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The Investıgetıon of Teachers' About Factors for The Use

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The Investıgetıon of Teachers' About Factors for The Use

of Mathematıcs In Scıence Educatıon

The purpose of this study was to learn the faculty of education department of elementary education teacher candidates who are in the department of science education for the use of mathematics in science teaching self efficacy levels and to examine the relationship between levels of mathematical literacy. Thus, intended to emphasize the importance of integration of science and mathematics.

In order to get data in research ‘Using Mathematics in Teaching Science Self-Efficacy Scale’, ‘Mathematical Literacy Self-efficacy’, and ‘demographic information forms’ have been used.
The first data collection tools used in this study, Can, Günhan and Erdal (2012) consists of 18 items developed by the Using Mathematics in Teaching Science Self-Efficacy Scale (UMSS) alpha reliability coefficient was found to be 0.88. Five Likert-type scale consists of 18 items that. The scale consists of three factors; these factors are defined by Can, Günhan and Erdal (2012) as: 1. Self Perception of Mathematics, 2. Utilization of Mathematics, 3. Mathematical Skills.
The second data collection tool Mathematical Literacy Self-efficacy Scale by Ozgen and Bindak (2008) has been developed by the reliability coefficient Cronbach α = .942, respectively. 4 Negative (6, 9, 18, 22) 21 positive items consists of 25 items in total. As a result of factor analysis performed by Principal Component Analysis of the scale of all substances were collected in one dimension. 42.85% of the total variance explained by the scale factor in this one 'is.
SPSS 16.0 was used to analyze the data. Scales in terms of demographic variables, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), independent sample t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis technique and necessarily post-hoc statics techniques has been used for the relations between the scales.
As a result; the students of Department of Science Education for the Using Mathematics in Teaching Science Self-Efficacy Scale (UMSS) score and Mathematical Literacy Self-efficacy Scale (MLSS), was found a positive relationship. Sub-factors for the use of mathematics self-efficacy score of mathematical; self-perception of application of mathematic and mathematical skills when all items are compared was found a positive relationship.
That despite no significant relationships between teachers’ efficacy “Using Mathematics in Teaching Science Self-Efficacy Scale” scores with graduated from secondary school, there are significant relationships between teachers’ efficacy with class and gender. That despite no significant relationships between teachers’ efficacy “Mathematical Literacy Self-efficacy” scores with class and graduated from secondary school, there are significant relationships between teachers’ efficacy and gender, class.
Keywords: Pre-service Teacher, Science Education, Integration of Science and Mathematics, Mathematics Self-efficacy, mathematics literacy.



Tez Adı : Bilgisayar Destekli Kavram Haritalama Yönteminin Sekizinci Sınıf Öğrencilerin Genetik Kavramlarını Anlamalarına Etkisi

Danışman : Yard. Doç. Işıl KOÇ SARI

Anabilim Dalı : İlköğretim

Programı : Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi

Mezuniyet Yılı : 2013

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Yard. Doç. Dr. Işıl KOÇ SARI

Prof. Dr. F. Gülay KIRBAŞLAR

Prof. Dr. Muammer ÜNAL


Doç. Dr. Behiye AKÇAY

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