Physics, Chemistry and Material Sciences Doctoral School

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Physics, Chemistry and Material Sciences Doctoral School

Thesis committee annual report

on the work done in the first PhD year
This record, previously filled by the PhD student and signed by the supervisor, will be sent in Word format to the thesis sponsor, given by the office of the Graduate School, before doing the interview.

Following this interview, the thesis sponsor will fill the last page and return the complete record in PDF format, by email to the Doctoral School secretary (, before July 15, with the following mail subject: Suivi de thèse_1_PhD student last name.

For PhD students in joint supervision or in co-supervision with a partner university, the interview can be realized by Skype, if necessary.
Note that the complete file will be requested by the office of the Graduate School for re-enrollment in the second year

Administrative information

(to be filled by the PhD student before the interview)
- Last name and first name of the PhD student:
- Date of first PhD registration:
- Administrative attachment (UPS/INSA/INP):
- Funding:

  • Research grant (MESR, CNRS, Région):

  • Other funding (specify):

  • employee (full time, part time):

  • Doctoral contract (yes /no) :

If yes, specify what kind of additional mission (teaching, consulting in a company…):

- Thesis topic :

- Principal research unit:

- University / School :

- Laboratory or research team (specify name, unit, n°) :
- Thesis supervisor:

Official co-supervisor (if any):

Other co-supervisor (if any):

- secondary research unit (if necessary) :

  • Is it a joint PhD or a co-supervision? :

- University / School:

- Laboratory or research team (specify name, type of unit, n°):

- Thesis supervisor :

Official co-supervisor (if any):

Other co-supervisor (if any):
- Sponsor or referent given by the office of the Doctoral School :

Last name, first name, email, phone number

Scientific project: progress report

(to be filled by the PhD student before the interview)

Summary of one page max.
- Short description of the thesis subject and objectives versus state of art:

- Results obtained during the first year:

- Financial and material means used to achieve your project:
- Prospects and projects planned on thesis work for the next year:

- Short description of your future professional project:

Requirements for the PhD defense : progress report

(to be filled by the PhD student before the interview)

- Scientific trainings giving rise to credits
- Master or doctoral courses (1 credit / 20h of formation)

Limited to 2 credits; an attendance certificate should be attached to the future PhD defense record


Title of the courses, number of teaching hours

(specify the course: Master 2, doctoral courses)


- Participation in thematic schools or training workshops (1 credit / school or workshop)

Limited to 2 credits; an attendance certificate and a short written report should be attached to the future PhD defense record


Title of the thematic school, internship ..


- Oral presentation in a conference (1 credit for a local or national congress, 2 credits for an international conference with presentation in English)

Limited to 2 credits; an attendance certificate should be attached to the future PhD defense record




N.B. the presentation of an oral presentation is compulsory during the PhD thesis.

- Professional integration-oriented trainings giving rise to credits
- General trainings from "Ecole des Docteurs" (½ credit for 1 full-day training session)

Limited to 2 credits; an attendance certificate should be attached to the future PhD defense record



- Doctoriales (2 credits)

Date :

- Skills development: a new chapter of the thesis (2 credits)

Please contact first the Doctoral School for agreement

Start of training:
Date of the oral defense:

- Consulting in a company (1 credit/year)

start and end of contract:

- Other modules

Please contact first the Doctoral School for agreement

- Teaching activities
DCE (1 year + 6 formation days / 2 credits including 1 professional integration-oriented credits ; 2 years + 11 formation days / 3 credits including 1 professional integration-oriented credits)

Limited to 2 years of DCE (except for “agrégé”); a copy of the contract should be attached to the future PhD defense record
If DCE, date of contract:

Temporary teaching (1 credit/50 h of teaching)

Limited to 1 credit; a proof should be attached to the future PhD defense record




(C, TD, TP)

Nb of hours

- Popular science (1 credit/20 h. investment)

Limited to 1 credit; a proof should be attached to the future PhD defense record


Event title

Activities done by the PhD student

Number of credits obtained by the PhD student at the end of the first year:

Non official test (specify the date and place of the test and the resulting score):

Official test (specify the date and place of the test and the resulting score):

English courses (specify the period and the number of teaching hours):

- FLE (for english-speaker)
French courses (specify the period and the number of teaching hours):
Level obtained :

- Scientific production
Poster presentations (specify title, date, place of the scientific meeting, the title of the poster and names of all co-authors)
Talks in conferences / conference proceedings (specify title, date, place of the scientific meeting and the title of the poster and names of all co-authors)

Publications (specify title, authors, references) or patents

Comments and appreciation of the thesis supervisor(s)

Electronic signature

Sponsor Report after the interview

Merci de remplir ce rapport puis de retourner l’ensemble du dossier en format pdf à l’ED SdM
Je soussigné, NOM et prénom, parrain(marraine) du(de la) doctorant(e) NOM et prénom, sur la base du dossier ci-joint qu’il(elle) m’a communiqué et de l’entretien que nous avons eu ensemble le xx/xx/201x exprime l’opinion suivante compte tenu des objectifs du projet et du calendrier :







Critères Scientifiques


Connaissance du sujet


Etat d’avancement du projet


Définition des travaux à venir en termes d’objectifs scientifiques et de calendrier


Infrastructure et moyens en adéquation avec le projet développé


Relations encadrant/doctorant(e)

Pré-requis ED


Connaissance des pré-requis pour la soutenance


Nombre / impact des formations suivies et/ou crédits obtenus depuis le début de la thèse

: points faibles / + : points forts ; question en rouge : point important à considérer

En conséquence (rayer la mention inutile)

- J’eMETS un AVIS FAVORABLE à la poursuite du projet de thèse tel qu’il a été présenté dans son rapport et discuté lors de l’entretien.

Recommandation/commentaire éventuel
- JE RECOMMANDE UNE REUNION AVEC l’ED pour les raisons suivantes :

Fait à Toulouse, le xx/xx/201x Signature ou nom du parrain(marraine)

Ecole doctorale Sciences de la Matière

Maison de la Recherche et de la Valorisation
Université Paul Sabatier, 118, route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse Cedex

Téléphone 05 61 25 00 64 Mél. : http://

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