Overview Saipem and Bos Shelf have formed a consortium (also involving Star Gulf) to deliver the Jackets and
associated marine activities for the Shah Deniz 2 Project and as such each will assume joint and
several liability. Saipem will base its Construction and Pipelay vessels at Bos Shelf whenever they are
not working offshore. The construction and Pipelay vessels will also undertake maintenance and
upgrades works within the Bos Shelf facility.
The work will be conducted under BP Master Agreement CAS- MA -017 Heath, Safety, Security and Environmental Requirements and CALL- OFF 002 (SD-C-089) Attachment A CALL OFF SPECIAL
CONDITIONS. The full scope of work for both Bos Shelf and Saipem may be summarised as follows.
Bos Shelf
Bos Shelf Fabrication and load out of jackets x 2
Bos Shelf Provide logistical, manpower and craneage support to Saipem Barges Vessels
when alongside at Bos Shelf Facility.
Upgrade and maintain barges and vessels applicable to the Scope of Work
Mobilisation and Demobilisation of project equipment onto/off the Barges Vessels applicable to
the work to be conducted.
- Transport and Installation of pin piles and templates for the jackets x 2
- Transport and installation of jackets and decks and the installation testing and pre-commissioning of
the subsea infrastructure associated with the field development of two subsea well clusters.
Pipelay activities as follows:
(a) 32 inch Gas Export Pipeline #1 approximately 86 km, Sangachal landfall
location to SDB-PR including the installation of 1 drop out spool within the 32
inch Gas Export Pipeline.
(b) 16 inch Condensate Export Pipeline complete with 6 inch MEG Import Pipeline
piggyback both approximately 86 km, Sangachal landfall location to SDB-PR
including installation of 1 drop out spool within the 16 inch Condensate Export
Pipeline and 1 drop out spool within the 6 inch MEG Import Pipeline.
(c) 2X14 inch Flowlines approximately 4 km each, c/w Direct Electrical Heating
(DEH) cable piggyback, SDB-PR to North Flank manifold cluster inclusive of
Flowline Termination Assembly (FTA) and walking anchor flanges.
(d) 2X14 inch Flowlines approximately 3.5 km each, c/w DEH cable piggyback
SDB-PR to Western Flank manifold cluster inclusive of FTA and walking