MS Experts:
Nikolaus Terschlüsen, Germany
Eric Maitrepierre, France
Ignacio Gonzalez, Spain
BC participants: 30
Members of the SCM, members Human Resources Department of the SCM, members of other administrative units of the SCM, inspectors of the Judicial Inspection.
Duration: 30 – 31.10.2006
1.13 Seminar: Data protection in Justice Administration
MS Experts:
BC participants: 32
Members of the SCM, Director and Deputy Director of The Human Resources Department of the SCM, staff of the European Integration and International Relations Department of the SCM, judges and prosecutors, statisticians from courts and prosecutor’s offices.
Duration: 22.05. – 23.05.2006
(For further details, please see the Report in Annex 3, 1st Quarterly Report)
MS Experts:
Dr. Bernd Scheiff, Germany
Gerd Nolden, Germany
BC participants: 20
Staff of the PIUSs from the SCM, NIM and NSC, magistrates in charge of managing projects on court/parquet level.
Duration: 05.10. – 06.10.2006
1.15 IT in Judicial Administration
MS Experts:
Dr. Richard Brenner, Germany
Dirk Steffens, Germany
BC participants: 15
Members of the IT Department of the SCM, representatives of the IT departments of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Prosecutor's Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice, IT specialists from and Presidents of Courts of Appeal.
Duration: 4 – 5.12.2006
1.16 2nd Seminar IT in judicial administration
MS Expert:
Mr. Richard Brenner, Germany
BC participants: 24
Judges and prosecutors in leading positions from different courts and prosecutor’s offices, IT experts from different courts and prosecutor’s offices, head of the IT Unit of the SCM, IT experts from the MoJ.
Duration: 11.09.2007
1.1.17 Internship of the Head of the IT Unit in Germany
Duration: 5 – 16.03.2007
Program: please see Annex 2, 4th Quarterly Report.
1.1.17 Internship of the Deputy of the Secretary General of the Superior Council of the Magistracy in Germany
Alexandru Ionescu, Deputy of the Secretary General of the SCM
Duration: 1 – 15.05.2007
(Please see program in Annex 6, 5th Quarterly Report)
1.1.17 Internship of the Head of the Unit in charge with preparing the SCM sessions at the Spanish General Council of the Judicial Power
preparing the SCM sessions
General Council of the Judicial Power, Spain
Duration: 3 – 16.06.2007
(Please see program in Annex 7, 5th Quarterly Report)
1.1.17 Internship of the Head of Legislation Department of the Superior Council of the Magistracy at the Italian Superior Council of the Magistracy
Elena Hach, Head of the Legislation Department, SCM
Superior Council of the Magistracy, Italy
Duration: 17 – 30.06.2007
(Please see program in Annex 8, 5th Quarterly Report)
1.1.17 Internship of the Head of Public Relations Office
Andreea Nica, Public Relations Office, SCM
Duration: 17 – 30.06.2007
(Please see program in Annex 9, 5th Quarterly Report)
1.17 Internship of the Secretary General of the Superior Council of the Magistracy at the Italian Superior Council of Magistrates
Ms Corina Alina Corbu Secretary General of the SCM
Duration: 30.09. - 13.10.2007
(Please see program in Annex _, 6th Quarterly Report )
1.1.17 Internship of the Head of the Unit for Judges and the Head of the Unit for Prosecutors of the Human Relations Department of the SCM to Germany
Maria Militaru, Prosecutor, Head of the Unit for Prosecutors, Human Ressources Department SCM
Adrian Telu, Judge, Head of the Unit for Judges, Human Resources Department SCM
Duration: 4 – 17.11.2007
(Please see program in Annex __, 7th Quarterly Report)
I.1.18 Workshop: developing an up-to-date IT-based registration system for the SCM)
MS Expert:
BC participants: 25
Heads of departments of the SCM, Secretary General, staff of the IT Unit, registrars from the Judicial Inspection, Legislative Department and European Integration and International Relations Department.
Duration: 26.06.-28.06.2006
In view of the administrative tasks of the SCM, not only concerning the personnel administration for almost 6.000 magistrates, but also the treatment of thousands of complaints, the work of the Judicial Inspection, etc. it is essential for the SCM to have an IT-based registration system for developing an efficient organization. In order to solve this urgent problem a German IT specialist from the Appeal Court of Koeln made, in cooperation with the leading staff of the SCM-administration, a detailed analysis of what would have to go into an IT-based registration and file track system that would address the need of the SCM. The registration and file-tracking software developed by the expert and used in most court administration throughout the Land of Northrhine-Westfalia was translated into Romanian and installed in four SCM Compartments, where it is being tried out. Depending on the resulting needs of the SCM, this software will be adapted by the expert, or a new one developed.