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From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Sun Apr 16, 2000 3:01am

Subject: Shame
> Ellie:

> I had to take a step back when you told about your mother's shaming words. I remembered my mother saying, "Shame! Shame on you! You ought to be ashamed of yourself!" She's 87, and sometimes she still says it to me! Because I did the same kind of things to my own children as a young mother, I can now see shaming as a desperate attempt to control the behavior of a child that's showing independence. Fortunately we have new information for mothers today on dealing with children's behaviors. I sent my daughter a copy of Tantrums and Tears, and she says she reads it a little at a time, and finds it helpful. Terry

Wonderful book for new mothers. I hope you feel your anger if your mother still shames you. When my 97 year old aunt tries to shame me for not visiting her, I calmly tell her she is not thinking about me or how difficult it would be for me to travel. She shuts up...for a while. We have a pleasant telephone friendship. Ellie

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Apr 17, 2000 7:34am

Subject: Parents and food addictions
Ellie --

A funny thing happened in response to my being tactfully honest with my parents about my needing to bring my husband home with me to visit (they'd offered to give me a little financial help to get there). They got my e-mail and I never heard from them about it again! That's the way they deal with what they don't like. They just ignore it. But it doesn't bother me! I know I'm doing a lot better now, because I look at their behavior and can laugh a little at how they interact with me. I'm still corresponding with them via e-mail and sent my dad a birthday greeting the other day, and we appear to be on good terms. But the invitation is off, I guess. Love, Shirley

So much like what happened to me with my aunt, who often paid for my trips to visit her, and I spent every holiday with her. After I confronted her I mentioned that she might invite me for Thanksgiving, but she never did. Later I reached out to her, and we are now good telephone friends. I have no plans to visit in person. Ellie
> Ellie --

Just during the last week or two I've experienced major changes in my food cravings, as I seem to be at the same time moving out of the muddy basin into wholeness. I'm finally craving raw vegetables in large amounts, raw fruit in small amounts, and don't get hungry between meals. It's a whole new thing for me, and feels great. And it directly correlates with my new ability to spend my time productively creating artwork instead of being frustrated and going back and forth to the refrigerator. (I'm reviving my silk painting business.)

> I've been taking raw vegetables and salza dip to work for several days. Never was able to do that before. I also drink powdered barley grass juice and green tea between meals. Before, it was always an internal battle of "what to eat that's good for me?" and wanting something more to fill the void. I've done raw food for years, but it was always a big struggle not to feel hungry or limited. Shirley
Isn't it wonderful. Andrew just sent me the mailing addresses for prisons in Germany, and I'm so eager to get them out I don't even think much about food. It used to be food first!! This is the wonderful thing about the self help measures...addictions, e.g. to food, gradually but permanently cease. No more 'recovering' as they say in 12-step programs, but RECOVERED!! Ellie

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Mon Apr 17, 2000 7:41am

Subject: Prison project update
More good news from the Ministry of Justice in the Czech Republic. They are translating the longer version.
Dear Elnora,

We plan to spread the long version among our prison physicians as a sort of manual. So long for now...


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Apr 18, 2000 3:50am

Subject: My diet
Please read my reply to this at your own risk...It's not intended as nutritional advice.
> Ellie, would you mind sharing with us your diet? As a one time raw vegan and aspiring to get back to that state, I regretted to see you advocate consumption of animal flesh, but I try to keep an open mind.

Dear Gail,

I have lost too many friends from Natural Hygiene who were devoted vegetarians or vegans, did all the fasting, etc, one was 30 years in NH and died of cancer. I am an absolute believer in the need for animal flesh, especially animal fat. We are not carnivores or herbivores, but omnivores. For any who tells me it's immoral to kill animals, I can only say in the 'Thou shalt not kill'...the word kill in the OT applies to murder not slaughter. The carnivorous tiger is not a bad guy because he kills a wildebeest for food. God made the tiger that way. He would die if he went vegetarian. I value my health and life more than the fishes.
You might be interested in Vonderplantiz work with hi raw animal fat diets bringing remission for cancer patients...statistically sound evidence! In SAD diets the fat has been cooked and as you know the cooking of foods changes the nutrients into mostly non-nutrients, especially fats into carcinogenic substances. Veg diets are sadly lacking in B12, etc, and deficiencies cause toxicosis in the long run. As a neuroscientist, I am also aware of the need for good fat for brain function. Of course it is too soon for long term evidence with the use of raw animal fat compared to SAD or vegan, but I think the evidence is already mounting.
I got into NH in 93, went vegetarian, and did a 15 day water fast in 94, then in Jan 95 went all raw including animal flesh, and began eating Instinctively as per Guy Claude Burger, Manger Vrai, La guerre du cru. His theory is summarized in English in Instinctive Nutrition, by Severen Schaeffer. BTW Alice Miller told me she met Burger, and she eats mostly raw herself.
Instinctive Eating means eating live foods, everything in it natural state, whole, and unmixed, and one food at a time. What smells and tastes delicious, my body needs. What tastes bad is toxic. When delicious food stops tasting good, my body doesn't need it any more. A simple example is when sweet pineapple starts burning. Or Romaine lettuce starts tasting bitter. I eat all fruits, and greens, like lettuce, carrots, celery (sometimes I juice which is CHEATING) I eat raw eggs, raw beefalo steak and bone marrow from PASTURED animals, Sometimes I cheat and eat raw beef, (Food Emporiums carry Coleman, no antibiotics,) or lamb or pork or chicken from non pastured animals IF it tastes delicious, especially love lamb fat) I eat raw WILD fish, not farm raised...Salmon, Artic Char, (which is wild Salmon,) the females are lighter in color and fattier...raw tuna or Boston Mackerel. Wild fish can be aged and keep a long time and is delicious when slightly aged. We are probably adapted to aged meat. Our ancestors were scavengers. I once had my cholesterol checked after a dozen raw egg yolks, and it was normal. Post flood people have normal blood tests of all kinds.
Links to Instinctive Eating:

Some books.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz, We Want to Live,

Bruno Comby, Maximizing Immunity

Ronald Schmid, Traditional foods are your best Medicine.

Zephyr, Eating Instintively on Earth

Harvey and Marilyn Diamond Fit for Life
I mention Fit for Life because they include animal food, but cooked, and they explain about toxicosis.
This post is not intended as advice, but only to tell you what I did. There are real dangers in suddenly eating animal foods raw, bacteria and parasites can have a ball in toxic bodies. I personally believe bacteria and parasites help clean us out. By the time I began some raw fish, some Sushi, my body was pretty well cleaned out. I recall getting what seemed like Salmonella after some Sushi, but it lasted about an hour, whereas I once had Salmonella from some cooked chicken, and I destroyed my mattress. Some Instinctive eaters have become very sick from parasites, and are now cooking meat, but only very slightly.
If anyone on this list is interested in Instinctive Eating, please proceed slowly and AT YOUR OWN RISK. My purpose on this list is to help people detox the brain. I am not a nutritionist. I also know that once the nervous system is detoxed, the sympathetic nervous system can do it's daily job of detoxing, and this means that even if our diets are not perfect, which mine certainly is not, our body is able to handle some toxic foods. Ellie

Also, I know a pastor who works with prisoners, and also a motivational speaker who has also done so. I have spoken with both of them separately and think if we could put together a program to do a pilot study with a prison to demonstrate how such a program can promote phenomenal productive change, it would perhaps be duplicated in many other prisons here and abroad. The addition of your regime would be a tremendous asset. Unfortunately I am an idea person, and my skills at organizing and following through can use some professional help.

Can/will you join me, and hopefully, "Us?" Gail
I'd be delighted to hear if you want to give copies of my pamphlet to your pastor and any others who would distribute them to prisoners. I don't think much organizing is really needed. If they have access to copy machines and can print them out that's about all that's needed. They can print them out from the pdf files on my sites. I'm not looking to get personally involved in any pilot studies. The self-help measures are already proven to work because they are based on proven biological mechanisms in my scientific paper, so there is no need for a testing of them. But any feedback that comes from such a program as you mention would be a great asset in spreading the message to other prisons. If you check out the Testimonials on my sites, you'll see I'm headed for getting it distributed to all prisoners in the world. I'm so pleased to hear you are interested in helping with this.
It would be really great if you get into helping prisoners get better diets. I often worry about post flood prisoners, who will be attracted to natural foods, and get sick when they eat junk.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Tue Apr 18, 2000 4:16am

Subject: Employees
> Elie, I think I have not been doing my business, have been so exhausted from my past employee, and the justifiable anger, have not even had time to think of redirecting, so it's piling up, worked on some of it tonight, I noticed today some depression and really tired feelings, Here is the way walk ye in it, so why don't we, the cares of the world just take us over. So I'm back on the pathway of good health. Although I haven't binged on junk food, so I have repressed to far.

> My past employee wouldn't work and do the job right, so I gave her ultimatum, work 45 hrs. week, cut her pay, til she proved she'd do the work properly and she quit, will end up being best thing for me, then I find this person who wanted to work and has so much anger, I cannot even stand to be around her, for it spills out on everyone and everything, then she cut back her hours to 8, as her husband died 8 weeks ago, she is going through the stages of the anger, but not directing properly, mainly at her children, poor things, then she calls and asks if I need her tomorrow, she knows I always needs help, so I told her no, and I felt this surge of relief, and energy. Wow, don't understand that, except the dread of having to listen to her spill out her anger was more than I could bear I suppose. Sally

Good for you getting your anger out my telling her no... Ellie

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Apr 20, 2000 3:00am

Subject: Please study the articles and archives
If you are new to this list, please study the articles and archives. Most of your questions are answered there in more detail than I can do in one post, but I'm also happy to answer any questions briefly here.

> I have some questions I hope you can help with. Here goes:

> 1. How many people roughly do you know of that have either cured themselves or had their symptoms significantly reduced due to using your self-help measures;
Ellie: Since the posting of my article on the Internet in the spring of 99, about 100. Some have kept in touch, others have told me they used the same or similar methods long ago. There are probably thousands who have recovered in experiential therapies and through the Dianetics used by Scientologists. These methods are essentially the same as my self-help measures and work because they also relieve toxicosis. My self-help measures work faster. Please read the Testimonials and my scientific article.

> 2. What types of mental illnesses have these people had? What types of physical illnesses have they had?;


All mental illnesses (unless irreversibly organic), because they are all the result of toxicosis. Please read my story Confessions of a Schizophrenic, which will explain this better for you. Most physical illnesses are also the result of toxicosis, although the toxicosis is not necessarily in the brain. But when the toxicosis in the brain is cleared, then the sympathetic nervous system can better do its daily job of detoxifying the body. This means that many psychosomatic disorders, which are better named neurogenic, are cured. Cleared scientologist rarely get colds, and Janov and others report normalization of blood test, etc. I am accumulating stories, although I have no way of documenting since I'm not a doctor in attendance to anyone. But the discovery of toxicosis as the source gives the evidence for how these cures come about. Lynn, for example, was consistently unsuccessful holding a pregnancy. When she became post flood and her nervous system could detoxify and heal the hormonal imbalances, she became pregnant again. She is due any day now with a post flood baby!


> 3. Has anyone ever been harmed or worse off due the use of these self-help measures?;

> 4. I have read some of Dr Arthur Janov's work and Alice Miller and they both seem to warn against the use of 'self-primalling measures' as they deem them to be dangerous. What do you think?

No one had been harmed, except one friend who said he hurt his wrist pounding on the bed. The self-help measures are NOT self primalling. The self-help measures are about recognizing detox crises, which are excitatory nervous symptoms, as opportunities to release and redirect anger. A primal is also a detox crisis, but a primal as experienced in primal therapy is a re-enacting of childhood trauma. During a primal there is much more emotional pain than when using my self help measures, because often therapists don't encourage the person to redirect during the primal, although I think Janov does. Janov and Miller have a good point about 'self-primalling' because of this, and self-primalers can end up becoming psychotic. This cannot happen using my self-help measures as long as one releases and redirects anger during the detox crisis, ie during excitatory nervous symptoms. Again please read my long story to see how I lived a long life in mental hospitals having detox crises, which were psychotic episodes. If they had known to encourage me to redirect anger during these crises, I would not have become psychotic and would have begun to heal. Alice Miller I believe had some therapy with someone who was abusive, and is somewhat turned off by regressive therapies and so am I. There is no time regression in the brain. The self-help measures work much faster than regressive therapies in clearing the brain of the toxicosis that caused our problems. Please also read my scientific article now posted on the pages.nyu site. If someone has an irreversible organic disease, they could die during a detox crisis, but the self-help measures do not involve triggering detox crises. These are going on periodically because the body is trying to heal itself. Please read the Disclaimer.


> 3. My Doctor/Naturopath (he's both) currently has me on a range of supplements to counteract deficiencies as determined by a blood test and a piece of equipment that measures levels of nutrients in muscle and bone. These include an iron supplement, Omega 3 Salmon oil capsules, a Magnesium supplement & Vit C to help absorption of the iron tablet. In addition, he prescribed a multivitamin which I have not been taking as I have changed my diet significantly for the better (cut out processed foods, processed sugar, lots of fresh fruit & veg, more read meat etc) and deem this to be enough to counteract any general deficiencies. My question here is - are supplements also toxic in your viewpoint?


Unfortunately our soil is so depleted that our natural food may be lacking in vitamins. I used to pop them, but I probably didn't need it. Salmon oil capsules might be good especially for the brain, but for me I now eat raw wild Salmon, so I don't need them. Yes, they are somewhat toxic, but then again, my body can handle some toxins, and maybe the vitamins helped a bit. But I would certainly avoid mega doses, and I would bet when you are post flood and eating an even healthier diet, any deficiencies will clear without any vitamins at all.


> Hope you can help with these questions. I suffer from depression and I'm not content to just take a pill to "fix" it although I have no alternative at the moment. I know there is an answer out there. I know that the body always has a mechanism for healing itself. I experienced this twice before when I healed myself of chronic Epstein Barr virus first and then chronic neck pain second. I just am very confused right now about how to cure depression. I keep reading conflicting viewpoints. Everyone one says their method works and not to use alternative methods because they're dangerous. Who do I believe?


I hope you stop reading other viewpoints and get into the self help measures. Try it..."it works if you work it" Please keep re-reading my articles, study them...and read the Testimonials and Archives.

The short version of my article is on: and on:

The longer version, my story, and the scientific paper are on;

To join the Depression-Anxiety list:

From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Apr 20, 2000 0:16pm

Subject: Nightmares
> I want to write about a primal I had this night. These days I experienced great fear, because I let out a chance to make money. (I think I had to let out the chance to feel the fear) Also my throat is cramped, but this is almost every time. First I dreamed very intensive. Then in the morning when I awoke I had to think again on this money thing. My fear increased (the feeling is in my stomach). I tried to concentrate on this feeling but not to cramp, laying in the bed with my knees drawn to my chest. I dreamed I was running through streets. At a bifurcation I didn't know, where to go. I first tried the left street. Then I thought the other one might be better. So I returned. The other street suddenly was a cave, like in the "Tomb-Raider" computer game. To get in, I would have to crawl through a narrow passage. I feared to scrape off my chest, but nevertheless wanted to go through. Suddenly I was in a primal. I turned around and around my own axis. Then I felt hands on my throat. After a while when the tension had decreased I awoke. I first thought someone had wanted to strangle me. But what about the turnarounds? Unfortunately I haven't seen or heard anything. Then I thought about the dream I had before. Maybe it is something from my birth and the hands I felt were the hands of the doctor. I hope it will go on soon, because there is still a lot of fear.

I'd prefer not to call what happened to you a primal, but a detox crisis, a nightmare is a detox crisis.

All during sleep there are detox crises that are scary dreams. These are \ helping to detox. But dreams are always a mix of current and early experience, so it's hard to make sense of them or relate them to any particular trauma, like birth trauma. It could very well be someone tried to strangle you, although you can't be sure of any specific event or person. For example the characteristics of my abusive husband were laid down in my memory in the brain along with similar characteristics of my abusive father, so in dreams I re-experienced trauma with my husband and my father. It's all good and is healing. If you awake with fear, you might try to release and redirect anger at all past abusers, the doctor and anyone else who hurt you even if not physically. Feel the fear when you awake and recognize it as a signal that anger wants to get out, and pound on the bed and redirect the anger to all past abusers. This will all help.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Thu Apr 20, 2000 0:23pm

Subject: It works if you work it
> Ellie --

I know I've said this before and I don't want to be a broken record, but I am still marveling that IT REALLY WORKS!!! It does. These simple measures are an incredible gift to enable people to get their life back. I haven't awakened or gone to sleep depressed in weeks. Before I did the therapy, I was depressed almost every single day. I have normal little upsets now, like anyone else, but I can deal with it and feel good again. My relationships with people are amazing now that I no longer have the mental filter of my past relationships with family to get in the way of reacting authentically. What a blessing! Love, Shirely

THANK YOU THANK YOU...You are an inspiration to new people on the list.


From: Elnora Van Winkle>

Date: Fri Apr 21, 2000 1:13pm

Subject: Post flood diet and creativity
> Hi Ellie!

I'm eating a lot of meat these days - a good old "Paleo" diet of meat, fish, and raw vegetables, and right now no fruit. I cheat and have a little cheese, but I don't mind, for now. I feel great. When I did a low carb/Paleo diet before post-flood, I still overate, and spent a lot of money on food. Now I'm amazed how little food I'm wanting, and how much is still in there in the refrigerator! BTW, the supervisor at work that I had so much trouble with? She and I are doing the same diet together, and comparing notes daily at work. She and I get along really fantastically now. Shirley

Paleodiet would be a great diet for any who were turned off by my Instinctive Eating and the thought of going right into raw animal flesh. A book called Neanderthin by Ray Audette describes the Paleo diet. It is a diet with NO for grains, beans, potatoes, dairy and sugar, and YES for meat, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and berries. There is a PaleoFood support list on:
The meat is cooked, but if you can get PASTURED beef, you will not need to cook very much. The flesh of pastured animals can be aged with very little accumulation of bacteria. Remember, bacteria feed on junk, not on healthy tissues. If there is a Food Emporium near you, I just got some beautiful steaks from pastured animals from Argentina. Since the Food Emporiums often have the same foods, I hope you can get this beef.

Dear Ellie

> So much in my life has improved by quantum leaps in the last 3-4 weeks. I still get much too impatient to see myself achieve something with my talents -- I know it takes some seed planting and foundation laying, and I've been a "make it happen now" kind of girl. Of course, in the past that was largely related to the depression cycles and trying to get something accomplished while I was still feeling good, knowing I might be feeling too bad to continue on it by the next morning or afternoon. I kind of know instinctively that I'm going to be both making important decisions and acting appropriate on them in the next few months, and not to force it. I still think about the last 10 years of inactivity (music and art-wise) and panic or get mad, but I pull myself right out of it and just do something constructive. It passes very quickly. I feel myself opening up to my visual artist more than my musician right now, and that's probably a good change. I'm working extra to have money so I can get a ton of silk and do silk painting again. (At one point I was quite successful at it.) More later -- Have a glorious day -- Shirely
I just want to mention that now that I'm post flood, I find my creativity comes in cycles. My work is on this list and in my prison project. I'm inspired daily to do it, but as soon as I feel any frustration, I quit. I think post flood people of the future will not be likely to have careers that involve 9-5 jobs.


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