Two different views to terminology: Iran and Industrial Countries
Modern world needs modern terminologies and modern terminologies need a scientific foundation for studying terminology science. According to the desires of industrial societies, the schools of terminology were created and developed during the years.
When we look at this science today, terminology has two different tradition and meaning in the world and Iran. This difference is more obvious between Iran and industrial countries. In fact, what we mean by terminology in Iran is to find equivalents to foreign terms in Persian language. Howevre, industrial countries try to standardize concepts and terms. So, the concept of terminology in Iran is just a part of terminology science and terminology work, in its international meaning.
In this article, we are going to explain more about the terminology work in Iran and point out the reasons of the difference we have mentioned above; also the historical, sociological, psychological, … processes we have gone through to reach the point we are now. Then we will compare it with industrial countries from two point of views; its concept and its applications. As mentioned before, the concept of terminology in Iran is a part of terminology science. But the application of terminology has a great difference in Iran and industrial countries. In Iran terminology is significant in scientfic studies. It has no application in bussiness and commercial affairs, which is its most important utilization in industrial countries. The use of computer in terminology work is another aspect which makes the distinction. In this article we will explain the subject in detail.
Parvizi, Nasrin
The Academy of the Persian languge and literature: terminology projects, successes and failures
see: Mahnoush Tehrani
Peacock, Dr. Matthew
"My paper clearly demonstrates...": A cross-disciplinary comparison of boosting in research articles
This paper describes an analysis of the language of academic research articles across six disciplines: Business (Marketing and Management), Public and Social Administration, Law, Language and Linguistics, Environmental Science, and Physics and Materials Science. The main focus of my study was an interdisciplinary comparison of authors' comments on the significance of their research – particularly their use of boosters such as 'clearly', 'obviously', and 'shows' – in their discussion/conclusion sections. A secondary focus was the proportional length of the four main sections of the articles (introduction, methods, results, and discussion/conclusions). The investigation was based on quantitative and qualitative analysis of my corpus of over 1,000,000 words gathered from 216 research articles in 36 leading refereed journals (six journals from each discipline, six articles from each journal). Considerable interdisciplinary variation was found in the way that authors used boosters to emphasise the value of their work, and also in the overall structure of the articles. The results have implications for the teaching of LSP in the target disciplines, specifically the teaching of dissertation writing and writing for publication. I propose that LSP teaching and materials in these areas should be informed by research into the genre of research articles.
Peltola, Johanna
Webvertising – Multimediales Sprachlernprogramm für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (Finnisch-Deutsch)
together with: Sabine Ylönen
Neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sind heute in der Wirtschaft ein nicht mehr wegzudenkender Faktor. Mehr und mehr kleine und mittlere Unternehmen präsentieren sich und ihre Produkte multimedial Online. Um auf dem internationalen Markt bestehen zu können, müssen die Präsentationen auch in Fremdsprachen angeboten werden. Ziel des vorzustellenden Projekts, das vom Aktionsprogramm Leonardo der EU unterstützt wurde, war die Analyse der Besonderheiten von Werbesprache im WWW und möglicher interkultureller Unterschiede finnischer und deutscher Präsentationen. Auf der Basis dieser Analysen wurde ein Sprachlernprogramm auf CD-ROM mit Webanbindung für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen sowie für Studenten der Wirtschaftswissenschaften produziert. Die Projektergebnisse und das Sprachlernprogramm wurden im Lang-Verlag Berlin publiziert (Hahn, M. & Ylönen, S. 2000. Werbekommunikation im Wandel Modernes Marketing in deutschen und finnischen Unternehmen).
Peltola, Johanna
EUROMOBIL Multimediales Sprachlernprogramm zur Förderung studentischer Mobilität
see: Renata Halasz
Pennarola, Dr. Cristina
“Click on”: action and interaction in web advertising
The paper sets out to highlight some rhetorical strategies characteristic of banner advertising: in particular, the call to action conveyed by commands and direct questions and also reinforced in software design by verbal and visual icons. Banners represent a highly sophisticated form of multimedia advertising. However, visual refinement and technological wizardry do not seem to fairly match the verbal encoding of the promotional message, which relies on simple and straightforward headlines. Because of the format of web advertisements, the verbal code appears to be outweighed by the visual and the written text reduced to a remarkable sentence which usually exploits the various techniques of aphorisms: punning, antithesis, metaphor, paradox, hyperbole. Specific information related to the products and services promoted is delayed to the actual opening of the website linked to the banner (through the click-on button): this might be considered the principal (but certainly not the only) expression of interactive advertising.
Peretz, Dr. Arna
Academic writing for graduate students of science: What do they really need?
In this paper I describe an interactive academic writing course for graduate students of science at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. A monolingual perspective was adopted, i.e. the course was conducted exclusively in English, since the participating students, who were nonnative speakers of English, did not share a common native language; languages represented in the classroom included Hebrew, Russian, Mongolian, Nepali, and Chinese. The purpose and structure of the course, including requirements, types of classroom- and home-based tasks, and writing and editing of homework assignments, will be described. Evaluation criteria and the use of formative feedback will be discussed in detail. The rationale behind the underlying premise of the course, that writing is interactive or cooperative in nature, and its effect on course format, as well as the use of peer feedback or whole class examination of selected assignments, will also be presented.
Picht, Heribert
Forms of representation in terminology (designation/term, definition, explanation, description, LSP phrases, and other semiotic forms of representation)
together with: Christer Laurén
Paper to be presented in German
Traditionally, terminology has been interested only in concepts expressed by natural language and, hence, in natural language terms. The paper discusses the necessity of finding a place also for non-linguistic expressions and discusses a classification of types of non-linguistic expressions. Modern media also give endless possibilities of expressing with non-linguistic means dynamic phenomena which have to be taken into account.
see also: Colloquium Terminology science at the crossroads?
Picht, Heribert
Terminology from a linguistic point of view. From which linguistic point of view? From a semiotic point of view?
see: Christer Laurén
Pilke, Nina
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