reading formation in children is closely related to the development of the perception process. At the initial stage of mastering reading, understanding follows perception. But as the reading skill is automated, understanding outstrips perception, which manifests itself in the emergence of semantic guesses, guessing the meaning of words. At later stages, reading is based on anticipation of further thoughts related to a whole paragraph or the entire text. In an adult, the act of reading occurs in complete and inextricable unity of the processes of perception and understanding of what is read.
Understanding, according to L. S. Vygotsky, “does not consist in the fact that when reading each phrase, images of all those objects that are mentioned in it arise. Understanding does not come down to the figurative resurrection of an object or even to the naming of the corresponding sound word; rather, it consists of operating with the sign itself, relating it to meaning, quickly moving attention and highlighting various points that become the center of our attention.”
Understanding a word or phrase when reading is also ensured by the influence of context. A high degree of context of words and full use of contextual guesses leads to increased reading speed, accuracy of perception, and an increase in the volume of material covered.
Reading is a complex mental process that cannot be carried out on the basis of the work of any one area of ​​the brain. Modern neuropsychology considers as the basis of the brain the joint work of several areas of the brain (posterior frontal, inferior parietal, temporal, occipital parts of the cortex of the left hemisphere), which perform their specific functions. In addition, in order to carry out the reading process, the preservation of the visual, acoustic and kinesthetic analyzers is necessary, the joint work of which is the psychophysiological basis of the reading process.
Written speech is a new sign system for a child. The difficulty of mastering it is due to the complexity of the structural organization of the processes of reading and writing, as well as high requirements for the level of formation of various mental operations, sensorimotor development, and language functions. The complexity and diversity of the structure of the defect in children with ODD limits the spontaneous formation of the prerequisites for mastering literate writing and reading. As a result, preschoolers with this type of speech disorder are unprepared for the start of school, and specifically for mastering reading and writing skills.


Good teaching enables students to learn to read and read to learn. The role of the teacher in the teaching-reading process should be of a companion rather than the boss. Teaching can be made interesting and innovative if the efforts are put in to make learning an enjoyable experience. Successful teaching is where effective learning takes place with the use of appropriate knowledge, the right emotion and accurate application of scientific devices. With consistent progress in science and technology and other areas of study, it is the duty of the teacher to adopt the best methods and employ the best devices to ensure rapid growth in the teaching process. Teachers must be aware of the progress that students are making and adjust instruction to the changing abilities of students. Both research and classroom practices support the use of a balanced approach in instruction. Because reading depends on efficient word recognition and comprehension, instruction should develop reading skills and strategies, as well as build on learners knowledge through the use of authentic texts. Similarly, the most effective way of dealing with the problem of cultural meaning in texts is to encourage students to read by themselves, choosing subjects related initially to their own interests so that they bring motivation and experience to reading. As their understanding of other cultures and of unfamiliar views increases through reading, they will bring to their reading activities a gradually increasing capacity to understand the full meaning of texts.reading comprehension breaks down, different students need to find ways to repair their understanding. This is where the importance of knowing how to teach reading strategies come in, so as to facilitate the reading process and give students a clear sense of what they are reading. Students can become easily frustrated when they do not understand what they are reading and as a result, they become demotivated. A teacher needs to design and teach different strategies in order to help students close the gaps in their understanding. The ultimate challenge for the teacher is to know exactly which strategy is useful and most beneficial to teach, since each student needs different strategies. This course paper in this respect, gives many strategies and a few general pointers for how to teach them.

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