Design of Diffusion Cell for Polymer Films
In packaging industry, the need for a better barrier packaging products has increased with changing demand in recent years. Food packaging material protects against external influences, and reduces the negative effects of factors such as oxygen, light, water vapor migration. Plastics which are used in food packaging are low barrier films against gases. Oxygen causes many microbiological, oxidative, enzymatic, chemical reactions so oxygen is the most important barrier parameter that must be checked. Therefore, knowing oxygen permeability values for flexible packaging materials in terms of product quality and shelf life are the most important elements to consider.
In this study, the oxygen permeability cell was designed and the oxygen permeability of polymer films was determined by thermal conductivity detector. Analytical technique was developed for the interpretation of the data collected. The study was seperated in two parts. In the first part general informations were discussed then where in the second part the analysis of polymer films were detailed.
Measurement of oxygen permeability of polymer films is made on the basis of the principle of expansion and the pressure difference in the industry. In this study, analysis was done on the base of concentration gradient by gas chromatography with thermal conductivity detector (TCD).
The amount of O2 gase were evaluated according to the peak area and height of gas chromatography results. Results are consistent with literature. The device can be improved.
AKIN Dinçer
Tez Adı : Karbon dolgulu siklo-olefin kopolimer (COC) kompozitlerin elektriksel ve mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
Danışman : Yard. Doç. Dr. Ali DURMUŞ
Anabilim Dalı : Kimya Mühendisliği
Programı : Kimyasal Teknolojiler
Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013
Tez Savunma Jürisi : Yard. Doç. Dr. Ali DURMUŞ
Doç. Dr. Hüseyin DELİGÖZ
Doç. Dr. M. Faruk ÖKSÜZÖMER
Doç. Dr. Alaattin AKTAŞ
Yard. Doç. Dr. Saffettin YILDIRIM
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