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Fitzpatrick R.W, Skwarnecki M, Raven M, Merry R. and Bonifacio E. (2002). Biogeochemical and mineralogical processes in acid sulfate soils: implications for environmental significance. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand. 14-21 August, 2002. International Union of Soil Science, Book of Abstracts: V p. 1896.

  • Hicks Warren, Greg Bowman and Rob Fitzpatrick (2002). The geochemistry of Australian tropical acid sulfate soils and their environmental hazard. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand. 14-21 August, 2002. International Union of Soil Science, Book of Abstracts: V p.1897.

  • Skwarnecki M., Fitzpatrick R.W, Raven M, Merry R. and Bonifacio E. (2002). Geochemical dispersion in regolith around Pb-Zn-Ag mineralisation near Mt Torrens, South Australia. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand. 14-21 August, 2002. International Union of Soil Science, Book of Abstracts: III p.946.

  • Fitzpatrick R. W., P .G. Davies, B. P. Thomas, R. H. Merry, D. G. Fotheringham and W. S. Hicks (2002). Properties and distribution of South Australian coastal acid sulfate soils and their environmental hazards. 5th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference, Tweed Heads, NSW, 25-30 August 2002. Book of Extended Abstracts. p.40–41.

  • Thomas B.P., R.W. Fitzpatrick, R.H. Merry, W.S. Hicks and P.G. Davies (2002) Approaches to remediation of acid sulfate soils in Barker Inlet, South Australia. 5th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference, Tweed Heads, NSW, 25-30 August, 2002. Book of Extended Abstracts p.67-68.

  • Fitzpatrick R. W. (2002). Inland acid sulfate soils a big growth area (Keynote address). 5th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference, Tweed Heads, NSW, 25-30 August, 2002. Book of Extended Abstracts addendum. p.12.

  • Hicks Warren, Greg Bowman and Rob Fitzpatrick (2002). Assessing the acidity hazard of acid sulfate soil discharge waters. 5th International Acid Sulfate Soils Conference, Tweed Heads, NSW, 25-30 August, 2002. Book of Extended Abstracts. p.34.

  • Fitzpatrick Rob, Richard Merry, Jim Cox and Jock McFarlane (2002). Effects of drainage on processes in saline soil profiles in the South East of South Australia. Proceedings for 8th National Conference on: Productive use and rehabilitation of saline lands (PURSL). Perth, 16-20 September, 2002. p.299. http://www.promaco.com.au/conference/2002/pursl/index.htm

  • Clark L.J, Fitzpatrick R.W., McCarthy M.G. Chittleborough D.J., Murray R.S. and J. L. Hutson (2002). Seasonal changes in soil chemical properties in an irrigated Barossa Valley vineyard. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Perth, December, 2002. Book of Extended Abstracts, p.39-40.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., M. Raven, P.G. Self and S.M. McClure. (2000). The first occurrence of sideronatrite in soils: a hazard or promise for environs in the Mt. Lofty Ranges? 17th Biennial conference of the Australian Clay Minerals Society Inc. 9-14 April, 2000 Adelaide. Book of Abstracts, p.80-81.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., B Powell, N. McKenzie, D. J. Maschmedt, N. Schoknecht and D. Jacquier. (2001). Demands of Soil Classification in Australia. Invited presentation in Pedology Division (5) Symposium: "Soil Classification: Contributions to Advances in Pedology", American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA 21-23October, 2001. Agronomy Abstracts CD ROM: No: s05-fitzpatrick094825-O.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., M. Raven, E. Bonifacio, P.G. Self, R.H. Merry, and M. Skwarnecki (2001) Origin and Significance of Sideronatrite, Tamarugite and other Mineral Precipitates in Sulfaquepts. Invited presentation in Mineralogy Division (S-9 & S-10) Symposium "Mineral Controls in Hydric Soil Processes" American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. 21-26 October, 2001. Agronomy Abstracts CD ROM: No. s09-fitzpatrick115153-O.

  • Cox J., Davies P., Fitzpatrick R. and Spouncer L. (2000). Comparison of electromagnetic and terrain analysis methods for predicting salinity in a catchment in the Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Proceedings of 10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Adelaide, Australia. 10th August 2000.

  • Davies P., Fitzpatrick R., Bruce D., Spouncer L. and Merry R. (2000). A method using spatially related data for regional assessment of potential waterlogging in landscapes. Proceedings of 10th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Adelaide, Australia. 10th August 2000.

  • Fitzpatrick, R.W. 1999. Nature and significance of minerals formed in Australian Mediterranean soils during land use changes. Ed.: J. Bech. Extended abstracts: 6th International Meeting on Soils with Mediterranean Type of Climate (IMSMTC), Barcelona, SPAIN, July 4-9, 1999. University of Barcelona Publications (Diposit Legal: B-30.30.541-99). p.713-715.

  • Fitzpatrick, R.W. (1999). Development of acid sulfate soils and other toxic environments in saline and waterlogged areas. Book of abstracts for the 1999 National Conference on: “Productive use and rehabilitation of saline lands (PURSL)”. Naracoorte, South Australia, November 1-5, 1999. p.58.

  • Fitzpatrick, R.W., R. H. Merry and W. Gardner, (1998). How rising water-tables transform productive soils into highly acidic, saline soils. National Soil Acidification Conference. 15-17 July, 1998. Sunshine Coast. Queensland. (Abstract, poster).

  • Dowley A., R.W., Fitzpatrick, A. Cass and W. Besz. (1998). Measurement of redox potential (Eh) in waterlogged viticultural soils. Paper delivered at the 10th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference, Sydney, 3-6 August, 1998. Book of Abstracts.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and G. M. Bowman (1997). Red and yellow precipitates in coastal acid sulfate soil environments: formation and significance. Second National Conference on Acid Sulfate Soils, Coffs Harbour, NSW. 5-6 September 1996. Proceedings p.38.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., G. M. Bowman and P.G. Self (1997). Mineralogy and significance of coloured iron precipitates in coastal acid sulfate soil environments. 11th International Clay Conference, Ottawa, 1997. Book of Abstracts, p.A27.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., J.W. Cox and E. Fritsch (1997) Erosion features produced by changes in soil saturation, saline and sulfidic conditions. International Symposium on Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming, September 11th–19th 1997 in Xi'an, People's Republic of China. Book of Abstracts, p.39.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., G. M. Bowman and P.G. Self (1997). Coloured Fe Precipitates in Coastal Acid Sulfate Soil Environments. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 1997 Annual Meetings, Anaheim, USA, October, 26-31. Abstract No. S09-031-P.

  • Bowman G. M., W.S. Hicks and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1997). Soil water chemistry of sulfuric coastal soils in tropical Australia. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 1997 Annual Meetings, Anaheim, USA, October, 26-31. Abstract No. S10-022-P.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., P.G. Davies, D. Bruce, L. Bishop and J.W. Cox (1997) Soil and Water Processes and Management: Development of a GIS incorporating remotely sensed data for identification and management of soil waterlogging and salinity in southern Australia. Workshop on: “Contribution of satellite observations to land surface energy, water and carbon flux measurement”. 28 February, 1997. Canberra.

  • Trethowan, M.E. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1996). Iron deposition in the development of waterlogging. International Symposium: (eds. R.J. MacEwan and R. Carter). Proceedings of an International Symposium on Advances in Soil Quality for Land Management: Science, Practice and Policy. 17-19 April, 1996, University of Ballarat, Victoria. p.142.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and P.G. Self (1996) Poorly crystalline iron oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxysulfates as indicators of acid sulphate weathering environment. 15th Australian Biennial Clay Conference of the Australian Clay Minerals Society Inc., Melbourne, 26-28 June, 1996. Book of Abstracts, p. 8.

  • Cox J.W., E. Fritsch and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1996). Water duration index and redoximorphic features in a Palexeralf-Natraqualf toposequence in South Australia. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 1996 Indianapolis, USA, Annual Meetings, 1-6 November,. p.326.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and D.J. Chittleborough (1996). Titanium and Zirconium Minerals: Indicators of Environmental Processes. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 1996 Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, USA, 1-6 November, p.321.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., Cox, J.W., Hollingsworth, I.D. E. Fritsch (1995). Soil-diagnostic indicators to manage degraded rainwater catchment systems. 7th International Rainwater Catchment Systems Conference 21-25June, 1995. Beijing, China. Book of Abstracts p.39-40.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1995). Profile morphological indicators of soil health. Keynote address at Soil Science Society of Australia Inc., South Australian branch conference on: "Wider View of Soil Health" Book of Abstracts p. 6. Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Hawker Centre. 1st August, 1995.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., Fritsch, E., Self, P.G. and J.W. Cox (1994). Origin and management of Australia's unique saline acid sulphate soils associated with dryland salinity. Poster presentation. 18th Soil Science Society of South Africa Congress, Potchefstroom University of CHE, January, 1994. Book of Extended Abstracts, p 23-25. p.12-13.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1994). Some new pedogenic and mineral indicators for managing soils (Keynote address). 18th Soil Science Society of South Africa Congress, Potchefstroom, University of CHE, January, Book of Extended Abstracts, p.23-25.

  • Hollingsworth I.D., Boardman, R. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1994). Warren Catchment Studies: A soil-site evaluation index for Pinus radiata (D.Don). Global to Local Ecological Land Classification Conference Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada 15-17 August, 1994.

  • Hollingsworth, I.D., R. Naidu, J.W. Cox, and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1994). Warren Reservoir Catchment Studies: Stream Gradient and Stream Water Salinity. Water Down Under '94 25th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Adelaide, 21-25 November, 1994.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1994). Distribution of Sodic Soils in Australia (Keynote address). Sustainable Production on Sodic Soils: Technical Symposium. Adelaide, SA, October 4-5. Book of Abstracts, p9.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. (1994). Conceptual soil-water-landscape models for predicting salinity and land degradation. CSIRO & Chinese Academy of Science joint symposium on “Water and Soil”. Adelaide, 2–25 November, Book of Abstracts, p5.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., E. R. Fritsch and P.G. Self (1993). Australia's unique saline acid sulphate soils associated with dryland salinity. National Conference on Acid Sulphate Soils Coolangatta, 24 - 25 June, 1993. Book of Abstracts p .6.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and P.G. Self (1993). Poorly crystalline iron oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxysulfates in weathering environments in South Australia: observations on occurrence, genesis, properties and bioformation. 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, 1993. Book of Abstracts, p.O-66.

  • Biddle, D.L., D.J. Chittleborough and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1993). Chemistry and mobility of solute and colloid in a strongly weathered gneissic landscape. 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, 1993. Book of Abstracts, p. P-3.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., E. R. Fritsch and P.G. Self (1993). Interpretation of soil features produced by modern and ancient processes in degraded landscapes: Saline-sulfidic conditions. 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, 1993. Book of Abstracts, p. P-10.

  • Wells M.A., R.J. Gilkes, and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1993). Variation in colour of synthetic metal-substituted goethite and hematite. 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide. Book of Abstracts p.P-38.

  • Stanger, G., P. Pavelic, R.W. Fitzpatrick, I. Hollingsworth and J. Schuering (1993) Characterising dryland salinity at Cooke Plains, South Australia. National Conference on Land Management for Dryland Salinity Control. La Trobe University, Bendigo 28 Sept. to 1 October. Book of Abstracts p.231.

  • Hollingsworth I.D., J.W. Cox and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1993). Soil mapping for land management planning to reduce dryland salinity in the Warren catchment. National Conference on Land Management for Dryland Salinity Control. La Trobe University, Bendigo 28 Sept. to 1 October. Book of Abstracts p.262.

  • Hollingsworth I.D., Cox, J.W. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1993). Soil mapping for land management planning to reduce dryland salinity in the Warren Catchment. Property Management Planning Conference. Adelaide, SA. October 15-17. Book of Abstracts p.22.

  • Naidu R., R.W. Fitzpatrick and W.H. Hudnall (1992). Chemistry of saline sulphidic soils with altered soil water regime in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Proceeding of International Symposium on Strategies for Utilizing Salt Affected Lands, Bangkok, Thailand (February, 17-25 1992). Book of Abstracts p. 53.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., W.H. Hudnall, R. Naidu and P.G. Self (1992). Origin and properties of inland and tidal saline acid sulfate soils in South Australia. Proc. Fourth International Symposium on Acid Sulfate Soils. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; March 2-6 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 5.

  • Hollingsworth I.D., Fitzpatrick R.W., R. Naidu (1992). Warren reservoir catchment studies: Soil distribution and stream water quality. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 14.

  • Skjemstad J.O., R.W. Fitzpatrick and C.H. Thompson (1992). A pedogeochemical model of profile development in podzols on coastal dunes in southern Queensland. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 19.

  • Maschmedt D.J., W. H Hudnall, R.W. Fitzpatrick, D.J. Chittleborough and R.H. Merry (1992). Proposed Changes to Soil Taxonomy: I Thick sandy epipedons, carbonate and sodium enriched soils. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p. .

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., W.H. Hudnall, I.D. Hollingsworth, D.J. Chittleborough, D.J., Maschmedt and R.H. Merry (1992). Proposed changes to Soil Taxonomy: II Aquic conditions and Soils with iron rich nodules. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 5.

  • Merry R.H., W.H. Hudnall, R.W. Fitzpatrick, D.J. Maschmedt and D.J. Chittleborough (1992). Proposed Changes to Soil Taxonomy: III Spodosols. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p.6.

  • Lowe D.J., Merry R.H., W.H.Hudnall and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Proposed Changes to Soil Taxonomy: IV Andisols. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 7.

  • Wells M.A., R.J. Gilkes, B. Singh and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Differential X-Ray Diffraction (DXRD) of poorly crystalline materials in synthetic, metal-substituted goethite and hematite. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p. Book of Abstracts p.124.

  • Lowe, D., Churchman, G., Merry, R., Sheard, M., Hudnall, W., and Fitzpatrick, R. (1992). Nature and classification of Holocene soils developed on basaltic volcanogenic deposits of the Mount Gambier Area, southeast South Australia [abstract]. New Zealand Society of Soil Science Conference (Rotorua, NZ: November 1992): 1p. 2 refs.

  • Fritsch E., Fitzpatrick R.W. and W.H. Hudnall (1992). Spatial distribution of regolith matrices within toposequences: A framework for studying soil-landscape processes. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 10.

  • Naidu R., W.H. Hudnall and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992) Effect of waterlogging on the chemistry of saline soils in the Mount Lofty Ranges in South Australia: Field observations. National Soils Conference, Australian Society of Soil Science, Adelaide 1992. Book of Abstracts p.117.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and R.J. Coventry (1992) Pedological and mineralogical transformations associated with ferruginous and kaolinitic glaebules. 9th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, July 12-17, 1992. Book of Abstracts p.28.

  • Fritsch E., Fitzpatrick R.W. and M.J. Wright (1992). Spatial distribution of regolith matrices within toposequences: Pedogenic processes at the transition between E and Bt horizons of duplex soils. 9th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, July 12-17, 1992. Book of Abstracts p.35.

  • Hudnall W.H. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Micromorphological comparison of pyrite in tidal mangrove swamp and seasonally wet soils of South Australia. 9th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, July 12-17, 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 42.

  • Fritsch E., Fitzpatrick R.W. and P.G. Self (1992). Spatial distribution of regolith matrices within toposequences: Hydromorphic patterns associated with redoximorphic processes. 9th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, July 12-17, 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 45.

  • Bird A.F ,W.H. Hudnall and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992) The distribution and abundance of nematodes in a farmed Natrixeralf. 9th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, July 12-17, 1992.

  • Hollingsworth I.D. and Fitzpatrick R.W. (1992). The nature and origin of a duripan in an Aquic Durixeralf - Duraqualf toposequence: Micromorphological aspects. 9th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, Townsville, Queensland, Australia, July 12-17, 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 169.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., M.J. Wright and R.M Stevens (1992). Waterlogging and salinity of vineyard soils. 8th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference. Melbourne, Australia, October, 25 - 29, 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 17.

  • Lowe D.J., G.J. Churchman, R.H., Merry, W.H. Hudnall and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Nature and classification of Holocene soils developed on basaltic volcanogenic deposits of Mount Gambier area, southeast South Australia. New Zealand Society of Soil Science Conference, Rotorua, November, 1992. Book of Abstracts p. 24.

  • Hudnall W.H., R.W. Fitzpatrick, R. Naidu and P. Self (1992). Genesis and Classification of Acid Sulfate soils in South Australia. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 1992 Annual Meetings, 1-6 November. p. 03.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., S.C. Boucher, R. Naidu and E. Fritsch (1992) Environmental consequence of sodicity. In Sodic Soils: The Next Battle For Land Managers. National Conference and Workshop November 9-13 1992. Abstracts (eds. R. Naidu and D. Wright) p. 25.

  • Hollingsworth I.D., R.W. Fitzpatrick and R. Naidu (1992). Warren reservoir catchment studies: Soil distribution and stream water quality. In Sodic Soils: The Next Battle For Land Managers. National Conference and Workshop November 9-13 1992. Abstracts (eds. R. Naidu and D. Wright) p. 27.

  • Naidu R., N.J. Blake, M.J. McLaughlin, I. Hollingsworth and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Warren Catchment Studies: Chemistry of throughflow water flowing above sodic B horizon. In Sodic Soils: The Next Battle For Land Managers. National Conference and Workshop November. 9-13 1992. Abstracts (eds. R. Naidu and D. Wright) p. 28.

  • Naidu R., R.H. Merry, M.J. Wright, R.W. Fitzpatrick, G.J. Churchman, R.S. Murray and B.A. Zarcinas (1992). Sodicity in South Australia. In Sodic Soils: The Next Battle For Land Managers. National Conference and Workshop. November 9-13 1992. Abstracts (eds. R. Naidu and D. Wright) p. 42.

  • Fritsch E. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1992). Spatial distribution of regolith matrices within toposequences: Erosion patterns in Natraqualfs linked with waterlogging, clay eluviation and dryland salinity. In Sodic Soils: The Next Battle For Land Managers. National Conference and Workshop, November 9-13 1992. Abstracts (eds. R. Naidu and D. Wright) p. 62.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., R. Naidu and N.J. McKenzie (1991). Mineralogical and magnetic susceptibility changes caused by long-term farming at six sites in South Australia. Paper delivered at the Australian Clay Minerals Society 12th Biennial Conference Ballarat, February, 1991. Book of Abstracts p20.

  • Naidu R., N.J. McKenzie, R.W. Fitzpatrick and A. Beech (1991). Effect of longterm farming on chemical characteristics on Xeralfs, Xerolls and Xererts in the mid-north, south Australia. Symposium on Advances in Soil Structure (Australian Society of Soil Science Inc. Victorian Branch, Shepparton, October, 28th - 30th 1991). Book of Abstracts p52.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W., P.G. Self and R. Naidu (1990). Poorly crystalline iron oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxysulfates in weathering environments in South Australia: observations on occurrence, genesis, properties and biomineralization. Iron Oxides Conference on Recent Developments and Current Challenges in Areas of Biology/Medicine, Geology, Soil Science, Industrial Processing and the Environment. December, 1990 Perth, Murdoch University. Book of Abstracts p5.

  • Wells M.A., R.J. Gilkes and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). An X-ray diffraction study of synthetic metal substituted goethite and hematite. Iron Oxides Conference on Recent Developments and Current Challenges in Areas of Biology/Medicine, Geology, Soil Science, Industrial Processing and the Environment. December, 1990 Perth, Murdoch University. Book of Abstracts, p12.

  • Wells M.A., R.J. Gilkes and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1990). Some mineralogical and magnetic properties of iron oxides. Australian X-ray Analytical Association Conference, Geraldton, Western Australia.

  • Jocteur-Monrozier L., R.W. Fitzpatrick, R. Foster and M. Raupach (1989). Organo-mineral components of microaggregate in a smectitic and kaolinitic Mediterranean Soil, South Australia. 9th International Clay Minerals Conference, Strasbourg, September 1989). Book of Abstracts, p. 98.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and R.J. Coventry (1989). Influence of heat from bush fires on mineralogical transformations in some Australian soils. 9th International Clay Minerals Conference, Strasbourg, September, 1989. Book of Abstracts, p 54.

  • Fitzpatrick R.W. and A.R. Milnes and J. Skjemstad (1989). Mineralogy of poorly crystalline iron, titanium and alumino-silicate components in giant dune podzols in eastern Australia. Ninth International Clay Minerals Conference, Strasbourg, September, 1989. Book of Abstracts, p. 55.

  • Tejan-Kella M.S., D.J. Chittleborough and R.W. Fitzpatrick (1988). Application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) to the characterisation of heavy minerals in some sandy soil age sequences. Paper delivered at the National Soils Conference, ASSS, Canberra 1988. Book of Abstracts p.70.

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