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Fitzpatrick R.W. and P.J. Butterworth (1997). Magnetism and X-ray diffraction as sediment tracers in runoff water from a tree felled subcatchment. CSIRO Div. Soils Tech. Report No. 7/1997

  • Hollingsworth, I. D. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1997). Improving Stream Water Quality. National Landcare Program Project. Final Report. CSIRO Land & Water Consultancy Report No. 97/18. 89pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1997). Mangrove Swamps and Inland Mangrove Swamp-like soils”. Invited Address at Royal Society of South Australia. On 8th May, 1997. Royal Society of South Australia Inc. Newsletter for June, 1997. (Registered Aust. Post Publication No. SBH 1734). P.3-4.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., and I. D. Hollingsworth (1997). Towards the Development of a Minesoil Interpretation and Classification Manual for Rehabilitating Spoil Landforms. Proceedings of Training Workshop for BHP Staff, October, 1997. 5pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1997). “A global compendium of common iron-rich compounds in soils: morphological and mineralogical properties and environmental significance”. ACLEP Newsletter Vol 6 No.4 pp.18-20.

  • Pedology (and Geomorphology) Research Scientists in CSIRO Land & Water (Fitzpatrick R. W. co- ordinator and editor). (1998). Position statement and strategic planning for pedology and geomorphology in CSIRO Land and Water. Proposal prepared for CSIRO Land & Water Strategic Plan. 7pp.

  • Maschmedt D.J., Dowley A., Cass A and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1996). Getting to know your soils: Field Day. Willunga Basin Almond Producers Landcare Group (4th October, 1996). 35pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and Slade P.G. (1996). Methods for solving soil-related problems causing faults in the Australian telecommunication network. ACLEP Newsletter Vol 5 No.4. pp. 19-21.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., I. D. Hollingsworth, S. McClure, M.D. Raven and P. Soole (1995). Salinity and salt efflorescences in minesoils at Blackwater, Gregory and Saraji minesites. CSIRO Div. Soils Tech. Report No. 20/1995.

  • Hollingsworth I.D., R. Boardman and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1995). Quantitative Land Resource Assessment for P. Radiata (D. Don) in South Australia. ACLEP Newsletter Vol 4, No.2 pp5 -6.

  • Maschmedt D.J., R.W. Fitzpatrick and A. Cass (1995). Getting to know your soils: Field Day. Willunga Basin Almond Producers Landcare Group (16th September, 1995). 25pp.

  • Hollingsworth, I. D. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1995). Technical Soil Classification System for minesoils at Blackwater, Gregory and Saraji minesites. CSIRO Div. Soils Tech. Report No. 39/1995.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., and I.D. Hollingsworth (1994). Towards a new classification of minesoils in Australia based on proposed amendments to Soil Taxonomy. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 19/1994.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., J.W. Cox and P.J. Butterworth (1994). Dryland salinity and salt efflorescences in a micro-catchment near Port Pirie South Australia: A preliminary investigation. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 20/1994.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1994). Some suggestions for updating McDonald et al. (1990) Horizon designations and suffixes and inclusion of a field estimate for mechanical properties (n-Value). ACLEP Newsletter Vol 3 No.2 p.8-9.

  • Maschmedt D.J. R.W. Fitzpatrick, A. Cass and J. Eastham (1994). Getting to know your soils: Field Day. Willunga Basin Almond Producers Landcare Group (14th September, 1994). 35pp.

  • Cass A. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1994). Know your soil and water resources. Soil and water management in irrigated orchards and vineyards: salinity, sodicity, soil structure and water quality. Willunga Basin Almond Producers Landcare Group (26th October, 1994). 23pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., I.D. Hollingsworth, R. Naidu, and D.R. Williamson (1993). Warren Reservoir Integrated Catchment Study: Soil degradation and Water Quality. Being an End of Grant Report for Land & Water Resources Research & Development Corporation, Research and Development Grant CDS5. 15pp. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 18/1993.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., I.D. Hollingsworth, R. Naidu, N. DeLacy, P.J. Davies, P.J. Butterworth, J.Mc. Thompson, D.R. Williamson, J. Keeling, R. Boardman and R. Woods. (1993). Warren Reservoir Integrated Catchment Study: Soil degradation and Water Quality. Compendium of reports, journal articles and video prepared in association with End of Grant Report (CDS5). Being an End of Grant Report for Land & Water Resources Research & Development Corporation, Research and Development Grant CDS5. 95pp.

  • Butterworth, P.J., Fitzpatrick, R.W. and I.D. Hollingsworth (1993). Clay mineralogy of soils from the Warren Reservoir Catchment. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 17/1993.

  • Davies, P.J., Mc. Thompson, J., Fitzpatrick, R.W. and D.R. Williamson (1993). Monitored water table fluctuation in soils of the Warren Reservoir Catchment Area, Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 12/1993.

  • Fitzpatrick, R.W. Fritsch E., Self P.G., and J.W. Cox (1993). Soil landscapes in an Adelaide Hills sub-catchment undergoing degradation. In "Soil Landscapes in the Adelaide Hills and Coastal Plains" (eds. R.W. Fitzpatrick et al.). Field guide for pre- and post- Conference 1 day tours F.2a and F.2b 17th & 24th July, 1993. 10th International Clay Conference/ International Soil Science Society Commission VII, p.3-23.

  • Dryland Salinity Working Group (Beal, A., J. Landsberg, P. Box, P. Cole, C. Creighton, C. Day, Fitzpatrick, R. Nothrop, R. Shaw, P. Thorn, J. Verhoeven and G. Walker.) 1993. Dryland salinity management in the Murray-Darling Basin. Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra, Australia. (ISBN 1 875209 15 8) 145pp.

  • Dillon, P., G. Stanger, S. Barnett, E. Benker, A. Dutkiewicz, R. Fitzpatrick, J. Hacker, T. Herrmann, I. Hollingsworth, A. Holub, W. Hudnall, J. Mazzone, K. Narayan, P.Pavelic, C. Pfaffenberger, and J. Schuering (1994). Sustainable Agriculture in an area of Regional Groundwater Discharge. Being an End of Grant Report for Land & Water Resources Research & Development Corporation, Research and Development Grant CWW3. 11pp.

  • Stanger, G., P. Pavelic, R.W. Fitzpatrick, I. Hollingsworth and J. Schuering (1993). Characterising dryland salinity at Cooke Plains, South Australia. National Conference on Land Management for Dryland Salinity Control (Bendigo 28 September - 1 October 1993).

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1992). Properties and genesis of a sodic Red Brown Earth (Calcic Natrixeralf) near Kapunda, South Australia. CSIRO Div. Soils Tech. Report No. 3/1992. 7pp.

  • Fritsch E. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992) A new method for tackling soil degradation processes. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 44/1992. 6pp.

  • Butterworth P.J. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Magnetic susceptibility and chloride of surface and sub-soils from a micro sub-catchment near Keyneton. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report. No. 45/1992. 9pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., P.J. Davies, J. Thompson and E. Fritsch (1992). Watertable fluctuation in representative soils in seven sub-catchments near Keyneton, Mt. Torrens and Harrogate in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 86/1992. 70pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., W.H. Hudnall, D.J. Lowe, D.J., Maschmedt and R.H. Merry (1992). Proposed changes in the classification of Histosols, Alfisols, Andosols, Aridisols, Inceptisols, Mollisols, Entisols and Spodosols in South Australia. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 51/1992. p.17.

  • Thompson J.Mc., Naidu R., D.R. Williamson and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Lysimeter design, installation and sampling technique to monitor water immediately above clayey B horizons in duplex soils. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report. No. 11/1992. 6pp.

  • Thompson J.Mc., D.R. Williamson, R.W. Fitzpatrick and P.J. Davies (1992) Piezometer design, installation and sampling technique to monitor watertables. 7pp. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 28/1992.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., R. Naidu, E. Fritsch, and I.D. Hollingsworth (1992). Dryland Salinity Processes and Remedies in Mt. Lofty Ranges sub-catchments: Being an End of Grant Report (CDS6). Land & Water Resources Research & Development Corporation, Research and Development Grant CDS6. 15pp. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 100/1992.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., R. Naidu, E. Fritsch, I.D. Hollingsworth, P.J. Davies, J. Thompson, and B.G Williams (1992). Dryland Salinity Processes and Remedies in Mt. Lofty Ranges sub-catchments: Compendium of reports, journal articles and additional information. Being an End of Grant Report for Land & Water Resources Research & Development Corporation, Research and Development Grant CDS6. 95pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., P.J. Butterworth and J.Mc. Thompson (1990). Properties of a highly cultivated soil in the Tillage Test Track at the South Australian Institute of Technology: Plough pan formation and micro-structure decline. CSIRO Div. Soils Tech Memo. No. 13/1990.

  • Thompson J.Mc., P.J. Butterworth, R.W. Fitzpatrick and D.W. Jacquier (1990). Topographic and sampling grid survey of a micro sub-catchment near Keyneton. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum. No. 41/1990.).

  • Wright M.J., R.W. Fitzpatrick, J. Lundy and T.W. Riley and J.M. Fielke (1990). Farmer information survey of abrasive soils. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum. No. 44/1990.

  • Thompson J.Mc. R.W Fitzpatrick, N.J. McKenzie and D.W. Jacquier (1990). Bulk density determination and equipment design by the modified Grossman compliant cavity method CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum. No. 45/1990.

  • Butterworth P.J. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). Hardness and specific gravity determination of soil fractions. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum. No. 47/1990.

  • Butterworth P.J. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). Magnetic susceptibility of surface soils from micro sub-catchments near Keyneton and Orroroo. CSIRO Div. Soils Tech Memo. No. 48/1990.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1990). Research combats costs of abrasive soils. [pamphlet]. Soils Brief. Division of Soils. CSIRO Australia (10): 2pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., T.W. Riley, M.J. Wright, and J. M. Fielke, (1990). Distribution, classification and properties of the abrasiveness of Australian soils. In: Highly abrasive soils and ground engaging tool performance. Eds. R.W Fitzpatrick, T.W. Riley, M.J. Wright et. al.) End of Grant Report (1988 - 1990) for the Australian Wheat Research Council (project No. SAIT 1W). pp.48 – 57.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., T.W. Riley, M.J. Wright, J. M. Fielke, P.J. Butterworth, B.G. Richards, P. Peter, J.Mc. Thompson, M.G. Slattery, D. Chin, S.G. McClure and J. Lundy (1990). Highly abrasive soils and ground engaging tool performance. End of Grant Report (1988 - 1990) for the Australian Wheat Research Council (project No. SAIT 1W). 141pp.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1991). How rising water-tables cause productive soils to alter to saline mangrove swamp like-soils. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Report No. 16/1991. 6pp.


    1. Fitzpatrick R.W., P.J. Butterworth and J.Mc. Thompson (1989). Nature and properties of a highly abrasive gravelly yellow duplex soil Gatum, western Victoria. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 3/1989.

    2. Fitzpatrick R.W. and J.Mc. Thompson (1989) Differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis of mudstone samples from Leigh Creek mine. CSIRO Div. of Soils Tech. Memo No. 27/1989.

    3. Fitzpatrick R.W. and J.Mc. Thompson (1989). Thermal analysis of charcoal samples from a Krasnozem soil, northern NSW. CSIRO Div. of Soils Tech, Memo No. 28/1989.

    4. Wells M.A., R.W. Fitzpatrick, J.Mc. Thompson and F. Veniale (1990). Magnetic and thermal properties of diagenetic and authigenic "Varied-Coloured" clays of the Italian Appenines CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 12/1990.

    5. Fitzpatrick R.W., K. Wetherby and M.J. Wright (editors) (1988). Field workshop on calcareous soils with special reference to irrigated and cereal-cropped lands along a transect from the Victorian/NSW border to Port Augusta, across upper Eyre Peninsula to Nullabor Station. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 20/1988. 88pp.

    6. Fitzpatrick R.W., M.J. Wright and M.A. Wells (1988). Forms of iron oxyhydroxides in podzolic soils on wet hillslopes in the Adelaide Hills. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 53/1988.

    7. Fitzpatrick R.W., B.G. Richards, P. Peter, P.J. Butterworth, J.Mc. Thompson, T.W. Riley and J.M. Fielke (1988). Highly abrasive soils and ground engaging tool performance. Report to the Australian Wheat Research Council. 7pp. plus 13 figures.

    8. Riley G.G., J.Mc. Thompson and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1987). X-ray diffraction studies on two clays from Cobar in New South Wales. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 44/1987.

    9. Butterworth P.J. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1987). Magnetic susceptibility of soils: standardization of a new instrument. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 79/1987.

    10. Fitzpatrick R.W. and P.J. Butterworth (1987). The magnetic susceptibility distribution of some soils from Australia, and South Pacific Islands and relationship to some pedogenic processes. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 80/1987.

    11. Fitzpatrick R.W., B.G. Richards, T.W. Riley and J.M. Fielke (1987). First steps toward an understanding of highly abrasive soils and agricultural implements. Report to the Australian Wheat Research Council 10 p.

    12. Thompson J.Mc. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1986). Thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis of reagent grade Magnesium Oxide. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum: 56/1986.

    13. Thompson J.Mc. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1986). Quantitative analysis of goethite and kaolinite by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis: Standardization. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum No. 73/1986.

    14. Fitzpatrick R.W. and J.Mc. Thompson (1986). Quantitative analysis of goethite and kaolinite by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis: Analysis of selected ferricretes and soils. CSIRO Division of Soils Technical Memorandum. No. 74/1986.

    15. Fitzpatrick R.W., S.P. Terblanche and F. Ellis (1983). A summary of the mineralogy and chemistry of soils and tertiary deposits from the New Varswater Quarry, Langebaan Road: Unit cell parameters of carbonate-fluorapatite and quantitative analysis for calcite, Mg-substitution in the Calcite structure, quartz and apatites. SIRI. Report No. 1032/83.

    16. Fitzpatrick R.W., S.P. Terblanche, L.C. Young, S. Walker and A. Wedepohl (1983). Pedology and Agro-hydrology field excursion arranged for the Mineralogical Association of South Africa (MINSA) SIRI, Report No. 1011/83. 10pp.

    17. Hahne H.C.H., S.P. Terblanche, A.H. Loock, R.W. Fitzpatrick and J. Zeilhofer (1983). Pulverized fuel ash (PFA) as a soil additive in South Africa. SIRI. Report No. 1052/83.

    18. Young L.C. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1982). Mineralogical analysis of some vermiculite soils suspected of fixing large amounts of potassium. SIRI. Report No. 984/MIN 1-8/7/82, 5 pp.

    19. Terblanche S.P., R.W. Fitzpatrick, J. Zeilhofer, A. Loock and H.C.H. Hahne (1982). The development of x-ray, infrared and thermal techniques for the determination of the chemical and mineralogical composition of lime materials, and waste products (industrial and mining wastes: slags and fly ash). Final project report, (A) S-Pr 55/6. 13 pp.

    20. Fitzpatrick R.W., L.C. Young and S.P. Terblanche (1982). Mineralogy of some South African bentonites for winemaking. SIRI Report No. 732/82. 22pp.

    21. Young L.C., R.W. Fitzpatrick and S.P. Terblanche (1982). Clay mineralogy of five samples from a 38 m "geological succession" on the farm Hesters Rust (sub-division 1) near Welkom. SIRI Report No. 821/82.

    22. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1981). Report on Overseas Study Tour 1981-1-30 to 1981-05-01: International Conference on "Soils with Variable Charge", Palmerston North, New Zealand, and Soil Mineralogical Research at the CSIRO, Division of Soils, Adelaide, Australia.

    23. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1981). Report on Overseas Study Tour 1981-09-01 to 1981-09-20. Seventh Congress of the International Association for the Study of Clays (AIPEA), Bologna and Pavia, Italy.

    24. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1980). Effect of forest and grass burning on mineralogical transformations in some soils of Natal. Soil Irrig. Res. Inst. Pretoria South Africa. SIRI. Report No. 952/139/80.

    25. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1978). Report on Overseas Study Tour 1978-6-17 to 1978-07-15: Eleventh Congress of the International Society of Soil Science, Edmonton, Canada. Sixth Congress of the International Association for the Study of Clays (AIPEA), Oxford. (Report 77 pp.)

    26. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1975). Report on Overseas Study Tour 1975-7-08 to 1975-10-01:
      Fifth Congress of the International Association for the Study of Clays (AIPEA); (Mexico City), North of England Soils Discussion Group Meeting (Soils of Upper Teesdale), British Society of soil Science, Autumn Meeting (North Wales) and Study Tour of Research Centres in the USA, Canada and UK (Report 30 pp.).

    27. Fitzpatrick R.W. (1975). Additional report on overseas study tour: Recommendations to update the present profile description format and methods for collecting field and laboratory data. (Report 5 pp.).

    Published Conference Abstracts

    1. Fitzpatrick Rob W, Luke M Mosley, Mark D Raven and Paul Shand (2016) Schwertmannite formation and persistence in acid runoff from re-flooded Acid Sulfate Soil environments following river level decline during drought. Abstracts of the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference in College Park, Maryland, USA 2016: 17-23 July, 2016. p 43-44. http://www.midatlanticsoilscientists.org/ under guidebooks.

    2. Rob W Fitzpatrick, Luke M Mosley, Mark D Raven and Paul Shand (2016) Schwertmannite formation and persistence in acid runoff from re-flooded Acid Sulfate Soil environments following river level decline during drought. Abstracts of the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference in College Park, Maryland, USA 2016: 17-23 July, 2016. p 43-44. http://www.midatlanticsoilscientists.org/ under guidebooks

    3. Fitzpatrick R W., Shand P and Mosley LM (2016). Acid sulfate soil evolution models and pedogenic pathways during drying and wetting conditions along the lower River Murray, South Australia. Abstracts of the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference in College Park, Maryland, USA 2016: 17-23 July, 2016. p 43-44. http://www.midatlanticsoilscientists.org/ under guidebooks

    4. Fitzpatrick R W. (2016) Schwertmannite as an indicator of geochemical processes in acid sulfate soil environments: A tribute to legendary soil scientist Prof Udo Schwertmann. Abstracts of the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference in College Park, Maryland, USA 2016: 17-23 July, 2016. p 41-42. http://www.midatlanticsoilscientists.org/ under guidebooks

    5. Gardner WK, Fitzpatrick RW and Hindhaugh CA. (2016) Remediation of “Red Barren” scalds comprising acid sulfate soils with iron clogged layers on the Dundas Tablelands, Victoria, Australia. Abstracts of the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference in College Park, Maryland, USA 2016: 17-23 July, 2016. p 45-46. http://www.midatlanticsoilscientists.org/ under guidebooks

    6. Angelika Kölbl, Petra Marschner, Rob Fitzpatrick, Luke Mosley and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner (2016) Organic matter composition in acid sulfate soils. Abstracts of the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference in College Park, Maryland, USA 2016: 17-23 July, 2016. p 54-55.

    7. Mosley, Luke M, Chaolei Yuan, Petra Marschner, David Palmer, Freeman Cook, Paul Shand and Rob Fitzpatrick (2016) Long timescales for recovery of acid sulfate sub-soils with sulfuric horizon following resubmergence: learnings from the Millennium Drought. Abstracts of the 8th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference in College Park, Maryland, USA 2016: 17-23 July, 2016. p 62-63.

    8. Fitzpatrick RW, Raven MD, and Self PG (2016) The importance of geological and soil materials as trace evidence in solving criminal investigations in Australia. Paper No 5372. Abstract 35th International Geological Congress, Symposium on Forensic Soil Science and Geology (jointly held with 5th International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics [5th Soil Forensics International (SFI) Conference], Cape Town, South Africa. https://www.americangeosciences.org/sites/default/files/igc/5372.pdf

    9. Raven MD, Fitzpatrick RW and Peter PG (2016) Trace evidence examination using laboratory and synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques Paper No 5358. Abstract 35th International Geological Congress, Symposium on Forensic Soil Science and Geology (jointly held with 5th International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics [5th Soil Forensics International (SFI) Conference], Cape Town, South Africa. https://www.americangeosciences.org/sites/default/files/igc/5358.pdf

    10. Murray, K.R, Fitzpatrick RW, Bottrill, R., and Kobus H.J (2016) Interpreting the transfer method of soil evidence on clothing by identifying trace soil patterns. Paper No 5395. Abstract 35th International Geological Congress, Symposium on Forensic Soil Science and Geology (jointly held with 5th International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics [5th Soil Forensics International (SFI) Conference], Cape Town, South Africa. https://www.americangeosciences.org/sites/default/files/igc/5395.pdf

    11. Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, and Self Peter (2014) Mineralogical and pedological comparisons of secondary and primary transfer soil samples as significant evidence in a criminal investigation. 22nd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Adelaide, Australia, 31 August to 4 September 2014. http://www.aomevents.com/ANZFSS2014/Speakers/Call_for_Abstracts

    12. Mark Reynolds, Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, and Self Peter (2014) Mineralogical Profiling: A Synchrotron Case Study. 22nd International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Adelaide, Australia, 31 August to 4 September 2014. http://www.aomevents.com/ANZFSS2014/Speakers/Call_for_Abstracts

    13. Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, and Self Peter (2013) Reference soil from the road-verge at victim’s home as significant evidence in a sexual assault case. Proceedings of the 2nd International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG) Conference: Soil Forensic and Forensic Geology. Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science (RFCFS) of the Ministry of Justice, Moscow, Russia, 21-22 October, 2013.

    14. Dawson Lorna, Rob Fitzpatrick, Laurance Donnelly and Andy Rolf (2013) The Use of Soil Provenance in Ground Searches for Burials. Proceedings of the 2nd International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG) Conference: Soil Forensic and Forensic Geology. Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science (RFCFS) of the Ministry of Justice, Russia, Australia, 21-22 October, 2013.

    15. Jennifer McKinley, Alastair Ruffell, Lorna Dawson and Rob Fitzpatrick (2013) Databases and data management in forensic geology and soil forensics. Proceedings of the 2nd International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG) Conference: Soil Forensic and Forensic Geology. Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science (RFCFS) of the Ministry of Justice, Moscow, Russia, 21-22 October, 2013.

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