Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, and Self Peter (2012) Forensic geoscience examinations using advanced laboratory source and synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, Forensic Geoscience Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p 9.
Thomas Brett, Fitzpatrick Rob and Merry Richard (2012) Understanding environmental degradation processes within complex acid sulfate soil landscapes. Proceedings of the 34th International Geological Congress 2012, Brisbane, Australia, 5-10 August 2012. p 2764.
Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, and Self Peter (2012) Soil as significant evidence in 4 murder investigations involving a wide range of soil types across Australia. Abstract book. 6th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference (EAFS2012): Towards Forensic Science 2.0. Soil Forensics Symposium [4th Soil Forensics International (SFI) Conference], 20-24 August 2012. p 135.
Raven Mark, Fitzpatrick Rob W, Self Peter G. and Shand Paul (2011) Investigation of complex hydrated sulfate salts from acid sulfate soils using in situ heating and controlled humidity XRD Techniques. Abstract – Oral paper. Australian X-ray Analytical Association 2011 Workshops, Conference, and Exhibition (AXAA 2011), 6 -11 February, 2011, Sydney, Australia, Star City. Proceedings (Program and Abstract Book). Abstract No OC046.
Raven Mark, FitzpatrickRob W and Self Peter G. (2011) Forensic Examination of Small Red Brick Fragments by Laboratory Source and Synchrotron XRD Techniques. Abstract – Poster paper. Australian X-ray Analytical Association 2011 Workshops, Conference, and Exhibition (AXAA 2011), 6 -11 February, 2011, Sydney, Australia, Star City. Proceedings (Program and Abstract Book). Abstract No PP036.
Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, and Self Peter (2011) Soil forensic examinations using advanced laboratory source and synchrotron XRD techniques. Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, USA Oral presentation in the S-09 (Soil Mineralogy) Symposium entitled: “Minerals, Nanoparticles, and Health:p1
Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, and Self Peter (2011) Geological and soil forensic examinations using advanced laboratory source and synchrotron XRD techniques. USA Oral presentation The 48th Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society September 25-30, 2011 Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA.
Fitzpatrick Rob and Shand Paul (2011) Acid sulfate soil processes in the origin of arid environment ferricretes, silcretes and red-brown hardpans in Australia. Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, USA; p1 Invited oral presentation in the S-05 (Pedology) Symposium entitled: “Arid and Semi-Arid Soil Pedogenesis: Unravelling the Linkages Among Soil Genesis, Soil Mineralogy, and Quaternary Landscape Evolution”: In Honor of Professor B. L. Allen.
FitzpatrickRW (2010) Demands on Soil Classification and Soil Survey Strategies. Keynote address. Book of Abstracts. The International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands (ICSC 2010), Abu Dhabi May 17-19, 2010.
Grealish Gerard, Rob Fitzpatrick, Peter King, and Shabbir Shahid (2010) Conceptual Soil-regolith Toposequence Models to Support Soil Survey and Land Evaluation. Book of Abstracts. The International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands (ICSC 2010), Abu Dhabi May 17-19, 2010.
FitzpatrickRobert (2010) The Role of Pedotechnology in Solving Forensic and Drought Induced Soil Problems. Abstracts – Invited keynote paper. 2010 International Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America. Symposium - Applying Soil Chemistry to Solve Soil Problems in the "Milky Way": Honoring the Impact of Malcolm Edward Sumner. October 31 to November 4, 2010. Long Beach California. p97-6.
Fitzpatrick Robert,Shand Paul, Raven Mark and McClure Stuart (2010) Occurrence and Environmental Significance of Sideronatrite and Other Mineral Precipitates in Acid Sulfate Soils. Abstract – Invited keynote paper. 2010 International Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America. Symposium - Soil Minerals in Natural and Agroecosystems. October 31 to November 4, 2010. Long Beach California. p6110.
Raven Mark D, Fitzpatrick Robert, Self Peter and Shand Paul (2010) Identification and formation of complex hydrated sulfate salts in acid sulfate soils from Australia using advanced XRD techniques. Abstract – Invited keynote paper for 2010 International Annual Meetings of the Soil Science Society of America. Symposium - Soil Minerals in Natural and Agroecosystems. October 31 to November 4, 2010. Long Beach California. p97-6.
FitzpatrickRobert and Mark Raven (2010) Guidelines for Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations. Abstract – Invited Plenary Address. Third International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics 2nd November, 2010. Long Beach California. p. 61319.
Raven Mark, Smith Pamela A, Self Peter G., FitzpatrickRob W and Blau Soren (2010) Soil forensic investigations of frontier conflict sites in far north-western Australia using advanced XRD techniques. Abstract – Oral paper. Third International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. 3rd November, 2010. Long Beach California. p. 63321.
Fitzpatrick Rob, Raven Mark, Shand Paul, McClure Stuart and Self Peter (2010) Occurrence and environmental significance of sideronatrite and other mineral precipitates in acid sulfate soils. Editors: G.J. Churchman, J.L. Keeling and P.G. Self. Australian Clay Minerals Society Inc. Extended Abstracts – 21st Australian Clay Minerals Conference – Brisbane, Queensland 7 August 2010. p47-50.
Raven Mark, Fitzpatrick Rob, Shand Paul and McClure Stuart (2010) Minerals diagnostic of acid sulfate soils. Editors: G.J. Churchman, J.L. Keeling and P.G. Self. Australian Clay Minerals Society Inc. Extended Abstracts – 21st Australian Clay Minerals Conference – Brisbane, Queensland 7 August 2010. P97-100.
Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven and P Shand (2009) Soil minerals in the environment, industry and the justice system. Invited keynote address to be presented in Session SS2: “Contributions of soil mineralogy to solve agricultural, environmental, technological and other practical problems” at the 14th International Clay Mineral Conference. Italy, 14-20 June 2009. Book of Abstracts: Volume 1(Oral Sessions). p527.
Raven M.D. and Fitzpatrick R.W. (2009) Importance of clay mineralogy in the forensic comparisons of soils. Oral presentation in Session SS2: “Contributions of soil mineralogy to solve agricultural, environmental, technological and other practical problems” at the 14th International Clay Mineral Conference. Italy, 14-20 June 2009. Book of Abstracts. p540.
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2009) Soil Science and the role of pedotechnology in solving forensic, water quality, polluted soil, mineral exploration and engineering problems. 18th Professor GW Leeper Memorial Lecture in association with the Victorian Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science Inc. (ASSSI). Friday November 27, 2009 at 5:00 pm Melbourne. Deans Lecture Series Melbourne School of Land and Environment.
Fitzpatrick RW, (2008) A Revolution in Soil Science: New Cold, Hard Facts using Soils to Predict Extreme Environmental Impacts from Record Low River Inflows and Solve Criminal Investigations. One-day International Union of Soil Science Symposium: Soil Solutions for a changing world. (Part from the World Congress of Soil Science, inter-Congress meetings), Tuesday 1 July 2008 Parnell Building, The University of Queensland, St Lucia. Presentation is available on the Australian Society of Soil Science Inc website: (click on the Downloads link (about a third of the way down on the left hand side of the page), and they're listed under the Queensland heading (towards the bottom of the page).
Fitzpatrick RW, P Shand, AK Baker, M Thomas, B Thomas and M Raven (2007). Technological advances in soil-regolith model development for better understanding of environmental changes in acid sulfate soils. XVII Conference of The Southern African Society for Quaternary Research (SASQUA) (Understanding environmental change: The contribution of Quaternary hindsight to future sustainability)”, 11 April — 13 April 2007, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA. Keynote address. Book of Abstracts: p10.
Fitzpatrick RW, (2007). Use of Soil and Quaternary Materials in Crime Investigations: An Overview with Reference to case Investigations and Challenges. XVII Conference of The Southern African Society for Quaternary Research (SASQUA) (Understanding environmental change: The contribution of Quaternary hindsight to future sustainability)”, 11 April — 13 April 2007, Howick, KwaZulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA. Public lecture. Book of Abstracts: p36.
Fitzpatrick R.W. and M.D. Raven (2007) Case study: Illegal clearance of tree ferns and stolen dinosaur nest materials - scientific assessment and tracking. 4th Annual AELERT (The Australian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators Network) Conference. Adelaide, 26-28 November 2007. Conference Handbook PowerPoint presentations for the 2007 AELERT Conference are available for viewing online at:
Fitzpatrick RW, Raven MD, Heath M, Rinder G. (2007) How soil evidence helped solve a double murder case: A display. 2nd Soil Forensics International (SFI): International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics Book of Abstracts, Edinburgh, UK, 30 Oct.–1 Nov. Poster and Podcast uploaded on The Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science (CAFSS) websites:\;
http://; (accessed 26 Apr. 2012).
Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven, S.T. Forrester and S.G. McClure (2007) Forensic soil science: current research and case work activities in Australia. Keynote address presented the 2nd International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. Edinburgh UK, 30 October -1 November 2007. Book of Abstracts
Raven M.D. and Fitzpatrick R.W. (2007) Overview of X-ray diffraction techniques with application to criminal and environmental forensic cases. 2nd International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. Edinburgh UK, 30 October -1 November 2007. Book of Abstracts.
Creeper, N., Fitzpatrick, R., Forrester, S., Kobus, H., McLaughlin, M., and Walker S. 2007. Rationale and research methodology for development of a forensic soil database. 2nd International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. Edinburgh UK, 30 October -1 November 2007. Book of Abstracts.
Fitzpatrick RW, (2008) The Weight of the World on the Shoulders of Soil Science: Amazing new linkages between soil, water quality, extreme drought conditions and criminal investigations. The Harald Jensen Lecture 2008. (An annual lecture held by the NSW Branch of the Australian Society of Soil Science). Friday 26th September, 2008. Presentation is available on the Australian Society of Soil Science Inc website:
FitzpatrickR.W., Raven M., McLaughlin M.J. (2006). Forensic Soil Science: An overview with reference to case investigations and challenges. In: R.W. Fitzpatrick eds. Proceedings of the “First International Workshop on Criminal and Environmental Forensics”, Perth, May. p9. Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science:
Fitzpatrick, R., Powell, B., and Marvanek, S. (2006). Australian Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils - a National Atlas. Abstract - World Congress of Soil Science July 9-15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Fitzpatrick, R., (2006). Recent advances in formation mechanisms of minerals in precipitates, salt efflorescences and sulfidic materials in acid sulfate weathering environments. Abstract - World Congress of Soil Science July 9-15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Thomas Mark, Rob Fitzpatrick and Graham Heinson (2006). Predicting regional complex saline-sodic soil patterns using geophysical, hydropedological and mineralogical approaches that translate across scales. Abstract - World Congress of Soil Science July 9-15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Wilford J.R., Thomas Mark, and Rob Fitzpatrick (2006). Using gamma-ray spectroscopy in mineralogical and geochemical soil-regolith investigations: Australian case studies from depositional and erosional landscapes. Abstract - World Congress of Soil Science July 9-15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Fitzpatrick Rob W., Gregory Rinder, Clare Peddie, Mark Raven and Michael Heath (2006). Using forensics to inspire the next generation of soil scientists. ASSSI - ASPAC - ACMS National Soils Conference: “Soil Science Solving Problems“. Book of Abstracts: p55-56. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, December 3-7, 2006.
Hicks W S, G M Bowman and R W Fitzpatrick (2006). Estimation of soil carbon loss following tropical mangrove wetland drainage using paired acid sulfate soil profiles. ASSSI - ASPAC - ACMS National Soils Conference: “Soil Science Solving Problems“. Book of Abstracts: p26. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, December 3-7, 2006.
Thomas Mark, Rob Fitzpatrick and Graham Heinson (2006). Spatio-temporal patterns to categorise and predict soils and salinity types in Mount Lofty Ranges hillslopes. ASSSI - ASPAC - ACMS National Soils Conference: “Soil Science Solving Problems“. Book of Abstracts: p33. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, December 3-7, 2006.
Shand Paul, Julianne James-Smith, Todd Hodgkin, Andrew Love, Mick Stadtler, Rob Fitzpatrick, Mark Raven (2006). Palaeo-acid sulfate soils in the Murray Basin and their impact on Salt Interception Schemes. ASSSI - ASPAC - ACMS National Soils Conference: “Soil Science Solving Problems“. Book of Abstracts: p52. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, December 3-7, 2006.
Fitzpatrick Rob, Bernard Powell and Steven Marvanek (2006). Atlas of Australian Acid Sulfate Soils. ASSSI - ASPAC - ACMS National Soils Conference: “Soil Science Solving Problems“. Book of Abstracts: p51. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, December 3-7, 2006.
Fitzpatrick RW, RH Merry, M Raven and S. McClure. (2006). Salinity and acid sulfate soil geochemistry of Tilley Swamp, South Australia. ASSSI - ASPAC - ACMS National Soils Conference: “Soil Science Solving Problems“. Book of Abstracts: p52. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, December 3-7, 2006.
Fitzpatrick RW, Mark Raven and Sean Forrester (2006). Soil mineralogy and other properties in forensic investigations. ASSSI - ASPAC - ACMS National Soils Conference: “Soil Science Solving Problems“. Book of Abstracts: p25-26. The University of Adelaide, South Australia, December 3-7, 2006.
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2005). Acid Sulfate Soils in the Garden of Eden: southern Iraq Marshlands. Joint tri-meeting of the Royal Society of South Australia, Field Geology Club of South Australia and Geological Society of Australia SA Division, Thursday 9th June, Mawson Lecture Theatre. Abstract published in Newsletters of Royal Society of South Australia, Field Geology Club of South Australia and Geological Society of Australia SA Division.
Skwarnecki Marian and Rob Fitzpatrick (2005). Inland Acid Sulfate Soils – a new geochemical sampling medium: A regional orientation study from the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. 22nd International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, Perth, 19-23 September 2005. Program & Abstracts. p.92
Fitzpatrick R.W., B. Powell and S. Marvanek (2006). Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils: National Atlas and Future Scenarios. Coast To Coast 2006: Australia’s National Coastal Conference, May 22-25, Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Melbourne.
Lamontagne, S., Hicks, W., Fitzpatrick, R. and Rogers, S. (2004). Sulfidic materials: An emerging environmental issue for the management of salinity in the River Murray floodplain 9th MDBC Groundwater conference.
Lamontagne S., Hicks W.S., Fitzpatrick R.W. and Rogers S. (2004). Sulfidic Materials: An Emerging Issue for the Management of Saline Areas in Lower River Murray Floodplains. Australian Society for Limnology 43rd Annual Congress, Adelaide 29th Nov - 3rd December, 2004.
Baker A.K.M. and R.W. Fitzpatrick (2004) Lead isotopes and sulfur-containing minerals for constructing geochemical dispersion models in sulfidic wetlands. ClayGEMME 04. Book of Abstracts. Adelaide September 2004.
Fritz Mark, R.W. Fitzpatrick and K.N. Norrish (2004) Exploiting the speciation potential of XRS for the characterisation of pyrite minerals in coastal and inland acid sulfate soils. ClayGEMME 05 Book of Abstracts.
Fotheringham D.G, D. Canty, T. Noyce, R.W. Fitzpatrick, R. Merry (2004) Mangrove and saltmarsh habitats in South Australia. Coast to Coast 2004.
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2004). Overview of Acid Sulfate Soil properties, environmental hazards, risk mapping and policy development in South Australia. In Changes for a better built environment. Conference Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors (AIBS) SA Chapter State Conference. Whyalla, SA. 26-28 March, 2004. 7pp. CD-ROM (
Fitzpatrick R.W., M.D. Raven R.H. Merry and M.K. Heath (2004). How pedology and mineralogy helped solve a double murder. Symposium---Education & Employment Opportunities in Pedology: Dying, Thriving, or Just Changing? American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 2004 Annual Meetings, Seattle, USA, November, 1-4. Abstract No. S05-031-P.
Poch R.M. Fitzpatrick R. W, Thomas B, Self P. G, Merry R, (2004). Microscopic Scale Processes in a Protothionic Histosol – Orthithionic Fluvisol Coastal Sequence. American Society of Agronomy Abstracts 2004 Annual Meetings, Seattle, USA, November, 1-4. Abstract No. .
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2003) To drain or not to drain: soil impacts. Drainage Forum: “To drain or not to drain? Engineering options for salinity management”. SA Dryland Salinity Committee, Adelaide, 3 April, 2003. Book of Abstracts and CD ROM; p.5-8.
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2003) Impacts of acid sulfate soils on the environment and development in Australia. Workshop on Identifying, Managing and Assessing Acid Sulfate Soils. Curtin University of Technology, Perth, 12-13 June, 2003. Book of Extended Abstracts; p.3-6.
Fitzpatrick R.W. (2003) Identification and risk mapping of acid sulfate soils. Workshop on Identifying, Managing and Assessing Acid Sulfate Soils. Curtin University of Technology, Perth, 12-13 June, 2003. Book of Extended Abstracts; p.30-34.
Bonifacio E, L. Celi, Fitzpatrick R.W. (2003). Effect of acid sulphate weathering on surface properties of clay minerals. European Clay Conference (Euroclay) Italy. Book of Abstracts.
Hicks, Warren, Rob Fitzpatrick, Bernie Powell, Andrew Baker, Brett Thomas, Sebastien Lamontagne and Greg Bowman (2003). Acid Sulfate Soils, A nationally significant problem. Are there any health risks? In: Medical Geology Short Course Metals, Health and the Environment CRC LEME Medical Geology Conference Canberra.
Lamontagne, S., Hicks, W., Fitzpatrick, R. and Rogers, S. (2003). Sulfidic materials: An emerging environmental issue for the management of salinity in the River Murray floodplain ESA conference Armidale NSW.
Fitzpatrick Robert, Mark Raven and Marian Skwarnecki (2002). Mineral products formed by oxidation of iron sulfides in Australian upland freshwater acid sulfate soils: Genesis and significance. 18th Australian Clay minerals Society Conference, Canberra, 29 April-1 May 2002. Book of Abstracts
FitzpatrickR.W. and M. Heath (2002). How pedology and mineralogy helped solve a double murder. Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society Inc. Conference, 7th May, Adelaide.
Heath M. FitzpatrickR.W. and K. Ellison (2002). Soils ain’t soils – how mineralogy helped solve a double murder. Book of Abstracts and paper presented at the 16th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences; 15 May 2002, Canberra.
Skwarnecki M. and R. W. Fitzpatrick (2002) Mineralogy of the Mt Torrens gossan, South Australia. In Preiss, V.P. (ed.). 2002. Geoscience 2002: Expanding Horizons. Abstracts of the 16th Australian Geological Convention, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, SA, Australia. 1-4 July, 2002, No. 67, p.341.
Skwarnecki M., R. W. Fitzpatrick and M. Raven (2002) Secondary lead minerals in acid sulfate soils, Mount Torrens prospect: implications for mineral exploration. In Preiss, V.P. (ed.). 2002. Geoscience 2002: Expanding Horizons. Abstracts of the 16th Australian Geological Convention, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, SA, Australia. 1-4 July, 2002, No. 67, p.340.
Fitzpatrick R. W., Skwarnecki M. and M. Raven (2002) Contribution of scapolite and pyrite weathering to salinity in the Mount Torrens region, South Australia. In Preiss, V.P. (ed.). 2002. Geoscience 2002: Expanding Horizons. Abstracts of the 16th Australian Geological Convention, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, SA, Australia. 1-4 July, 2002, No. 67, p.412.
Clark L, Fitzpatrick R.W., McCarthy M., Murray R., and Chittleborough D. (2002). Vineyard soil degradation following irrigation with saline groundwater for twenty years. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok, Thailand. 14-21 August, 2002. International Union of Soil Science, Book of Abstracts: III p. 1115.