Türk müziğinin dikey çok seslendirme yönünden temel özellikleri, Türk müziğinde dikey çok seslendirme uygulamaları, Türk müziğinin yatay çok seslendirme yönünden temel özellikleri, Türk müziğinde yatay çok seslendirme uygulamaları, Türk müziği eserleri üzerinde armonik yönden inceleme çalışmaları.
Okul Öncesi Müzik Eğitiminde Genel Yaklaşımlar
Okul öncesi müzik eğitiminin tanımlanması. Çocukların tüm gelişim alanlarını destekleyecek ve bir amaç doğrultusunda yapılacak yöntem ve teknikler. Çocuğun kişilik gelişimini ve sosyalleşmesini sağlayacak, duygularını ifade edebileceği, yaratıcılığını destekleyebileceği müzik eğitim programları oluşturma. Çocuklar için müzik öğretiminde uygulanabilecek özel yöntem ve teknikler.
Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri
Bilim ve temel kavramlar (olgu, bilgi, mutlak, doğru, yanlış, evrensel bilgi v.b.), bilim tarihine ilişkin temel bilgiler, bilimsel araştırmanın yapısı, bilimsel yöntemler ve bu yöntemlere ilişkin farklı görüşler, problem, araştırma modeli, evren ve örneklem, verilerin toplanması ve veri toplama yöntemleri (nicel ve nitel veri toplama teknikleri), verilerin kaydedilmesi, analizi, yorumlanması ve raporlaştırılması.
Basic Approaches in Nutrition and Dietetics
The students familiarize themselves with the profession of nutrition and dietetics during his course. They understand the duties, capabilities, responsibilities and the work ethics of the profession.
Organic Chemistry
In this course, the students will be provided with the knowledge about and the cognitive skills required for understanding the chemical properties of acids, bases, alcohols, Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones, Esters, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, amides, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.
General Chemistry
This course will cover the fundamental topics in chemistry including: Structure of atoms, elements and their properties, molecules, chemical compounds, chemical bonds, chemical equations and reactions, aqueous solutions, periodic table, gases and the electronic structure of the atom.
Introduction to Nutrients
With this course, it is aimed that the students will gain an understanding of the fundamental theories related to nutrients, their types and their properties.
Principles of Nutrition
This course constitutes of the following topics: Carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and mineral content of nutrients; their chemistry, properties, sources, digestion, absorption and metabolism; requirements; problems of excessive and imbalanced intake; calorific values; energy expenditure, energy balance and imbalance problems; and relationship between nutrition and health.
Nutritional Biochemistry II
This course is aimed at providing knowledge on the bodily functions of proteins, water-soluble and fast-soluble vitamins, hormones and minerals, give details about their metabolism, give details about biochemical and functional changes due to insufficient or excessive intake.
Nutritional Biochemistry I
This course is aimed at providing knowledge on the bodily functions of water (water and electrolyte balance),carbohydrates and fats; give details about their metabolism, give details about biochemical and functional changes due to insufficient or excessive intake.
Food Microbiology and Food Safety
This course aims to provide information about bacteria and other micro-organisms, gut flora, disinfection, and sterilisation; diseases developing through nutrient intake; and the importance of micro-organisms in the preparation and production of food and beverages.
Food Chemistry
Introduction to food chemistry. Carbohydrates: Most important oligosaccharides and food polysaccharides. Proteins: characteristic representatives, nutritional value, preparation of hydrolysates, Maillard reaction. Lipids: Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, essential fatty acids, food intake, fatty acid oxidation, cholesterol. Vitamins: Structure, Food Consistency, Role, Properties, Stability. Other nutrients and biotechnological substrates: terpenoids, steroids, carotenoids, lignans, anthocyanins, glycosides, alkaloids. Functional food components: flavonoids, polyphenols, other natural antioxidants, formation and defense of free radicals. Ions in food: representation, tansport, physiological effect of importance in technological processes. Water: structure, properties, interactions in food. Nutrition Supplements: Sweeteners, preservatives, colors, flavors, antioxidants, emulsifiers. Enzymes in food component transformations: proteases, lipases, glycosidases, nucleases, polyphenol oxidases. Basic food chemistry.
Introduction to Nutritional Services
This course aim to provide information about the classification of businesses providing catering services, organization of the area for food and beverages, purchasing, receipt and storage of foodstuffs, managing quality in food and beverage service, give information about healt, safety and security in catering services, methods in catering services, give examples of foodservices (e.g. hospital catering, in-flight catering) and give basic of cost-control of food and beverages.
Nutritional Education and Consultancy
This course mainly aims to develop student skills on education in nutrition, and their communication and presentation skills. Within this context, they will learn about individual learning and behaviour theories; motivational strategies, their analysis; application of the techniques used in behavioural modification; cognitive-behavioural strategies; assessment and discussion of individual learning and behaviour theories; as well as the development and distribution of brochures related to nutrition.
Food Preparation and Cooking Methods
This course aims to provid information about pre-preparation , preparation and cooking methods, effects of cooking methods on nutrients, increasing nutrient content of food, the contents of the nutrients forming nutrient groups for food preparation (4 basic food molecules), balanced and sufficient diet, menu and menu planning (yield test, usage of claims), give basic features and division with different aspects (menu and normatives), give basics about foodservice systems and give informations about design of food service system (kitchen area). Out of this information's students will be able to make their own menu for different purposes. They will also practice their skills of meal preparation in the professional kitchen using learned cooking methods.
Mother and Child Nutrition
This course will cover an extensive knowledge base and will include the following topics: Nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding; importance of nutrition during pregnancy in mother and child health; Energy and nutrient requirements during pregnancy; nutrition in pregnant women; physiology of lactation and factors affecting it; energy and nutrient requirements during breastfeeding; nutrition in breastfeeding women; nutrition in breastfeeding baby; sufficiency of breast milk; factors preventing from breastfeeding; nutritional problems in pre-school children; nutrition of the baby in the first 4 months; baby food and formula food; nutrition of 4-12 month old babies, pre-school period; nutrition of 1-5 year old children; nutrition of school-age children.
Nutrition in Child Diseases
The topics of: nutrition of premature babies, nutrition of undernourished babies, nutrition in diseases of absorption, nutrition in gastroenteritis and infective diseases, nutrition in Type I Insulin dependent diabetes, nutrition in congenital metabolic diseases, nutrition for the renal, muscular and nervous diseases, is covered in this course. The students will also gain knowledge on observation and examination in childhood diseases and enteral-parenteral nutrition in children and premature babies.
Community and Health I
The relationship between health and social sciences; social, cultural and biological factors affecting health; population; understanding society structure; and structure of health systems will form the knowledge content of this course.
Community and Health II
Main topics covered in this course, which mainly develop epidemiological skills, are: Prevalence and causes of health issues, methods of protection, risk groups in society, health status of risk groups, and prevention measures for health improvement, planning, data collection, analysis and report writing.
Medical Nutrition in Adult Diseases I
Through this course, the students will be informed about : Definitions related to medical nutrition; relationship between nutrition and health; determination of nutritional status; principles of dietary planning; the role and responsibilities of a dietician in clinical trials; medical nutrition in the treatment of obesity/thinness, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diseases of the digestive system, inflammatory and infective diseases, and burns.
Medical Nutrition in Adult Diseases II
The topics covered during this course are: Medical nutrition and trial diet in the treatment of liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidney, bone and joint, and nervous system diseases as well as cancer.
Management of Food Services
This course covers the following essential topics in catering services management: Food safety systems; hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP), kitchen planning; the management structure of food and beverage in different organizations and their comparisons.
Nutritional Support Systems
Description and types of malnutrition; Methods used in the depiction of nutritional status; Main principles of enteral-parenteral feeding and their complications, indications, advantages/disadvantages; enteral-parenteral products and their areas of use; calculation of energy and nutritional element requirements in enteral-parenteral feeding; disease-specific nutritional support treatments; analysis of job implementation of nutrition teams in the hospitals; and practical applications, are the main topics covered in this course.
Legal Procedures for Nutrition
This course covers the topics related to the legal aspects in the field of nutrition such as: Food quality and properties; legal arrangements and provisions; factors affecting the efficiency of food safety; food additives; chemical contaminations.
Community Health Intership
The students are provided with the opportunity to carry out a field study.
Bussiness Management Skills
The students will be informed about the concept of business and environmental factors; social and ethical responsibilities of businesses; business investments; business management; production management; marketing; human and financial resources management.
Education at Workplace I
This course serves the purpose of unifying and reinforcing knowledge and skills by carrying out applications in professional fields.
Education at Workplace II
This course serves the purpose of unifying and reinforcing knowledge and skills by carrying out applications in professional fields.
Graduation Project I
The requirements for the graduation project ensures the student attains competence in carrying out a scientific study, writing reports and present findings related to the field of catering services and nutrition and dietetics under supervision.
Graduation Project II
The requirements for the graduation project ensures the student attains competence in carrying out a scientific study, writing reports and present findings related to the field of catering services and nutrition and dietetics under supervision.
Nutrition Related Diseases
This course is aimed at providing knowledge on the characteristics of and protection specifications for the diseases related to nutrition.
Case Analysis
This course provides the students with the opportunity: to identify the problem through systematic use of problem solving and analytic skills; and to choose the appropriate methods for generating solutions in large group discussions, relevant to the issues or scenarios they would potentially face at workplace.
Introduction to Occupational Therapy
The students familiarize themselves with the profession of occupational therapy during his course. They understand the duties, capabilities, responsibilities and the work ethics of the profession; analyze daily-life activities, the basic logic of ergotherapeutic approaches in different diseases and understand the importance of teamwork.
Theories of Occupational Therapy
In this course, the students understand the importance and the philosophy of occupational therapy theories; paradigms; reference frames; therapy approaches; ergotherapy models and learn their practical applications.
Health and Wellness Strategies
This course covers the topics of: the role of the occupational therapist in improving health and wellness; health-related concepts; analysis of health and wellness related improvement strategies and the same in cases of functional limitations based on performance -centered human activity/ roles.
Activities in Occupational Therapy
This course covers: Concepts related to activity directed at enhancing role performance; the role of activity analysis in the selection of therapeutic activity; therapeutic activity and exercise.
Nervous System: Structure and Function
This course introduces the student to the structural properties of the human nervous system as well as informing about how life functions, sensory and motor activities are carried out.
Performance Areas : Sensory-Motor
The students learn sensory systems and their relationship with daily life; the main principles of the theories and techniques of sensory unity; assessment methods in visual, sensory and perceptory dysfunction; and principles of ergotherapy, in this course.
Occupational Therapy in Musculoskeletal Diseases
In this course, the student learns the ergotherapeutic approaches applied for the problems leading to different type of functional insufficiencies in the musculoskeletal system, with the purpose of improving performance.
Performance Areas: Psychosocial
In this course, the students recognize psychosocial performance competence and analyze psychosocial status in cases of different functional dysfunctionality and disability, as well as learning how to assess these situations.