see: Ellen Christoffersen
Veisbergs, Andrejs
Bilingual media translation of ideologically loaded historical and legal texts
Though Latvia has only one official language, the country is in fact bilingual – it has a large Russian-speaking minority. This means that market dictates bilingualism in media. Accordingly bilingual translation – either voiceover in one language and subtitles in the other, or subtitles in both – is frequently used. As the cultural norms conventions, ideologies, historical perceptions of the two communities and naturally also linguistic structures in the two languages are not similar and translation is done by different individuals the translations tend to vary considerably. This poses a question of the level of precision of translation versus adaptation or manipulation of information. Also the viewers (most of whom are at least passive bilinguals and who consciously or subconsciously follow the translation in two languages) in these cases question the quality of translation. This certainly does not improve the prestige of the media translators, and accordingly does not tend to improve financial conditions of their work. Consequently serious, educated and experienced translators are not attracted to media. The specificity of bilingual translation calls for serious post-translation editing as well as popular enlightenment as to what happens in subtitling (time and space constraints, reduction, neutralization, etc).
Vesselkova, O.
Autonomous learner and language environment constructing (from experience of business German teaching)
see: Sergei Lyapin
Wiese, Ingrid
Fallbericht und Erfahrungsbericht - ein Vergleich
Ein Fallbericht (Kasuistik) ist eine ärztliche Beschreibung über eine Krankheit und deren Verlauf bei einem speziellen Patienten. Dieser Textsorte wird ein spezifischer Stellenwert für den ärztlichen Wissens- und Erfahrungserwerb beigemessen. Fallberichte haben die Funktion, die ärztliche Alltagserfahrung zu bereichern. Sie sollen die Chronologie des Geschehens festhalten.
In der gegenwärtigen Umbruchsituation der Medizin, in der Anfänge des Übergangs von der patriarchalischen zur partnerschaftlichen Medizin sichtbar werden, meldet sich auch der Betroffene (der "Fall") selbst zunehmend zu Wort. Ein Forum für den Patienten bieten die von den Selbsthilfegruppen herausgegebenen Publikationen, zunehmend werden auch die technischen Möglichkeiten des Internets für den Patienteninformationsaustausch genutzt. In den von den Selbsthilfegruppen herausgegebenen Zeitschriften bildet sich eine medizinische Laientextsorte, der Erfahrungsbericht, heraus.In einem Erfahrungsbericht stellt der Betroffene selbst seine Lebensumstände vor und beschreibt seine Krankheit und den Krankheitsverlauf. Ziel des Beitrages ist es, vergleichend zu analysieren, inwieweit in der Laientextsorte Erfahrungsbericht die Textstrukturen und die sprachliche Repräsentationsebene der Textsorte Fallbericht reflektiert werden und inwieweit eine "Sprache des Betroffenen" eingebracht wird.
Wittwer, Michael
Emotionality – a contribution for raising the understandability of popularising texts in paediatrics
The phenomenon of emotionality is inseparably connected with the understandability of popularising texts in paediatrics. Based on the special situation of communication between the doctor and the ill hild the evaluation of the emotional situation of the recipient of the text forms an essential component for overcoming the asymmetrical relationship in communication with the author of the text.
In the analysis to be presented we study the emotions of the recipient anticipated by the author of the text. For these analysis we prefer a complex approach because the emotions and feelings of a recipient are influenced by various dimensions. These dimensions can be divided into three levels: the situational level with cultural, social and cognitive characteristics of the recipient, the level of contents with the professional information and the level of the linguistic and non- linguistic expression of the emotions in the popularising text in paediatrics.
From our point of view we define emotionality as the reflection of the cultural, social and cognitive characteristics of the respective situation of communication within the professional and understandable level of contents using adequate linguistic instruments.
Yakhontova, Assoc. Prof. Tatyana
Analyzing and teaching abstracts
The abstract (in all variety of its actual genres) is a widespread and popular form of written academic communication in the English language. The knowledge of its conventions and of the possible ways of their creative reproduction in individual writing is vital for professionals, both native- and non-native speakers. Researching and teaching different kinds of abstracts may be facilitated by an analytical approach that equally considers their features belonging to the various levels of the genre organization.
This paper suggests a procedure of the analysis of journal and conference abstracts that attempts to embrace communicative, cognitive, pragmatic, and textual paradigms of these genres viewed, however, as inseparable aspects of one whole. It involves the clarification of the communicative purposes of abstracts and their role in shaping appropriate cognitive patterns of content organization, the consideration of the potential influence of various pragmatic factors (arising from e.g., disciplinary or cultural contexts) on the pattern and the ways of its textual realization, and the analysis of the most conspicuous language features.
When applied for pedagogical purposes, this analytical procedure helps non-native speakers to raise their awareness of the conventions of the genre and, further, to develop the adequate skills of its construction.
Ylönen, Dr. Sabine
EUROMOBIL Multimediales Sprachlernprogramm zur Förderung studentischer Mobilität
see: Renata Halasz
Ylönen, Dr. Sabine
Webvertising – Multimediales Sprachlernprogramm für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (Finnisch-Deutsch)
see: Johanna Peltola
Zughoul, Muhammad Raji
Hedging in journalistic Arabic: A study in contrastive political discourse
Hedging has been the topic of a number of studies in English, but only recently has it become an area of investigation in the written discourse in Arabic. This study aims at investigating the linguistic phenomenon of hedging as finely employed in journalistic political discourse written in both English and Arabic in the Arab World. For this purpose, the writer intends to analyze a number of newspaper columns in two Jordanian dailies: the Arabic al-rai and the English Jordan Times covering the same topics with emphasis on hot political issues. The investigation and analysis will focus on five main dimensions of direct relevance to hedging in discourse. These include the principal devices, categories and pragmatic functions of hedging; the density of the metadiscourse features in the two languages (two newspapers), a taxonomy of Arabic and English hedges; the relationship between politeness and hedging in the two languages; and the main voices (I, we, others, unknown, passive) used in political discourse in the two newspapers.
The findings of the study are perceived to contribute to a better understanding of hedging on one hand and the relationships of the political situation to the density and quality of hedging in the two languages as presented by the two newspapers.
Åbrink, Ph.Dr. Håkan
Selling rhetoric in the net. About companies´ websites as a communication form
see: Sirpa Koiranen
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